The Royal Payne (One Directio...

By Lunermoon12

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I’m not very fond of the royal family. (Which happen to be One Direction). I find that they are sometimes a b... More

The Royal Payne (One Direction)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Six

1.2K 20 12
By Lunermoon12

Scarlet's P.O.V

A month after the dinner and ball, and my life just kept getting worse. After Edward had kissed me, Harry was so angry, and he decided to treat me like the rich do to the servants. And I know he’s the rich and I’m the servant, but what I mean is, he just turned horrible. And he expects me to love him?

Oh, and you want to know what else happened at the ball? We found out that Zayn has a newly made arranged marriage. He has to marry Princess Perrie, and we haven’t sorted out the Holly and April mess great life, isn’t it?

Anyway, so everyone knows how much Harry hates me, and vice versa. So, when April came in this morning asking me to look after Harry, because he has gotten quite ill, I was surprised.

“Why me?” I asked, as I smoothed out any wrinkles on Prince Liam’s bed. Oh, and I had gone back to being a servant for all of them. Why? I have no clue.

“Because you are the only one who can handle Harry properly. And because you are the only girl in the kingdom that doesn’t love him or has never loved him”

And why, when she said that, did I feel like she was wrong? I shook my head to get rid of the thought. “Fine, I’ll do it, but if he pushes me too far… I won’t be doing it”

April thought for a moment and nodded, “I guess that’s fair. He’s in his room, if you can get there before the Doctor leaves, then he can tell you what to do”

I nodded, and headed out of the room, I sighed, before heading into Harry’s room. The sight shocked me, Harry was lying in bed, quite pale looking, and kept muttering stuff. His curls were stuck to his forehead, covered in his sweat, and he was breathing heavy.

How long had he been like this? I looked at the doctor, who smiled at me, “I’m Doctor Brezen”

“Scarlet” I replied back, “So, how do I look after him?”

I already knew the answer, as I had looked after my younger and older siblings when they had gotten a fever, but I decided that it was best just to ask. “He’s been ill for the past four days” Which was when I realized that it had been four days since I had last seen Harry. “The fever should resolve itself, but someone needs to stay with him, in the room, the other maids are too worried about catching it themselves. But” said Doctor Brezen. Of course there was a but there always is “He’s worse than he should be, he keeps slipping in and out of consciousness, and keeps muttering. Also, his blood shows signs of being bitten and infected by a plague ridden rat”

“He could die…” I said quietly.

He nodded, “Yes he could, but, we need to do all we can to help him. Okay, there’s a cloth and a bucket of ice cold water” he pointed to a bench, which had the bucket and rag sitting on it. “There’s a bucket for him to throw up in if he needs to” he pointed to a bucket on the ground. “Mostly, you just need to keep him cool when he feels hot and hot when he feels cool, and keep him company”

I nodded, “I can do that”

The Doctor smiled, “Good, I’ll be back in two days to see how you’re going. Good day”

Before I could say anything else, he was out the door. I walked over to Harry, “Hey Harry” I said, as I dipped the rag in the bucket of water, before wringing it out.

“Scarlet…” Harry’s voice was weak. He sounded like a little kid, and his accent was thicker. “I got bitten by a rat”

I nodded, as I went to the job of cleaning his face and his curls which were covered in his sweat. Harry closed his eyes, and a smile appeared on his face, which showed off his dimples. “It feels… nice when you run your hands through my hair”

“I’m only doing that because you don’t want sweat covered hair” I replied. “And I need to get it out”

“Maybe… sweat hair… more often…” muttered Harry before he slipped into unconsciousness.

When I had finished cleaning his face, and his curls, I sat down on a chair and rested my head on the table, where I watched Harry until I fell asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of vomiting. I got up and managed to light a candle, where I found Harry standing up, and puking into the bucket. I wrinkled my nose in disgust, I hated the stench of vomit, and just watching someone did it, I shuddered.

I walked over to Harry and patted his back after a few moments he stopped and sat down onto the bed, putting his head in his hands. “My head hurts so badly” he mumbled.

“You’re sick and you’ve been bitten by a rat” I said.

Harry looked up at me, his once shining green eyes, dull and lifeless. “It had plague, didn’t it?”

I nodded, “Yeah” I said quietly.

“It’s going to kill me, isn’t it?” Harry asked quietly.

“No!” I said, “Don’t think like that! If you’re strong enough and if you have something that you want to keep living for you’ll make it through”

He nodded, “I do have something to keep living for” Harry was quiet for a few moments before speaking again, “So tell me about your family”

I looked at him, “Why do you want to tell me about my family?”

“Because there is nothing else to do” replied Harry before he lay back down on the bed and pulled the covers over himself. I went to sit down on the chair when he patted the space next to him on the bed. “Come here, it’s more comfortable”

“I-I can’t” I said, “You’re sick and I’ll catch what you’ve got also you need all the space you can get to lie down”

Harry gave me a look, “What I have is not air… airborne…”

I could tell he was starting to slip into unconsciousness; I just have to stay with him for a few minutes while he falls asleep, and then I can go sit on the chair. I carefully lay down on the bed, and he gave me a small smile, one which didn’t show his dimples.

“Your family?” Harry asked.

I took a deep breath, “What about them?”

“Tell me about your siblings” he replied.

“I have an older sister Elizabeth, though she di… she died a few months ago, in childbirth. She was Prince Louis’ age, and left behind an infant baby daughter, and took the infant baby boy wi-with her,” I could feel the tears coming on, but I told myself I would not cry in front of Harry, “I have an older sibling, James, he’s only a year older and has a girlfriend. He was probably my favourite out of all of them.  He actually listens unlike most of my family, and will do anything for you, and is quite gullible… He has always hated studying. He works with the town bakery”

This caused Harry to burst out laughing, I gave him a strange look, “Sorry” he replied “It’s just that I’ve always wanted to work in a bakery, so it’s funny that your brother does, maybe…maybe he can show me how it works one… day… Please continue…” I could tell Harry was fighting himself to stay awake. But why? My family must be one of the most boring things that he has heard about.

“Then there’s the twins Rosemary and Annie. They are identical twins, and have completely different personalities, but if they don’t want you to know which is which, they can be each other easy. Rosemary is the quiet one, who prefers studying, and Annie wishes that she was born a boy, as she believes she can do anything a boy can, but when they try to convince her otherwise, she just gets more determined. Right now she’s trying to convince the boys down the street to let her play with them. Elizabeth was like Annie until she turned 15 and after liking a boy, started to become more feminine, and Annie lost one of the few people that actually understand her”

And then there’s little Charles, who is only three, and, he’s very quiet, and doesn’t cry often. He gets along with Rosemary more than Annie, we don’t understand why though”

Harry smiled back at me, “I can tell… That you…” he was quiet for a few moments, “Are so proud... proud of your family and where you come from…”

Harry was on the edge of slipping into unconsciousness and he definitely didn’t want too. “I’ve got a question” he yawned before continuing, “Would you… would you like to go…”

And then he was silent, I quickly placed my hand against his chest and let go of a breath I didn’t know I had been holding. He was still alive and had just slipped into unconsciousness. But what had he been about to ask me?

A/N: Can any of you guess what Harry had gone to ask Scarlet? First one to guess right, gets the dedication for the next chapter. xx

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