The Survivor {Naruto x Reader}

Bởi PikaJovi

200K 6.1K 13.9K

Everything was going exactly the way they are supposed to go, and all was good. Until someone new shows up, s... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 15

5.6K 188 327
Bởi PikaJovi

(Y/N)'s POV:

We rushed our way to Suna. The Kazekage has been kidnapped. That is major news! He's a leader of a village! So I get all the fuss, but what I don't understand is Naruto. When he found out about it, he directly got up and was ready to go. You would think a family member was in danger!

I didn't think anything terrible by that! It's just this Gaara guy, THE KAZEKAGE!! Seems to be a very important person to Naruto. I want to ask, but it doesn't seem to be the right time right now. As we were getting close to the village, our surroundings started to change. I've never left the land of fire before; this is all new territory for me!

I am in the land of wind now! I'm surrounded by sand and sand and even more sand! Dunes everywhere! "Wow... this is so cool! It's so different than the land of fire!" I still keep up with everyone, but they are too focused to reply or hear me. "It is different. It's your first time here (Y/N)?" Sai's attitude has changed a bit. At least towards me. I guess he feels bad about what happened before with Naruto. He's been paying a lot more attention to me... I don't know how I feel about it yet, but I appreciate the fact that he's always trying to make sure I'm ok.

"Ya, haha! I've been to a lot of places in the land of fire, but I never left it. It's so hot here! How do people survive here?!" I try to speed up, so I don't fall behind, but Sai slowed down a bit and ran next to me. "The people born here are used to it. If you stay here for a while, you will be used to it too." We continue our conversation until we reach the village, from time to time, I would catch glimpses of Naruto looking back at us.

When we get there, we directly meet a blonde girl with four buns! How do they make that spiky style...? Both her and Shikamaru! "Naruto... you came." She seemed surprised that Naruto came, but there is a lot of sadness in her voice and eyes. "Of course! How did this happen? Gaara is not weak to be just kidnapped! Do you know where they are?" She invites us into the village and in the Kazekage office. She explains what had happened to him.

Apparently, two members of the Akatsuki attacked the village. Deidara and Sasori. Those were their names. The Deidara guy apparently attacks with explosive clay, Gaara had him under control, he wasn't even scratched. However, when he aimed a giant explosion on the village, Gaara sacrificed his own defense to protect the village, which gave Deidara the opening he was waiting for. Sasori didn't fight; he was waiting outside the village. Apparently, Deidara was more than enough to take care of the Kazekage.

Naruto got angrier and angrier as Temari, the blonde girl, told the story. "That's not all..." there's more? "It's Kankuro..." Who the hell is that...? So many names and people I don't know! Everyone is stressed; they won't explain anything to me. She takes us to wherever this Kankuro guy is. She says it's easier if she showed us.

As we are walking there, I try to figure things out alone, but I just have a lot of unknowns. That's when Naruto looked back at me and stopped walking. Everyone stopped looking at him, and I was surprised! It was the first time he looked at me since our little argument at the small village. "Gaara is one of my closest friends. He became Kazekage when I was training with Ero-Sennin. Temari and Kankuro are his siblings; he's their little brother. Y-You seemed a bit lost... does that help?" He noticed... he hasn't looked at me, but he knew I was lost. "A lot, thank you! Let's continue." We exchange small smiles and continue following Temari.

We enter a room, and we get the problem. Nurses were surrounding the table, and a guy was lying down on it, he was sweating a lot, and he looked in a lot of pain. "What happened?" Sakura asks as she goes to examine him. "He followed Gaara... but they fought, and he was poisoned. None of our cures are working. He's getting worse." Temari is anxious. I get it now, she lost her little brother, and now the other one is dying... "Let me see what I can do." And she begins her examination.

Naruto, Kakashi, Sai, and I are waiting just outside the room; we can still see what's happening. Suddenly my vision got blurry, and when it came back, things around me changed. I covered my eyes, this feeling... it's the Sharingan. I can't have another village see it before we know what to explain. A different color caught my attention. I look at Kankuro and see a purple color in his system. It's affecting his heart. "He's dying." I say loud enough for the people inside to hear.

"DON'T SAY THAT! He's still fighting." Temari tries to defend. "What are you talking about (Y/N)?" I can't look anyone in the eye, I still haven't learned or got the hang of deactivating them. " His heart, it's failing. If you don't hurry, he will die in minutes." Everyone got worried. "The least you can do is look us in the eyes when you tell me my brother is dying!" I apologize, and that's when Kakashi looks down to see my eyes. He hands me sunglasses and apologizes for me as well.

That's when I see a drop of purple on the floor. I get it and touch it. "What was the color of the poison?" I ask the nurses, they reply and tell me it was purple, just like the one I saw in his heart. "Like this here?" I point to the drop on the floor and my finger. "Don't touch it! It's poisonous stupid! You want to die!?" Temari freaks out. "(Y/N)!! Are you crazy! Do you feel sick?!" Naruto runs to me and makes sure I'm not showing symptoms like Kankuro. "It's ok. I'm fine."

