Scandalous II Luwoo [COMPLETE]

By ohmy_TaeGookness

14.9K 577 272

Kim Jungwoo ends up falling for his high school bully, who now happens to be the fiancé of his older sister... More

New Book! Luwoo
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
BONUS Chapter ♥ (SMUT)

Chapter 7 (THE END)

1.2K 49 18
By ohmy_TaeGookness

It was the next day and everyone decided it was best to go home after what happened last night.

Ten told Yuta and Doyoung to ride back home with him and Taeyong so that Jungwoo and Lucas could have some alone time.

''did you grab all your stuff?'' Lucas asked.

Jungwoo replied him with a nod before the both of them got in the car and drove off.

As they went on their way, the atmosphere became a little awkward again.

Neither of them didn't know what to say

They both felt happy that their feelings where now in the open and that they both felt the same about each other but it still didn't change the fact that Lucas was still engaged.

Lucas broke the silence by clearing his throat before speaking up.

''are you hungry?''

''um.. sure'' Jungwoo replied with a soft voice while fidgeting his fingers nervously.

They went to a small restaurant to get some lunch.

As they were waiting for the food to come Lucas started to conversation again.

''are you feeling a bit better after.. yesterday?''

Jungwoo tilted his head and looked at Lucas and hummed a 'yes'.

''Has he contacted you?''

Jungwoo shook his head. ''No he hasn't.. I don't think I want to talk to him anyway..''

''then don't. he almost.. raped you'' Lucas whispered the last part while looking around him.

luckily there were almost no other customers in the restaurant and the ones that where there were sitting far away from them, so they were free to talk out loud.

Jungwoo hung his head and could feel the sadness fall down on him again.

He can't believe that the person he trust so much almost did something like this to him again..

He really though that Hyung Seok changed.

The first time he got drunk and tried this to Jungwoo, things didn't go that extreme.

He basically tried to kiss him and undo his shirt but this time..

He became a monster..

''I know.. I told him many times that I wasn't ready and he told me he could wait but as time went by.. he got impatient and I understand that.. you know.. doing 'it' is part of the relationship but..''

Lucas grabbed Jungwoo's hand and looked at him with a serious expression.

''Jungwoo, just because it's part of the relationship doesn't make it right that he can just force you into having sex. If you told him that you're aren't ready than he has to accepted. If he really loved you, he would've accepted that. That's why I'm telling you this, forget about him''

Jungwoo looked at his hand, which was gently held by Lucas as his cheeks heated up.

Just as he was enjoying the warmth of Lucas's hand, the waitress came back with the food, making Jungwoo quickly pull his hand away from Lucas.

''Here is your food, pleas- oh my.. you're Lucas right? you're so much more handsome and good looking in person'' the girl squealed.

Lucas showed her his famous charming smile. ''ah yes that's me and thank you'' he said.

Jungwoo on the other hand was sitting there, chewing his food irritably as he was watching the girl flirt with Lucas. Jungwoo didn't like it one bit, especially the fact that this girl was beautiful looking herself.

She probably could get any guy she wanted and yet she had to flirt with Lucas in front of Jungwoo.

The girl even tried to get his number so that they could go meet each other.

The pouty lips of Jungwoo didn't go unnoticed by Lucas and a chuckle left his lips as he was thinking about how cute the younger looked.

''actually.. I'm on a date right now so I would appreciate it if we could get some alone time'' Lucas said as he winked to Jungwoo, which made the other blush again.

The girl looked shocked at the both of them and quietly walked away.

Jungwoo leaned forward and playfully hit Lucas on his arm.

''y-yah. Why did you tell her that we're on a date?'' Jungwoo stammered with a red bean face.

Lucas laughed at the adorableness of the other. ''what? isn't it a date?''

Jungwoo was a little shocked by the words of the other and wasn't sure what to say.

He adverted his eyes and looked down at his food again.

''but.. we're not dating..'' Jungwoo muttered loud enough for Lucas to hear.

''then we should, don't you think?'' Lucas answered bluntly.

Jungwoo raised his head again and looked at the older with widen eyes.


''I mean, didn't we both confess that we feel the same way about each other? Don't people usually start dating after that?''

