Professor | Johnny Depp [Comp...

By DarkGuardian_15

67.8K 2.2K 571

Ember starts her third year of college with high hopes even though she knows she won't be seeing any of her f... More

Chapter One | Poetry
Chapter Two | Talking To Strangers
Chapter Three | Lunch
Chapter Four | Secret Friendship
Chapter Six | Soft
Chapter Seven | Gentle Love
Chapter Eight | Waffles For Breakfast
Chapter Nine | The Owl's Nest
Chapter Ten | Missing Sketchbook
Chapter Eleven | The Carnival
Chapter Twelve | Mr. Depp's Flower
Chapter Thirteen | Coming Clean... Sorta
Chapter Fourteen | The Dance
Chapter Fifteen | Trick or Treaters
Chapter Sixteen | Not So Perfect Birthday
Chapter Seventeen | Caught
Chapter Eighteen | Professor

Chapter Five | A Day Out On The Town

3.4K 128 33
By DarkGuardian_15

A/N: I just thought I'd let you all know that Jamie Campbell Bower is my inspiration for Onyx. ^^
Ember's POV:

The past month was filled with wonderful happy moments. Onyx and I have grown closer thanks to having classes together, plus helping each other with homework. He helped me with math and I helped him with psychology. Mr. Depp and I have gotten to know each other better as well. After every single one of his classes I make sure to hang back just so I can get a hug from him. The only down side is that it was getting harder and harder for me to hide my feelings for him. Each day I can feel myself falling further and further in love with him. "Hey, are you alright?" Onyx's voice asked me curiously as he waved a hand in front of my face. "What? Yeah, sorry... I was just thinking." I replied with a slight laugh. "Okay, well, I finished my homework. Do you wanna go and see if any of the stores have Halloween stuff out?" He said as he ran a hand through his blond hair and put his textbook in his backpack. He and I were hanging out in his dorm room, because he wanted to have someone to talk to. Apparently his roommate is too busy partying and chasing after girls on campus. "Sure." I replied as I stood up and he did the same. We walked out of the dorm room after he put on a jacket. Once he locked his door we headed down the hall and walked out to my car. "I'm so glad you have a car. At least I can buy some food for the dorm, so I don't starve during the weekend." He said as he and I got into my car. "If you ever need to get groceries just let me know. I'm willing to take you into town of you need to go." I replied, and he thanked me with a small smile on his face. We bucked up and I turned on the radio after leaving the parking lot. You're So Vain by Marilyn Manson started playing through the speakers, and we sang along to it. As we were singing I realized that we was looking stylish today like does every day to be honest. He was wearing a black and white horizontal striped t-shirt with a black jean jacket and burgundy skinny jeans. His combat boots were black as well. I was wearing a black leather jacket with an Eat Me, Drink Me era Marilyn Manson t-shirt. The jeans I was wearing were blue and ripped, which was a change; I usually always wear black jeans, but not today. The shoes I had on were burgundy converse. The entire way into town we sang along to the songs that were playing on the radio. Eventually we reached Wal-Mart, which is the biggest store here. That plus dollar stores are pretty much all you get in a small town, but we do have a few mom and pop stores in the downtown area. After we walked around, Onyx grabbed some groceries. We looked all of the store pretty much before we checked out the Halloween decorations. I was just glad that they actually had them out, especially since stores like to rush right into Christmas stuff. Sometimes I think people forget about Halloween and Thanksgiving. He picked out some Halloween lights, and so did I along with a couple of other things. When we were finished we got in line and paid for everything. "Are you hungry?" I asked him curiously after my stomach has growled a couple of times. "Yes, I'm actually starving." He replied with a slight laugh. "So am I. Where do you wanna go?" I said and then named off the different restaurants and fast food joints we had. He ended up choosing The White Rabbit, which is my favorite cafe. They have good food, great coffee, and the entire place is themed off of Alice In Wonderland. After putting everything in my car we went to the cafe where we got a table near the back. There weren't a lot of people here, which made me feel a little more relaxed. "What can I get you two?" A pretty red haired girl asked us; she looked about our age. I ordered my usual and when Onyx spoke up she blushed. He finished ordering and she left us alone so she could give the cooks and baristas our orders. "She likes you." I said with a small smile. "She just blushed because I have a British accent." He replied with a small laugh as he ran a hand through his hair. "Oh, come on! You're a handsome man; your British accent is just a plus." I said, and he laughed again. A moment of silence passed over us before either of us spoke up again. "Do you really think she's interested in me? She is really beautiful. Did you see her emerald green eyes?" He said, and I couldn't help the smile on my face. Our waiters came back with our food and drinks. After we thanked her we were left alone again, and I had to convince him to ask for her number. We ate and paid for our food, but Onyx asked for the girl's number before we left. She looked like the happiest person in the world and so did he. It felt good seeing my best friend find someone to start a relationship with. "Where do you wanna go now? There's