Sometimes Love Needs A Little...

By QuickPuckabray

9.4K 172 11


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 3

732 13 0
By QuickPuckabray

Quinn sat on the bleachers looking down at the football field. She could see Finn practising with Coach Beiste and a few other football players. It wasn't an official practise, so most of the team wasn't there. She watched his tall form throw the ball over most of the field and another of the players effortlessly catch it. She found some sort of comfort watching him play football and it helped her clear her head.

On her mind was what had happened in Glee Club. She was tired of having the reputation of a cheater, just because she'd made a few mistakes in the past. No one believed a word she said, despite the fact she was telling the truth when she said she wasn't cheating on Finn with Sam. What annoyed her most, was the way that Rachel humiliated her in front of everyone. Reminding them all of the terrible things she had done in the past.

If what Rachel had done in Glee wasn't bad enough, she was currently sitting further down the bleachers watching the football players. There was not a doubt in Quinn's mind that she was watching Finn and that enraged her even more. Rachel needed to respect that fact that Quinn was in a relationship with Finn. She needed to back off and let them be happy, otherwise they would be having more problems soon. She watched the small brunette with anger in her eyes for a few moments before she was interrupted.

"If looks could kill, Rachel Berry would be no longer with us." A familiar voice came from behind Quinn. The person then stepped onto the seat next to Quinn and sat next to her.

"If only we were so lucky." Quinn joked, not needing to look at the boy to know it was him.

Puck looked down and chuckled at the girl. Quinn took her eyes off Rachel and looked at him, a smile playing on her own lips.

"What are you doing here, Puck?" She asked, though she didn't complain.

"You seemed upset after what happened in Glee Club." Puck shrugged and looked at her. She looked down at her hands as soon as their eyes met.

"Well wouldn't you?" Quinn asked quietly. "I'm never going to be able to forget about the mistakes I've made because I have Berry to remind me every day."

"Not every day..." Puck said. "Maybe every other day." He corrected with a smile. Quinn laughed slightly at his joke.

"No one's going to trust me ever again." Quinn stated while she played with her hands. "Especially not Finn. I've cheated on him before, so why wouldn't he think I'd do it again?"

"I just want you to know," Puck turned to Quinn so he could look at her, even though she wasn't looking at him. "I believe you when you say you haven't cheated on Finn."

"Really?" Quinn asked, looking up and locking eyes with Puck.

"Really." He nodded in confirmation. "Quinn, you're a good person. You're beautiful, inside and out. If Finn doesn't trust you, then to hell with him, it doesn't matter. You need a guy who would trust you, no matter what you say. If you give him your word, he should believe it without question. If Finn doesn't, it's his loss."

"Thanks, Puck." Quinn said quietly with a small smile.

"It's no problem."

"So you really believe me?" She asked, hopefully.

"Without a doubt." Puck nodded and rubbed Quinn's hand reassuringly.

"Finn's a great guy," Quinn said, looking down at the field where Finn continued working hard. "And, don't get me wrong, I'm happy with him; it's just..." She paused to think and took a deep breath. "I wish he would trust me. You see him when he's dating Rachel, and he believes every word that comes out of her annoying little mouth." Tears filled Quinn's eyes as it all got too much for her.

Puck pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back reassuringly. "It's OK." He assured her.

"But when he's with me," Quinn continued, her voice weak with tears. "He doesn't believe me. He believes stupid rumours that, most of the time, he finds out from that hobbit!" Quinn pointed towards Rachel from over her shoulder. Puck pulled away and looked into her eyes.

"Quinn, listen to me," He said seriously. "Relationships are built on trust, so if he doesn't trust you, it's his own loss."

"You're right." Quinn nodded and wiped a tear from her cheek. "Maybe I'll speak to him about it to hear his thoughts. If he doesn't think he can trust me," Quinn lifted a shoulder sadly. "I suppose it won't work out."

Puck smiled at her sadly, though inside he felt hope. Hope that maybe it will be easier to break up Finn and Quinn than he initially thought.

"Thanks for helping me Puck." Quinn smiled and wrapped her arms around Puck.

"I'm happy to help."

Quinn searched the halls for any sign of Finn, but he was nowhere to be found. She was now checking places she'd already been, but he still wasn't there. She walked past his locker and saw Kurt down the hall. She walked towards him and stopped by Kurt's locker.

"Quinn Fabray," Kurt said when he realised she was waiting for him. "To what do I owe the honour?"

"Have you seen Finn?" She asked.

"Ah, my idiotic, yet oddly charming step-brother." Kurt smiled. Quinn frowned at him so he continued. "He was walking towards the choir room earlier."

"Thank you." Quinn said quickly as she was already walking down the hall.

When she reached the doorway to the choir room, she slowed down and peered in. Finn was sat on the piano stool, staring thoughtfully at the keys. Quinn knocked on the open door to gain his attention. He looked up at her in surprise and smiled slightly.

"Can I join you?" She asked as she stepped into the room.

