Oliver Evans is The Prodigy o...

By salazarsscribes

587 39 3

Our story begins in 1982, at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Severus Snape was hired as the potio... More

Chapter One: New Beginnings
Chapter Three: A Strange Encounter
Chapter Four: Antidote
Chapter Five: Hard Landing
Chapter Six: Student Selected
Chapter Seven: Moonlight Waltz
Chapter Eight: A Concerning Conversation
Chapter Nine: The Winter Ball
Chapter Ten: The PBS Strikes
Chapter Eleven: Smoke
Chapter Twelve: Masters Potions
Chapter Thirteen: Liquid Luck
Chapter Fourteen: Chaos
Chapter Fifteen: The Purple Velvet Bag
Chapter Sixteen: The Leader
Chapter Seventeen: Duel
Chapter Eighteen: Forget
Chapter Nineteen: Wait
Chapter Twenty: It's Not Goodbye
Character Bios

Chapter Two: A Promising Summer

53 3 0
By salazarsscribes

My first few years at Hogwarts seemed to fly by. I even managed to gain a decent amount of points to help us win the house cup for my first, second, third and fourth years. It was one of the longest house cup streaks that Hogwarts had seen, and the entire Slytherin house was not afraid to boast about winning. The faculty seemed to like me enough to ignore, (or quite possibly, forget) how my brother treated his time at the school.

I spent almost my entire time at school deep in the dungeons, practicing potions and reading my herbology book, though I wasn't able to grasp herbology as well as I had hoped. In my third year, professor Snape had invited me into his advanced potions class. I was the only third year that was asked to attend. 

Once fourth year came around, I had proven myself enough to professor Snape to gain extra access to his classroom for studying. Almost on the daily, I would sneak out of the common room late at night to go into the potions classroom. I waited until Mr. Filch did his nightly walk about; he always checked the doors near the entrance to the common room. The noise he ended up producing from door checks, allowed me to open our house door without being noticed. And I just repeated the steps on my way back in before dawn.

One night I was listening by the door, waiting to hear the approval of Mrs. Norris that the hall was clear. I heard her purrs, and knew it was time to go. Slowly, I pushed the door open. My eyes locked onto the pair of solid black oxfords that awaited me outside of the common room. Professor Snape glared down at me.

My jaw dropped, "Prof-" I coughed, tripping over my pajama bottoms and stumbling into the hallway

"Good evening, Mr. Evans." Snape said through pursed lips "Just the one I was looking for."

Snape flourished his cloak, gesturing towards the dungeon corridors. I quietly closed the door behind me and followed Snape to the potions classroom. The curtains were drawn, and the tables were scattered with frayed journals, newspaper clippings and stray loose parchment. He took a seat at his desk

"Tell me," he began, "What you were doing out of bed past curfew?"

"Well, sir, you see.."

"And please do not torture my eardrums with the creative explanation you are currently crafting."

I let out a deep breath, looking at the shelves of glass vials filled with ingredients, "I have been sneaking out to practice potions, sir."

Snape's eyebrow raised "How long have you been wandering my classroom at night?"

"Since two weeks after school started this year...since you gave me permission to use your room as a study area."

"During day time hours, Mr. Evans."

"I know. I shouldn't have abused your generosity."

"Mr. Evans, I take my role very seriously. You seem to not understand there are consequences that come with your actions." he pulled out one of his many notebooks and grabbed his quill

"What's that, sir?" I asked, anxiously

"This is my list of yearly approved students." he said, dipping his quill "The approval list for my Masters Potions class."

I froze. Masters Potions was a class for only the best potion makers in the school. Fifth years and up can be approved by Snape personally for a spot in the group. Normally, you hardly see anyone under seventh year participating in the class.

"Sir?" I bit my lip

"I had placed you as an invited guest to my instruction. However, it seems your level of maturity is far too low to be a part of my class."

My eye twitched "I didn't know I was on the list."

"No, you didn't. And you won't be aware if you are placed again. If you blow every opportunity given to you, you won't make it too far will you, Mr. Evans?"

"No, sir." I replied

"Your access to my classroom is hereby revoked until further notice. You will only be within these walls during class periods. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir."

He stood up and walked me back down the halls to the common room, watching me shut the door behind me before heading down the spiral staircase to his office.

After that event, things were pretty tense between me and Snape. I would get to his lectures early to attempt and show that I was trying, but it never seemed to work. I began to feel as though I had lost my only chance to perfect my potion making abilities. Finishing up the year without issues, doing extra credit and helping to win the house cup didn't change Snape's opinion.

The year came to a close, and Snape sent me off with a cold nod of disapproval. The Hogwarts Express seemed quieter usual. Mallory sat next to me in our compartment; she was going to spend the summer at home with my family. It was during this time, I got to hear more of her family.

