The Battle Pair's Story (disc...

By BattlecryKYA

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Do you think one action, could determine who you are? If you did something bad, would you be a bad person? ... More

Kyoko's Info Sheet!!
Merlin's Info Sheet!!
Ying and Yang
The new Eve
Lost in the Concrete Jungle
Not alone again
Day with the Eves
The Fallen
Our Sunshine
Winter is coming
Hot spring, Cold spring
Midnight Tea
Vampire friend
Melancholic Encounter
Our Wrongs
500 Reads???!!!
The Easiest Way? Or the Right Way?
1000 reads!!!!
Punk Play
The real plan
What friends are for

His Eyes

110 3 2
By BattlecryKYA

A/N: Just minor changes in this one :) Feel free to read it again if you like!

The next day, Kyoko had spent half the day with her parents, though, she didn't say anything about knowing the Alicein family. After she had returned back to the mansion, she started to get ready for Licht's performance.

"I'm back!", Kyoko opened the door to Mikuni's old room. "Hey Kyoko-san! What did your parents say about the house I brought you to?", asked Mahiru. "Well, they said it was okay. They kept asking why I was so insistent on staying there though, hehe.", Kyoko giggled, she put her bag down and went to shower.

Mahiru and Tetsu were trying out the suits Misono's maids brought them. Meanwhile, Merlin and Misono were playing chess together. "hm.. You're surprisingly good at this game...", Misono pondered his next move. "Why is it surprising?", Merlin asked as he leaned back. "You seemed more like a brute fighter-" "I'm not some stupid brute fighter. You think I dont think before I fight? Every move is calculated in here," Merlin abruptly interrupted as he knocked his fist on his head.

After stepping out of the shower, Kyoko started to dry her hair. She sat by Merlin and Misono, watching them play their game. The room was quiet... With only the sound of the chess pieces being moved. The clock ticked quietly as Mahiru and Kuro laid on their mattresses, waiting for the time to pass. Tetsu was seated with Hugh next to his coffin while Kyoko watched Merlin and Misono move their final pieces.

"Checkmate.", Merlin smirked as he leaned back into the chair, clearly satisfied at his victory, "You're not bad kid. But today, it's my victory." Misono grunted, "Ah.. it was my loss." He crossed his arms with his eyes closed, he looked like he was replaying the game in his mind, thinking of what he could've done differently. Kyoko chuckled lightly as she got up and gave Misono a head pat, "It's okay Misono, now that you've seen some new tactics, you can use and learn how to counter them." "A-ah... I get it..", Misono looked away, still disappointed at his loss.

"Oh, yeah, Ko-chan, the maids prepared a dress for you to wear to Licht's performance.", Merlin pointed over to the wardrobe. "Ah, thanks!", Kyoko made her way over and opened the wardrobe. Inside, a pale green, knee length dress was hung up. It looked simple and fluttery, just how she liked it.

"Ah who picked the dress?? It's perfect!", Kyoko gasped as she took it down, admiring it. "Licht-san did, surprisingly.", stated Mahiru as he sat up. "Eh..??", she looked at him, confused. "Yeah, he and Hyde were bickering about something at around 6 am in the morning... Turns out Hyde was teasing Licht about staring at a dress in a store yesterday before they came here. So, in the end Hyde bought the dress without Licht knowing.", Mahiru sighed remembering the noise they were making. "Does he know now..?", Kyoko asked as she walked towards the bathroom. "No, Lawless said you should wear it as a surprise.", said Hugh from the other side of the room.

Kyoko chuckled softly, "Ah..? Really? Oh well.." She closed the bathroom door and tried the dress on. After some time, she opened the doors slowly, "So, how do I look?" "Oh Kyoko-san it looks great on you!", Mahiru smiled. "Ah, looks good. That green suits you.", stated Misono as he grabbed his own suit to change into. "I wonder how he knew what my favorite color is...", Kyoko did a small twist and turn to see how the dress flowed behind her, blushing lightly at the thought of Licht.

