This Is How We End It

De AdamLovesAndrea

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A group of teens come together, along with a group of adults to try and survive the apocalypse. Using actual... Mai multe

This Is How We End It
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen (SEASON FINALE)
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three - (Season Three Finale Part ONE)
Chapter Fifty Four (Season Three Finale Part TWO)
Chapter Fifty Six

Chapter Thirty Six (SEASON FINALE FARM)

124 1 0
De AdamLovesAndrea

The porch lights were turned off, just in case Randall was still on the property. Everyone gathered in the living room, guns gathered up just in case something bad happened. There was a candle lit in the middle of everyone, to provide light for the room only. Randall would surely seek vengeance on the group, consider he was tortured and beaten. Hell, he had already scratched Nick.

Taylor and Brittany stood in the doorway, guns in hand. Beckah was up, wondering what exactly had been going on. She had been oblivious to what was going on lately, seeing her condition was bad. She was constantly tired due to depression, and had no energy.

Andrea sat next to Mikaela, wrapping an arm around her. She'd grown close with Mikaela, and as Lori had other duties to tend to, Andrea was almost like a second mother to Mikaela. Ethan and Nick, not so much. Andrea hadn't even gotten close to Adam. She knew he meant well, seeing as she knew Shane raised him strictly. 

Ethan watched outside, from the window. He didn't want to go out into the woods, knowing that Randall was armed. It was far too dangerous. Ethan was content inside, keeping a watch on the house, which seemed to prove to be the only safe haven. It was cold, and Ethan's hands were cold, and shaking. He took a deep breath, exhaling after. He shifted his eyes to Glenn and T-Dog who sat with Maggie, guns in hand. Maggie could shoot, but not well. Beth and Jimmy had no skills at all, even though Beth learned how to shoot with Patricia. She was horrible.

Inside the woods, it was quiet. Animals could be heard every now and then as everyone traveled, but it was uncommon. The leaves all crunched beneath their feet. Twigs and such would break every now and then. The hunt was harsh, as the temperature had been brutal, with the wind sweeping through the forest. The wind was cold. 

After some time, Rick looked at Shane, glancing at his gun in his hand. He then glanced at Nick, who was weapon-less. 

"Shane, let's split up and cover more ground," Rick said, trying to think strategy-wise.

Nick glanced at Rick, as Shane nodded. It was better to cover more ground, seeing as it was a large forest.

"You take Nick, and I'll go deeper. You search the outskirts," Shane nodded, looking at Rick, then to Nick.

Everyone exchanged nods. It was a smart move, Shane thought. They would be more quiet, cover more ground, and have a better chance at finding Randall.

Shane travelled through the forest, doing deeper. He knew that it was going to be a long search, but it was worth protecting his loved ones. Especially him. And with one of his sons being lost already, he knew that he needed to protect the other. Even if he was gun-trained, smarter than before, and more experienced than before, he didn't care. He still needed the protection.

Nick travelled next to Rick, crunching leaves as they walked, boots smooshing them. It was Fall, for sure. Leaves had left the trees.

"Dad," Nick said quietly, continuing to walk.

Rick took a second to respond, looking around, checking for any evidence. "What?"

Nick continued to walk. "I did you a favor,"

Rick rose an eyerbow, glancing at him after. He continued to walk, seeing a clearing ahead, in the distance. "What did you do?"

Nick was quiet for a second, before looking at his father. "I killed Randall."

Rick turned to Nick fully now, looking at him. He was shocked to hear such words. "What?"

"I knew it was a mistake. You not killing him.. it's because you're weak. You couldn't handle killing him." Nick said, continuing to walk.

"Nick.." Rick said, still in disbelief.

Nick looked ahead. "I killed Otis." Nick said, not looking at his father. "Stupid son of a bitch almost killed Mikaela. He couldn't have helped us."

Rick stopped fully now, as Nick stopped too.

