That Eternal August I Spent W...

By MarkWritesThings

108K 3K 3K

[F/N] [L/N] meets with an eccentric girl named Mina Ashido by chance. Through this meeting, [F/N] learns of M... More

August 1st
August 2nd / Part 1
August 2nd / Part 2
August 3rd
August 4th / Part 1
August 4th / Part 2
August 5th
August 7th / Part 1
August 7th / Part 2
August 7th / Part 3
August 8th
August 9th
August 10th
August 11th
August 12th / Part 1
August 12th / Part 2
August 13th
August 14th
August 15th / End of Act Ⅰ
The first chapter of Act 2 is up!!

August 6th

3.3K 123 45
By MarkWritesThings

1:52 P.M. / Monday, August 6th

"Ugh... I should really stop volunteering to go grocery shopping... I'd rather be in bed sleeping right about now..." I muttered, walking down the street to the nearest store. 

After Mina dragged me out the night before, I got home and instantly passed out in my bed. It was a great and somewhat exhausting experience. That morning, I expected to wake up to a flood of texts from her, but I hadn't heard from her since then. I wasn't the kind of person to get offended by not receiving a text from someone, but I was unconsciously disappointed that I didn't get any.

Anyways, as I was walking I noticed a boy walking out of the store I was going to. I instantly recognized him by his curly green hair. It was Izuku Midoriya, a boy in my class. We weren't friends, necessarily. I had talked to him a few times about some school work, but other than that, we were mostly acquaintances. Even so, I decided to at least say hi.

"Hey, Midoriya!" I called out, waving my hand in the air.

He quickly turned his head in my direction and wore a slightly shocked expression. "[L/N]?" he asked. "I didn't expect to see you here,"

"Same here," I replied. "I saw you so I thought I'd at least say hi,"

"That's nice of you," he said with a smile. "We don't really talk that much at school, though,"

I scratched the back of my head and chuckled. "Yeah, that's true... Anyways, how's your summer been going?"

"Oh, it's been really relaxing! It's so nice when we don't have to worry about the stress of school for a month..." he said.

"We still have summer homework to do sadly..." I muttered.

"Oh, I don't need to worry about that!" he exclaimed with a proud smile. "I got mine done as soon as I could so I wouldn't have to worry about it,"

For some completely unknown reason, when he said that, I felt defeated... Well, I knew the reason... but...

'I haven't even started on mine...' I thought, groaning on the inside.

A few seconds of slightly awkward silence followed. Since I had never really kept a conversation with Midoriya before... or anyone at my school for that matter, I couldn't really tell what he was thinking. It was extremely hard to think of what to talk about other than "How's your summer?", "Did you finish your homework?", etc. But, while I was busy trying to come up with what to say next, he spoke up.

"Well, since you asked me, how's your summer so far?" he asked.

'My summer?' I thought. 'I've barely even thought about my summer...'

"U-uh... How's my summer been?" I repeated the question. "It's been... uhh..."

'How has my summer been? It's been... different?' I thought. 'But, how do I put that into words..?'

I looked down at the ground and put my hands in my pockets. Then, I thought about the past week of my life and smiled. "It's been really... refreshing. I met someone who's been steadily cracking my shell... Changing my perspective on some things entirely in the matter of just one week. I don't really know how it's been happening, but I haven't been fighting it at all. I'm just... going with the flow, I guess," 

Midoriya stared at me in awe, not saying anything. It was then that I realized that I just went into way too much detail. My face grew hot and I stuck my hands out, moving them around sporadically. 

"W-wait, I got a little too personal, didn't I? S-sorry, I really didn't mean to...!" I stuttered.

"It's fine," said Midoriya. He closed his eyes briefly and opened them back up, smiling. "That sounds great, [L/N]!"

I took a step back from his response, slightly shocked. "H-huh?"

"I won't ask for any more details... but I'm happy for you! I'm hoping that person you met continues to change your perspective! They sound like a very nice person," he said.

'What?' I thought. 'Why does he actually care? He barely even knows me... Why is he happy for me?'

"Thanks... but why are you happy for me? I mean, we've barely even talked before," I asked.

He stared at me, slightly confused. "What do you mean? We don't need to be close for me to be happy for you,"

Somehow in my mind, I thought that people needed to be close to even begin caring for each other. That's why Mina came off as so aggressive to me back then. Her methods were the complete opposite of what I believed, which caught me off guard. And, apparently, it wasn't just her who thought that way. Most of my life I had been trying to avoid close relationships because I believed they were too much work. But, the feeling inside my heart I got from interacting with Mina and Midoriya was something I had never experienced. It made me... really happy.

I chuckled. "Yeah, I guess your right, Izuku," I said, without giving it a second thought.

"Huh?" he questioned.

"H-huh...?" Then, I realized I accidentally called him by his first name. "O-oh! Sorry! I didn't mean to-" Suddenly, I cut myself off. Not because Izuku spoke or anything. No, it was because of the smile on his face.

"I'm glad you agree, [F/N]," he said.

'My first name...' I thought.

Izuku reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone, checking the time. "Shoot! I gotta get going! I'll see you later!" he exclaimed before quickly spinning around and running down the street. But, before he went out of sight, he turned around and waved goodbye. Then, he began running again. I waved back and stood there in disbelief. Without even realizing it, I became friends with someone I barely knew.

I sighed and smiled. "Mina is rubbing off on me too much..."

-End of August 6th-

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