Warriors: A New Beginning #2:...

By The-Abstract-Pearl

443 19 81

*SPOILERS FROM THE BEGINNING AHEAD***************************************************************************... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
I have another series coming soon!
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Author's Note :3 (please read!)

Chapter 17

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By The-Abstract-Pearl

"Rayfrost, you can lead a hunting patrol... Take Silkpaw, Waterfall, Featherheart, Leafdawn, Patchfire, and Treetail," Barkstripe mewed.

Midnightpaw watched the replacement deputy organize patrols.

She had been training as a medicine cat for five moons now. Things were looking good. And there had been no sign of any rogues.

The one thing Midnightpaw was worried about was Mintleaf. The medicine cat was getting old, she could tell. He hadn't been taking her out to do battle training. Instead, he had been sending her with Silkpaw and Rayfrost.

"Could Midnightpaw come with you?" Mintleaf poked his head out of the den.

"Sure." Barkstripe shrugged.

Midnightpaw stood up, glancing at her mentor, and padded over to Silkpaw. Leafdawn was near her.

"All three of us can hunt together!" Midnightpaw grinned.

"Yeah!" Leafdawn exclaimed.

Silkpaw said nothing. When Rayfrost called to go, she quickly caught up to the tom.

"Do you know what's wrong with Silkpaw?" Midnightpaw asked Leafdawn as they started walking.

The tabby shrugged. "She's your sister. I don't know."

They were both silent, padding through the fresh ground of newleaf. Midnightpaw loved newleaf. It wasn't too hot, prey (and herbs) were plentiful, and it was beautiful, She loved to go out gathering herbs and just watch the forest, alone.

"Where are we going?" she wondered.

"Tallpines, I think," Leafdawn replied.

Tallpines. Horsetail! That's where it grows. But Midnightpaw and Mintleaf had lots of it. Not very many battles had happened, apart from a couple of skirmishes with RiverClan over Sunningrocks. It was still strange that the rogue Clan hadn't shown themselves.

"Could we hunt on the way?" Patchfire asked Rayfrost.

The patrol leader looked back. "Assuming you're quick."

Patchfire nodded enthusiastically, tasting the air.

Midnightpaw did the same, hoping to catch something fast on the way to Tallpines. She caught a whiff of squirrel. She stopped and looked around. There it was, out in the open! She dropped into the hunter's crouch and slowly crept forward.

The wind must have changed direction, for suddenly, the squirrel looked up. Seeing Midnightpaw, it squeaked and started to run.

Midnightpaw took off after it, remembering how she and Leafdawn had hunted on the moor.

But this time the squirrel was too quick. It scurried up a tree. As Midnightpaw slowed down, a sharp pain pierced her bad.

"Ow!" she yelped. She lifted her paw to examine it and saw that a thorn had gotten stuck in it.

Midnightpaw knew how to get rid of a thorn. Grasping it in her jaws, she yanked it out after licking around it. Then she licked it again to get rid of the blood.

She caught up to the patrol.

"No luck?" Leafdawn asked.

Midnightpaw shook her head. "I almost caught a squirrel but it got away."

"Maybe you'll have more luck at Tallpines," Silkpaw mumbled. She was still staring forward, her gaze not meeting Midnightpaw's. Midnightpaw watched her silently, wanting Silkpaw to tell her what was bothering her. But it seemed like Silkpaw wouldn't do that.

It's been three moons! Midnightpaw thought. Why aren't you speaking to me? Just why?

She could see Tallpines in the distance and knew they were getting close.

Midnightpaw looked at Silkpaw again. Her sister was talking with Rayfrost excitedly. Midnightpaw looked away.

As the wind blew in her face she scented the crisp, pine-scented air of Tallpines. Midnightpaw had always loved going there to gather horsetail.

"Okay, let's go!" Leafdawn exclaimed. "Come on, Midnightpaw!"

"Hold on," Midnightpaw meowed. "I just want to talk to Silkpaw first."

Leafdawn nodded in understanding, bounding off to search for prey.

"Silkpaw!" Midnightpaw ran over to her sister. "What's going on?"