Jungwoo was a little lost for words right now.

It is true that they both confessed to each other last night and even slept in the same bed, cuddling.. but..

''you're engaged..'' Jungwoo answered with a sad tone.

The smile on Lucas's face disappeared again. It was as if he totally forgot about that one important fact.

His expression turned serious again.

''I know I am. But it's not like I wanted to. My parents forced me to get engaged to this girl. I don't want to be with her and I don't want to marry her, Jungwoo'' Lucas explained.

Jungwoo felt a little happy and relieved by hearing Lucas's answer but it still didn't change the fact. ''then what are you going to do about this?''

Lucas took a moment to think before answering.

''I don't know yet, but I'll figure it out. now let's continue eating before the food get's cold''


After the lunch, Lucas and Jungwoo walked back to the car, while holding hands as they were enjoying the time they were spending together.

Lucas drove Jungwoo back to his house and dropped him off.

As Jungwoo watched Lucas drive away, the depressing thoughts of him not being able to be with Lucas sadden him.

They lived two different lives.

Lucas was famous, had wealth and was about to get married to a beautiful girl, while Jungwoo was not famous. Didn't have wealth and was now single again.

''what a wonderful life...'' he muttered sarcastically as he dropped himself on the couch, sighing.

He received a message on his phone but was debating whether to read it or just ignore it.

He decided to just read it anyway since it might have been work related.

His stomach felt like turning when he saw who the message was from.


'Baby, please forgive me for what I did yesterday. I was just drunk..'


'You know how I am sometimes when I'm drunk right?'


'I do stupid things.. But please forgive me! I promise I'll do better'


'Baby please~ I love you'

A scoffed left Jungwoo's lips. He couldn't believe what he just read.

Did Hyung Seok really think that Jungwoo would forgive him this time?

Jungwoo quickly deleted the messages and blocked the number.

Just when he was about to lay down for a minute he heard the front door open and two familiar figures enter.

''See, I told you he was home'' Doyoung said to Yuta.

''yah.. why are you two always barging in?'' Jungwoo sighed irritated as he sat up straight again.

Doyoung and Yuta walked over to the couch and both sat down.

''It's not our problem that you never lock your door'' Yuta answered.

''I guess I really need to start doing that from now on.. anyway, why are you guys here?''

Doyoung stood up and walked to the kitchen to grab something to drink, while he answered ''because we want to hear what happened between you and Lucas on the way back, duhh''

Jungwoo got a little quiet. ''nothing much.. we just went to grab lunch, talked and headed back''

Yuta raised his brows. ''you guys didn't kiss?''

Jungwoo gave him a 'wtf' expression. ''what- No we didn't. why would you even think that?''

''what? is it strange to think that after what happened yesterday? didn't you two confess to each other? And besides, the two of you even slept in the same bed while cuddling'' Yuta answered a little defensive.

Jungwoo realized that Yuta had a point.

''yeah well.. that's true but still.. I have to be realistic right? he's still getting married''

'' that's because his parents want him to, not because he wants to right?'' Doyoung interrupted while sitting back down on the couch.

''yeah but you guys remember what his parents where like right? they were always very strict and care a lot about wealth. And they would never approve him to marry me.. a boy'' Jungwoo's voice became softer.

Yuta and Doyoung both looked at each other with a sad expression.

They both knew very well that it wasn't an easy task to grand their friend the happiness that he deserved.


(2 days later)

Lucas was on his way to a photo shoot. As he was chilling inside the black van, his phone rang.


''Yo Ten, what's up?''

''what's up?.. you really asking me what's up? have you've seen the news already, you idiot?!''

''woah chill.. no I haven't, what's wrong?''

''I suggest you go check it now. just so you know, you're father is gonna be pissed''

''I'm gonna check it now, talk to you later''

[call ended]

Lucas checked the news site on his phone and almost dropped it when he saw the headliner on the page.

'Top model Lucas is dating a guy?!'

He looked with widen eyes at the picture of him and Jungwoo holding hands.

Both anger and fear went through him at that exact same moment.