"Of course." Finn waved her over and continued to stare at the piano.

"I think we need to talk." She said as she leant against the piano.

"I think we do." Finn nodded. "You first."

"I was talking to Puck earlier," She started. "And he reminded me that a relationship is built on trust." Quinn looked down sadly. "I don't think you trust me."

"It's not that." Finn sighed and looked down. "It's just that you've done it before-"

"But I learned my lesson!" Quinn assured him, tears somehow finding their way into her eyes. It hurt her knowing he didn't trust her.

"I know, Quinn." Finn said softly. "But when I saw you in that motel with Sam, it was hard not to think there was something going on."

Quinn nodded, understanding where he was coming from. "But you have to believe me, there is nothing going on."

"I know that now," Finn assured her. "Sam told me about the whole losing his house thing."

"So the only reason you believe me is because you have proof now, not because you trust my word." Quinn mumbled as she played with her hands.

Finn sighed and slid along the seat so there was room next to him. He then patted the new space so Quinn could sit down. Quinn walked over and reluctantly sat next to him.

"Quinn, you do understand why I would get jealous don't you?" Finn asked as he put his hand on Quinn's knee.

"Because you don't trust me."

"No, it's not that." Finn wrapped an arm around Quinn. "It's because, look at you. You're absolutely beautiful; and your personality is just as beautiful as your looks. I suppose, it's hard for me to believe that no other guy would do anything to be with you."

Quinn smiled slightly and looked at Finn. "That's really why you're worried? Because you're scared other guys like me?"

Finn nodded and Quinn's smile grew. She stood up and and walked to the other side of Finn, taking a seat on his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Finn, you don't need to worry." She assured him, resting her forehead against Finn's. "Even if other guys did like me, I only have eyes for you."

"Really?" Finn asked as he wrapped his arms around Quinn's waist.

"Of course." She nodded. "You're one charming quarterback."

Finn pulled his signature half-smile and closed the small gap between them. He pressed his lips against Quinn's and put his hand through her hair. Quinn smiled against Finn's lips as she pulled away.

"I love you, Finn." Quinn smiled.

"I love you too."

Rachel wandered through the halls, searching for Finn. She hadn't spoken to him since she had sung 'Go Your Own Way' to the Glee club and she didn't know how he felt about it. As she turned a corner, she spotted Finn routing around in his locker for some books. She walked towards him and leant against the locker next to him until he gave her his attention.

"Oh, Hey Rach." He pulled his half-smile and looked down at her. "What's up?"

"I'm glad you asked." Rachel replied with a smile, he didn't seem mad at her like Quinn was. "I've been putting a lot of thought into song ideas for our duet at nationals and-"

"I think Quinn made it quite clear we won't be singing a duet together at nationals, Rachel." Finn interrupted, though he didn't seem happy about it.

"You're seriously going to let her control you like that?" Rachel asked disapprovingly with a frown.

"I'm not letting her control me."

"No, you're just doing what she tells you while she isn't thinking of your happiness." Rachel corrected.

"No, I'm doing what I have to do to make my relationship work." Finn closed his locker door and began walking down the hall. Rachel rolled her eyes tiredly and walked after him.

"Finn, I know relationships take sacrifice, but I think sacrificing your happiness is taking it a little far."

"Quinn makes me happy." Finn stated. Rachel felt a pang of pain hit her chest. She couldn't help feeling that Finn said that just to get a cruel dig at her.

"Quinn shouldn't be the only thing that makes you happy, Finn." Rachel reminded him. She almost had to run to keep up with his long strides.

Finn sighed and stopped walking, turning to face Rachel. "You don't think I know that?"

"Then why are you going along with this?" Rachel asked him.

"Because that's what will make her happy and feel comfortable." Finn told her.

"Quinn has no right to tell you what to do, just so that she feels more comfortable that nothing is happening between us."

"Just like the time when you tried to keep me off the football team so you would 'feel more comfortable?'" Finn retorted.

"That was a completely different situation." Rachel argued.

"Was it? You know something Rachel, I think you're a little hypocritical. Back when we were dating, you tried to make me choose between you and football; now Quinn is making me choose between her and a duet with you. They are the exact same situations! Apart from when Quinn feels insecure, it's unacceptable."

Rachel looked down to avoid Finn's eyes. "A girl like Quinn would never feel insecure." She said quietly. "She's just doing this because she hates me."

"No she isn't!" Finn sighed and ran a stressful hand through his hair. "Look Rachel, Quinn wants to be with me and you've made it no secret that you do too. Quinn is doing anything in her power to keep me from going back to you and, honestly, I understand why she's doing it. I think you just need to accept that and stop playing the victim in this whole situation!"

"A thousand years." Rachel said quietly as she looked up at Finn. "By Christina Perri."

"What?" Finn asked in confusion.

"That's the song I thought we could sing at nationals." Rachel watched as Finn's face turned from anger to apologetic.

She didn't wait to see what his next words would be, she turned around and walked away from him.

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