Silkpaw turned. Her eyes sparked when she saw Midnightpaw, and she glanced at Rayfrost.

"Assuming you hunt, you can talk for a few heartbeats," the tabby's mentor told her. Then he padded.

"You've been acting strangely.." Midnightpaw murmured. "What is it? I want to know."

Silkpaw looked away. Then her green gaze came back. "Leafdawn."

"What about her? Do you not trust her?"

"I trust her. I really do, because I know you trust her," Silkpaw mewed. "It's just... I feel like you're spending all of your time with her.. and not with me."

"Oh, Silkpaw!" Midnightpaw hadn't realized how hurt her sister felt. It was true. She had been spending a lot of time with Leafdawn, but she was still spending time with Silkpaw...

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" she asked.

"You were with Leafdawn," Silkpaw mumbled.

"I'm sorry..." Midnightpaw whispered. "I didn't know you felt like this. Do you want to come hunt with me? To make up for things."

"Can't." Silkpaw's face suddenly brightened. "Rayfrost says he's gonna do my final assessment!"

"That's awesome!" Midnightpaw nuzzled her. "I guess I'd better let you do that then. Good luck!"

"Thanks!" Silkpaw turned and bounded toward Rayfrost, who was waiting.

Midnightpaw's heart felt lighter as she ran over to join Leafdawn. She vowed to spend equal amounts of time with Sikpaw and Leafdawn from now on.

And I always keep my promises.


The patrol returned to camp without Rayfrost and Silkpaw. Midnightpaw hoped her sister was doing well.

She dropped the two mice she had caught on the fresh-kill pile and ran into the medicine den. "Mintleaf! I'm back."

Mintleaf was in his nest. He raised his head slowly. "Hello, Midnightpaw."

"Are you feeling all right?" Mintleaf was usually more active than this.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Mintleaf set his head back down.

"Do you need me for anything?"

"Hm... I don't think so," Mintleaf murmured. "I'll call you when I need you."

"Okay." Midnightpaw left the den. She knew that her training had still a few moons left.

But what if Mintleaf couldn't train her for those moons?

Pawsteps made her look back. Silkpaw was running into camp excitedly.

"I think I passed! I think I passed!" she exclaimed.

"That's great!" Midnightpaw purred.

"Congratulations." Vinepaw— now Vinethistle after getting his warrior name a moon earlier — meowed. "But you're not a warrior yet."

"Don't spoil the moment." Midnightpaw looked at him teasingly.

Vinethistle gazed back at her.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath Highrock for a Clan meeting!" Flamestar yowled.

Silkpaw's eyes widened and she dashed to Highrock, with Midnightpaw following. The black she-cat could feel her sister trembling with excitement beside her.

"Cats of ThunderClan," Flamestar began, "today our ranks will grow with a new warrior. Silkpaw, come forward."

Eyes bright, the grey tabby stepped forward.

"Rayfrost," Flamestar declared, "has Silkpaw mastered the skills she needs to become a great warrior?"

Rayfrost nodded. "She has."

Flamestar nodded as well. "Warriors of StarClan," he mewed, "I present to you this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her as a warrior in her turn. SIlkpaw," he leapt down from Highrock to face the apprentice, "do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend it, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." Silkpaw's response rang out clearly.

"Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name," the ThunderClan leader declared. "Silkpaw, from this moment you shall be known as Silkfrost. StarClan honours your courage and your perseverance, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan!"

"Silkfrost! Silkfrost! Silkfrost!" Midnightpaw's voice happily joined in the cheering for her sister's new name.

She rushed over to Silkfrost. "Congratulations!" She nuzzled the grey tabby.

"Thank you," Silkfrost purred.

"You deserve it," a voice said.

Leafdawn was standing behind Silkfrost. She padded up and smiled. "I know you'll be a good warrior."

Silkfrost seemed a little surprised. "Uh...thanks." She smiled a little.

"You will be amazing!" Wheatwing flew by Leafdawn and nuzzled Silkfrost. "Congratulations on becoming a warrior."

Silverfang nodded in agreement.

