The Survivor {Naruto x Reader}

By PikaJovi

200K 6.1K 13.9K

Everything was going exactly the way they are supposed to go, and all was good. Until someone new shows up, s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 17

5.6K 202 684
By PikaJovi

(Y/N)'s POV:

After Naruto came back to his senses, he was completely drained out of energy. Once he checked that I was fine, he passed out. "I think you guys should get Kazekage-Sama home, and make sure he is alright. I'll stay with Naruto if that's ok." I tell Kakashi and rest, Gaara looked worried at Naruto, but he seems fine.

Since he passed out while hugging me, the best I could do to fix his sleeping position is to let him sleep on my lap. So from what I could tell being this close to him, not only that my heart is going to burst, he is ok. His breathing is calm and steady, and his face looks at peace. I'm glad... he looked furious and hurt when he was fighting Deidara... he scared me a bit.

"I'm not sure if it's a good idea to leave you two alone... what if Deidara comes back? And with back up? Maybe I should stay too..." Sakura says worriedly. I get her worry, but I doubt Deidara is going to come back, he got hurt while fighting Naruto. He was taken back by Naruto's strength. "Sakura is right. I can stay here; we don't need to rush back." Even though Gaara says that it's obvious it's better for him to go back.

"We can't do that Kazekage-Sama, your health is our top priority. I got word that Team Gai is coming our way, with their speed, they should get here soon. So I think it will be ok if (Y/N) stays with Naruto till they arrive and when he does wake up, you guys can join us back in Suna." Kakashi informs us of the plan and they get ready to move. "(Y/N), I know this might sound wrong to you, but if anything happens... protect Naruto. We can't let the enemy get him..." this is not something that needs to be said. Especially for me! "I will protect him with my life Kakashi-Sensei! Even if you didn't tell me, that has always been my plan." There was a moment of silence, but Kakashi gave me a smile and they were off.

After everyone was gone, the silence around us took over. The only thing that could be heard was the wind that would blow from time to time. It was the perfect way to cool down after everything that happened, the bright green grass that we are sitting on; well... I'm sitting, Naruto is sleeping, but you get the point. The trees that are surrounding us in full bloom giving out such lovely multicolored view. From pink leaves to green ones, it was very clear that spring has arrived. If we weren't in the middle of a mission, kind of, I would come here just to sit and calm down. Just like I'm doing now, of course, I wouldn't mind Naruto being there as well haha.

Speaking of blondie. He really is in deep slumber haha. I look down at his face, watching him breathe in and out peacefully. I have always noticed Naruto's hair, it's the first thing that stands out about him, other than his blue eyes of course. However, this bright yellow is not very common. Although now, in the bright sun, as it is shining down at us. It is making his yellow hair shine just as bright. I wonder if it's soft...

I lift one hand off the grass and slowly touch his hair. Oh... my... God!! This is so soft!! I couldn't help but run my fingers through his hair! What shampoo does he use?! All the girls will be jealous! I continue playing with his hair, not noticing how emerged I am in its touch and Naruto's handsomeness. To the extent, my thoughts that have been overflowing my mind started to slip out, in a whisper. As if worried that someone will be able to hear me and I would be caught.

"You're driving me crazy Uzumaki... I don't even know what to do anymore. At first, you were this annoying loud idiot that I was stuck with. Now... you are occupying my mind all day! You're annoying in a different way now haha. I want to tell you so badly, but I'm scared. You are the closest to me... if I lose you just cause I shared my feelings with you... I don't think I'll be able to deal with that. I'd rather keep it all bottled up and stay close to you, then lose you but feel that weight lifted." I move my hand from his hair to his cheek. I caress his cheek gently, "I like you Naruto... what would it take for you to look at me?" My hand goes back to playing with his hair. I look at his lips, tempted to steal them. He is in deep sleep, he shouldn't feel or notice anything! It will be my own secret... I feel my body leaning closer and closer.

Aaaaah! What the hell is going on with me!? I can't steal something like that from him!! I don't want my f-first k-kiss to be something stolen... I've officially lost it! "Hmmm... that feels nice." I hear Naruto mumble out and my heart stops. So does my hand. "Hey... don't stop haha. I like it." HE'S AWAKE!??!

