Trapped In Time: Love's Secre...

By EmilyMillet

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Discovering that a gift from her husband turns out to be an authentic time turner from the world of Harry Pot... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Nine

277 10 0
By EmilyMillet

         Weeks started to fly by, the oppressive heat of July seeping in to the castle and making the hours spent in the greenhouses almost unbearable. If not for the company of Hagrid who was always telling funny stories about his encounters with some of the more dangerous plants, and the time she got to spend with the owls afterwards, Shannon would have been miserable during her hot work hours.

        Most evenings were spent reading up on Alissa and the years as they passed. How they made up their cave as time went on to look almost like the inside of a home, how Snuffles finally got some decent clothes during summers when tourists would flood to the Black Sea area and how Lyla was growing like a little weed.

        When not with Hagrid, Dobby or reading her letters, Shannon was either up in Dumbledore’s office or wandering the halls and grounds with him. The time they spent together was always full of interesting, meaningful conversation covering all topics from the history of the castle and magic, the history of Shannon and the other professors who would be showing up or philosophical conversations on anything from animal rights to the creation of the universe. They became good friends and each other’s favourite company as Severus had gone back home to spend the rest of his summer alone, and the castle was a lonely place with one professor hiding in her tower, a half giant living off in his own hut and a house elf whose work hours ended just after dinner and was free to come and go as he pleased.

        Shannon learned her mother’s maiden name tied back to a race of Gypsies who also had their own magic but that Dumbledore was still left wondering what that made Shannon. She could be considered pure blood coming from Druids on one side and Gypsies on the other except that there was no proof either of her parents were at all magical. When Shannon mentioned her mom had the dreams as well, Dumbledore suggested the title of half-blood except that there could be no proof her mother’s line had been magical through the generations or if instead Shannon and her mother were genetic throwbacks. When Shannon mentioned her younger sister was sensitive to spirits, Dumbledore just laughed and said he didn’t believe in putting titles on people anyways and they would just have to settle on the fact that the family had a form of magic that was ancient and undeniable.

        One evening the topic of registration was brought up because Dumbledore knew he had to get Shannon registered with the Ministry before the school year started or there may be complaints and investigations. So the subject of title came up yet again. With her lack of outright magical ability, Dumbledore was frustrated and unhappy when he had to ask that if for her own safety as well as that of the school, Shannon would mind being registered as a squib. She just laughed and said she never expected to be thought of as anything more than a muggle anyways and like Dumbledore she didn’t care for titles. If she was a squib on a piece of Ministry parchment, it wouldn’t affect her day to day life in the slightest. So it was, Shannon was registered as an immigrated squib from magical parents who had passed away in North America and sent back to the UK to find family roots, then offered a job as assistant groundskeeper at Hogwarts.

        The end of the month drew near and to Shannon the 26th was just another day. She woke early to a tray of breakfast left on her side table and an owl sitting on her bed post. Sitting up slowly so as not to frighten the huge grey owl who sat silently focusing his large round eyes on her face, Shannon reached out and took the letter.

                     Dear Miss Shannon,

              Happy Birthday and please enjoy your day. You are to do no work today and your presence is requested at Hagrid’s home this evening for dinner.

                                                                                           Yours sincerely,

                                                                                         Albus Dumbledore

        Unsure what to do with herself for an entire day, Shannon thanked the owl and watched him swoop out the top of her arched window before eating her breakfast of scrambled eggs with toast and a dish of fruit salad. She wondered what was planned for the evening but being shy and nervous, thinking about it only made it worse. She hoped Dobby would at least come and walk with her so she didn’t have to just show up on her own.

        She couldn’t work, but no one said she couldn’t read about work. She got out of bed and walked over to the table between her two fat stuffed red chairs near the hearth and retrieved the books she’d requested from the library. She read until lunchtime all about the different types of owls and their habits, learning that the one who had stopped by was the Great Grey Owl, the biggest species that existed. She was growing quite fond of the owls and couldn’t wait until students started showing up with their own so she could get to know them as well, even if it did mean more cleaning!

