By CarnelianCrownedLady

17.1K 459 209

To be fixed to marry someone you do not love is a curse far more worse than death itself. As I run away from... More

Women of the Night
The New Neighbors
Everybody's Turning Point
Early morning Conclusions
Stranger in the Park
Absence of men in the Family
Bedtime Story
Weirder by the Day
First day at School (First Half- Detention)
First day at School (Second Half- Kyle Dawson)
Vampire Hunter
The Date
Healing Cuts
Knowing him and his Roots
Remembering What's Used to Be
Traveling to Prague
Meat Cravings
Memories of 1999
Wrong side of the Fence

I better pack my Bags

357 13 7
By CarnelianCrownedLady

Chapter 17: I better pack my Bags

‘‘I’m not the kind of girl who would lie to my mother just to go somewhere with a boy I barely know but the idea of going to another country on a private plane just sounds too exciting’’

He wanted to talk to me somewhere else private. That's why te two of us proceeded into his room. Knowing that the house is packed with people. 

He sat in his bed and gestured for me to sit beside him. As I did, he moved to face me.

“There are 10 of these gold crests.” He spoke as he removed the pin from his collar to show it to me.

I moved closer to him to take a better look at the intricate design of the rising sun behind two mountains.

“I honestly and personally don’t believe that Vampires of any sort exist.” He said with a pained look. “Until my father was killed by one of them.”

“Kyle that’s horrible. But how? And... and what proof do you have?”

“I was eight years old when it happened. It was my older cousin Gregory’s coming of age. Mom, dad and I flew to Brooklyn to attend the party. It was then that we were hijacked. The lights went out and the lights went on. My dad, my cousin Gregory, my other Cousin Myles and four of my uncles where killed by those savages.” There was eminent rage flowing in his eyes as my voice was nowhere to be found. “It was fast, so fast that they didn’t even have the chance to scream or cry for help.” Sadness replaced the anger in his voice as I took initiative to hold his hand. “But then again I was thankful to them.” He said with a ghost of a smile on his face.

“Wha.. Why?” I asked, surprised of what I just heard.

“During the few second that the light was out. I was alone near the refreshments table, unable to reach the punch bowl. I felt a soft cold hand stroking my hair and she said ‘Let’s stop this war darling.’ And she handed me a full glass. When the lights went on, I noticed I was already holding a glass of lemonade that I couldn’t even reach. I looked around to see if there was any woman around my vicinity but there was none. Right then and there I heard my mother scream, followed by Gregory’s mother and, Myles’. Everyone was screaming and crying and calling for help. It was… traumatic.” He released a deep heavy breath. “And I until now, there are still nights when I see this tragedy in my dreams again.” He said.

“They killed your father and your relatives.” I said, like suggesting that he should be mad unlike his calm composed state.

“No Megan, don’t you get it? They spared me. They spared us all. They only killed those who have been killing their kind. And Gregory who has killed a lot even before his 18th birthday. Only those who have the gold pins. They knew I was the one coming of age next. That’s why she told me to stop the war.” He explained.

“Does your mother know about this?” I asked.

“No, she can’t know about any of this. My mother being the wife of the eldest son is now the head of the whole Dawson clan since my grandparents died last year. If she knew that one of them had reached out to me before she’ll be furious thinking that I have been compelled.”

“Compelled?” I asked.

“You see, my mom knows that I’m against the killing. I’ve never liked the idea of wandering the forests at night, looking for women to burn. If I told her that one of them has spoke to me before she might think that I'm just compelled to think that way. Because I'm not, I never even saw that woman's face." He said and looked me in the eyes. "My second cousin Mika from just turned 18 last year and it’s a tradition that we all fly to the Carpathians for a week to hunt. She had her first kill in the Slovakian areas. Also her second, third, fourth. God she was filled with overflowing blood lust. She killed 21 within just one week. And I was there to see it all. This year, it's my turn.”

“She killed 21 people? And now it's your turn to kill people too?” I uttered in shock and ignorance of the topic.

