Boss's Ex Personal Assistant

By TMSaunders

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BOOK TWO: BOSS'S EX PERSONAL ASSISTANT... FROM THE BOSS'S COLLECTION... It's been five years since Riley left... More

Wyatt and Riley
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Coming Soon Book Three

Chapter 25

18.5K 608 30
By TMSaunders


After Wyatt left this morning to go to the office, I felt unwell.

I was being sick and couldn't stop, I knew Wyatt had a few meetings and had a very busy day.

I got Alex ready and gave him his breakfast, but I just can't stop being sick.

I felt achy and had no energy, I thought it was the stress of the wedding.

I'm so worried that Wyatt will say something to his parents that he's going to regret, that's why I don't want him arguing with them, but his mother is very demanding.

Lunch time came and I'm still being sick. What the fuck is wrong with me, I can't keep anything down.

I phoned my dad.

"Hey, sweetheart".

"Hi, dad. Could you and uncle Dayne come over?".

"What's wrong Riley?".

"I'm not feeling well... I keep being sick".

"Riley we'll be with you in ten minutes...Get ready because I'm taking you to the hospital".

"Thank you dad".

A while later my father and my uncle Dayne walk into the lounge and I'm still being sick.

"Dayne's watching Alex, come on sweetheart let's get you to the hospital".

My father carries me out to his truck and sits me in the back.

We reach the hospital, and I'm waiting to see a doctor.

"Dad could you give Wyatt a call please and let him know what's happening?".

My father nods and walks off to phone Wyatt.

The doctor walks in and gets the nurse to take some blood.

"Riley, you look exhausted... Have you been resting?" the doctor asks.

"I'm just a little stressed out about the wedding, so I haven't been resting as much".

My doctor looks at me and shakes his head.

"I will be back in a little while with the results.... And for god sake rest".

The doctor leaves and my father walks back into the room.

"Wyatt is on his way".

"He didn't have to come, I just wanted him to know what was going on".

"Well Riley, I think Wyatt cares for you a lot more than you think".

I'm sick again, I look at my father.

"I know he cares and loves me... But".

"But what?". My father says with a stern voice.

"Wyatt's mother is stressing me out, I'm at the point of calling the wedding off.... I can't have him arguing with his parents, because of me... That just isn't right".

"You should talk to Wyatt, I'm sure he will listen to you".

I lean my head back on the pillow thinking about all the times I've tried to talk to Wyatt about his mother.

I was still being sick when Wyatt walked into the room.

I was so pleased to see him, and he looked very fucking hot in his suit.

He stood beside me and smoothed my hair to relax me.

I was so happy that Wyatt was with me, but I needed to speak to him about his mother.

The doctor came in and when he told me I was pregnant I had a smile on my face from ear to ear. I looked at Wyatt and he looked shocked.

I had to ask him if he was alright with having another baby, and when he looked at me with a excited smile I knew he was happy.

We told Alex and he was so happy that he was going to be a big brother.

Four Weeks Later

I'm shopping with Grace and getting a few bits for the wedding because we are getting married in a couple of months.

Wyatt is with Ashley having a suit fitting, we are meeting up with them at the restaurant when we finish shopping.

Wyatt and I haven't said anything to anyone about the baby, so we thought we would let Ashley and Grace know when we all meet at the restaurant.

We had finished shopping and Grace and I walk into the restaurant, I looked at Wyatt and he walks over to me and takes my bags.

We all sit and order drinks. But when Grace asked for water and not wine, I looked at Wyatt and he looked at me and we smiled.

But what was funny is when we told them about the baby, they said they were pregnant too.

I was so excited for them, and Grace looked like she was glowing.

I know they'll be good parents because they've looked after Alex enough times.

It's early evening and I'm laid on the bed in a shirt resting and Wyatt is sat up leaning against the headboard beside me on his laptop.

Alex is at my fathers for the night, he wanted to stay with his granddad.

I look up at Wyatt and smile, he takes his glasses off and puts them on his laptop, he then places his laptop on the side and turns to face me.

We kiss passionately, I push him on to his back and sit over him rubbing myself up and down on his cock.

