Chapter Twenty ~Into our icy blues~

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Luna's Pov.

I looked at the small man with blond hair and blue eyes and felt something erupt into my stomach, butterflies. Why? I don't know. But that doesn't make the anger that boils in my blood towards him any less noticeable. All the years of my life that I can remember he has been there in a form of undistinguished miserableness that he caused me.

Once I was able to stand up without falling over I snatched my hand away from his. At first he was confused then he looked hurt. "Why? Why all of a sudden you just choose to be nice?" I spat. His eyes bored into mine, tempting and sad. "Look, I was just trying to protect you-" "Bullshit!" I shot, cutting him off of his sentence.

I saw hurt flash into his eyes, which had only made me angrier, "No, you have no right to be hurt. No!" I wrapped my arms around the length of my body and baked away. "No. No. No." his hand swept over my forehead to wipe away the stray hairs. "Don't touch me! Who are you? Just lea- Ahuh! Just leave me alone." I turned around and took a few steps before the ma- Patrick's voice cracked through the air, "Where are you going to go? We're in the middle of nowhere."

I clenched my fists, shut my eyes tight, and started to count to ten before I do something rash. "You're counting again, how cute. Not like you can hurt me anyways." open. Wow, this guys did not know how the fuck to shut his big mouth. Turning around, I shot my finger into his chest like a little kid trying as hard as I could to look the least bit intimidating, "You have a lot of nerve for someone to be saying shit like that but not mentioning a single apology for raising hell in my life. I don't remember EVER being happy. Kindergarten; look everybody that girl is talking to someone in the corner!" I mocked. "Look everyone; the emo kids cutting herself in the bathroom!" I breathed loudly into his face. "Look at that freak! she's talking to herself! Look. Look. Look. Look it's the poor girl that lost her mother in a house fire! Look at the bruises on her arms! Oh, Look it's the crazy girl who talks to herself!"

"Luna." I sighed and backed away. "I don't to look anymore."


OKAY, I'm sorry this is ridiculously short. I'll write more tomorrow. It's just I've got a lot of things on my plate right now with family problems and relationship problems. not really the best combination in my opinion. anyways, with love,


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