"I did what was right. What you would've been afraid to do." Nick's words chilled Rick.

Two murders, and he didn't even feel bad. He thought it was right.

Rick nodded. "Keep walking," he said, looking at Nick, before taking another step, beginning to walk. 

Nick nodded, walking with him.

"You agree though, right? They both deserved to die." Nick said, sighing. "They had to die."

Rick was silent, nodding. "Yeah.." He spoke quietly. 

Nick followed behind Rick. The two slowly walked to a field, Nick walking a bit faster, taking the lead. They could just go back to the farm now, secrets revealed.

"Let's wait up at this clearing for Shane," Nick spoke, glancing over his shoulder.

Rick nodded slowly, looking ahead. 

The farm had stayed quiet, nobody suspecting anything yet. It was damn sure quiet. Nobody was talking, and everyone was almost ready to fall asleep. Only adrenlaine kept them awake. It was scary, being in a dark house with a world full of walkers, and a man on the loose with a gun. More fear than any average day.

Shane had continued to walk, looking for any evidence of Randall, keeping his gun close. His shotgun was back with Andrea, but his glock was with him, though. It was quiet in the woods, and Shane was surprised there weren't any walkers. The cold air was bitter, and chilly. He only had his jacket, which was thin. His navy blue one.

In the clearing, which was discovered to be a field, Nick had turned his back to Rick, looking out into the distance. The farm's shadow could be seen. Nick had never seen this spot, but was amazed at how large it was, yet unseen.

"It's quiet," Nick spoke as he looked at the surroundings. 

Rick nodded, taking out his gun, just in case a walker or a few had stumbled by. 

"It is.." Rick said, sighing as he could feel the moisture on the grass leak into his thin boots. Only a greater cold feeling, he thought.

"It's always quiet though," Nick sighed, looking down. "I always--"

Gun shot. Smoke rose from the end hole, as Nick fell to the ground. Rick swallowed hard, hearing the click of his gun as the barrel shifted. The gun shot echoed throughout the fields, but it couldn't possibly reach the house, could it? Rick stumbled to his son, looking at him. It had to be done. Killing two people, and thinking it was right would be considered criminally insane. 

Rick muttered his sorry's to Nick. He looked down, crouching over his body. The bullet went clean through his head, stopping his life immediately. Rick felt a tear slip from his eyelid. It was cold. It felt like it would freeze, but of course, it didn't. 

"I'm sorry.." Rick muttered, moving his hand to the chest. No heartbeat. No breathing. Nick was gone.

Just as the words had escaped Rick's mouth, Shane could hear footsteps behind him, thinking the gun shot attracted a walker. When Rick turned around, he saw Shane, gun rised.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Shane asked, stepping closer.

Rick glanced at Nick, then back to Shane. "I can explain, brother, just let me.."

"What the fuck are you doing?" Shane questioned again, keeing his gun raised, anger rising as well.

"Brother.. let me--"

Shane shook his head. "I lose my boy, to somethin' that could'a been avoided. And you just shoot yours like it's nothin'?"

Rick shook his head, looking at Shane.

"You son of a bitch!" Shane shouted, finger threatening to pull the trigger. 

Rick kept his gun raised, just in case. "Don't shoot me Shane, you know I can explain."

"You just fuckin' shot your kid, Rick." Shane said, looking into Rick's eyes.

The moonlight was strong.

Rick looked at Shane right back in the eyes. "Lower your gun,"

Shane stood there, stance frozen.

"Lower your gun," Rick repeated, growing more angry.

Shane quickly moved his gun, shifting it more toward Rick to get a clean shot, but before Shane could, Rick had already pulled the trigger, sending a bullet flying to Shane's head. 

His best friend was dead, and his son was dead. 