He wasn't afraid of what would happen if his parents found out, although he knew already that they would be furious but he was more afraid for Jungwoo.


Jungwoo POV:

I was walking through the mall because I had to buy a gift for my sister's birthday but somehow felt people staring at me.

I looked around me and saw two girls whispering to each other as they were looking at me.

I couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable so I walked away.

Soon I realized that more eyes were on me while they were all whispering.

I decided to just ignore it, thinking that they might have noticed me from my books.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and decided to text Doyoung.

Just when I was about to do so, a news article link popped up on my screen.

What caught my attention was the fact that Lucas's name was written in the title.

I quickly clicked on it but almost dropped my phone in shock when I read the full title, while looking at the photo underneath it.

''no way..''

I looked up from my phone in fear and glanced at the people around me.

That's when I decided to rush out of the mall as I finally realized what they where whispering about.

Once I was outside, I almost had a panic attack from all the anxiety.

And suddenly my phone rang.



''Jungwoo! Where are you right now?''

''Lucas?.. I'm at the mall''

''did you.. see the article?''


''let's talk about it at your place, so meet me there''

[call ended]

I quickly walked over to my car and rushed home.


3rd person POV:

Lucas was waiting in front of Jungwoo's apartment.

Once Jungwoo arrived, they both headed inside the apartment.

Jungwoo quietly walks over to the kitchen and puts down his bag.

''Do you want something to drink?..'' he asked with a soft voice, still with his back facing Lucas.

''no I'm good, thanks..''

Jungwoo awkwardly turns around to look at Lucas for a split second. He noticed the intense stare of the older guy.

''Jungwoo.. it must have shocked you seeing that article..'' Lucas sounded a little worried.

Jungwoo looked down at the ground and slightly nodded.

''pretty much..''

Lucas sighed and walked over to Jungwoo and grabbed his hand, holding it.

''I'm sorry Jungwoo.. I want to protect you from it but things like this will end up happening... but you know, if it will help make you feel at ease, I could just let my company remove all the articles''

Jungwoo was a little shocked by Lucas's words and moved his hand away from Lucas.

''what?.. what do you mean 'make me feel at ease?'.. this is also about you. they posted that picture of us both where we were holding hands. The article said that you're dating a guy.. aren't you worried?''

Lucas thought about it for a second but shrugged his shoulders and looked at Jungwoo with an unbothered expression.

''not really. They always write articles about me so I'm already used to it. it's part of the business''

Jungwoo looked at the older boy in disbelief.

Was Lucas truly that ignorant right now or did he really just not care about this situation?

''that might be but your fans also read that stuff. And so does every company you work with. What will they think when they read stuff like you dating a guy while being engaged to a girl?''

Lucas sighed again.

''I don't understand why you're so worried about that. Whatever happens, happens. It doesn't bother me so I don't care''

''But I do! and you should too! We are talking about your career here. do you not care about that? Do you not care about your fans and how they feel?''

''I do care about them but I also care about you, Jungwoo! And of course I care about my career but if it means that I can't be with you because of it then it's not worth continuing this career. I only care about you and you're the only one I really love. I want to be with you and I will throw everything away if it means I can finally be with you''

The disbelief was still visible in Jungwoo's expression.

''why are you saying such careless things?.. what will your parents say?''

Lucas was getting frustrated by now.

''I don't care what they say! Why don't you get it? I care about you! only you! ''

''But we can never be together so stop throwing everything you have away!''

Lucas slammed his fist on the counter next to him in anger and frustration.

''what do you mean we can't be together?''

Jungwoo's expression slowly changed into sadness as he looked in Lucas's eyes.

''we're different Lucas.. we both live in different worlds.. you're a famous top model while I'm.. just a amateur writer who writes about boy love stories and happens to be gay himself.. you understand how difficult it is to live here as a gay guy right? people aren't that accepting.. companies will turn you down.. people will turn their backs on you.. and before you know it your life will be ruined. That' s why I'm telling you that you should care more about your career and your life''

Lucas didn't know what to say right now. He was upset hearing that Jungwoo thought so low of himself. But he was also disappointed knowing that Jungwoo cared more about the words of others than he cares about his words.