a book shop around the corner of you wanna check it out." I said as we stopped on the sidewalk. "Sure. I could use a good book to read that isn't a textbook." He replied, and I laughed. I fully understood what he meant. College was getting a little hectic with all the homework, exams, and projects our professors were throwing our way. I hardly found the time to draw, read, or write for fun anymore. But hopefully there would be some kind of slow down soon. The two of us walked down the street and entered the local book store. It wasn't no Books A Million or Barns and Noble, but it was a book store nonetheless. When we entered the store we split up and looked around on our own. I looked at the mystery section before going to the fantasy section. I found a couple of cool looking books before Onyx and I met up in the Stephen King part of the store. He ended up finding some books as well. "Are you ready?" He asked me curiously. "Yeah, are you?" I asked, and he said he was. While we were checking out the bell over the front door rang, and my heart skipped a beat when my eyes landed on Mr. Depp's handsome face. "Hey, I wasn't expecting to see you two here. How are you guys doing today?" He said kindly. Onyx had sad small smirk on his face and I hoped that he didn't say anything incriminating for me. "We're doing good." I replied with a smile. "Ember offered to bring me out because I was going a little crazy. Being cooped up in a dorm room with an annoying roommate isn't ideal." Onyx replied with a slight laugh. "Well that's really sweet of her." Mr. Depp said, and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. The three of us talked for a while before saying our goodbyes. "See you Monday Mr. Depp!" I said as Onyx and I headed towards the door. "See you in class. Have a great weekend you two!" He said sweetly. "You too!" Onyx and I said at the same time. I wished Mr. Depp and I could have spent more time together, but today was a day for Onyx and I. I didn't want him to feel like I was abandoning him for an attractive older man that I have a huge crush on. When we got back to my car there was a huge smile on his face, which made me smile as well. "What?" I asked him curiously with furrowed brows. "He seems really nice and kind. No wonder you're totally in love with him." Onyx said, which made me laugh a little. "He's so sweet and perfect. I just wish that I could be in a relationship with him." I said, feeling a little sad. A sympathetic look filled his blue eyes and he did something I wasn't expecting. He leaned over and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and thanked him for comforting me a little. "You know what I think?" He asked me curiously after a couple of minutes of silence. "What do you think?" I asked with furrowed brows. "I think you two should be able to be together even though there's an age gap. If you two love each other and make each other happy I don't see a problem with it. You're over eighteen anyway." He said with a soft look in his bright blue eyes. "Thanks. That makes me feel better." I replied, and he smiled slightly. After we finished talking, I turned on the car and he added to the next store we wanted to go to. When we were finished shopping we went back to his dorm to drop off all the food. Then he we went to my place so we could hangout and watch a movie later. Once we got to the house we went to my dad's building where I introduced them to each other. "So this is your new friend? It's nice to meet you." My dad said as he and Onyx shook hands. "It's nice to meet you too, Mr. Larson." Onyx said with a small smile. The three of us talked and my dad showed him some of his wood working projects. After a while my dad ordered us some pizzas for us to eat while we watched some movies. It was really nice having my dad meet my new best friend! I wondered I'd ever be able to introduce Mr. Depp to my dad some day, but I doubted that I'd ever would. My dad would probably be concerned that I have an older man as a friend, not to mention the fact that I have a crush on that same man. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind and enjoyed the movie we were currently watching. "Do you wanna stay over? The couch is a pull out mattress." My dad said to Onyx after we finished watching the last movie we wanted to see. "Only if you really want me to. I'd be fine with going back to my dorm on can't." He replied. Eventually we all decided that he could spend the weekend with my dad and I, which seemed to make Onyx happy. Deep down I knew he didn't wanna sleep in at his dorm, because he didn't like his roommate. So he and I got into my car so I could take him to his dorm just so he could pick up some clothes and stuff. When we got back to my place we all got ready for bed. My dad helped Onyx set up the couch while I went up to my room. After taking a long bath I changed into my pajamas and sat down on my bed. I wasn't quite ready to go to bed, so I just opened up my private sketchbook. After flipping through the pages I've already used up I eventually sketched some new stuff. Most of the drawings I did was of Mr. Depp but a couple were of my dad and Onyx. When I finished drawing I sat my sketchbook aside. After washing my hands I climbed into bed and shut my lights off before snuggling into my covers. I really hoped that Mr. Depp was here just so we could cuddle. But all I really could hope for was to dream about him instead. After a little while I ended up falling into a deep sleep.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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