“Technically they’re dead already. Do you wanna meet her? She’s downstairs, maybe with Kathy. She’s also Kathy’s cousin. Our grandparents fixed a marriage between the Nakamura and our clan. Mika flew all the way from Tokyo just to get here. Come, I’ll introduce you to her.” He said as he stood up and lead me out of his bedroom.

We walked down the stairs and stopped midway. I look at him and he points to a girl in a long black dress. “Is that her?” I asked as I looked intently at the petite young lady with straight jet black hair that camouflaged in her dress.

He nodded and we walked straight towards her.

“Mika, I’m glad you came.” He said as they embraced. “Have you seen Kathy?” He asked.

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world Kyle. And yeah she’s just getting me some drinks. Oh there she is.” Mika spoke comfortably like she’s really close to Kyle and Kathy. She looks at me and I gave a shy smile.

“Mika, this is Megan, my friend.” Kyle told her as she returned a smile that didn’t reach her small monolid eyes. “Meg, this is my cousin Mika. The most bloodthirsty vampire slayer we had in two decades.” He said as they both laughed. I’m guessing it’s an inside joke.

“I can’t believe you tell random people about that.” She said.

“Tell random people about what?” Kathy asked, placing two glasses of green liquid with slices of lemons on a nearby table.

“Mika, she’s not a ‘random people’ she’s Kathy’s friend and mine as well. And besides you should be proud of it. Not even our parents reached your number of kills.” Kyle said as I realized how randomly they normally talk about their killings.

“Oh is this about that again? Uh, I haven’t even seen one yet!” Kathy exclaimed and they both laughed.

“That’s because you didn’t come with us to the hunting grounds last year. It was so much fun.” Mika said and I was starting to feel out of place. Are vampires really that real?

“Yeah right, that’s why I’ll go this year. I need to see Kyle’s first.” Kathy said as she and Mika gave each other a high five. “Also to explain why I brought you here Megan, I assume Kyle already told you about how he…” Kyle gave Kathy and nudge on the arm. “Oh he hasn’t told you yet.”

“Told me about what?” I asked, starting to get a tad bit nervous about what he has to say. I look at Kyle and he turns red. I look at Kathy and Mika and they exchange salacious smiles and giggles.

“Kathy, I think we need to give the lovebirds some time alone.” Mika said as they both waved goodbye and disappeared to the garden bringing the green liquid with them.

“What were they talking about?” I asked Kyle and he seem stuck having no choice but to tell the truth.

“Remember I told you about the trip to the Carpathians where we hunt Vampires?” He asked and I nodded. “This happens after the coming of age. It’s also one of the traditions to bring a … partner… or a date during the entire week. I’m not saying you need to hunt with me, you can just stay in our hotel in Prague while we hunt at night. Please say yes.” He stated and ended with a plea.

All I can say was “Why me?”

“Why not?” He answered my question with a witty question that made me smile.

“I mean you have a girlfriend, you can invite Tiffany.”

“She’s never been my girlfriend, yeah we bang a couple of times before but she’s just a fuck buddy to me. No offense. But it’s you that I like.” What he said raised one of my eyebrows to the limit. Cocky much?

 “You go steady with a girl and make love to her a couple of times and you don’t refer to her as your girlfriend?” I asked with confusion regarding his attitude but I bet this is normal in this era.

“I have never made love to that bitch. There’s a huge difference between making love and simply fucking for pleasure and release. Megan, if I’ll finally find the girl I love, I will treat her with all the respect and love that I can possibly give. She will be my princess, my baby and muse for every song I write. Hell I will even risk my life for her if it comes to that.” He said as I somehow saw his sincerity.

“Okay, so why me?”

