By Munaari

23.7K 2.4K 385

Munaar Ahmad is your typical example of a Muslim Fulani teenage girl living her life to the fullest, the way... More

#knowing your characters
chapter one🌸
chapter 2🌸
chapter 3🌸
chapter 4🌸
chapter 6🌸
chapter 7🌸
chapter 8🌸
chapter 9🌸
chapter 10🌸
chapter 11🌸
chapter 12🌸
Apologies 😭😭
chapter 13🌸
chapter 14🌸
chapter 15🌸
chapter 16β™₯
chapter 17β™₯
chapter 18β™₯
chapter 19β™₯
chapter 20β™₯
chapter 21β™₯
chapter 22β™₯️
chapter 23πŸ–€
chapter 24πŸ–€
chapter 25πŸ–€
chapter 26πŸ–€
chapter 27 πŸ–€
chapter 28πŸ–€
Chapter 29πŸ–€
Chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32

chapter 5🌸

571 69 2
By Munaari

*peeks through curtain* *comes into the room* *covers face in embarrassment*

I am so sorry for keeping you hafastuhh waiting......

Here's an update just for you habibties 💖 😘
Munaari loves you all 💖 🔥 💖


Soundtrack: Morell, Sure

I woke up panting hard and trying to catch my breath, I felt my forehead and wiped the sweat beads that had appeared. I turned and checked the time on Maami's bedside clock, 5:30 am, just a few minutes till fajr prayer, I lay back on the pillow and tried to recall the dream, hell it wasn't a dream, it was a frigging nightmare, I know i was running in a dark place, but i didn't recall what was following me....but it looked like I was running away from something, rather someone,I tried and tried but I couldn't recall anything.

I look at maamis peaceful sleeping figure and a smile crept up my face, she looked so peaceful and serene.

I went to bathroom and performed ablution, I came out and took one of Maami's flamboyant hejabs, I put it on and prayed two raka'ah nafls praying to Allah to ease my ways.

I took out a quran and opened to surah tel yaseen and recited in a low tune, the adhan for fajr prayer blared and Maami stirred in her sleep, she woke up and sat on the bed, muttering some adhkars before turning to me.

"Habibty, you are up already?"

"Yes maami, I prayed some nafls" I flashed her a grin

"Masha Allah! That's great, my baby is growing. ..."she teased and I ducked my head.

"Maami stop...." I said and blushed knowing where that might lead to, suddenly the nightmare flashed again in my memory, but I couldn't recall anything, she sensed my unease and asked

"So what woke you up? "

"Maami I had a nightmare"

"Care to share it?" She asked

"I can't remember a thing, but it was scary..." I said.

"Okk....pray to Allah, only he knows what it meant." And I nodded, she went to the bathroom to perform ablution and I stood up to pray my fajr.


A / N : I want to try writing in third person, but I don't know if it'll work, so....😂😂😂
Read on!
Traditionally, the bride isn't to be present on the day her kayan lefe are brought, but remember, this is a fictional story, so anything is possible😉

After fajr, Munaar went to her room, and woke the girls for prayer, they prayed and recited quran together.
Today was the day her in laws were bringing her kayan lefe, so they all took their baths and wore simple clothes then they helped Maami and the maids in the kitchen to prepare food for the guests.

They made lots of food and drinks, and a lot of tidying up was done, Goggo fadi and Goggo Meiramu came over with her cousins, and some other aunties and cousins too, later around 11:00am, they all went back upstairs after they had finished all the preparations.

They took their baths in turns and dressed up munaar. She had on a red and grey ankara A line  gown sewn with stone works all the way up front, and Hafsah tied her dankwali ( head tie, scarf) in a turban style, she wore a matching veil and simple makeup,just eyeliner and some lipgloss, she sprayed loads of bakhour, and she was good to go.

Maami summoned her to her room and gave her some talks about how to behave in front of the in laws.

All the talk was making her nervous.

At 1:30 PM, after Dhuhr, the in laws arrived.


A/ N : now I'm gonna go back to Munaar ' s p.o.v.😂😂

I was sitting in my room with my cousins and best friends, we snapped loads of pictures and we were just gisting and making fun, they were teasing me endlessly.

Then goggo fadimatu came in to tell us, they had arrived, they meaning, my potential in-laws.

Immediately, all the fun and cheer in my life vanished, I felt like I was being thrown into a pit, a deep dark pit.

My stomach started churning and I started to perspire rapidly, my breaths were coming  in heaves and the world started moving around me, I was just hearing voices and I almost blacked out when nanah noticed, she pulled me into a hug and rubbed circles on my back.

She whispered soothing words into my ear and I gained half of my courage back, they all left the room to me and went downstairs to greet the in-laws and see the kayan lefe, and all that.

I took my phone and started scrolling through my instagram feeds. And a notification popped up,

From Nana.

Nanah : omo girl you are lucckkkky😲😉😄💃
Me : what?😒
Nanah : a frigging car keyyyyy! 😍🙌🙆
Me : umm....so?..where?
Nanah : in yhur kayan lefe dude🙆😍💃
Me : so I should tear pant?
Nanah : hmm...ke dai akwai gist later.
Me: ohk😡

It seemed like hours and hours before Maami and Goggo Meiramu came to tell me to go downstairs, my mother in law and some of Nour's aunties want to see their bride.

Goggo meiramu adjusted my veil on our way downstairs and told me some courage boosting speeches....I smiled at her and ducked my head as I salammed my way into the front living room.

All eyes were suddenly on me, Goggo Meiramu directed me to a place near Ammi(Nour's mum) and I squatted down in respect.

"Ina wuni Ammi (good afternoon)" I said in a shy timid voice I never knew I had.