Rick looked at the two bodies before him, horrified. How was he any better than Nick? He'd just killed two people, not completely innocent, but they were still alive. Rick had never killed a man before. The first person he would kill was his son, then his best friend? How would he tell Adam? How would he tell Lori

Rick looked up, hearing a small sound growing louder, fast. The groans.. the steps. Something was coming. And it was loud. More than one. More than five. It sounded like a whole herd. He grabbed his gun, Shane's gun, and looked over to the forest line, seeing a group of walkers heading toward him. Rick quickly began spriting toward the farm, needing to warn the others.

Taylor stood out on the porch, looking around for anything. Two gunshots had reached her ears in the last five minutes. Randall was only one person, but he wouldn't need two bullets to be taken down, would he? Brittany leaned in the doorway, looking at Taylor who stood with her arms crossed.

"Still worried about it?" Brittany asked, sighing.

Taylor nodded. "Yeah. It's unlikely that they'd need two."

Brittany could only nod. She looked toward the path that led to the barn, seeing some sort of figure. She quickly tapped Taylor's shoulder, pointing to the figure in the darkness. It was walking slow, almost like it was stumbling.

"Taylor.. you see that?" Brittany whispered harshly, squinting her eyes to see better in the darkness.

Taylor quickly drew her gun, aiming at the figure. She didn't know what it was. Walker, human; she didn't care. The group was vulnerable and she was ready to stand and protect them as much as possible. She aimed at the figure carefully.

"Whoever the fuck you are, tell me!" Taylor asked, slowly stepping toward the figure. 

Brittany had her hand on her pistol just in case anything happened. She was ready for anything. The figure stumbled closer, groaning. Taylor automatically shot her gun, hearing the figure drop to the ground.

"Get the flashlight," Taylor called back to Brittany, needing to see what she'd just shot.

Brittany quickly nodded, running back inside. 

"Flashlight!" Brittany shouted, needing to see what had dropped.

Adam quickly grabbed the flashlight that Patricia had put in the room just in case, tossing it to Brittany. Brittany used the candlelight to catch the stick of light, quickly rushing out of the room as the others followed. Everybody had gotten up as Taylor shot the gun, as it was loud.

Brittany quickly moved back outside, turning on the flashlight as everyone looked at her, after. She moved the beam of light to the object on the ground.

"Holy fuck.." Taylor whispered as she crouched over, looking at a walker's body. Not only a walker, but Randall's walker.

Lori looked around, trying to find any evidence of Rick, Nick, or Shane. She could see something in the field; a light. She zipped up her fleece as she walked out a little, looking at the light grow bigger. It was the barn, no doubt. Flames had begun rising, growing, spreading onto the wood.

"T-Dog.. get the guns.." She spoke loudly, seeing the light from the fire, just illuminating a herd of walkers incoming toward the farm house.

T-Dog, Glenn, and Maggie sprinted into the house, ready to get the guns.

"Someone's gotta be out there," Jimmy spoke, quickly running toward the RV.

Beth watched him run off. "Jimmy!" She screamed, not wanting him to go. 

"I'll be back!" He said, not even looking back. 

Everyone's eyes were adjusting to the darkness better, now. Mikaela had ran out of the house, followed by Glenn, T-Dog, and Maggie. She didn't stop running; she ran to the fields. She was deadset on finding Rick, Nick and Shane. 

The RV had started, driving off toward the burning barn. Jimmy must've known that somebody was in the barn. Someone must've been there.

Lori ran out of the house, finding Ethan, Adam, Taylor and Brittany all together, getting each other's guns ready. Ethan had his pistol, same as Taylor. Brittany had her small, slightly bigger handgun, and Lori noticed Adam's gun; Shane's shotgun. And Mikaela? Where was she? The house was empty, as everyone had already flee'd the house.

"Mikaela?!" Lori screamed, looking for anything that could've possibly been Mikaela.

Hershel began firing shots at the incoming walkers, Beth behind him. Lori looked behind her, seeing Carol.

"Where's Mikaela?" She questioned quickly.

Carol shrugged quickly, looking around. "I don't know!" She said, as she examined Ethan, Taylor, Adam and Brittany all going to the fields, firing shots at the walkers.

