The Survivor {Naruto x Reader}

By PikaJovi

200K 6.1K 13.9K

Everything was going exactly the way they are supposed to go, and all was good. Until someone new shows up, s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 9

6.3K 196 951
By PikaJovi

(Y/N)'s POV:

I didn't get a wink of sleep... thanks to my sudden random thought I got yesterday. How did my brain manage to come up with that?! Am I really thinking all this!? Am I falling for the blonde idiot?! No way!!


I'm glad we don't have anything today. I want to stay in bed! Just thinking of how meeting up with him could confirm my feelings is actually scaring me. Let's not forget the fact that Sakura will also be there... I can't believe he likes her!! I stuff my face in the pillow and scream my irritation out.

I have to get these feelings under control or else I won't be able to work with anyone! Kakashi will definitely sense something, and the last thing I need is for him to find out! Oh my God! Sai would be even worse! He doesn't know what's ok to say out loud or not! What if he just blabs what he notices? That would be so embarrassing!! Another pillow scream coming up!

Before I could have another thought, the bell to my apartment rings, I take my time to get up, but it seems whoever it is, is in a hurry. They start banging on the door. "I'm coming; I'm coming!!" I open the door, and my heart stops, "(Y/N)!" Oh no! "Naruto!!" I slam the door shut! What did I just do...?

"Oi!! What are you doing? We need to go!" Huh? Go where? I open the door again to see the one person I was trying to avoid for the day... "good morning haha! Baa-Chan is calling for the entire team. Kakashi-Sensei, Sai, and Sakura are already there. Kakashi-Sensei sent me to get you." I twitch at the mention of the bubblegum haired girl. "O-Ok, I'll get ready and meet you there." I come to close the door, but he pushes through. "Come on! No time to waste. Go! I'll wait for you!" He pushes me in from my back and closes the door behind him.

My heart is about the burst! I knew seeing him would confirm these stupid feelings! I leave him and go change in the bathroom. The places his hands touched feel so hot... *sigh* Why now? Just when things were going great between us...

"(Y/N)! Naruto!!" Sakura calls out to us as we approach the building. Where are the others? "Good morning Sakura-Chan!" How did I not realize he likes her when he talks to her differently from time to time. They start having their own conversation while I observe. It is clear as day that Sakura doesn't like Naruto in that way, while he just keeps trying to invite her out on dates.

This is irritating me. "Where's Kakashi-Sensei and Sai?" I interrupt. "Oh, they went to see what Hokage-Sama needs. Kakashi-Sensei said we should-" Sakura tries to say, but I interrupt again, "I'll go see them." I start walking away. "Eh? (Y/N)! We can just wait here." I wave with my hand to the back saying it's fine and enter the building.

Before I could get very far into the building, I see Kakashi-Sensei and Sai walking in my direction. "(Y/N), what are you doing here?" Kakashi asks as I start walking with them towards the exit. "You guys were taking too long. I came to get you." And cause I couldn't stand another second of Naruto fawning over Sakura.

"Ok listen up guys!" Once we meet up with everyone, Kakashi starts to explain what Tsunade wanted. "The Hokage has asked us to scout the area to the north. There has been a lot of news of trouble happening over there. She wants us to check it out and send a report." Scouting? Trouble?

"Finally!! A real mission!!" Both Naruto and I shout at the same time. We look at each other out of surprise, and he gives me a closed eye grin! "We got it (Y/N)!" He says. I couldn't help but look away, feeling my face get hot. "Y-Ya! That's great. Let's get going!" I start to walk towards the Village gate. I hear Sakura ask Naruto "What's up with (Y/N) today?" Thankfully Naruto just answered with an 'I don't know.'

We get there, and we see Team 8 by the gate. Great! Just what I need! Another girl to worry about it! "G-Good morning N-Naruto-Kun, g-good luck on your mission!" Hinata stutters her sentence out with that girly smile of hers and her eyes... they might as well have hearts in them. "Thank Hinata! You-" I grab his wrist and pull him behind me, "come on Naruto! We have to go!" And walk away from everyone.  That's the only thing I say. I can't do anything about his own feelings towards Sakura, but hell if I'm letting that Hyūga princess get any closer to him! If anyone is going to get closer to Naruto, it's going to be me!!