        After lunch appeared beside her, Shannon switched her attention to Alissa’s letters. Almost three years had passed and Lyla was nearing five. It was unimaginable to Shannon that the years were passing so quickly but it was exciting as well because she would get to see her friend someday soon. Alissa was still holding on to her last shred of self-discipline and trying to remember that though years were passing, she was very much still a married woman. In the letters, she told stories of their makeshift birthdays and Christmases and how Snuffles worked so hard to bring them special dinners for those occasions even though Alissa forbade him to hunt anything. Then together the three of them would sit around fires and sing holiday songs and feel like they really had everything they needed.

        Shannon was so happy reading about how Alissa and Lyla were doing, she nearly lost track of time. Glancing up at the old wooden clock standing in the far corner of her room, Shannon gasped and jumped out of bed in shock, stuffing the letters back into her table and running for the shower. After rummaging through her small supply of clothing and settling on the nicest pair of jeans she had and a soft pink t-shirt with a scooped neck and gathered chest, she threw on a pair of sandals and left her room taking deep breaths to try and calm her nerves.

        Down the corridor and out the massive front doors, she walked on alone; wondering if she should call Dobby just to feel more comfortable or if that would take him away from something important. Especially now that his hours were pretty much over, it might be considered rude to call him so she carried on alone.

        As she came down the front walk, she could see Hagrid’s hut but it didn’t look like anyone was even home. She started to worry if this was some sort of cruel practical joke, if she’d knock and no one would answer while they hid inside and laughed at her. It wouldn’t be the first time something like that had happened. She remembered a time when a classmate had called her and invited her to a park but when she showed up the entire park was empty. That day she’d sat on the swing set alone, twirling her toe in the sand and wondering if the whole thing was deliberate but hoping against hope that they’d just forgotten the date and time.

        Shannon reached the front door and knocked, waiting anxiously but wishing she could just be back in her room alone. She heard the booming bark of Fang from out back and within seconds he was galloping at her in greeting. Shannon smiled and rubbed the giant wrinkled Boarhound face, getting drool all over her pants.

        “Yeh great oaf, ger’ off!” Hagrid bellowed as he hustled around the side of the hut. “Shannon, I missed yeh today! Watering all them blazing plants me self, I about died there in the heat withou’ no one teh share stories with!” He had reached Shannon and put an enormous hand on her shoulder to lead her around back, shushing her when she tried to apologize for not showing up.

        As they came around the back of the house, there stretched out in a shady patch of grass was a table set for six and everyone waiting looked up expectantly. Dobby jumped up and ran to Shannon taking her hand and pulling her along to Dumbledore who had risen out of his seat and opened his arms in greeting. Shannon pulled out from under Hagrid’s hand and hugged Dumbledore quickly, with a huge nervous grin spread over her face. She looked around quickly as Dumbledore pulled out a chair for her and was shocked to see Severus standing stiffly and politely to her left waiting for her to be seated. As she sunk down in the chair at the head of the table, so too did Severus and then Dumbledore took his seat between them.

        To the right was Dobby followed by Professor Trelawney already digging in to her salad. Feeling everyone’s gaze, she looked up with her huge bespectacled bug eyes and said “ohh I’m terribly sorry, were we waiting on someone?”

        “No no, do not worry my dear please enjoy” Dumbledore said and winked at Shannon who laughed along with Dobby.

        “It does look good” Shannon said, hoping they could just get in to it to avoid sitting there awkwardly.

        “Indeed it does, let’s all dig in” Dumbledore said smiling and everyone got to eating from all the delicious platters set out.