Mikaela ran through the fields, looking desperately for a figure that was her father. Nothing. She couldn't find anything. Gun shots, groans, and flames were her surroundings. She was panicked and frightened beyond belief, but she had to find her father. Nobody else was looking. She quickly ran, dodging every walker that had came at her. She looked behind her, seeing a small group following her.

She let out a scream, knowing that if there was nobody around her, she was screwed anyway. She saw the chicken coop, as she ran to the door, where the butcherings would talk place. The slaughterhouse. She quickly ran in, shutting the door behind her. Shortly after, she could feel the pounding by the walkers' fists.

"God.. mom.. dad.. someone help.." Mikaela pleaded, holding against the door with all of her mite.

This was it. This was her death. There was no way around this. This was how she would end it.

Suddenly, she could hear gunshots. One, two, three, four.. they continued. She held her breath. She felt the adrenline pumping through her body. She prayed hard; harder than her whole life. Suddenly, she felt even more bashing on the door. The gunshots had stopped, so whoever was shooting them, they were gone. She was alone again. That is, until she felt the strong push on the door, knocking her to the ground. She screamed, turning around only to see Andrea, with a bag of guns on her shoulder.

"Mikaela!" She shouted, grabbing her arm and pulling her up. "Let's go!"

She quickly pulled her to the door, practically dragging her out.

"I'm out of ammo." Brittany shouted over to Adam, who was focused on shooting. The shotgun had much more force and power.

Ethan nodded, clicking his trigger. "I am too."

Taylor fired another shot, before turning to Adam. "We have to go!"

"I have to find my dad!" Adam shouted back to the others.

Taylor grabbed Adam's arm, causing him to almost drop the gun. "Come on!" 

Adam reluctantly went with her, as the others went running toward the house. Lori and Beth, along with Patricia were making it to the truck with T-Dog inside, waiting. Glenn and Maggie had already escaped, shooting walkers from the Hyundai.

As the four approached the house, Lori turned to see Ethan, which had only made her smile, glad he was safe. Guard down, a scream escaped the woman beside her; Patricia was bit. Blood poured from her neck as she fell, losing grip of Lori and Beth's hands. Beth felt a sharp pain in her arm, as a walker bit her, too. She could feel Beckah fall next to her, also. All three were essentially gone. 

Adam quickly ran with the others to the truck. He ran as fast as he could. Lori cried out a sorry, before running to the truck. The four all climbed in the back of the truck, closing the tailgate behind them, as Lori quickly got into the truck, slamming the door. T-Dog quickly drove off, leaving a cloud of dust.

Time had passed. Andrea ran through the fields, guiding Mikaela behind her. It seemed like they were the only ones left on the farm, but they most likely were. 

"We need to get off the farm," Andrea shouted, looking back to Mikaela. "Let's go!"

She said before firing another shot at a walker. The path to the forest was clear, and they were going to take it.

After time driving.. taking the detour that was caused by the herd, T-Dog had finally seen signs for the highway. Everyone would be meeting there, if there was anyone still alive. The sun had risen, yet nobody had spoken in the back of the truck. Everyone was quiet. Brittany and Ethan were close together, keeping each other warm as Adam and Taylor stayed close, helping each other stay warm as well.

Not long after, they felt the truck slowly stop. Everyone had their eyes closed, letting them rest. The truck turned off. Doors opened, and Lori quickly checked on the four.

"You guys are alright.." She sighed in relief. "Thank God."

Up the road, they could see figures. Lori quickly ducked, as Taylor got out her gun. Her hands were numb from the cool temperature, but she could still press a trigger if she needed to. That was, until she saw what the figure was.

"Rick!" Lori shouted, almost crying.

She ran into his embrace, hugging him tight. Hershel and Carol smiled as he saw her. Rick and Hershel, along with Carol must've escaped after.