I look at the drop on my finger and smell it. I somehow recognize the smell, but a lot of poisons have a similar smell. I lick the drop off my finger and make sure to taste it properly. "(Y/N)!!!! I'M SORRY OK! I WON'T MAKE YOU ANGRY ANYMORE; DON'T KILL YOURSELF!!" What?! Hahaha! "Relax, haha! You won't drive me to kill myself, Uzumaki!" They all look at me, surprised.

"Those Akatsuki are really ruthless, huh. They are serious. They really wanted to kill Kankuro, but not before he suffers." They all look confused about what I'm saying. "This poison is very lethal, but it makes the person suffer, it kills them very slowly. You need to extract the poison out, and I'll give you the ingredients for the antidote." They all stand there, not moving.

"How... are you not, poisoned?" Temari asks. I look at her and give her a gentle smile to try and calm her down. "My body is immune to poison. That's not important now. Sakura, you're good with this stuff, get to it, and let's relieve him of the pain." I walk over to a table and write down the ingredients Sakura is going to need to make the antidote on paper, and get back to sit next to Kakashi.

"(Y/N)... how is your body immune?" Naruto comes and stands in front of me. This huge red chakra inside him scares me... to the extent I don't want to ask about it. Does everyone know about it? Or are they oblivious to this evil red chakra inside Naruto? I look up to him and answer him, "it got used to all sorts of poisons. So I'm immune to small doses now." Naruto was shocked by how normal and calm I sounded in my answer. "You scare me, sometimes." Haha, I'm not that scary.

After an hour or so, Kankuro was healed. The poison was out, and Sakura was able to make the antidote. He's feeling a lot better now, but he needs a lot of rest. He seems very shaken at the fact that he couldn't save his little brother. He even told Naruto to look after his little brother. It was a touching moment.

"Were you able to track the Akatsuki members and the Kazekage?" Kakashi asks the Ninja responsible around there. "We sent a tracking team, but they haven't returned, and they didn't send a report either." That's a problem.

"I have something from Sasori if that could help you track them down." Kankuro says weakly. Perfect! "That would be perfect! Summoning Jutsu!" Kakashi does the summoning Jutsu, and behind the white puff of smoke, a bunch of dogs appear! "Cuuute! Oh, my God! Cutest summoning ever!" I run towards the dogs and kneel down to pet all of them! "(Y-Y/N)... these are ninja dogs, they are not for petting." How can you not pet them!? "But they are so cute Kakashi-Sensei! I didn't know you had them hidden all this time!" I continue to pet them until Sakura clears her throat in a very serious way!

I look behind me and see everyone looking at me like I'm weird. "Ahem! Sorry... missing Kazekage, life-threatening rescue mission. Petting dogs? Not important right now. Proceed." I pull away from the dogs and stand next to Naruto. I at least managed to make him giggle.

Kakashi sends out his dogs and tells them to report back to us as soon as they find something. "Ok, now we just have to wait for the dogs to report back! We should do our own search though!" Naruto is really eager to get set out and search for Gaara. "Actually, we have prepared for you guys a room to spend the night and get some rest." Naruto didn't like that idea, but Kakashi said we should rest for tonight since we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow.

Later that night, when everyone was asleep. I sneaked out of my room and found my way up to the roof. Sai was right; it might be hot during the day, but at night... it's really chilly! I sit on the railing facing the village. If someone wants to play a little joke on me and push me off, well I'll be saying goodbye to this world and hello to the floor at the bottom of the building! Haha!

Gaara is really important to Naruto... he wanted to go look for him without rest. I wish I can just find him and make Naruto feel better and stop stressing. Why would the Akatsuki be interested in Gaara? It can't be just cause he's the Kazekage? Will they attack our Hokage as well?

I try to activate my Sharingan a couple of times; I really need to get the hang of this. I want to see if I'll be able to pick up anything with it. After a couple of times, I finally get it! I look around the village and look into the distance. I didn't pick up anything...

Ok, let's try another way. I concentrate on my senses and try to make my sensing circle as big as possible. I've never tried getting it this big; it's a good thing I can sleep after this. It's going to take a lot of concentrated chakra if I'm going to get results. I close my eyes; my Sharingan still works in a way. It has heightened my senses.

After a few minutes, I start to pick up something very small. I open my eyes in its direction. It's far... it's faint. Could that be Gaara? I try to map a way to that point, I'll tell Kakashi about it tomorrow, and we can head there to investigate. Hopefully, it will be Gaara.

"(Y/N)?" I jump at the sudden voice behind me, which almost makes me fall! "Don't scare me like that!!" I reply trying to catch my breath. "Aren't you suppose to be good at sensing your surroundings?" Oh, funny! "Shut it Uzumaki! I was concentrating on something else." He laughs and comes closer and stands next to me. "What are you doing up anyway? You couldn't sleep?" I ask looking at him. "Ya, haha... I just want to find him already. I'm scared we will be too late!" Should I tell him? But it might not be Gaara...