"N-Naruto?! Y-You're awake...?" Oh god.. please no. Oh my God! Did he hear me?! Oh no... please! Anything but that! "Just barely. I could fall back asleep if you continue playing with my hair." Oh, God... I didn't even want him to know that I played with his hair! This is so embarrassing! "S-Sorry haha. I just wanted to get a feel of it..." I'm ready to go down a dark hole now! "Don't apologize, I enjoyed it. You like it?" His eyes open halfway with a smile on his face and he looks at me. "L-Like what?" He giggles a bit, "my hair. What else would you like?" You. I would like you, I DO like you. "Oh haha. Ya, it's surprisingly soft, with you being a monkey and such, I expected the opposite." I force a laugh out to hide my embarrassment. "Oi... did you have to say that? You just ruined the moment." M-Moment?!? He saw it as a moment?

A moment of silence passes by, the wind being the only thing you can hear again. Naruto was awake, but he didn't show any signs of moving off my lap any time soon. Of course, I wasn't going to tell him off and have him get up! He can use my lap as his pillow as much as he wants! I am not complaining!

"(Y/N)..." Naruto starts off, he turns his head towards me and just stares. I could feel my restless self, almost fidgeting in place, wanting to hide away from his gaze. "I... I think I-" Suddenly a strong wind blew towards us, ruffling Naruto hair, and blowing a few green leaves towards us. We wait for the wind to stop, for Naruto to continue his sentence. I think it could have been an important sentence! He opens his mouth to continue...

"Naruto! (Y/N)!!" We look behind us to find team Gai running towards us. Damn you!! Couldn't you have been five minutes late?! Just five minutes!! "Bushy brows... what are you guys doing here?" Naruto sounded a bit disappointed, even though usually, he gets excited when Lee is around.

I met Lee and his team a while back before the mission. On my days off, when Naruto and I would roam around the village, we would bump into a lot of Naruto's friends. Of course, he would introduce them to me, and things go from there. So you could say, I've practically met everyone Naruto knows in the village haha. I don't feel like such a newcomer anymore haha.

I was surprised to find out that Neji is the Princess' cousin! I mean I knew he was a Hyūga from his eyes, that's pretty obvious. But for the world to be so small for me to meet her direct cousin! Why!? Although I must admit that he isn't like her at all. He is tough and isn't afraid to speak his mind, and I got to admit... he is good looking. Like, come on! A guy is not supposed to be this good looking! He's even prettier than girls! Anyway, he's very well mannered and polite. I enjoy talking to him a lot sometimes when he has the time and he isn't training. I approve of this Hyūga!

TenTen, I can honestly say, she is one of the coolest girls I know! She isn't into all that girly stuff, although her little obsession with Ninja tools and weapons is a bit scary... but she is so fun to hang out with. We haven't hung out alone, but when we bump into each other with Lee and Naruto, and they get lost in their own conversation, we somehow get lost in our own. She has a massive crush on Neji! It is so adorable! I'm not sure how Neji feels about her, but I support them all the way! They would be so cute!

Lee on the other hand... he could be a hassle to handle haha. He is a maniac for training and trying your best and... youth? For some unknown reason... I swear, he is weird!! But in a good way? Anyway! Naruto enjoys being around Lee, so I'm cool with it. He is a really good friend, he will help you out no matter what. Even if he doesn't have solutions or anything, he will just be there for you. This team, that is lead by Gai-Sensei, who is a grownup of Lee haha! They wear the same jumpsuit... it's weird. This team is a group I can hang out with any time! Unlike DogBreath and Princess' team!

"Didn't Kakashi-Sensei tell you? We were sent as back up." Lee answers and that's when Naruto decided it was time to get off my lap, but he stayed sitting cross-legged on the grass. "(Y/N), why are you and Naruto the only ones here? And why was he sleeping on your lap?" Thank Neji, for making things awkward! "Haha... he passed out after his fight with Deidara, so I just lent him my lap. Kakashi-Sensei and the rest of the team went back to Suna to escort the Kazekage. He needed immediate care." I explain to them what happened before they got here, with Deidara and Gaara. Gai and Lee were disappointed they couldn't join the fight and help us haha.