" A'ah, Munaar, lafiya qalau.....you don't need to squat down to greet me....Please tashi (stand up) kinji.... I am also your mum ai" she said and engulfed me in a hug, her scent enveloped me. She broke the hug and kissed my forehead.

The whole parlour went into an uproar of yodelling.

She sat back on the sofa and I sat at her foot and lowered my head, playing with the hem of my veil.

"I know we are rushing you into this but I want to hear your views too....are you happy about this, do you want to marry my son?" She asked, the sincerity coating her words.

I looked up a little and I saw Maami's worried look. Her eyes were begging me to stay positive, even though I wanted to say no, I found myself nodding my head. She smiled and pat the top of my head affectionately.

"Toh alhamdulillaah, I am sure I am not making a wrong choice....Munaar, take me as your mom not your mother in law. ....bana son surkuta. ...kinji.."

" Toh Ammi.....inshallah" I squeaked and they all yodelled, when in reality most of them sounded like toads with a sore throat. I just wanted to stick my fingers in my ears.

" yawwa 'ya ta (my daughter) Allah hafiz habibty"

I greeted the aunties individually and they all welcomed me warmly, and they showered me with words of praises and bla bla bla, what aunties do

I'm sure half of them didn't mean it.

Except for one fair lady, Anty Furera... Nour's Paternal aunt, I knee her because she was Muniba's mom. Muniba was Ashe's cousin and bestfriend. a.k.a, partner in bitchiness.

Anty Furera did not masked her dislike for me,  she wringed her face in disgust and glared at me...without answering my greetings. I mentally shrugged it off and proceeded to the other aunties.

Mehn, they were alot of them.

After all the greetings and all...we the young ladies, including those from nours side go to The backyard to get to know each other and left the older ones with them Maami.

I saw Ashe...does the name ring a bell? Yh! Nour's sister with her minions(her friends).... though, I must say she looked utterly stunning in her mustard yellow lace sewn into a perfect fitted gown that clung to her body like a second skin and her flawless makeup...If only she was as beautiful as she was on the inside as the outside.


She came iver to me and flashed an evil grin....together with her cousin...Muniba, that I hate like die.
She wore a moss green and red atampa with a red turban.

"Hlo there sis Inlaw, how are you....?"
I mentally roll my eyes and mutter a dua for Allah to help me.

"I'm fine, what do you want Ashe?" I said scrutinising her face.

"Peace!........... let go of my brother"

"I don't get you?"

"I mean you could just say you don't wanna get married to him, and pronto! The wedding would be called off, but no, you wouldn't because you know you won't get such opportunity again in your excuse of a lifetime"......

Wait! Is this bitch Trying to insult me in my own fathers house backyard?! Like wtf!?!

I breath in to calm my nerves because she really was getting on them.

"I know right, didn't you see how she was being extra nice to them Ammi because, she knows Idan tayi sake zei bar ta (if she does any wring move she's gonna lose it)"...The bitch, muniba said

"Umm, excuse me....you guys can't come here and try to humiliate me and go scot free fah, where exactly are you girls trying to head? What the hell do you mean?" I said in a not so nice way.

Okay yh, I said it in a very rude way. But c'mon this is Ashe we're talking.

"We mean to say.....you, Munaar Ahmad Bawuro, are after Muhammad Nour Ngabura's wealth, fame and.....munibae comete it...." Ashe said and looks over at munibah, aka munibae, aka munibitch.

" and good looks, because you know marrying him will do your sorry life good....damn you are a gold digger bitch." She says in her thick American accent, she's lived there all her life. And is only back for the wedding.

"Ohh really?..... I never knew I was Ila gold digging bitch......well thanks for letting me know, I'll put that in mind, but let me also tell you something, you..... you guys are pathetic losers, I mean who calls a girl who is gonna get FORCEFULLY married to her brother and cousin a gold digger, before the marriage, when actually she doesn't even wanna marry him, just doing it for the parents. So abeg before you go saying stuff, try and look at yourselves first.....losers. " and with that, I snapped my fingers and sauntered off into the house taking care to sashay into the door, to meet up with them Nana and my cousins.

Soon, they were summoned to go
When we were bidding them bye, Ammi gave me a gift bag and she hugged me tightly, the aunties do the same and they left, the looks on Ashe and munibitch's face were very funny.

So satisfying.

We went back and tidied up everything, my friends and cousins go and have a look at my kayan lefe for them selves...Goggo fadi and Goggo Meiramu and the rest aunties left to their various house after teasing me endlessly with stuff like.
"Kinyi sa'a miji..."

All my sisters and cousins went back to their houses and my friends and I go to my room...we gist about how extravagant the stuff were, there even was a key to a mercedes benz s63 AMG
A box full of diamond and gold jewellery, two dozen boxes, and loads of bakhour, but like seriously what else were they expecting, we are talking about kanuris here ohhh.

Frigging rich kanuris, soo....*shrugs*

We gist, and made last minute preparations and got ready for bed, the gift bag Ammi gave me earlier contained some bottled humrah and a quran.

We snapped pictures and have a little pajama, bridal shower with my cousins and best friends in my room.

We sleep one by one and I sleep last, with a heavy heart, praying to Allah to make tomorrow full of khayr, tomorrow is my wedding day and I can't just believe it!

Last week I was a normal teenage girl and today I am getting married tomorrow

I pray to Allah to make my new life, blessed and full of khayr and letbhim shine his light upon me... ya Allah, make it work I whisper over and over, till sleep, being the theif it was, took me away.


Dum Dum Dum!
Final chapter before she turns Mrs.Munaar Ahmad Ngabura.......

Haye Allah over two thousand words!

Thanks for reading,
Vote, comment and share. ...don't forget to love💖

Munaari loves you all 💖 💖 💖.

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