"Naruto... we will find him. He will be ok. I'll make sure of it!" Why am I saying things I'm not sure of! "Thanks... I'm sure we will save him!" This is a bit awkward... Naruto is never this quiet. The chilly air is starting to affect me. I shiver a bit and rub my arms to warm myself a bit. Then I feel something being put on my shoulders. I look behind and see Naruto in a long-sleeved black mesh shirt. I look at my shoulders and find his orange jacket.

That shirt... IS A DANGEROUS THING!! How can he wear that! Oh, my God! I can see everything! The fact that it's tight on his body and showing and defining all there is to see... it could easily make you drool and have a nose bleed!!

"You're cold... right?" I am, but this... "thank you, but you will get cold like this." I try to take it off, but he put his hand on mine, stopping me from removing it. "Keep it on. I don't get cold easily. (Y/N), I-" I don't want things like this. "Naruto. I know you're doing this out of the kindness of your heart... but sometimes, that kindness hurts me." I tell him, looking into his eyes, hoping he would catch my message. "W-What... do you mean?" Guess not haha. "Hehe, I can't give you all the answers Uzumaki." I return the jacket to him, "Thank you," I plant a soft light kiss on his cheek and look at him when I pull away, "I'll see you tomorrow." And I leave him standing on the roof alone.

The next day, it turns out the chakra I sensed yesterday was Gaara. Pukkun, one of Kakashi's dogs, confirmed it by finding the Akatsuki's hideout. We directly got ready to set out to save Gaara. However, we were stopped at the gates when this old grandma wanted to join us... shouldn't she sit down and stay away from fights?

Apparently, Sasori is from the sand, and this old grandma wanted to be the one to bring him down. It was crazy, but I wasn't about to argue with an elder from another village. And we are off! We run at full speed in the direction of their hideout. We can't waste time anymore!

Kakashi put Sai and me at the back, to keep an eye out for anything. He took the lead and Naruto and Sakura in the middle with the old grandma of course. That's when they started talking about something that seemed complicated and important. What caught my attention was Naruto's expression...

"There's quite a bit of preparation involved if someone is going to draw out the Tailed Beast that is sealed within people." Tailed Beast? What the hell is that? What does that have to do with our current mission? The old grandma continues to explain what Tailed Beasts are. "Konoha had a Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit." We had what? Naruto reacted to that... why? He is shocked she knew something like that... Kakashi said it's a top secret topic in Konoha, is that why I don't know about it? Is that what they have been trying to hide from me?

She starts explaining the history of the Tailed Beasts. Gaara had the One-Tailed Beast inside of him? They have names? Shukaku... how can he have a beast inside him? There is nine of them?! Naruto's expression is getting worse. He doesn't like this topic. "The Tailed Beasts have immense chakra, and in the Ninja world, they were used for military purposes by hidden villages all over the world. They competed to get their hands on them." That's crazy...

As she continues with her explanation, Sakura, Kakashi and especially Naruto have gone quiet... what's going on? Why is everyone feeling like this? She says the Akatsuki are after the beasts... why do they want something this dangerous?!

"Kakashi-Sensei! I sense something off!" I report to Kakashi ahead. "We can't stall anymore, (Y/N)! You and Sai check it out and catch up with us!" We accept and stop while they continue on. Sai and I search the area thoroughly. We can't skip over anything, and we need to make sure everything is fine.

After a while, we catch up with Kakashi and the others. "(Y/N)! What was the issue?" It was hard, but we found it. "It was a seal paper. I think it's a type of protection. We took care of it." I look towards where they are groups, and I see a body! "Oh, great! You took down one of the Akatsuki!" They weren't happy though. "It's not one of them. They used a double; he's just a victim they used as a puppet." How low can they get!?

"If they are stalling us, it means the extraction of the Tailed Beast has already started." Extraction?! She continues to explain that they probably want to create a new Jinchuriki? For the One-Tailed beast. It seems a Jinchuriki is a person who controls the powers of the Tailed Beast! One person can control that power?!

Kakashi looks at Naruto at the mention of the Jinchuriki. Naruto looks very unhappy... it's like we are talking about something relating to him. When she explains that those beasts are sealed inside of the people, so they will be able to control them, Naruto touched his stomach... what's going on with him. Even Sakura is looking at him from time to time. Although Sakura lost a bit of her cool when the old grandma said that the Jinchuriki's were used to fight wars, she tried to say something, but looked at Naruto and kept her mouth shut! Why does Naruto look so hurt?!

Then... she drops the bomb. "If the Tailed Beast is extracted from the Jinchuriki... the Jinchuriki will die." That means... if we don't hurry Gaara will die! Sakura turns away, but I can see tears streaming down... is she also that close to Gaara?

Naruto tells her not to worry and to stop being so emotional because we will save Gaara no matter what! Exactly! Don't think of the worst just yet. That's when she spun around, sounding upset and bit angry saying something I definitely didn't understand. "I'm concerned about you!!" But Naruto shut the topic and continued on his way towards Gaara.

What the hell... what's going on? Why? Why is she concerned about him?




Do you guys see what I meant when I said I'll change some things? I know Sai wasn't there when they go save Gaara, but I will go around events like that to make it fit into the story and make (Y/N) more involved. Hope you enjoy it!!

See you soon!!!

*PikaJovi* (^0^)/

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