Each Cut A Little Deeper {Ale...

By P3nc3yPr3p

66.5K 2.2K 517

Her mothers dead. Her fathers abusive. The kids at school show her no mercy with the words they say, that see... More

Chapter One ~Done For~
Chapter Two ~Blown Away~
Chapter Three ~I'm Sorry~
Chapter Four ~Searching~
Chapter Five ~Wax Will Drip As So As Blood~
Chapter Six ~Can't Find My Place~
Chapter Seven ~Sillohettes Up On The Wall~
Chapter Nine ~Falling From The Skys~
Chapter Ten~Off The Cliff~
Chapter Eleven~AfterMath~
Chapter Twelve ~Horizons Lay At Bay~
Chapter Thirteen ~Walking With Fire~
Chapter Fourteen ~Head First For Halos~
Chapter Fifteen ~I See You Sitting Before Me~
Chapter Sixteen ~False Promises~
Chapter Seventeen ~Dead But Alive~
Chapter Eighteen ~Where Will I Be Waking Up Tomorrow Morning?~
Chapter Nineteen ~The Face Of Beauty~
Chapter Twenty ~Into our icy blues~
Never mind!!!

Chapter Eight ~Returing Home?~

3.7K 103 94
By P3nc3yPr3p


Today was theday that i'd be returning home, if my drunk ass father even remembers me. that or i'd get the shit beat out of me, i really don't want that to happen. but, its not like i could be like 'AYE Alex, I'm livin with you now' no, i cant. FUCK.....

''AYE Alex. I'm livin with you now?'' he questioned me. FUCK again with the thoughts out loud, really Luna? really! "no sorry i was thinking out loud, i mean long story... uhh, kidding?" he nodded his head as i heard a quiet tap on the door.

"Luna Jacobson, everything seems to be fine, you are free to leave as you please." he gave me a slight smile and left the room writing down something on his clipboard. "um... i have nothing to wear... ya know cause' they look like a red crayon jizzed all over them..." i spoke breaking the silence while turning to him.

he cracked that award winning smile i loved about him. "ya i brought you a pair of my sweat pants and a t-shirt, is that alright?" he asked. i smiled "well its better than walking out of here naked" i responded. that's when the weird grin appeared on his face, "well....." he grinned even more. "ALEX NO." i slapped his arm.

Alex got up from where he was sitting and dug into his dark green duffle bag. eventually he pulled out what was meant for me to wear home, or somewhere i dont know...

he handed the clothes to me, as i started to get up from the bed, and to the bathroom.

i got changed and looked to the mirror, everything came rushing back all at once, why? i dont know. all the memories alex let me forget, i never thought about any of it till now. again why? I DONT KNOW.

all the stupid flashbacks, all the stupid names. i belived them all because no one ever showed affection to me in any way shape or form. thats what broke me though. thats when i realized that i stopped ticking, like a clock.

thing is, with broken clocks you can tell exactly when they're broken.

exactly when they stop ticking.

with people, its not so easy to tell when they've stopped ticking.

sometimes you cant even tell when they're broken.

i pushed away the thoughts and ran my fingers through my hair. no, don't let your demons win. i pushed open the door and to where alex had stood before he moved over to my side as we walked through the door and out of the hospital.

"Luna" he said. i looked over at him "you're staying with me at my house. I AM NOT letting you stay int hat shit hole with that shit faced dad of yours" he exclaimed saying that lastpart with a little more forceful. i looked down at my hands, traceing the patterns of the prints of my fingers. i nodded my head. "we will get your belongings tomorrow" i noded my head once more.

we reached his small black car and got in, driving off, the ride was silent. but my mind surely wasnt. my mind was anything but silent, screaming powerful words my way. it wouldnt stop. that was the problem, it was constant everyday. then it stoped. everything went silent.

thats when i noticed the firey sparks laceing themselves through my body. through my heart. Alex was the cause. he was holding my hand rubbing small circles onmy hand with his thumb. if emotions were able to be seen, there would be fireworks above my head. his hand was warm, causing my hands to become warm also, as his fingers stayed between mine.

we arrived at his house, as we walked up the fimiler narrow gravel path that lead to his porch steps to his small front door. he opened and reavealed his house untouched since last time he came here, two weeks ago. i was thankful i had somewhere to go. i had a friend. i had someone who cared.


As we left the hospital i couldnt help but think what ever she has been through. even when she hit me with that beautiful smile with hers, there was still pain behind those captivating ice green eyes.

i held her hand in the car, she looked disstressed to say the least. as if she was argueing with herself in her own mind. but yet, i couldnt help but feel as if her small hand fit perfectly together with mine as if we were the first two matching pieces to a thousand peice puzzle. we found each other, but still have to solve the rest.

we walked into my small house and sat down on the couch. "want to watch a movie?" i questioned. she looked up, and smiled. as she walked over to my move collection i soaked in her beauty. Brown curly hair, beautiful piercing light brown eyes. a small but not fragile figure. but best of all an amazing personality. she had the looks of an angel, but i know she couldnt see that. thats what pained me most. that she could think so less of herself. but id be hypocrite if i said i didnt do that.

she quietly put on the movie, Home Alone, i've already seen this a thousand times because of my best friend, Jack Barakat.

i moved the blanket over our bodies that lay on this old couch. her cheecks reddened as i grabbed hold of her hand under the blanket. she scooted closer to me and rested her hear on my shoulder.

before the movie was over i heard her light snores and heavy breathing. i smiled and picked her up and carried to my bedroom. i sat her on the bed and covered her up. deciding to get changed the bathroom was too far away i just changed here.

i took off my skinny jeans and my 'blink' band t-shirt so i was just in my boxers. i heard her snores come to a stop, i knew she was awake when i felt eyes burning into my back.


I woke up, not on couch beside alex. but what i assumed was his bed. i slightly opened my eyes to find an alex in front of me in his boxers, changing i belive.

BUT DAMMMNN this man had FIRST not only a nice ass  but ALSO a great body. like damn dude chill out on the hot pills.

"take a picture, it'll last longer" he said, i could just hear the smirk in his voice. that just made me want to attack him with passionate kisses. my cheeks reddend. damn, i was falling hard.

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