Improvise or die - A MacGyver...

De sophiegreater

40.3K 893 17

***COMPLETED*** Lucy Brown is a bit nerdy, she has a big heart and a mysterious past. One day she meets Angu... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Thank you!

Chapter 10

1.3K 31 2
De sophiegreater

When we entered Phoenix the next morning, it was like we entered a battlefield. The front door was completely missing, the windows were broken and everywhere was chaos. Even though almost no one was inside, we were completely alerted. Jack pulled his gun and he handed me his reserve. Our little team entered our dear war room. Matty stood in front of the large screen and made a really serious face. "We got attacked. We have no idea who planned this, but we will find them." After Matty cleared us up about everything, we were all shocked. Bozer got shot and was in a hospital and Riley tried to find the causer of this attack.
Mac and I rushed to the hospital, while Jack tried to help Riley with "Piepadiepiep-stuff, like he told us.

"Hey, my name's Angus MacGyver and I would like to visit Wilt Bozer." the young receptionist looked for a while in her computer until she answered: "Here we go: Wilt Bozer, room 421." We rushed to the elevators and went up. This has to be a dé-jà-vue. Mac stopped in front of Bozer's room. I took his hand and looked him in the eyes: "Mac, everything is going to be fine." We entered the room together, but we saw an empty hospital bed.

Mac froze next to me. I shouted: "Bozer? Boze? Where are you?"
We heard someone singing:
"I'm born to run down rocky cliffs, give me grace, bury my sins. Shattered glass and black holes. Can't hold me back from where I need to go"
Who was this? It was in the bathroom. Mac ran towards the bath door and opened it, but covered his eyes fast, smiled at me and shouted: "Hey Boze! Lock the door the next time when you are under the shower!" I started laughing, Mac hugged me and we walked outside, back to the Phoenix HQ.

"Do we have any lead to the man who did this to the Phoenix?" Mac asked as we entranced the war room. Matty wasn't that pissed anymore: "We have one. Do you recognize this faces?" She projected a few files on the screen. I gasped as I saw them. "Do you know them? You are really pale." Mac said. I needed to sit down for a moment, Mac sat next to me and hugged me. I broke out in tears. "The man with the brown hair and the scar through his eye, this is John Morningstar. He was the field partner of my dad, before he went off the radar  and before he tried to kill me and my family. He is one of the best snipers I know, he taught me everything I know about weapons." Matty looked at me and said: "Probably you want to bring him down now. We want this too, so do it. Find him and get him here. Alive."
Riley searched everything for him, and we finally spotted him in Berlin. Why always Germany? It seems like I need a little refresh in my German language skills.
We landed after a long flight in Berlin. Mac, Jack and Riley were with me, Bozer stayed in LA to recover from his injury. I was the only one who spoke German, so I worked as a translator. "Hallo, wir müssen zum Brandenburger Tor." I talked to a taxi driver. "I told him now to drive us to the Brandenburger gate, there is a cafe and it's near the Marriot, our hotel." We bought us coffee and muffins at the cafe, and I showed them the city. We walked down the "Tiergarten", a Park in the middle of Berlin and sat down. Suddenly Mac saw a suspicious girl, and we followed her. As she saw us, she dropped her bag and ran away. Mac ran towards the bag and opened it. His face got serious and he told Riley: "Evacuate this Park as fast as possible, and get me to the widest area without people. We have an EOD here." A bomb. In Berlin. Mac tried to disarm it, but the time wasn't on our side. I looked over his shoulder, tried to help. 30 seconds remaining. He cut through the sealing and got his first complete look on it. 20 seconds. He opened his pocket knife and cut a red cable. Nothing happened. 10 seconds. Suddenly I had an idea. "Mac, let me through." I pulled a lighter out my pocket and braised a cable. The clock showed 2 seconds remaining, right before the display went dark. I did it. "Have you disarmed this bomb with a lighter?" Jack asked me. "She did." Mac looked at me, proud and impressed. We brought the rest of the bomb to the German EOD squad and headed to our hotel. No John Morningstar, but a disarmed bomb. A good day, tomorrow we will find this bastard.

Authors note:
Hey guys!!!

You guessed it: Thanks for reading! I hope you liked this one - stay tuned for facing Lucy's past.

Sophie Greater

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