"Hmph, sounds pretty creepy to me.", smirked Merlin as he also got ready to change. "Maybe you can ask him when we get to his concert.", said Mahiru, chuckling. "We can't go in the hall, so we'll be backstage with Lawless and Kranz. Kyoko, you and Merlin will be seated in the crowd, keep an eye out for subclasses of Nyx. After the performance, it's likely that they will find out that we're leaving tonight, it'll give them a big rush.", Misono grinned a little. "You sound like you're having fun." Kyoko smiled. "Being able to counter someone's plan is always thrilling.", Misono pouted.

"Ah I know I know~", Kyoko laughed, "Alright we have an hour left, start getting ready." The boys all got up and started to change into their formal clothes. "Actually... Misono, why do we have to wear these? We're not attending the performance.", asked Mahiru. "I had Licht mention out loud that he had invited all of us to his performance, that is what the spies will think. I realize that most of the spies are not very smart, but we still have to thread carefully", Misono replied. "Ohh...", Mahiru looked down, this plan... it has to work... if Nyx's subclasses are really that strong, this might be the only way to catch them off guard.

*Time skip to when they reach the hall*

The group stepped out of Misono's limo. "We'll see you after the performance, everyone, keep an eye out.", reminded Misono. Kyoko and Merlin nodded, before making their way into the hall.

Mahiru, Kuro, Misono, Lily, Tetsu and Hugh all made their way to meet Kranz, who was waiting for them backstage. "Ah, you're here!", Kranz motioned them over to him, letting them enter Licht's waiting room. "Oh! Nee-san! You guys are here!", Yelled Lawless. "Oi! Don't yell in here! Die!", Licht yelled back as he kicked him. "You're yelling too you know! Hmph!", Lawless stuck out his tongue at him. "Why you-" "Licht, okay now, that's enough yeah?", Kranz chuckled nervously and sighed, "He's been pretty upset with Hyde since this morning.."

"Ah.. yeah we know.", said Mahiru, recalling the bickering and pillow throwing that morning. Licht settled down, "Where's Kyoko?". He subtly looked around, trying not to make it obvious that he was eager to see her. "Ah? You forgot the plan already? Kyoko and Merlin are probably already seated in the hall, you'll see her after the whole thing.", Misono huffed. Lawless snickered in his corner, "Ah?~ You're excited to see her aren't you Angel cakes?~" "Shut up! Shit raattt!" He stepped on Lawless' face, "Die now!"

Mahiru watched them from the side, partially wondering why the eves he had met couldn't just be a little more normal. "Hmm..? They're all getting noisy again...", Kuro slumped into the couch that was in the room, "What a pain..."

Meanwhile, back at the hall, Kyoko and Merlin had already found their seats. "Two.", He suddenly said. "Huh?", Kyoko turned to him. "There are two of them.", he said while eyeing one of them at the corner of his eye, "The other one is above us. Dont look though, they'll know that we noticed them." Kyoko nodded quietly.

The lights on stage dimmed as the crowd slowly quietened, and finally, the first performance began. "Alright they're asking the performers backstage, you go on ahead Licht.", Kranz opened the door. Licht walked out, leaving the rest in the room to wait till his number was over.

Kyoko sat quietly in the audience, eagerly waiting for Licht's number. As she sat through the second performance, which was that band from the other day, she started feeling a little nervous. "Hey, Ko-chan, you feeling okay?", Merlin whispered. "Ah.. yeah, I just feel little... ticklish.", she whispered back. "Psh, its fine, you're excited. That's all.", he reassuringly patted her shoulder, "And uh.. Well.. You like him right?" Kyoko gulped. Merlin has never really been supportive when it comes to her and boys. "Yeah... I do like him..", she looked at him in the eye.

Merlin sighed, "Seriously...? Him? Of all people? What'd he even do for you, compared to Mahiru or Misono...?" Kyoko thought about that night. The night he held her close and just let her cry out as loud as she wanted. He's always there to reassure her of something. When Mahiru was kidnapped, Licht's few words felt reassuring, even though she had so many questions in her head. Or when he accompanied her when she was sick... Or when he found her hiding in the alley, his eyes... she could feel comfort just by looking into his eyes. Those cold sharp eyes could be soft and warm too.

