Baby Scars (Ashley Purdy)

By RocksidePrincess

30.3K 1.2K 135

Scarlett was a depressed 21 year old girl, she has been filled with vile fear of her mother and the fear of l... More

The Abandoned
The Decieved
The Burden.
Fallen Angel
Second And Sebring
Sugar, we're going down
Trade Mistakes
Lonely Girl
The Only Exception
Rum or Whiskey?
New neighbors, new problems
Sleep Tight
New Me..
The Bike
I Believe, That We All Fall Down Sometimes..
Have You Seen this Girl?
The Future
I am your worst nightmare.
I can't take another heart break.

Nobody's Hero

1.4K 56 0
By RocksidePrincess

Eventually, tour ended. And now I'm stuck in the studio writing. It's so exausting.. "Peek a boo!"Hands covered my eyes and the first thing I smelt was starbucks. I laugh "Hmm.. is this the guy from starbucks who hits on me? Or is this Ashley my boyfriend?"I giggle and felt lips on mine. "Can you take a guess.."He says with his lips barely off mine. "Starbucks guy."I laugh and Ashley uncovered my eyes. I take my coffee and smile as he sat down next to me. "So watcha writin darling?"He smiled taking my notebook and read my song. "God this is.. uhm.. good?"I roll my eyes. "I know it sucks. You don't have to lie."I laugh and crumble my paper throwing it at the trashcan. "Here let me help you."He takes a piece of paper and my pen and started writing. I peak over his shoulder and he looks up at me. "Can I help you?"He laughs. "Just wanna see what you're writing."I laugh. "Nope. Sip your starbucks sexy."He smirked. I roll my eyes and sip my coffee tasting the hot warm liquid slipping down my throat. I watch him writing and he was really concentrated.

Soon enough he was finished with his writing process. He shows me what he wrote and my jaw drops at the melodic metaphors he had written. Tears fill my eyes and he laughs wiping my eyes. "Babe it's not that good."He says. I whined and put the notebook down. "Bullshit."I say and laugh myself. "God I'm such an emotional wreck.."I say with complete honesty. Ashley put his hands on my shoulders looking me dead in the eyes. "You're emotional over a song I wrote?"He says. I realised where he was going with this..

A while back, when we were still on tour, I got a call from my mom and my father had passed away. I was destroyed. I couldn't think. because all I wanted more is for my father to get better. So he could see the girl I became. But he'll never get to. Anyway, I wouldn't talk to Ashley at all.. as a matter of fact, I didn't talk to anybody.. I got kicked out of my band because I wasn't doing anything to make the band "better" when it was my band in the first place. I honestly didn't give a shit.. so I started my own thing with Ashley. We called it "Lovelust" and it was truly something worth expierencing. But this wasn't what Ashley was reminding me of..

About a month after tour, He took me to his apartment. And, well we had sex. What a "bombshell" I know. But I realised then that Ashley was the one for me. Despite our differences we fit together like the ying and yang symbol. He was the fill for the hole in heart. And due to that , I'm an emotional wreck.. everything sweet he does for me I cry about. Well, not everything.. but this song for instance.. "..Youre pale inviting eyes, down to your drained flawed lip lines, I promise you i'll never leave because you're all I have to keep me going strong.." Tell me that isn't worth crying for. The point is, I love Ashley. He made me feel like I was important. Like I said he made me an emotional wreck. Back to reality Scarlett..

I sigh and take his hands off my shoulders. "Ashley.. you know why.. I never had someone who loved me as much as you do.. and this song is fucking amazing."I say and wipe my eyes once more. He smiled and kissed me softly. His lips always moved in a certain way that was extremely different than other boys I've kissed. They were soft, and inviting.. and he moved them slowly and carefully. He brought pleasure to me everytime he'd kiss me. We both pull away and he kissed my forehead. "Well, let's finish this song baby girl.. we have dinner later on with my family."He smiles and I nodded. "Yeah lets finish the song.."I say and get up going with him into the recording studio.

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