"W-Wait! (Y/N)! Shouldn't we wait for the others?" Naruto says as I keep pulling him. "It's fine! They will catch up!" I have never done these types of actions before! I always thought things through before deciding to do them. Ever since I got to this village, I've been doing a lot of things differently. "(Y/N)! Wait!" He pulls his hand back while holding my own wrist and pulls me with it! I stumble back and bump into his chest. "What's happening with you today?! You're acting weird." I feel the heat radiating from his chest and hear his heartbeat; I instantly feel my face redden and I push him away and turn to the other side. "I'm not! I'm fine!"

"What's wrong with you two today?" Kakashi says as the others, and himself caught up to us. Why is everyone saying that today!? Everything is fine! "Nothing, everything is fine, I just want to get started with the mission! Troubles don't wait around for us just cause we want to talk to friends or flirt around!" I blab out my thoughts, and that left everyone speechless and awkward. Damn it!

"Ok fine... let's go. You heard her." Kakashi says and starts walking towards the destination of our mission. Naruto looks at me suspiciously and follows Kakashi and Sakura. I knew this day wasn't going to go well...

Suddenly Sai stands next to me and looks towards the group and back at me. I look at him questioning what's wrong. Then he spoke, "you like Naruto." Kill me. I'm ready to be buried! "W-W-W-WHAT?! HUH? NO! W-Why would I like someone as loud as N-Naruto!?" My plan of playing cool and denying it... failed.

"You're right. I don't know why you would like someone like that. But I read it in a book once, the way you're acting shows that you're jealous. And that usually means you like the person." I heard that to help Sai understand more social things; they made him read books. Just what type of books are they making him read!?

"Ok fine! Maybe I like him... but Sai! You have to understand that you can't tell a single soul about this! ok?!" The last thing I need is for him to blab it. "Why? Shouldn't you tell him?" As if it's that easy when he likes someone else. When I suggested that the princess should come out and confess, I didn't know he loved Sakura. Only to realize later that I fell for him and now I don't want anyone to have the courage to confess!

"It's not that easy... I'm not sure if you know, but he likes Sakura. There's no point in me telling him my feelings for him to reject me..." saying it out loud is actually hurting a lot more than thinking about it. "I know that. But Sakura doesn't like Naruto. So he might just choose you." He seriously doesn't know anything about social life or compassion...

"I don't want him to choose me just cause he was rejected Sai! I want him to choose me for me! Because his heart chooses so..." We both look towards them. Naruto is talking and laughing about something with Sakura. This is stupid. Naruto has liked Sakura since they were kids... why would he forget her now and look at me? "Forget it. Just please don't tell anyone! No one Sai!!" He nods, and we start running to catch up with the others.

According to Kakashi, it will take us around two days to get to our destination. Which means we will have to spend one night camping out. I'm used to that, but I decided that I would make things less awkward between Naruto and I. Our mission depends on it.

So that night, as we were preparing our area to camp. I was going through the conversation I'm going to have with Naruto in my head. I don't want to mess this up. Even if he may never feel the same way, I still don't want to lose him as a friend. He's the first one that believed in me from day one.

I look towards where Naruto is; he was helping Sakura carry firewood for later on. Hey, two birds with one stone, I interrupt his time with Sakura, and I get to talk to him. I walk over to them and call him, "can I talk to you?" Sakura takes the logs from Naruto and tells us to take our time; for some reason, she had a smile on. "What's up?"

"Listen Naruto; I'm sorry for acting weird today... I-I was just nervous I guess haha... I didn't get a lot of sleep yesterday, and it was probably affecting me. Everything will be back to normal tomorrow after a good night's sleep haha. Sorry if I was annoying or weird." I give him a genuine smile, and he lets out a breath of relief.

"That's all? That's great! I thought you were mad at me for something; I kept thinking what I could have done to anger you haha. I'm glad it's nothing serious! Tomorrow we reach our destination and if there is trouble, let's kick some butt!" We laugh at his declaration, and we walk back to our camp.

That night was much better than the one before it. I actually got some sleep, and everything was fine. Although, seeing Naruto next to me before I slept could have helped my relaxation. Kakashi didn't wait for long to make us move out and continue on with our mission. As soon as we woke up, we packed up, and we left.

We sped things up by running and jumping through the trees instead of walking. The faster we got there, the quicker we could solve the issue and send the report to Tsunade. She was very impressed the last time we finished our mission quick and clean. She might trust us more with big, important missions if she sees how good we actually are.

When we get there, I got confused... Kakashi says we arrived and we should keep our senses high and ready for anything. However, the location we are in... it's just a vast open land. It's like a carpet of grass was rolled out on it. I mean it was beautiful, but what are we doing here?