Kyoko chuckled lightly, "He has helped me in many ways... I just realized it only now..." she felt dumb for only noticing certain things about Licht now. They had only spent some time before the day they went to the hot springs, Hyde always invited them whenever they went out. Kyoko and Licht would have their own little conversations as Merlin and Hyde fooled around. To Kyoko, she felt closer to Licht every time they talked.

Merlin looked a little confused but sighed nonetheless, "Whatever you say kid. But if he breaks your heart...-" "I know I know.", Kyoko leaned forward and applauded the band after their performance.

Finally, Licht walked up onto the stage. He peeked a little in the audience direction, satisfied to see Kyoko seated in the first row, applauding for him. He took a bow and sat down at the piano and started playing.

Kyoko smiled once she heard his playing. Wonderful as always... That was another reason... the way he played. Where can you find another angel like him?

Soon, it was time for his last piece. Kyoko hadn't heard this song yet, so she was eager to hear it. As soon as he played the first chord. She recognized it. Edelweiss. He's playing... Edelweiss...? Even Merlin was surprised. Kyoko was stunned. When she told him to surprise her she didn't expect him to actually... Surprise her.

As he played through the song, she felt like she was alone. It felt like that song, was for her alone. Merlin looked over to her, Kid's fallen in love. I dont blame her.. Not after he pulled this stunt. He crossed his arms. It seemed pretty obvious that Licht liked Kyoko too. "He's got some nerve... this kid...", Merlin muttered to himself as he closed his eyes, waiting for the performance to end.

Finally, the performance ended. The audience applauded and the other performers were invited back on stage. They took their last bow before leaving the stage. Right when everyone started leaving the hall, Kyoko stood up and rushed backstage, eager to see Licht. "Oi! Kyoko- ughh...", Merlin tiredly followed behind.

Kyoko slowly opened the door, "Guys?? Are you in here?" She peeked in. "Kyoko-san!", Mahiru waved. The rest turned their attention to her as she walked in. "Is Licht here?", she asked. "Uh, no he hasn't come back yet, come sit here.", Lawless patted the seat next to him. Just as when she sat down, he whispered to her, "Nice dress huh?" "Mm! Yeah... Thank you Hyde.", she laughed softly. "Eehhh? You're thanking me? No no no, Licht should be thanking me.", he smiled proudly.

"Ah, are we leaving soon?", Licht walked into the room. "Licht-tan!!~ Look!! Ko-chan is wearing the dress!! You're welcome!", Lawless scooted over to Licht, as if fanboying around him. "Like hell I would thank you!!!", yelled Licht as he kicked Lawless down onto the ground. He looked up at Kyoko. She seemed to have tensed up a bit. "Hey, Tenshi-chan.." "Ah.. hey." ... They both stared at each other quietly for a few moments when finally, Kyoko stood up and slowly walked to him. She looked up into his eyes, there she felt the warmth slowly seep in. "Thank you, Licht.", she smiled gently, "I... wasn't expecting you to play... you know." His face closed in, "That song was from the first time I heard you play and sing. I wanted you to experience what I felt, during your first time attending my performance.", his face was a little red after he had finished that sentence, but his gaze stayed the same.

"Well, you two are getting close~", Lawless teased from the side, ruining the moment. Merlin hit his back, "Oi. Shut up for a while yeah?" "Oww.. that hurt.. Itoko." "oops, sorry." Kyoko chuckled softly as she lightly blushed, trying to get back on track, "Misono, we should be leaving soon?" "Yeah. I just got a call from Lily; he was outside and spotted two subclasses rushing outside." "Ah, we better hurry then, we dont want to miss the train.", said Mahiru. The group started to clean up the place before leaving backstage.

As they rode in Misono's limo to the station, the others had sparked up their own conversations while Kyoko and Licht sat quietly next to each other. "Kyoko.", he quietly called. "Yeah..?", she turned to him. "You'll sit with me in the train." "Eh?" "Yeah." His eyes averted again. Kyoko was a little confused, but smiled nonetheless, "Sure thing, Tenshi-chan."

He didn't really give her an option anyway.

A/N: Heyyyyy lol sorry this took a while again xD But I hope you enjoy this chapter and i'll see you in the next one!!!

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