"Lori.. oh God, Lori.." Rick said, before kissing his wife.

Lori pulled away, looking at Rick, before looking around. "Where's Nick? D-Did you find Mikaela?"

Rick looked down, shaking his head. "No.." he spoke, almost inaudibly.

Lori watched him, backing away slightly. "Shane?"

Rick didn't look at Lori. He only shook his head. Another car came in, as Lori heard Glenn and Maggie walk out almost immediately after the car had stopped.

"Ethan's fine.." Lori said, looking over to Ethan who was talking with Adam.

Adam. God, how would Lori tell him that his father was dead? Would she be the bearer of bad news? Hell, she could barely take the news herself.

"Dad," Ethan said, smiling as he walked to Rick. 

Rick hugged Ethan tight, before breaking the hug.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there," Rick apologized. "So sorry.."

"It's fine, dad." Ethan said, nodding. "Where's.. Nick?"

Rick looked down, putting his hand on Ethan's shoulder. "I'm sorry.."

Ethan looked down, slowly nodding. He was broken. His father had to lose him.. it wasn't his fault though, right, Ethan questioned himself. How small was the group?

"Jimmy's gone. Saw him on the way out.." Carol said, walking over to the others.

"So that makes.. Patricia, Jimmy, Beth, Beckah, Nick and..?" Ethan said, leaving the question open. "Where's Shane?"

Adam looked over, hearing the name of his father. He walked over to the three, looking at Rick.

"Where's my dad?" Adam asked. quietly.

Rick looked down, quiet.

"Dead. He's dead." Adam answered for Rick. seeing his expression. 

Rick looked up at Adam a bit. "I'm s--"

"Save the sorry. I've learned to live without my brother, and now I'm gonna have to learn to live without my dad. Might as well learn to live without a empty sorry from your ass that comes up all the time." Adam said, before walking back over to the truck, Taylor stopping him, talking with him.

"So did anyone see Mikaela?" Ethan asked, breaking the silence that'd taken place.

Nobody knew where she'd gone. 

"I saw her run out into the fields.. never saw her after that." Brittany said, sighng. 

Rick looked down. Another one of his children, gone.

"Rick?" Hershel questioned, looking over. 

Rick turned around, seeing Hershel standing next to three people. One woman, short, black hair with glasses. The other a bit taller, ponytail with blonde hair, with what looked to be her son.

Ellen, Heather, and Scott.

In the forest, Andrea ran with Mikaela as she still had the gun bag on her shoulder. She would shoot at walkers every now and then, Mikaela handing her more bullets to reload her gun. It was cold, and they were both exhausted. Mikaela wanted to just drop down, and give up. What was keeping her alive? She honestly didn't know. 

The forest's floor was covered in damp, cool leaves, which made Mikaela's shoes soaked. Converse didn't exactly go well in such conditions. Andrea's shoes were soaked as well. She'd stepped in mud, and had dirt on her shoes.

She went to fire her gun; jam. Her gun had jammed. That was really the end.. that was it. Her luck had gone dry.

"Fuck," Andrea grumbled, before looking behind. Small group of walkers still following.

The two kept running, until Mikaela tripped over a stump, landing on her ankle that'd surely sprain it. She yelped out in pain, falling to the ground. Andrea looked back, before cursing again and tackling a walker that was behind Mikaela, stabbing it in the neck. She looked back, seeing another walker just over Mikaela as Mikaela was too busy groaning in pain.

Suddenly, a sword sliced the head off of the walker, allowing Mikaela to sit up fully. 

Mikaela and Andrea's eyes shifted up to two figures. Four, actually. A woman with dreadlocks, carrying the sword, and another one, which looked to be her sister, who had short hair, carrying the other two figures. Walkers on chains.

"I'm Ariel," the short haired younger one had spoken out, "and this is Michonne. We don't mean you any harm."

Slowly, Mikaela and Andrea looked at each other. What the fuck was going on? 

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