Lucas took a step back and looked at Jungwoo with a sad but disappointed expression.

''I've done nothing more than trying to change and become a better person all these years.. I wanted to become a better person for you. from the day that I met you, you were the only one in my heart and that had never changed. Even now, I keep on telling you that and I'm saying that I'm willing to give up everything for you because I love you that much, but you just won't listen...''

there was almost a tremble heard in Lucas's voice as sadness took over his emotions.

Jungwoo's eyes became slightly bigger when he saw how sad and broke Lucas looked right now.

The gaze of Lucas was now on the ground as he spoken softly with his low voice.

''I'm not going to tell you I'm sorry for loving you because I'm not.. but I am sorry for the article.. and I am sorry for the trouble I caused being in your life..''

Lucas turned around and took a few steps before halting himself again, turning his head to face Jungwoo one more time.

''Also.. you're not just an amateur writer. You're are an amazing writer and you need to start seeing that because I know that many other people, including me see that as well.. ''

with that being said, Lucas left the apartment, leaving Jungwoo frozen in his spot as he was beating himself up on the inside.

Asking himself what he just had done..

Without even realizing it, tears rolled down his cheeks and his legs finally gave in as they collapsed to the ground.

He finally realized that he messed up big time.. again.


Apparently the news had reached Hong Kong quickly, so Lucas's parents where informed as well about what their son has been up to in Korea.

And of course, they were far from happy.

Mr. Wong made a quick call right after he saw the news, to tell Lucas's manager to send his son back to Hong Kong immediately.

Of course Lucas couldn't go against his father's orders. At least, not for now.

Once Lucas arrived in Hong Kong, he went reluctantly straight to the house of his parents.


The slapping sound echoed through the room as Mr. Wong's hand reached the face of his son.

Although Lucas was just hit hard in the face by his own father, his emotionless poker face expression didn't change.

''HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO US?!'' Mr. Wong screamed on top of his lungs.

Lucas didn't say anything and kept his eyes focused on the floor.

''You're dating a guy?! Are you gay?! HUH?!''

Lucas glanced over to his mother who looked at him with a disappointed expression.

If this happened 5 years ago, Lucas would've felt bad about disappointing his parents.

But right now, he honestly doesn't care anymore.

Mr. Wong pointed his finger at his son ''Listen to me. You're going to explain to Cheng Xiao and her parents that the news wasn't true and that the marriage is still on. you hear me?''

Lucas looked back at his father, who's face was red from the anger.

''I asked you if you'd hear me'' he repeated.

Lucas looked at him with cold emotionless eyes and answered with a monotone voice ''yes father..''


(2 months later)

Two months went by again and Jungwoo has been feeling completely empty and depressed after Lucas walked out of his apartment the day of their fight.

he had tried calling Lucas but the older boy never picked up ones. Jungwoo even send him a couple of messages but he never received anything back.

He had to hear from Ten once again that Lucas went back to Hong Kong.

After hearing that, Jungwoo started to neglect himself a bit. He didn't feel the urge to get out of bed, eat much or take a shower so he just stayed inside of his apartment.

Doyoung, Yuta and Seola came by often to try cheer him up, force him to eat and drink more.

Even when that didn't work, Seola finally had it with Jungwoo's behavior.

She flipped the blanket of him and pulled him out of bed.

''Get up!''

Jungwoo fell on his butt as he reached the ground. ''ow..'' he groaned as he looked up at his sister with and irritated expression.

''what was that for?''

''I've had it with you! stop whining and crying already and do something about Lucas if you love him so much''

Jungwoo looked at her shocked and froze in place.

''h-how did you know?..'' he stammered.

''Oh come on Jungwoo, I'm not stupid'' she pulled Jungwoo of the ground and walked him to the couch as they both sat down on it.

''I've known for a long time now that you've had feelings for him. Doyoung and Yuta also told me about what happened between you and him and even that pieced of trash called Hyung Seok..''

Jungwoo's eyes adverted from her and focused on something else in the room.

''I.. do love him.. even now.. but it doesn't matter anymore.. he went back to Hong Kong again..'' Jungwoo said with a shaky voice.