"Don't forget the vigil," Wavepelt purred. Her four kits were running in circles around her.

"Oh yeah." Silkfrost sighed. "I forgot about the vigil."

Midnightpaw laughed.

Silkfrost glared at her, but it was teasingly.

"It's almost sunset," Wheatwing commented. "That means you're starting soon."

"Great." Silkfrost's voice was sarcastic but her eyes shone with anticipation.

"Be glad it's not leaf-bare," Tussledstorm murmured. "That's when Wavepelt, Flamestar and I sat vigil."

"What about Wheatwing?" Midnightpaw glanced at her mother.

"I had greencough." Wheatwing's eyes flashed with sadness. "My father did too. I made it... he didn't." She sighed.

Midnightpaw noticed Wavepelt look at the ground guiltily. What was wrong?

As if she had read Midnightpaw's mind, Wavepelt looked up, her eyes sparkling now. "I was very reckless."

Tussledstorm laughed. "What were you thinking back then? Honestly, Wavepelt, I had thought that you had lost your mind!"

"I think I did," Wavepelt meowed. "But I got it back." She grinned. "Now go!" She nudged Silkfrost. "It's almost time."

Silkfrost nodded and trotted to the camp entrance.

Midnightpaw noticed Leafdawn staring at the camp entrance. The tabby's gaze was worried. She closed her eyes.

"Bloodclaw. Don't come for me."

Her whisper was very faint. But Midnightpaw heard it.

She went over to comfort her friend.

"It's been a few moons since we escaped," she whispered, "and he hasn't come."

"I know." Leafdawn hung her head. "Midnightpaw, he's been tormenting my dreams. Since a few days ago, every night it's the same dream. I'm alone in the moor... and a shadow is cast before me... and he comes. It's like I'm frozen to the ground... and he starts to attack me. I try to wake up, but..." Her fur shifted and for the first time, Midnightpaw noticed scratches all over her body.

"Those need to be treated!" she exclaimed. "Why didn't you come to the medicine den?"

Leafdawn didn't reply.

"Well, we need to get those scratches treated." Midnightpaw nudged Leafdawn. "Come on."

They padded over to the medicine den.

"Are you going to tell Mintleaf about my dreams?" Leafdawn asked.

"Do you want me to?" Midnightpaw looked at her.


"Then I won't," Midnightpaw replied simply.

They entered the medicine den.

"Your scratches aren't that deep so we'll just need some goldenrod and marigold," Midnightpaw mused, grabbing the two herbs and chewing them into poultices which she lay on Leafdawn's scratches.

The tabby sighed with relief. "Thank you."

Midnightpaw opened her mouth to say something but it turned into a massive yawn.

"You're tired," Leafdawn mewed. "Get some rest... I will too." She padded out of the den.

Midnightpaw yawned again. She went over to her nest. Mintleaf was sleeping beside her. She gazed at him worriedly for a few hearbeats, then curled up in her own nest and went to sleep.



Midnightpaw blinked open her eyes. "...Who is it?"

She sat up. She wasn't in the medicine den anymore. She was now in the moor— the moor in RogueClan territory.

Worried, Midnightpaw looked around. "Hello? Who is it?"


Midnightpaw whirled around. Leafdawn was a few fox-lengths away, trembling.

"Help me!" the tabby pleaded.

Midnightpaw's eyes widened. "I'm coming!" She dashed over to her friend. But as soon as her tail touched Leafdawn, the she-cat disappeared.

"Leafdawn?" Midnightpaw knew something was wrong.

Wake up!


And she did.

It was still dark. In a flash, Midnightpaw was out of her nest and trotting out. She peeked into the warriors den.

Leafdawn's nest was empty.

Suppressing a gasp, Midnightpaw carefully picked her way through the warriors and felt Leafdawn's nest. It was cold.

No... Midnightpaw's eyes widened. Leafdawn was gone...

She had to think of something.

Why is she gone? An image appeared in her mind. Of course...

She left the warriors den and gazed up at Silverpelt.

"Leafdawn..." she whispered.

Leafdawn was her best friend.

And she was gone.

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