Transformers(xReader Oneshots...

By PeacefulTyranny

23K 422 172

~ [ A Transformers Oneshot book of different Universes and AUs. Requests are taken in three at a time, and ta... More

Requests/Rules !!
[TFP][1] WheelJack x Mech!Reader
[TFP][2]WheelJack x Mech!Reader
[TFP][1] Predaking x Predacon!Fem!Reader

[TFP] Optimus x Mech!Reader

5.3K 123 46
By PeacefulTyranny

Dedicated to someone on Quotev ! Enjoy!

This took forever but I hope you enjoy it, spoilers to Prey, Rebellion and a few other episodes.

Reader is based from picture above, but feel free to do what you want !!

Fluff !

"ɪ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ ɪ ʟᴏsᴛ ʏᴏᴜ."

Third person P.O.V

"Optimus!" Ratchet called out in alarm. A pod had come up on his trackers, though it had shown no evidence to it being Autobot nor decepticon, he wasn't going to take the chances. Optimus comes up to Ratchets bipedal form, which is frantically typing away at the computers and trackers. Optimus places a servo on his friends shoulder plate, as a reassuring sign for the stressed mech.

Ratchet took his eyes from the screens and looked to Optimus,"The trackers picked up a pod, it managed to break through the atmosphere 28 kliks ago!" Ratchet spoke, his voiced laced worry. Apparently, some others had heard, and came rushing over. Miko, who stood with Jack and Raf, spoke up first. "New Bot? Cool!" Miko said, excited for the newcomer. "Not cool! For all we know, it's another con!" Ratchet scowled at Miko, who rolled her eyes as a reply.

"Did it say what pod it was Ratchet?" Raf asked, pushing up his glasses. Jack nodded,"Maybe its WheelJack?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Unlikely." Replied Optimus, who seemed to be thinking about a plan up until this moment.

Bulkhead shook his helm,"Jackie wouldn't be in a pod..."He trailed off, confused at this whole circumstance. "Whatever, whoever, it is, we need to get there before the decepticons can." Arcee spoke up, her arms crossed over her chassis, optics glaring suspiciously. "Arcee is right. Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Arcee come with me to inspect the pod. Ratchet, where is it's assumed landing position?" Optimus cut in, walking closer to the monitor.

"It should be landing in the Tirari Desert, far region of south Australia." Ratchet eyed the monitors, before speaking again. "You've got around 15 kliks to get there by the time the pod had landed, at most." He turned back to Optimus with the information, to which Optimus nodded.

"Autobots, roll out." Optimus then transformed into his alt mode, the others following his action, as Ratchet opened the ground bridge to the estimated landing area. "Whhhat! I wanna see the new Bot!" Miko called out, throwing her arms up. "Ep ep ep! You will most certainly not! At least, not until they're in base." Ratchet glared, trying to get his point across. "Yeah, don't worry, they'll come back to base with the Bot in no time!" Smiled Raf, Jack nodding in agreement.

The Bots sped through the portal, Ratchet was quick to turn off the ground ridge, for obvious Miko reasons. Miko rolled her eyes when she saw the portal close,"Fineeeeee." She groaned, crossing her arms and going to the, only, couch.

The four autobots sped out the portal, halting when they were through, as the bridge deactivated. All bots transformed into they're bipedal modes, optics scanning the bare land. Nothing seemed to have landed yet, judging from the lack of disruption in the area of sand.

Suddenly a blast could be heard, something was coming in close and fast. The Autobots could only think of two things; the pod or a Decepticon, honestly hoping for the first one. Thankfully, Primus seemed to have heard they're calls, as a pod could be seen speeding towards the desert, flames indulging in from the speed. The pod of course would not be harmed by the fire as it was built for harsh landings.