''Jungwoo.. I've heard some news about Lucas.. apparently he's about to get married in two days from now..''

Jungwoo's eyes widen again as he snapped his back at his sister again.

He looked at her in disbelief.


he couldn't believe what he just heard.

Jungwoo knew that Lucas was engaged but.. he's already getting married.. so soon?

Seola grabbed Jungwoo's hand to hold it and looked him in the eyes.

''that's why I'm telling you this now. If you truly love him, then you need to go to Hong Kong now and go to him to tell him how you really feel''

Jungwoo furrowed his brows and shook his head.

''I.. I can't Noona.. he's going to marry that girl.. I'm pretty sure that he doesn't even love me anymore-''

''stop saying that! If he didn't love you he wouldn't have came back to Korea to find you in the first time. If he didn't love you he would've stopped thinking about you when he went back to Hong Kong again. If he didn't feel anything for you he wouldn't even have told you that he loved you, over and over again'' Seola raised her voice.

Jungwoo was a little surprised by the outburst of his sister.

''so stop feeling sorry about yourself and start working for it. he's not gonna know how you feel unless you tell him. so take a shower, get dressed, pack your bag and go''

Jungwoo started thinking about it for a second and looked back at his sister again.

''alright.. but only if you come with me''

Seola smiled brightly at her younger brother.

''I thought you'd never ask''


Just as they had planned, both Jungwoo and Seola took a flight to Hong Kong the next day.

Jungwoo was extremely nervous.

He wasn't sure what he was going to say to Lucas once he would meet him again.

He only hoped that this trip wasn't going to be for nothing.


Lucas POV:

It was the day of the wedding and I felt extremely stressed and frustrated.

I can't believe I was forced to marry a person I don't love.

All my mind was filled with was Jungwoo.

No matter how much I tried to forget him and accept that this was going to be my life from now on, I just couldn't.

I had to do something about this.


I left the room I was in and greeted some of the staff members in the hallway who were busy with the stuff for the wedding ceremony.

I quickly walked to the room where Cheng Xiao was supposed to be in and knocked on the door.

I waited for her to answer and once she did I quickly headed in.

''Lucas? What are you doing here? you know you're not supposed to be here right?'' she said a little surprised.

''we need to talk'' I said in a serious tone.

''um.. okay'' she told her hairstylist to leave us alone for a minute.

I sat down next to her on the chair tried to gather my thoughts for a second.

''what's wrong Lucas? You looked troubled'' she said a little worried.

''I guess I am..'' I sighed and looked at her.

''you don't want to marry me right?'' she suddenly said, catching me off guard a little.

''how did you know?''

she chuckled a little .

''it's no secret honestly. I was well aware of your objection to the wedding. I don't blame you though. I too find it a bad idea for us to get married because we definitely don't fit each other and I know you have feelings for someone else.''

She knows?

''It's the boy from last time at the party, Jungwoo am I right?'' she smiled gently.

I honestly didn't know what to say.

I almost chocked on my words when I tried to say '' knew?''

She nodded ''of course I do. I have eyes you silly. I've seen how you looked at him at the party and it was the same way how he looked at you. the spark between the two of you was visible''

I looked at her confused. ''but.. you don't find it disgusting? You know.. me loving another man?''

''jeez Lucas, of course not. Love is love right? I'm not like our parents, who still think that love and marriage should only be between a man and a woman. I believe that everyone is allowed to love whoever they want to love. And if you love Jungwoo then I'll support that''

When I heard those words I couldn't help but to smile. I stood up and pulled her into a hug.

''thank you! thank you so much. I really needed to hear that''

she hugged me back and said ''now go get your man''

I pulled away from the hug and looked at her again. ''what about the wedding? We need to cancel it''

''I'll handle that, so don't worry about it'' she said.

I thanked her again and rushed out of the room again. Just when I was about to leave, I was stopped my parents who called out to me.

I turned around and saw them coming my way.

''where are you going son? The wedding is about to begin'' dad said.

I smiled widely at them.

''I'm leaving. you were right father, I am gay. I'm in love with the most beautiful man I ever seen and I want to be with him. I'm willing to quit my career if it means I can be with him and I really don't care about what you guys think''

I laughed at the shocked faces of them before I turned around and left.