"My mother hates me, I'm sure of it." Mallory stirred her cup of tea and sighed

"Your mother doesn't hate you. That's absurd."

"You don't get it. I'm never good enough for her." she started to tear up. I put my arm around her as she began to cry. "She doesn't know how hard I'm trying!"

"What is it that she is expecting of you? You already are the smartest in your house, possibly even in our year."

"It's not about how smart I am. I'm not smart enough. And it's not about how much I can do. I never do enough. How would you feel, having your whole family expect miracles from you? I have to live up to my dad's standards. When was the last time you saved a bunch of people from certain death? Well, I clearly never have and I can't top that."

"You don't have to top that. I think you're amounting to great things at school. I mean, I can't say you shouldn't care what they think...they are your parents. But don't let someone else's life make you feel like you aren't good enough."

"I'm just happy to get away from them for the summer. Thanks for letting me go home with you."

I smiled softly, "You're welcome, Mallory."


The sky above Remington Lane was littered with stars. The moon slowly emerging from beyond the horizon, letting light flood across the quiet street. My house; the large brown Tudor with the iron wrought gate sat peacefully as the wind blew gently through the trees.

"I hope you're going to be comfortable here, Mallory." I handed her a pile of blankets. She grinned.

"Your house is lovely. I really admire all of the artwork you have."

The sitting room was filled with over sized furniture, bookshelves and baskets. Along the far back wall was an old wooden chest, outlined with rusted copper. My family portraits all hung on the wall below the staircase. I gritted my teeth as I looked back at my twelve year old self, who was dancing in the frame.

"I'm really glad you're here, Mallory."

Mallory blushed, shuffling the linens in her hands "I am, too."

I took her by the arm and lead her upstairs. "Your room is here, on the left. If you need anything, I'm at the end of the hall right next to the bathroom." I opened the door, she smiled as she walked in and set her belongings on the bed.

"What sorts of things do you think will happen this year?" Mallory said, stretching out on the bed and kicking off her shoes.

"I'm not too certain. I was hoping to study this summer and attempt to get into Masters Potions. However...I'm pretty sure I blew my chances."

"How do you mean?"

"Snape caught me sneaking out at night...I was, well...using his classroom when I should have been sleeping."

"Shouldn't he be happy someone is taking his class so seriously?"

"Apparently not." I leaned up against the armoire "He had my name on his list of accepted students. But, I watched him scratch me off."

"Oh, Oliver."

"I don't know what I'm doing wrong. No one else respects him as I do. And even when I do respect him, and show that I'm a worthy scholar, he treats me just as any other student."

She nodded, "Have you tried talking to him?"

"That'd be a waste of my time and his."

"What if you wrote him this summer? That way you don't have to take away any of his time at school. You could send him a scroll explaining why you felt the need to sneak out at night. Even if he doesn't respond, at least you expressed it."

"You know, that's a pretty good idea." I stood up straight and turned towards the door, "I think I'll go get started. You get some much needed sleep, I'll see you tomorrow."

I quietly shut the door behind me as I left the room, heading towards my own. Taking a seat at my desk, I heard Namira's beak peck against the wall

"I'll be letting you out for a nice fly soon, girl." I put my fingers between the cage bars and gave her a gentle pet "Just let me write this letter first."

Professor Snape,

I hope this owl finds you well. I was hoping to extend my fullest apologies on how I behaved this past year. It was inappropriate of me to wander the halls at night; especially in your classroom. Hopefully, you will take a moment to understand why I was doing this.

Potions to me has become an outlet. I find myself yearning for more knowledge, taking every single step I can to learning even the most difficult mixtures. I spend hours upon hours reading numerous books in the library, and even in your class as well.

I found an excellent book, "Potions Beyond the Arts" written by Sir Handlemen the Third. I'm sure you have at least glanced at this passage, but the first lines of the book read "There may never be enough time, nor enough energy in this life. If you take the steps you do, and reach the heavens as you are, you will succeed." To me, this is a passage to live by. And I know I can reach my full potential if I just try hard enough.

Thankfully, you have been so open to my learning that you gave me opportunities that others would only dream of. Having the permission to roam about your room, handling your books and ingredients; I could not have asked for a more honourable gesture. Understandably so, when I broke the rules and my permissions were taken away, I lost a lot of valuable study time. This of course, is not me asking for those permissions back, simply acknowledging that I understand the consequences of my actions.

With this being said, I do hope that you will have me for my fifth year potions class. You will find that with time, I have grown to know more about myself and those around me. I take full responsibility for my actions, and I would certainly hope you may consider a second chance at earning my way into your Masters Potions class. Even if I have to wait until my seventh year, it would be an absolute honour to be under your guidance.

