If I went to Bayverse

By ShadowMaster93

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I dunno, just if I went to Bayverse world thats all. Gonna give this story a whirl. This is a combo of all th... More

Going Into Bayverse
Decepticon attack
Autobot Base
The Relic
Out and About
Evil watching
A Nice Talk
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.
Chapter 55.
Chapter 56.
Chapter 57.
Chapter 58.
Chapter 59.
Chapter 60.
Chapter 61.

Chapter 28.

1K 43 34
By ShadowMaster93

Everything was black, just like it was when Quintessa visited me in my head last. I can only assume that she's coming once again. I roll my eyes and look around for her in human form, but I see no one yet. Nothing at all for that matter. Ooh, maybe I could call out again just to annoy her again. As I was about to call out, I heard her voice behind me.

"You surprised us, human. You certainly are unlike the previous humans, but don't think we won't discover your plans." Her voice echoed.

I turn around to see her in her true form, and not her human form. And, she wasn't alone. Lockdown stood beside her, looking displeased. I just roll my eyes and slowly applaud, like a sarcastic clap.

"And here comes the happy couple..." I said with a snarky tone.

That only seemed to anger them both, clenching their fists. I raise an eyebrow and smirk.

"Damn, defensive much? But seriously, why is HE here?" I look towards the mech.

"None of your concern." He said.

"Actually, it IS my concern. You're in MY head, and neither of you should even be here." I cross my arms.

Quintessa came closer, her gaze piercing through me.

"You have only 2 gems remaining, and once you have them all..." She trailed off.

"You will die by my hand, but certainly not before we retrieve the mini con." Lockdown finished as he was at her side, both of them only a few feet from me.

I raise my brows with a scoff, then I started to chuckle.

"You tried killing me at least TWICE before, but I'm still standing. And since I'm sure you were all watching that fight between me and the Indoraptor, so I'm certain you saw me snap that beasts neck like a twig with only my teeth. Don't you EVER go threatening me or my family, I will fucking DESTROY you for what you've done. God knows it's what you deserve." I point straight towards his chestplate with a furious expression.

He said nothing, but also made no reaction.

"This goes for ALL of you cons. Don't get in between me and the ones I care about, or I will be your worst nightmare. I may just be a human, but I have the ferocity of a Predacon. Trust me, you don't want to meet the Predacon..." I turn and start walking away.

"Be expecting me very soon...." I heard Lockdown say.

My eyes snap open, I sat straight up in the bed. It was still dark in the room, all that could be heard was the Ink Demon and Blue snoring. Shannon was laying asleep on the windowsill, Springtrap was laying on the couch with his eyes closed. Pffft, "I don't need to sleep" my ass. Eh, he can do what he wants. I quietly stand up and step over the sleeping raptor, she did not stir. I step onto the tile floor and reach for my bag, digging through it to find my phone. I managed to find it through all my clothes and supplies.

I turn it on to check the time, 2:30 am. It's hella early. But now my mind is racing with thoughts, can't sleep now. I quietly stand up, phone in hand, and tiptoed towards the door. Slowly turning the handle, the door opened quietly. I snuck out the door and dashed down the hall back into the living room. Need to clear my head. I sneak out the living room door and out into the main hall.

It took at least 5 minutes, but I managed to find my way to the outside. I was met with a beautiful view of the ocean, a smile appearing on my face. I noticed I was close to what looked like a helicopter landing pad, so I instead head the other direction. I walked up to some railing and leaned against it, looking out at the ocean. We must be at least 100 feet above the water. I sigh and hang my head down, thinking.

"Alright kid, what's biting you?" A voice said from behind me.

I was startled by it as I was not expecting it. I turned to see Springtrap standing there with his arms crossed. I sighed of relief that it was only him. How the HELL did he sneak up on me? He isn't really quiet when he moves around.

"I thought you were asleep." I said.

"Like I said, I don't need to sleep. I heard you mumbling in your sleep. Now I'll ask once more, what's bothering you?" He asks again as he stepped closer.

So he heard me talking in my sleep, great. Well I don't really see a point in lying to him right now. I look up at him.

"Alright. I just had a dream where 2 of the alien robots paid me a visit, and the one guy who killed that girl in your house, threatened to kill me. And not to mention he said 'Be expecting me very soon'. That's a tad concerning." I explain.

"What the hell does THAT mean?" I only shrug.

Springtrap's expression showed both concern and anger. He uncrossed his arms and growled slightly.

"Alright, what does this murderer look like?" The bunny asks.

"You want to see what he looks like?" He nods.

"Yes. I'm tired of wondering who it was who killed her. Can you show me what he looks like?" He asked firmly.

"Alright, okay..." I take out my phone, for I had multiple transformers pictures saved from Google on it.

I might have a picture of Lockdown in my picture gallery. I open my photo gallery and scroll through my albums. Bases for drawing, goofy shit, screenshots, deviantart, Twitter, Discord. Aha! Transformers! I choose said album and start scrolling through the pictures, seeing the characters from different universes. Most of the pictures are of Autobots as they're my friends, and only SOME are of Decepticons. I have these pictures so I can draw them later.