It was time to find my happiness.


Jungwoo POV:

''can't we go faster sir?'' I asked the driver of the cab as Seola and I were sitting in the back.

''sorry sir, but we can't. we're stuck in traffic'' he said.

I groaned and pulled my hair in frustration.

''we're never going to make it.. Ten said that the wedding is starting In a couple of minutes. '' I whispered.

Seola looked at me with a sad expression.

''I'm sorry Jungwoo.. I didn't know it was going to be like this..'' she apologized.

''it's okay.. it's not your fault..''


3rd Person POV:

Jungwoo gave up and ended up returning to the hotel with Seola to grab their bags and go back to the airport again as they decided it was best to go home.

As they were about to head to the gates, Jungwoo heard a familiar voice calling out to him.


Jungwoo slowly turned around to see Lucas running towards him with a bright smile on his face.

Once Lucas reached the younger boy, he pulled him into a tight hug.

Jungwoo couldn't believe what was happening right now. He thought that the older boy was getting married with that girl. So why was he here right now?

''L-Lucas? Why are you here? aren't you supposed to get married?'' Jungwoo asked shocked.

Seola smiled to herself and decided to give the two some space and walked to the nearest Starbucks.

''I was supposed to but Cheng Xiao and I canceled it. I talked to her and she and I both agreed that we didn't want to get married. Besides, she already knew that I was in love with you and she supported it'' Lucas explained as he pulled away from the hug and looked at Jungwoo.

Jungwoo couldn't help but to be a confused by this all.

''but what about your parents?''

Lucas laughed.

''I told them the truth and ran away''

Jungwoo looked at him surprised as he didn't expect that at all from Lucas.

''I want to be with you Jungwoo, only with you'' Lucas said and smiled warmly at the younger.

Jungwoo's heart fluttered by the sweet words of the older. It was exactly what he wanted to hear but still.. he couldn't help but to worry.

''but.. what about your career? What about the future?''

Lucas cupped Jungwoo's face and pulled it closer to his.

''Jungwoo, listen carefully'' he whispered as he looked straight into the eyes of the younger.

''like I told you before, you're the only one Icare about and love. If people around us don't support whoever I want to lovethan I'm willing to push them out of my life. If my company or the othercompanies that I work for are against me being in love with another man than I'm willing to throw it all away if it means I can finally be with you. because you are the only person that can make me happy and my heart only wants you''

Jungwoo's heart was beating faster by every word that left Lucas's lips.

''are you sure?.. what if you regret being with me after all?'' Jungwoo asked nervously.

A chuckle left the lips of the older.

''I'll never regret being with you, I can promise you that. I've been in love with you for years now. I don't care about my future.. not if you're not in it. so stay with me''

A bright smile finally appeared on Jungwoo's face as he leans forward and places a chaste kiss onto the lips of Lucas, before whispering a soft ''always''.

They both pulled each other closer for a longer kiss before they hugged each other tightly, enjoying every moment of it.

''so.. what are we going to do now?..'' Jungwoo asked as they both pulled away from the hug again.

Lucas puts his arm around Jungwoo's shoulder and pretends to think deeply.

''hmm.. how about getting a place and start living together? And eventually we could buy a cat or a dog, whichever you want and start raising it as our child. What do you think?'' Lucas asked with a hopeful smile.

Jungwoo couldn't help but to giggle at Lucas's adorableness.

''yeah, I'd love that''

the younger puts both his arms around the torso of the older and hugs him tightly.

''I love you so much Lucas'' Jungwoo muttered against Lucas's shirt as he rests his head on the chest of the older boy.

''I love you too Jungwoo. And I always will''



sorry for posting this so late~ I was busy with life T-T and besides that, I didn't feel like writing anything for a while so I decided to take a little break from it.

This is where the main story ends but since I wrote in the beginning that there would be SMUT in this story, I'll add a bonus chapter later with the SMUT stuff in it~ ^^

Please read my other books~ (if you're interested in reading TAEKOOK / VKOOK at least).

Thank you for reading~


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