Do not feel an obligation to respond to my letter; I am only trying to reach you at your discretion and on your terms. If you feel as though this letter is out of place, please accept my apologies in advance. Thank you for taking the time.

Oliver Evans

"Okay, Namira," I leaned over and unlatched her cage. She immediately flew out, circling above my head "Take this to Professor Snape." she landed next to me as I tied the scroll to her delicate foot. I stood up and walked to my window, pushing it open from the bottom. Namira landed on the sill and nuzzled her head into my shoulder

"You'll be okay, girl. Just come right back when you've delivered the letter."

Namira kicked off from the windowsill and began to soar through the sky. I heard her screech as she sailed over the treetops, and disappeared into the night.


"Oliver! Mallory!" my mother shouted from the bottom of the stairs "Are you ready to go?"

I rubbed my eyes and pushed the hair away from my face, "Bloody hell, what time is it?"

The clock on my bedside read five thirty-six in the morning. The sun hadn't even come up yet; my window let in a subtle blue light from the outside. I heard the sound of feet coming up the wooden staircase towards my room.

"Oliver!" my mother pounded on my door "If you are still in bed, you'd better hope your father is patient!"

"I'll be right out, mum!" I muffled through my pillow

Her footsteps faded down the hall to Mallory's room, where she kindly knocked and suggested she get her raincoat for the day.

My blanket fell to the floor as I began to rise out of bed. I looked over at Namira's cage, she had still not returned from when I had let her out to deliver the letter to Snape weeks earlier. My mind filled with some growing concern,  but I shook it off and began to get dressed.

Downstairs my parents had prepared a quick breakfast of toast and beans. My mother, dressed from head to toe in rain gear put out four glasses of carrot juice and hollered at my father, who was sitting in the den reading the Daily Prophet.

"Are you going to eat, Vincent?"

"One moment, dear. There is an incredible story about Noah in the paper."

Her eyebrows raised, "Our Noah?"

I briskly came down the stairs, my shoe only half on my left foot and took my place at the table. Mallory followed behind me, properly dressed in her dark blue cloak.

"Yes, our Noah," my father replied

"What about Noah?" I asked, grabbing a spoon full of beans

"It says here he has discovered a new way of flying. He always was one to spend his days in the air." my father chuckled "He claims to be able to do it now without a broomstick at all."

"That's preposterous." my mother chimed "No one can fly without a broomstick."

"Maybe when he comes home for Christmas, we can ask him to show us how?" I leaned over and whispered to Mallory "I'd love to see him try."

"Yes, yes. Maybe this winter." mother replied "For now, we must be going. You both need your new school supplies. Now Mallory, dear, did your parents send you with enough galleons to cover the costs of your fifth year books?"

Mallory shook her head "No, ma'am. I have enough for new clothes, or new books, but not both."

"Oh now, that won't do now will it?" she pulled out a small bag from behind the china cabinet. "I'll cover your books, love. Don't you worry about it."

"That is very kind of you, thank you Mrs. Evans." Mallory replied shyly

"Please dear, call me Mary."

We finished up breakfast and strolled out to the backyard. My father put out his arm and instructed us all to grab on tightly, "Be sure not to lose your grip."

"I've never apparated before, have you?" Mallory asked me

"I only have a few times. Always with my father. He's an expert, and we've never had any problems. Just hold on." I took her hand in mine and we both grabbed tightly onto my father's outstretched arm

"Alright, on the count of three. One..." my father examined everyone's stance, "Two..." I took a deep breath in, "Three!"

Mallory's grip on my hand tightened to almost breaking my thumb as we shot off the ground. Only moments later, we were standing in the middle of Diagon Alley. The crowd of witches and wizards surrounding us didn't pay a single mind to our sudden appearance.

My mother pulled out her little coin bag and handed it to Mallory, "Go get yourself your books. Don't worry about the cost, get new ones!"

Mallory's face lit up "Thank you, Mrs-"

"Now, now, what did I say?"

"Thank you, Mary." Mallory tucked the bag into her pocket.

"We'll meet you back here soon!" I said, locking my arm with Mallory's

We came up to the entrance of Flourish and Blott's, with the line protruding out into the streets. Tall maroon banners hung from the edging of the building, and sparkling lights glistened in the windows. I tapped on the back of a tall man standing in front of us

"Excuse me, sir. What's going on?"

"Oh lad!" the man spun around "Why it's the release of Urgus Nudali's newest works: 'The Sacred Vial'. It's only his best publishing yet!"

"Who is Urgus Nudali?" Mallory asked

"My, my, dear lady. Urgus Nudali is one of the world's master alchemists. He has crafted numerous new potions to not only cure the sick, heal the injured and strengthen the weak. He has created a brew to raise the dead!"

