
By Lun_ar

306 19 3

Do you ever feel alone even though you know that you have people that you can talk to? Well, that's Paige Ro... More



38 3 0
By Lun_ar


This morning was tense. Elijah and I hardly said a word to each other. I decided that since I've been avoiding him all day and stayed hauled up in my room, that I would go to my spot for a bit.

As I was about to walk out of the house, I was pulled back by my arm and the front door was slammed shut.

I scoffed and turned around to face Elijah who had his usual scowl on his face, "Where the fuck do you think you're going."

"Out. I'll be back later." I try to get around him.

"The hell you will. You're not going anywhere. You're grounded."

"And who the hell are you? My dad? You can't ground me." I scoff and roll my eyes.

"Yes, I can. I'm your older brother and I've basically raised you, therefore I have authority over you. You're not going anywhere. Now get back in your room." He tries taking my backpack off my but I move away from him.

"Like hell. Leave me alone Elijah. I'm leaving and you can't stop me." I push past him and leave the house.

I bike all the way back to the beautiful lake. I lock my bike up at the bike rack and walk to my little secluded corner. I inhale the freshwater smell and take in the sight of the waves crashing against the rocks. I sit down on the rock that now basically fits me perfectly because I sit on it every time I come to my spot.

I put my bag down on the rock next to me and pull out my sketchbook and drawing pencils. I open up to the next clean page and grab a random pencil. I start sketching random lines in my book hoping that some inspiration would come to me.

Soon enough I'm staring at a page full of scribbles and random lines. This happens when I'm mad. Some people draw to get their anger out, however, when it comes to me, I tend to not get any inspiration and end up with a page full of pencil marks.

Sighing I decide to just cool down for a bit and read. I exchange my sketchbook and my pencils for a book. Opening to the page that I left off on, I let the fictional world consume me.

"So, you dead yet?" Thalia's voice rings over the phone.

"Not, yet. We had a little fight when I was leaving the house."

"He actually let you leave?" She asked in disbelief.

"Actually, he tried to ground me first. So I told him that he couldn't do that and I pushed him out of the way and left."

"So where did you go anyways?"

"I'm biking around." I lie, my spot is special. I call it MY spot for a reason.

"Are you at the beach?!" She exclaims, she must've heard the waves crashing in the background.

"N- no. I just stopped by to take your call." I come up with an excuse.

"So, when do you think this is going to blow over?"

"I'm planning on heading home soon and talking to him about it."

"You never actually told me what happened."

I explain the events of the night before to Thalia and we go back and forth about the situation and how I should explain this to Elijah without him freaking out. After a long conversation, we finally said bye and I packed up my stuff and headed home.

It was time to face the fire.

When I got home, I went straight up to my room and put my stuff down and practiced what I was going to say to Elijah.

When I was ready I found Elijah in the living room watching football. I cleared my throat to catch his attention, he pauses the game and cocks an eyebrow in question.

"Can I talk to you?" I play with my hands, a sign of my anxiety. He nods and the gestures to the armchair diagonal from him, I sit down and take a breath. "Last night wasn't what it looked like. Trust me. You know that I know when a guy is hitting on me. I'm not stupid."

"I know you're not stupid Paige."

"Let me finish." I cut him off before he could continue. "I knew that he was going to make a move, so I played along, I wasn't ever going to actually kiss him. I have boundaries you know. I was going to slap him when the time was right, but then you pulled him off on him."

"I know that you have boundaries, Pay." He brings out my childhood nickname, "It's just I don't like seeing guys take advantage of any girls let alone my little sister." He rubs his face with his hands.

"I know Eli, but you need to learn to trust me and let me deal with my own shit by myself unless I ask for help. I appreciate you looking out for me, but I'm going to have to grow up someday."

"I know, I know. It's just hard since I practically raised you. It's even harder now that you like to rebel against me and since you're not as intimidated by me as you used to be. I just don't want to to get hurt." He smiles and I get up and go sit next to him on the couch.

"I'm not leaving you, Eli, just learning to take care of myself. If I get hurt then that's on me." I lean into him as he wraps his arms around me, giving me a hug. "Also, you need to stop trying to parent me, you're starting to sound like an old man."

He pushes me away, "Okay, moments over." He gets up, "Watch what you say to me, young lady." He shoots me a playful glare. We both burst out laughing as Eli leaves the room.

I sigh, glad I got that sorted out.



Hey! I updated in time! I mean, it's 11:00 pm but its still Thursday, late night on a Thursday, but still a Thursday!

So here's the question of the chapter, What do you think about Paige's spot?

Sorry for the very very short chapter, but I really wanted to update for ya'll and well, let's just say that I wrote, edited, proofread, edited again and published in the past 4 hours.

But the point is that I updated on time!

Anywho, this is sadly where we part. 'Till next Thursday my lovelies (hopefully),


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