"Ok, then Kids! If Naruto is feeling better, let's head to Suna to reunite you with your team and mark this mission a success!" Naruto and I get up and get ready to move out with them. "Naruto, are you sure you're ok? We can stay and rest a little longer, Kakashi-Sensei said it's ok as long as you're feeling fine." He didn't look like the Naruto I know, he looked a bit gloomy... I'm worried he might still be fighting some effects from the Tailed Beast. "Don't worry (Y/N)! I'm fine! Let's get to Suna and then we can rest as much as we want haha..." the answer didn't convince me, but I let it go for now since he was insisting so much.

On our way to Suna, Naruto was always ahead with Gai and Lee. He didn't stay next to me, I mean he doesn't have to, but usually, he does. He is very quiet! That's not like him! He isn't gloomy, now that I look at him properly, he is upset. About what though? Nothing happened, right? I mean he himself said that we were having a moment. That is before I ruined it... is it cause of what I said?! He never gets upset about that stuff!

"Did something happen between you and Naruto?" Neji slows down to talk to me. "No... I don't think so." I doubt it's about what I said. "He seems to be deep in thought, something that Naruto never is." Well, Neji isn't one for a lot of compliments haha. "We were fine, it was when you guys showed up that things changed... he was about to say something, but I guess it wasn't important." I wonder what that sentence was... he seemed troubled by it. "I think it was important to him. Whatever he was trying to say was interrupted, try asking him about it when you two are alone again." This is why this Hyūga is the best! "I guess you're right, thank you Neji!"

With Gai's speed, we got to Suna faster than I thought we would. We directly checked with Gaara and the team. He is resting for now. He was really weak and Sakura helped with his healing. I guess the old lady Chiyo is also an expert in medicine and made sure Gaara will recover in the fastest way possible. I'm glad we were able to save Gaara, things would have taken a very bad turn if we had lost him.

Kakashi-Sensei decided to spend the night in Suna again and head to Konoha in the morning. Sakura took Naruto to the side to do a check-up, to make sure that everything is ok. Kakashi checked his seal... even though I wasn't in the room with them, I was waiting outside. I was able to get a sneak peek. To think Naruto had a thing like that... I never noticed it. He always gets a very dark look when they talk about the Tailed Beast with him.

Later that night, I head to the roof just like the night before our mission. I found it to be a perfect place to think and get my thoughts sorted. The door was already open, which I found weird. Before I could open the door, I hear someone call my name from the other side of the door. I know that voice haha. There is only one thing to do when your name is being called; I open the door and answer, "yes?"

"Waaah! W-What are you doing here?" Haha, Naruto is adorable! He turned back so fast, I think I scared him a bit haha. "You called?" I act all cool and collected as I walk closer towards him. "Yes! I-I mean no! I mean- Augh! Nevermind!" He turns back towards the railing, facing the city. "Haha, what's wrong? Something on your mind?" I try to ask, he hasn't shown his smile to me all day... and I hate it!!

"No... I-I'm just thinking of something. Nothing to worry about." He doesn't even look at me, does he not realize what he just said? "Right haha... although I have to let you know that when you're thinking of something that means something is on your mind. It's the same thing Uzumaki!" I deliberately say that, hoping to get a reaction out of him. Which I did haha. "I know that! And I've told you a hundred times not to call me that!" He finally looked at me, even though there wasn't a smile, but I can see a small blush from the nickname I used as usual. "You finally looked at me hehe." I put on a tight smile, and Naruto was surprised by what I said, he kept his gaze for a minute and looked away again. The same sad look on his face.

"Well, it seems I'm bothering you, so it's best for me to leave. Good night." I was hoping that would make Naruto stop me, but he didn't move, and he didn't say anything. I get to the door and when I try to open it... it doesn't open. I try again, and again, and again!! THIS THING LOCKS?! NO WAY!!! It won't budge!! "N-Naruto? I-I think we are locked outside..."

"Huh? The door doesn't lock (Y/N)." That's what I thought, ok! "Well, it did! Come check if you don't believe me!" He walks towards the door and tries to open it. Nothing. He fought with the door a couple of times, but nothing changed. We argued a bit about who's fault it is and how we are going to get in until we were too tired to shout anymore.