Megatron from the Last Knight, Barricade with the different design, The Fallen, Starscream the Flying Dorito, Soundwave from TFP, Shockwave from TFP, 2 of Quintessa, and I manage to find one of the bounty hunter. I selected the picture of him and handed my phone to Springtrap. The bunny took the phone from my hands and looked at the picture of Lockdown.

Shock and disbelief covered his face. His eyes were wide as he became angry once again, as well as confused. I wonder how Lockdown is reacting to Springtraps reaction to a picture of him right now. The longer that Springtrap looked at the picture, the angrier he got. He looked at me, his white eyes turning red with anger.

"THIS is who is trying to kill you?" He asked, venom in his tone.

I nod, "Yes."

The bunny only growled as he handed my phone to me.

"Why do you ask?" I take my phone back and put it in my pocket.

"Because one, you're already hurt with that bite mark, your ribs and those scratches on your cheek. Two, you said there were multiple and that they're 30 feet in height. You really need to stop and rest." He said firmly.

I was a little surprised. He was acting just like a dad. Well he IS a dad, but he ain't my dad.

"Kid, you don't need to be so hard on yourself. What you need is to rest up and take a break. If they're depending on you to find their jewels, they can be fucking patient while you heal. Or better yet, do it themselves. And by God I know they heard me because of them watching your every move." Springtrap said aggressively.

My eyes widen. How did he know about them watching me? I never said ANYTHING like that around them! But...he's not angry at me about it. He's more angry about them watching me than me not telling him. I was entirely speechless.

"How did-" I started.

"Overheard you earlier talking to your sister. Was a little irritated for you not telling us, but I guess I can understand why." He explained.

I hung my head low and looked away, feeling ashamed. I can't believe I didn't know about him eavesdropping, I'm better than that. I sigh and turn back to look towards the ocean. I felt his arms slowly wrap around me in a hug, he placed his chin on top of my head. I raise an eyebrow, this is kinda weird.

"Springtrap what are you doing?" I ask.

"Hugging you. Kid, just promise me you'll take it easy for a day or two. Please?" He asks sweetly.

I smile although he can't see it.

"Alright fine...you're right. They can be patient." I say.

"Good girl." He hugs tighter.

Wow, he's a hugger. A very tight hugger. But oh well, he's right. Quintessa can be patient if she wants the gems, and Lockdown ain't gonna show up here. How is he going to? He doesn't have the relic that takes us places. But Springtrap does have a point, I am working myself much harder than usual.  Because I think I'm on a time crunch. I don't know how long I have, or how long that Optimus and Bumblebee have. Maybe even my family has been taken captive at this point.

"Don't stress yourself, everything will be alright." The bunny says.

"I hope you're right." I sigh.

"Lets get you back to bed." He said as he released me from the hug.

"Nah, too awake." I look back down at the water.

I noticed something penetrating from the water. It was a shark fin, a huge one. Welp, there's the Megalodon. But then, I notice another shark fin...And it's even BIGGER. Are there...two Megalodons? Clearly I must've been obviously shocked, because I saw Springtrap then look over the edge of the railing down at the water. The sharks were swimming together in unison, like a mother and her baby. Oh god. I think that Suyin and Jonas are in bigger trouble than they think.

"There's 2 Megalodon sharks...And what's worse is, that's a MOTHER shark and her baby." I say aloud.

"How big of a problem is that?" Springtrap asks.

I look at him, "The most dangerous place to ever be is in between a mother and her child. And that mother looks to be over 70 feet long. So I'd consider that a pretty big problem."

"You can tell the humans later, they're asleep right now. Like you should be." He said.

*   *   *   *

"Kid, you don't need to be so hard on yourself. What you need is to rest up and take a break. If they're depending on you to find their jewels, they can be fucking patient while you heal. Or better yet, do it themselves. And by God I know they heard me because of them watching your every move." Springtrap said aggressively.

This was shocking for the Decepticons to hear. For Sky had never told any of her friends about it. It made Quintessa furious that someone else was aware of them observing the human, and that this one was telling them to fuck off in a way. The others were silent as the rabbit then hugged Sky in a loving manner, which seemed to confuse her.

"Springtrap what are you doing?" She asked.

"Hugging you. Kid, just promise me you'll take it easy for a day or two. Please?" He asks sweetly.

The human smiled.

"Alright fine...you're right. They can be patient." Said Sky.

"Good girl." He hugs her tighter.

Quintessa yelled in anger, furious that she would now have to wait. That was, unless she sent Lockdown to kill her and retrieve the mini con. But it was too early for that. Once the human had all the gems, she would send him to eliminate her. Only 2 were left, so it would not be long before the bounty hunter could finally get his hands on her.

"So when you're resting tomorrow, I better not be catching you going out with the other humans. You'll need your strength to go against those robots" The animatronic told the human.

"Yeah yeah, I'll probably draw or some-That just gave me an idea on what to draw!" She said excitedly.

"Oh? What is it?" Springtrap asked.

"I can't say right now. But I'll need you, Bendy and Blue to stand still. I'll need to draw your outlines and a few details." She said.

Springtrap chuckled, "Very well. But when the sun is up, you need to sleep young lady."

"Okay DAD." Sky teased.

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