“Because I finally found the girl I love.” He said as he looked at me. My shocked reaction on the other hand is priceless. “The day you bumped into me in the park wasn’t an accident. I mean the actual bump was an accident but the reason I was there was because of you. A week before that I saw your family arrive, moving your furniture inside your new home. My baseball buddies and I decided to help out and that was when I first saw you. You were carried in with a stretcher, wearing a night gown that my grandmother would probably wear in her twenties. We were creeped out at first but I had the chance to see your face. You were … pale and you really looked like you were dying. That’s why we asked one of your aunts what happened to you. She said it was a car accident that lead you to coma. And she told us your dad died in the accident as well. From that day onwards I jogged past your house every morning and afternoon, hoping to see you. And one morning I did.” He stopped when a waiter came to serve us the green liquid.

“Emerald Martini sir, ma’am?” He asked, Kyle took two and handed me one. The waiter walked away even before I could thank him. So they call this Emerald Martini.

“So you were stalking me?” I asked jokingly and sipped into the Martini. It tastes nothing like I expected so I put it away on the nearby table.

“Even if it’s embarrassing to admit, yes I was stalking you. I don’t know why but it just felt like I have to see you again and again and again. It was really weird and I’ve never felt this way before. So I’m guessing this is love.” He spoke in a way that hides his embarrassment.

“Love is a big word and you can’t just offer your heart on a silver platter to random women you think you like.” I spoke, hiding my smile and keeping the butterflies at bay.

“I know. That’s why I’m offering it to you, on the biggest silver platter that I have. This tradition is not a joke Megan. Mom and dad went together, my aunts and uncles went together when they became of age. That’s why we choose someone we love, because it’s the time that we show them who we really are. That’s why I’m choosing you.”

“Kyle you barely know me.” I barely even know myself.

“That’s what I intend to. I want to know you better, that’s why I’m letting you know me better. Please Megan, come with me. It’s just maximum of one week, three days the least. Please.” He said and I suddenly wanted to go. His pleading eyes were just irresistible.

“I will if I can but what would I say to my mother? What would I tell my aunts?” I asked, knowing that my mom surely won’t allow.

“Tomorrow, there will be an acquaintance party and team building activities. All Seniors will be going to the camp for four days. Tell your mom you’re going. I’ll meet you at school and we can go to the airport. We’d ride a private plane to Prague and be back after a three days. I’ll do my best to kill one on the first night to we can leave earlier and join the other seniors in the Acquaintance party.” He spoke like he’s been planning for it for a long time.

I’m not the kind of girl that would lie to my mother just to go somewhere with a boy I barely know but the idea of going to another country on a private plane just sounds too exciting. “Sounds like a plan. Who else would come with us?” I asked, not wanting it to be him and I alone.

“Kathy, Mika and Uncle George would come. Don’t worry we’re safe, we have whole squad of hunters protecting us.” He said as he held the side of my face, mimicking a wiper motion with his thumb on my cheek. This instantly sends signals to every nerve on my body.

“What’s a squad?” I asked, hiding a hot blush on my face.

“We have five platoons, of a fifty hunters each monitoring few specific areas of the Mountains. A section of the platoon is called a squad. Consisting of fifteen hunters. The squad designated in Prague will lead us this year. Last year was held in Slovakia and the squad that’s stationed there lead Mika for her birthday kill.” He said in a reassuring but creepy way.

I nodded and smiled as he pulled me in a tight embrace. “I’m so happy I’m spending this moment with you. It’s be a lot less nerve racking when you’re around.” He whispered in my ear and as I was to say everything will be fine, I heard the crowd clapping and cheering.

I broke the embrace and looked around. They were all looking at us, cheering happily.

“She’s coming with me.” Kyle announced and the cheers went louder. I can even see my schoolmates Therese Connors and her date Reece Dragomir clapping at the opposite side of the room. Kathy and Mika emerged from the front door, embracing me.

“We are so glad you could come!” Kathy said and Mika agreed.

I didn’t have anything to say. All I knew is that I want to go with him and see to myself what he really is and what he’s capable of. I better pack my bags.

Sorry for the late update. I hope you like it and if you do please vote and comment. Have a great day and God bless you all.  xoxo C

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