He slightly lifts my hips and pushes his shorts down and kicks them off.

He pulls my shirt off and looks at me.

"Riley, you're teasing me again".

I start to move my hips and lean forward slightly to guide his long thick cock into my cunt.

I sat back down on him and moved my hips and ride him.

"You love it when I tease you".

"Yes, I do... But it's all the time. I really can't keep my hands of you".

I start to moan and kissing his chest, he felt so fucking good and looked so fucking delicious.

I traced his tattoo and kissed it, looking at his tattoo turned me on more and he wrapped his arms around me, and we made love for a few hours, It felt so loving and filled with passion, need and want.

We have a shower and lay in bed holding each other.

I woke early because I wasn't feeling well and had to run to the bathroom to be sick.

I had my head over the toilet when Wyatt pulled my hair back off my face and held it. He rubbed my back and when I was finished, he handed me a towel to wipe my mouth.

I cleaned my teeth.

"Thank you, Wyatt.",

He kissed me on the head and smiled.

"You should rest... Alex won't be home till this afternoon.... And I'll be back at lunch time".

"Wyatt, you haven't got to come home at lunch".

"Yes, I do, I need to make sure you're resting".

I look at him and roll my eyes, he slaps my ass.

I get in the shower. Wyatt is having a wet shave over his sink.

I stood in the shower watching him, watching this sexy man, and I'm getting turned on, with his muscles tensing every time he moved. He's stood in his boxer and I start to lick my lips.

Fuck I'm turning into a crazed sex maniac. I started to caress my tits and Wyatt looks at me through the mirror.

"Riley, please I'm trying to shave... My poor cock". He says whilst smiling at me.

I just couldn't help myself.

"You shouldn't look so sexy then".

He put his razor down and takes his boxers off. He gets in the shower with me.

"I'll have to finish shaving after I've made love to you".

He turns me around and opens my legs and rubs his hands up and down the inside of my thighs and pushes his rock-hard cock into my cunt.

"Oh god yeah". I scream out loud.

He kissed up my back as he pushed deeper into me and he starts to pound me. He was so turned on that he held me so fucking tight that I just continued to cum, my juices flowed, and I was wet.

When he finally came inside me, we both screamed loud with pleasure.

He turns me back around and kisses me.

"You are such a fucking tease".

I smile and finish my shower.

I get out and wrap a towel around myself, Wyatt wraps a towel around his waist and carries on shaving.

I dry myself and laid on the bed in one of Wyatt's shirts.

I don't know what's wrong with me, I want to make love again. My body seemed to be consumed with want.

I lay looking at the ceiling, and Wyatt climbs up over me and rests on his elbows. I look down his body and he's totally naked.

Fuck this man is naked, does he know what he's doing to me. I kissed him and traced my fingers down his abs to his rock hard ten-inch-thick cock.

I wanted it so bad I would do anything, to get what I wanted. But I wanted to taste him.

"Riley, you look so fucking sexy... I want you".

"I don't know what's wrong with me, I just want to make love all the time".

He looks at me with a sexy smile and raises a brow.

"Well I had better fill my fiancé's needs... And then you need to rest, you and the baby need to rest".

I bite my lip and that was it, we made love most of the morning. Wyatt never even made it to the office.

We are sat in the kitchen having lunch and Wyatt is looking over his quarterly reports.

"Fuck, what the fuck".

I look at him and he doesn't look happy.

"Wyatt, what's up?".

"My company has lost money in the last month.... And it's not a few thousand, it's fucking millions... What the fuck.... I need to sort this out and get the lawyers to get the paperwork to me".

I look at him shocked that he's upset and angry. I know he's got billions but losing millions isn't good.

"How are the hotels doing?". I ask.

"The hotel chain is making a lot of profit, but that actually is my own".

I look at him and smile.

"Wyatt, you are a really good businessman, just talk to the lawyers".

He stands up and puts one hand in his front pocket. I look at him and I know he's angry. That would be the only time he would put his hand in his pocket if he was angry.

"Riley, this is going to take a lot of meetings to sort this out and to get back what has been lost".