        Over the weeks Dobby had been asking about her favourite foods for dinner, and they all seemed to be set out on the table. A giant Caesar salad, a tray of lasagna, a tray of shepherd’s pie, a dish of spaghetti and meatballs and a cheese pizza covered the table. Shannon wasn’t sure how she’d eat even a little from each but she sure was going to try. Dobby was chatting away beside her saying that everything was made with fake meat for her and to not worry about anything and pointing at the pitchers of orange juice and iced tea, asking if everything was good enough. Shannon kept saying that she was positive everything was wonderful trying to answer between mouthfuls and apologizing for everyone else not having meat but was cut off before she could even finish.

        Conversation was pleasant; Dumbledore keeping everyone involved, asking Severus about news from the muggle world, Professor Trelawney about any new signs from the stars and Hagrid about his course layout for the coming year. 

        As dinner was finished, the platters disappeared and a huge chocolate cake appeared. Shannon blushed a bright red and thanked the Lord they didn’t start singing. Instead as the cake was cut and handed out, Dumbledore started off saying “happy birthday” and handed her a key. Shannon took it and eyed it, wondering what exactly she was supposed to do with it. Dumbledore laughed and said it was the key to a trunk that would now be in her bedroom. Shannon didn’t have the faintest idea what could be in the trunk but she was sure she’d like it so she thanked him and insisted he didn’t have to get her a single thing, that having her stay at the school was gift enough. “Nonsense” was his only reply and he waved her off.

        Thinking that was it, Shannon tucked the key in to her pocket and picked up her fork, eyeing the giant piece of cake before her. To her surprise, Severus cleared his throat and though his face looked like it was experiencing the greatest pain he had ever endured, he also said happy birthday and handed her a long flat box. Shannon was too shocked to even say anything or reach out for the box, so Dumbledore took it and passed it along, pushing it across the table towards her.

        Opening the box, Shannon found a long heavy black robe much like the ones students wore but without a house crest. Included was a long red and white scarf and Shannon ran it through her hands smiling while Severus said “it does get cold in the castle, even if you refuse to believe it.” His tone implied she was some kind of idiot but it didn’t matter, she appreciated the gift and thanked him warmly.

        Next Trelawney pushed a tiny box her direction saying “happy birthday dear, hang it on your bed, it’s to help with dream retention.” Inside Shannon found a short crystal charm on a silver chain and once again gave thanks.

        Finally Dobby jumped up and ran towards Hagrid who was headed inside. Shannon watched them retreat patiently and didn’t even try to get in to her cake because she knew that if Snape and Trelawney were giving her gifts, she’d have to accept one from Dobby and Hagrid. When they started their trip back, Hagrid was carrying a gigantic object covered in a dark sheet. The two of them were grinning broadly as they placed it beside her and with a swish; Hagrid pulled the sheet off an enormous bird cage. Inside the cage was a large bird, about 2 feet high but thin and sad looking. Its feathers were black as night but a green sheen covered every feather, and as the bird moved it was like watching green mist move. The beak was sharp and hooked like a bird of prey, an eagle or a vulture, and the eyes were a pale orange but shy and soft instead of sharp and calculating.

        “This ‘ere is an Irish Phoenix! Dobby and I know yeh miss yer animals back home and figured, well it ain’t no dog but it’s a friendly animal once ‘e trusts yeh. Well he’ll be company when yer in that room of yers all alone.”

        Shannon had never heard of an Irish Phoenix before and would be sure to research everything she could find about them when she had a chance. She was sure it wasn’t considered one of the most beautiful birds, but there was a look in its face that felt familiar and pleading. “Oh my gosh, you guys, he’s… beautiful!” She said with true sincerity and leaned in close to watch the bird. “Does he or she have a name?”

        “Oh no Miss, Dobby and Hagrid picked out a young one, just out of the nest. He has no name yet, that is for you to pick out!” Dobby said grinning happily.

        “Thank you guys so much! I will have to get to know him a bit to pick out a name but I really do love him!” Shannon stood and hugged Hagrid around the middle and bent down to hug Dobby who blushed even more than she did.