I finally decide to do something; Naruto obviously isn't very fond of me today. "Stay here; I'll climb down and see what's wrong from the other side. I'll open the door for you from the other side." He doesn't argue with me and lets me go. I concentrate my chakra to the sole of my feet and climb down the building.

Naruto's POV:

*Sigh*... why am I acting like this? She already noticed my attitude, and as I thought, she wasn't happy. I mean, come on! How do you expect me to act when I heard your entire confession! I wasn't supposed to hear that!! I wasn't supposed to know! A part of me didn't even want to know!

The way she spoke and played with my hair... I could have stayed there all day! And her lap! It was so comfortable! Augh!! Why am I so confused about all this?! I already spoke to Jiraiya, and we established that I probably l-like her! Aren't these thoughts suppose to confirm them!?

I was even ready to tell her when we were still sitting on the grass, looking up at her (E/C) eyes... I can't believe I almost confessed and now I'm hesitating!! I thought about it all the way to Suna, and I still don't have an answer to what's stopping me from just telling her! It wasn't that hard with Sakura... I directly told her!

"(Y/N)!!" I hear a voice down there, I get closer to the railing and look over. That's Neji. I guess she made it down there safely... I can't hear what they are talking about, well that's disappointing. I bet they are talking about some technical and training stuff. Even though it's been a couple of months that she's arrived at the village, she became close to my friends pretty quickly. Except for Kiba haha, they always bicker.

I hear her laugh and look closer at them. What the hell is she laughing at? What is he telling her to make her laugh?! I'm always annoyed when the guys get closer to her! That's when I see something that bothered me so much; I could practically feel my blood boil! Neji got really close to her and touched her hair, more like a strand of her hair! DON'T TOUCH HER!

"Oi!!! You planning on letting me out anytime soon?!" I was yelling to her all the way from the roof. I just wanted anything to interrupt their moment! Anything! She gives me the ok hand sign and runs inside the building. If I don't tell her... Neji might actually do it first?! No way!! I'm not losing to that Hyūga!!

A few minutes later, (Y/N) was up and opened the door for me. "Here you go, the door is open. You can leave whenever you want. Goodnight." Again with that fake smile... I'm causing it, aren't I? That's it! Do it Naruto! "(Y-Y/N)! Wait!" She stops and looks back. "Why don't you stay a bit... I-I want to tell you something." It's now or never!

Again standing near the railing looking out at the city, now that I actually have to do it... I lost my voice. "What did you want to tell me?" She reminds me of my issues. "Yes! Umm... see the thing is I... what I wanted to tell you is that..." It's not coming out!!! I scratch my head trying to get the words out. "Hehe! It's ok Naruto. No need to rush. Take your time, I'll be here waiting." Why is she always like this with me? Always kind and nice and sweet... not like Sakura and Ino where they hit me and yell at me.

I mean, ya sure, she has hit me and yelled at me before, but I admit I did deserve a few of those. However, whenever I mess up or get things wrong, she doesn't yell. If anything she laughs and tells me it's okay. She's different... in a good way.

"You're so nice (Y/N)!" She was taken back by what I said, her face expression is cute haha. "Eh?" Let's start slow. "You're different than the other girls in the village. You're nice to me, you're cool! You're really fun to talk to, you like Ramen like me! And you don't get bored of it! You take me seriously most of the time! And most importantly you don't hit me as much as Sakura or Ino!" She laughs at the last part. "Not as much?" She seems to have relaxed a bit. "I mean yea! You hit me from time to time but I deserve those times!" We both laugh at some of the memories.

Ok... now the important part! "After spending all this time with you and getting to know you and all that, I think... ummm, what I'm trying to say is that I really enjoy being with you!" Does that work? "Haha, don't stress about it so much Naruto. I enjoy being with you too!" Augh! No! "That's not what I meant!" She tilts her head to the side confused. I guess I really have to say it! "I mean that I..."

"Actions speak louder than words..." Hinata's words from that night rang in my head! I didn't know what she meant by that back then, but now... I think she was the first one to realize my feelings for her. Even before I did, well... let's try to take her advice and have my actions speak for me! I grab (Y/N)'s face with both my hands and pull her closer towards me, and I leaned down towards her!

I hope she understands me from that!




What action could have Naruto done? How will you react to it?

See you soon!!!

*PikaJovi* (^0^)/

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