"A lot of people have said that they are spotting people in long black cloaks with red clouds on it. That description fits for the Akatsuki. If they are doing something here, we need to find it and put a stop to it!" Oh ok, that makes sense. One issue though!

"Who the hell are the Akasaki? Akasuki? Whatever they are called!?" I asked Kakashi. Sakura and Naruto giggled at the way I kept mispronouncing the group's name. "Akatsuki (Y/N). They are a group of nine members, all being missing-nin. They are going around causing problems in the name of world peace." World peace? How is that achieved by causing problems? "Well, those villages that the missing-nin belong to must feel troubled haha!" No one laughed... did I say something wrong?

"Uchiha Itachi is part of the Akatsuki, and he is from Konoha." Oh. You can always count on Sai to clear things up. "Sorry." I apologize since our village is involved, but now I have the urge to meet the Akatsuki so I can meet Itachi... I feel if I meet him, I'll be able to learn something. I wouldn't have gotten such an intense headache from his name if he didn't mean anything.

And that's when I sensed it! "Someone is here!" I warn everyone. As soon as everyone was ready, two people showed up. It was as the strangers described, long black cloaks with 'cute' red clouds on them. I had to add the cute, I mean they just look so fluffy!!

The two that showed up are a girl and a boy. The girl had short lavender hair with a rose bun? Ok... and she had bright amber eyes, they were almost scary to look at. The boy had spiky orange hair and brown eyes. However, he had weird black things all over his face. On his nose, and ears and even under his lower lip. That's a new sense of fashion... he would look so much better without all those piercings.

"Hatake Kakashi. Of course, you're the one to find us." Eh? They know him? "Pain. What are you planning this time?" Serious Kakashi? So much cooler than perverted Kakashi! I look at everyone and see how serious they are, even Naruto...

"There's no need for you to know. If you turn around and leave, things will be just fine." As if we're going to do that. Time to take care of this. "Hey, you! Piercings guy! I know a bad guy when I see one, and I can practically sense you from all the way over there. So how about you just turn around, get on your knees and put your hands behind your head and just surrender. Now THAT way! Things will be just fine!" I throw back his own words back to him.

"(Y-Y/N)! What do you think you're doing?" Sakura yells at me. "I'm telling him to surrender? They are the ones we are after right?" The atmosphere somehow got a bit heavier. "Heh. This is a new face." My face? Well, I know exactly what he means, but let's tease him a bit. Let's see if he has a sense of humor. "This face?" I touch my own face, "I don't think it's new; I've been wearing it for about fifteen years now." My answer left Mister piercings stunned and the Origami girl shocked. Mission accomplished.

I can see in the corner of my eye Kakashi face palming himself. Hehe, their expressions were worth it. Although what I didn't expect is the fly? I'm not flying! Mister Piercings is using some type of Jutsu to pull me towards him! I'm pulled directly into his hand! His hand was around my neck!

Ok. So he doesn't have a sense of humor!

"(Y/N)!!" I hear Naruto yell out my name. Even though his grip was not suffocating, it still hurt! I glare up at him, and his face has no emotions shown. "You seem to be a jokester. Do you think you're funny? You should read the situation better." Oh, boohoo. "Hah. It's not my fault you can't take a joke." My answer stunned him again. "You're different. I like you. Join us, and I'll spare you and your team." As if! "Over my dead body!" I manage to grunt out. He did not seem to like my answer.

A shuriken flies by his face. "Let her go!" Naruto screams again. I'm guessing it was his shuriken. He was about to answer when Origami girl came close and whispered to him, "it's been found. We don't need to stay." What did they find? What are they looking for?

The next thing I know my butt hits the ground and air is flowing through my throat again. *Cough* *cough*!! I look up to see them, but they were gone... how... did they do that?! "(Y/N)!!" Naruto runs to my side, "are you ok? Did he hurt you?" He helps me stand up and I assure him. "I'm ok. No, he just held me up. I swear, he has no sense of humor!" Naruto chuckles at my attitude. "Maybe you shouldn't talk to the enemy like that." 

We look around for a while to make sure we didn't miss anything. We meet up again and discuss what we found; which was nothing. Kakashi asks Sai to write the report and send it with an ink bird to the Hokage. That way we can take our time going back.

Then I realize something. It's too quiet, that shouldn't be possible. I look around and that's when it hit me.

"Guys... where's Naruto?"




What do you think happened to Naruto?

See you soon!!!

*PikaJovi* (^0^)/

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