        “Okay everyone let Miss O’Connor get to her delicious cake! Dobby please take the lovely bird to the room and come back to enjoy dessert.” Dumbledore smiled kindly and in a flash, Dobby and the bird were gone. Dobby appeared back in his seat seconds later.

        The cake really was better than anything Shannon had ever had and the rest of the evening flew by. Before she knew it, she was once again thanking everyone and saying goodbye. She hugged Professor Trelawney and turned to Severus and awkwardly held out her hand. He looked down at her hand with a raised eyebrow, then turned and left, following Trelawney up the hill to the castle. Shannon shrugged only a little perturbed and turned to hug Hagrid and Dobby again while thanking them over and over for her new pet. After Dobby had tidied everything up, he disappeared saying he’d see Shannon again in the morning and left her to walk up to the castle with Dumbledore, carrying her packages under one arm.

        Hagrid waved and headed inside and Shannon started walking, thinking to herself that she’d need to get out more books to learn all about the bird and what it ate and how it lived. Dumbledore interrupted her thoughts as they walked side by side by saying “only one month until the new school year starts.”

        Shannon looked up at him and wondered where he was going with this, and agreed that it did seem like it was coming very fast.

        “I have been thinking this over quite a bit, and it pains me to say it since I do enjoy our conversations so much. Still, we must both do what is best for everyone and I know you’ll agree with me on that. I think that once the year starts, we will obviously have to have some distance between us, as I will be caught up in school work and I will need to be exactly where I’m supposed to be.” Dumbledore looked at the ground as he spoke and Shannon wondered if he was trying to hide some truth he didn’t want her to know.

        “I understand, you will have to behave as if I’m not even here.” Shannon replied with some sadness. She was suddenly even more appreciative of her new bird, since it looked like the year ahead was going to be a very lonely one.

        “I would very much like to include you in all I can. You may of course eat at the head table with the staff and make use of the staff room and interact with everyone, just so long as you never go out of your way to interrupt the natural and fated flow of things.”

        Shannon could tell that Dumbledore didn’t like what he was saying but she did know he was right and it was for the best. “Yes, I agree, I’ll do my best.”

        “Of course, you probably knew there would be hard times and even harder decisions to make when you chose to come here. I suppose I just wanted you to know that any neglect of you in the coming months on my behalf, is not at all personal.” Dumbledore turned and looked at Shannon; they were standing at the front doors now.

        “Albus” Shannon smiled, he had asked her to call him that a week or so earlier and she was still getting used to it “I, more than most others, know that you have more on your plate than any one person should have. I will miss talking about everything with you and the feeling of having a close friend, but I will survive. Maybe make new friends!” Shannon winked in jest and Dumbledore laughed.

        “Well you do quite like dogs, it wouldn’t surprise me if you became fast friends with a certain, shall we say, canine personality due to start the year here.” Dumbledore winked back and together they laughed and walked in the front doors. They said goodnight and went their separate ways but already Shannon felt a bit of a loss, knowing a door was closing and wondering if it would open again next summer or be locked forever.

        Shannon’s birthday that year had fallen on a Monday, so she did have to get right back to work the next day. She would need to get to sleep soon, and was just about to undress and crawl in to bed when she remembered the key in her pocket. Spotting the trunk at the foot of her bed, she ran over excitedly and inserted the key into the lock.

        The trunk was overflowing with clothing all in her size; she was sure that was Dobby’s spying in action and laughed pulling out clothes for all occasions. Warm sweaters and knit wool pants, blouses, long skirts and fuzzy pajamas all in assorted colours pulled out of the trunk. There were even a couple different pairs of shoes and new jeans in the bottom. She had never had such nice things before and in her excitement almost forgot how tired she really felt. Folding everything back up lovingly, Shannon closed the trunk, placed the box with the robes from Severus on top, dropped the key in her side table, hung her charm up on the bed post and crawled in for a good night’s sleep.

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