"I remember reading some of his earlier work last year," I said, turning my head to Mallory "We have to get a copy."

Mallory groaned "Well, we need our books either way. And it doesn't look like there is a way inside unless we stand in line. I guess we can wait for a bit."

"Wonderful!" the man said as he faced the front of the line

"You don't have to stick around if you don't want, Mallory. I can grab your books while you go get new robes" I reassured her

"Oh," her head dropped "I suppose I can-"

"Well what do we have here?!" a voice came from behind us

Suddenly, I felt something hard whack the back of my head, I stumbled forward

"Hey! What was that about?" I turned around to see Trent holding out two new books

"I got Urgus Nudali's new book, and his first edition!" he smacked me with his book again

"Trent! Wow it's great to see you!" I pulled him into a hug "How long have you been here?"

"Since about six this morning. I was fifteenth in line, still got my books in less than an hour before the real crowds showed up. Are you two busy? Want to go get some coffee?"

"Oliver wants to stand in line to get his copies. I really need to get new robes, but I also needed my books. So, I think we are going to be here for a while."

Trent frowned "Should have gotten here earlier. You'll be waiting for at least a couple hours. I'll go grab something for you two to drink while you wait."

"Sounds good, thanks Trent!" I pulled out a few galleons and handed them to Trent, who tucked them into his sleeve

After what seemed like ages, we finally got into the store. Hundreds of books that read "The Sacred Vial" were stacked upon the tables. People pushed and shoved their way to get to the counter, knocking over different displays and shelves.

"It's a madhouse in here," I said, pulling Mallory's sleeve closer "We'd better stay together."

As we made our way through the crowd, I saw a familiar face towards the front of the line

"Noah?" I called out

"Oliver!" Noah rushed over, spilling his bag onto the floor

"Noah, what are you doing here?!" I asked, helping him pick up his spilled books

"I'm in town researching. You didn't think I'd stay out in the forests forever, did you?"

"No, I just didn't expect you to be in Diagon Alley. Especially so close to the new year. You hate crowds."

"Ah, that I do." he said, turning his focus to Mallory "And who is this dashing young thing?"

"My name is Mallory. Mallory Cavendish." she extended her hand

"Yes, yes! I have heard many things about you, Miss Cavendish." Noah shook her hand and smirked at me "You have a lovely girlfriend, Oliver."

"Girlfriend?" I said, taken aback

"She is your girlfriend, isn't she?" he jokingly punched my arm "Don't disrespect the lady like that."

"She's actually my classmate. We invited her to spend the summer with us."

"Well," he winked at Mallory "seems like a loss on your part." Mallory's face turned pink

"Look, I'd love to stay and chat with you two, but I must be off. Be sure to tell mum and dad I said 'hello'." Noah tipped his hat at me and Mallory, and walked out the store

"So that's your brother? The one who found a new way to fly?" she asked

"Yeah, he's a character. Not sure what he meant by being in the forest...I wonder if that's where he's been practicing his flying."

Soon, the sun started to set over the rooftops. Mallory and I made our way back to meet with my parents.

"It was nice to meet your brother today. And, I got everything I needed for the new school year. Couldn't have done that if not for your mother being so kind." she rested her head on my shoulder

"I'm just happy to know he's okay. He has always been rebellious, and I hadn't seen him in a while. Worried he's going to get himself killed one of these days."

My mother and father came through the doors of Florean Fortescue's parlour, licking from two chocolate spoons

"Are you two ready to go?" my mother asked, wiping her lips on a handkerchief

"I think so," I replied

We all gathered around my father, who began to count "One...two...three." We grabbed his arm and vanished out of sight.

A couple weeks later, Mallory and I were back on the train headed to Hogwarts. Watching the trees speed by put my mind at ease. Mallory had fallen asleep on Trent, who had passed out almost immediately after boarding. I had some time to finally just be with my thoughts.

I picked up my bag from the floor and searched the contents, pulling out a small, tightly wound scroll that had fallen to the bottom. It was a response from Professor Snape I had received a few days earlier, and I hadn't found the time to open it yet. As I tugged on the thin, black twine, the scroll unrolled in my lap.

Mr. Evans,

Though I do find writing me during the summer months more than a shade unorthodox, I do think your apologies are just. With the start of the new year, I expect your inability to follow the rules to subside. You may participate in potions, however I would need to see much improvement in your behaviour before I even began to reconsider you for my Master Potions class.

Professor Snape

PS. I do apologize for the delay in the return of your owl. For whatever reason, she did not want to leave. 

I let out a sigh of relief, "At least I'm able to take potions this year," I said quietly to myself, folding the scroll in fours and placing it back into my bag. I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes; letting the rocking of the train car lull me to sleep. 

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