I look at him and shrugged my shoulders.

"Wyatt, I'm sure you'll sort it".

He looks at me and raises his voice slightly.

"I know I'll fucking sort it, but it's going to take a while".

I just look at him and he's so irate.

"I should never have took time off... This wouldn't have happened. I've been distracted". He says in a loud harsh tone.

I looked down at the floor with tears in my eyes thinking this was my fault. If only I didn't distract him and get him to look after me this wouldn't have happened, and now we are having another baby which is only more stress for him.

I blink back my tears. I needed fresh air, I stood up and walked towards my trophy room.

Wyatt was still stood with his hand in his pocket looking at his laptop.

I got my bike leathers on and walked out to the garage. I looked at my bikes and I was going to ride my baby, but I got on bad boy number two.

Now this bike is fast, I pushed it out to the drive and sat on him. I put my helmet on and revved.

Wyatt came running out and I looked at him and took off. I couldn't deal with the way he was acting and when he raised his voice it upset me.

I need to cool down and so does he. I might sound like a spoilt brat, but I needed to get out and clear my head. I really left because I would have said something that I probably would of regretted.

I get to the electric gates and they start to open, I look in my mirror and see Wyatt up at the top of the drive with his hands behind his head. I revved more and took off.

I was enjoying riding around the countryside. I stopped in a lay by and sat there for a while just thinking about everything.

Are we moving too fast? With a baby on the way and I wanted to get married before the baby came. I felt selfish and ashamed of what I was doing. I'm rushing Wyatt into marriage; do I wait till the baby is born? and then get married. Maybe I should have let his mother carry on with the wedding preparations and just gone with the flow.

I'm so fucking confused. I take my helmet off and just sit there for a while thinking.

My phone rings, I look at it and it's Wyatt's mother.

What the fuck does she want.

"Hello, Mrs Nash".

"Riley, I haven't heard from you... And Wyatt said he was going to let you know that I got a wedding planner for your wedding".

I'm in total shock, that Wyatt never told me he met up with his mother, and now this woman as got a fucking wedding planner.

"He never told me.... I've been busy".

"Well the wedding planner is sorting out things for next spring".

What the fuck, I have had enough.

"I won't be around in the spring... I want a June wedding".

"Riley, spring is the best time, and I know Wyatt would love a spring wedding".

I raised my voice.

"Well Wyatt will be there on his own, because I won't be there. I'm on tour with my team".

"You really need to give up your motorbikes. You are a woman not a man".

What the fuck is wrong with this woman. I'm so angry I get off my bike and start to pace.

"I will never give up my bikes".

"Riley, you will have too, if you want to marry Wyatt. I have had to go to the lawyers again and get the paperwork for the Marriage Contract and the Prenuptials. You won't be able to marry unless you sign".

"Well Mrs Nash, I will not be marrying Wyatt.... The wedding is off".

I hung up and had tears flowing down my cheeks. I'm so angry with myself, I can't let Wyatt fall out with his parents. I will not let it happen.

I put my helmet on and ride off again.

I get to a petrol station to fill up my bike.

I pull up to the pump and turn my bike off. I had people looking at me and I mean they were staring at me.

I took my helmet off and some of the men just stared at me.

I walked into the station to pay and I see my calendar hung up for sale.

I smiled and thought about the nude photos.

I shake my head.

I walk up to the desk to pay for my fuel, and the bloke behind the desk looked at me with his eyes widen.

"Riley Miller?".

"Yes, that's me".

"Would you sign my calendar?".

"Of course, I will".

I signed his calendar and paid for my fuel and walked back to my bike. I had a couple of men looking at it when I walked over. They looked at me with a shocked look.

"HI guys". I say.

"Nice bike.... I'm sure I've seen this bike before".

I look at him and smile, I fling my leg over and sit on the leather seat.

"Yep, you might have". I say.

He looks at me.

"Where's the rider?".

I laugh. He thought I was the Papillion passenger.

"That would be me".

He looked shocked.

"Nice to speak to you. Oh, I'm Riley Miller".

His face was a picture.

I put my helmet on and took off back home.

I need to speak to Wyatt.    

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