The pod crashed harshly, only a dune away from the Autobots. It created a large sand explosion, that flew upwards, giving the Autobots a good view on its landing placement. "Autobots." Optimus nodded in the direction of the crash, all slowly made their way over the dune to the pod. Once they stood in front the pod by many metres, they waited for the smoke to clear.

The pod then stood out to them, an Autobot insignia made everyone's nerves drop. The pod door slammed open, as if someone had used all their might. It flew forward slightly, but not immensely.

All Autobots who stood there paused, optics widened and they're dermas lifted at the sight.

(Y/n), a Commander of Autobot medics, former medic from the Koan pits, climbed from the almost destroyed pod. He let out a grunt as he pulled himself up, his pedes made they're way to the desert floor. His helm was pointed at the same sandy floor, optics clenched shut slightly, before opening to show bright blue optics. His build was a bit bulkier than BumbleBee, not quite as much as Bulkhead.

His arms held shield like armour, parts of his frame glow with a bright blue colour. Large armoured pedes which held two of his wheels gave him large boots, with a bulky chest that gave away he was a grounder. His curves were visible with his revealing armour, which could make any Bot blush, as his hips held more armour plates connected to his covered parts(forgot what they call ittt). His helm was armoured(slightly horned), as two more wheels were very visible from each side of his neck. Overall, he was a good looking mech.

His head rose from looking at he sandy floor, and he immediately found the Autobots in front of him. He flinched slightly, not expecting four cybertronians in front of him. His processor took a moment to realise who they were, fellow Autobots, one being Prime himself. His dermas lifted to match their own. "Optimus." He spoke, now out of the pod and at full height, his helm just reaching to the shoulder of Optimus, taller than Bulkhead.

"Hello, old friend." Optimus spoke, smiling at the Mech in front of him, as he held his hand out for a handshake. Instead, he received a hug. (Y/n) was quick to hug him, wrapping his arms around the larger Mech and laughing. "Primus! I haven't seen you since.... I don't know! Hah!" He laughed again, letting Optimus go from the crushing hug. He didn't let Optimus reply, only turning to see the other Bots.

"Bumblebee!" As his name was called, Bee straightened up as if he was back at the academy. He was quickly swooped off of his feet by a crushing hug,"Good to see the little scout is still going!" He said, swinging Bee around, to which he whirred at. ::Commander (Y/n!) It is good to see you again!:: Bee 'spoke', his optics lifted in happiness. "Pfft! Commander makes me feel old, well... older! Just (Y/n) is fine!" He laughed, putting the Mech down and turning to the only Mech present he was yet to greet.

"Bulkhead! How've you been? I'm surprised you're not in pieces without me!" (Y/n) smirked, playfully hitting the shoulder of the green Mech. "Oh really? I can survive without you feeding me energon!" Laughed Bulkhead, only to be put in a helm lock and have his helm rubbed with a hard fist. "You'd broken both your servos smashing that 'Con!" Snorted (Y/n),letting Bulkhead go slowly. Bulkhead only replied with a playful hit to the chassis.

Before Bulkhead or (Y/n) could speak, a feminine 'cough' beat them too it. (Y/n) turned to see Arcee, a femme he'd known for a good while. "If it's isn't one of the finest femmes I know!" (Y/n) grinned, walking over to Arcee. "You been kicking some 'Con tailpipe while I've been gone?" (Y/n) encouraged, stopping in front of Arcee.

Arcee rolled her optics,"What kind of question is that?" She replied, hands on her hips. (Y/n) was quick to swoop Arcee off of her pedes, bring her into a bridal style hold, that he had mastered over time.

"You've gotten sassier!"

"And you've gotten weaker."

(Y/n) let out a fake gasp of alarm, before grinning. "Nothin' a bit of training can't fix!" He spoke, and with that, Arcee was thrown into the air. Before Arcee would register anything, she was caught in the strong servos of the very Mech who had thrown her. She quickly flipped from the Mech,"That all you got?" Grinned Arcee, landing on the floor in a fighting stance, to which the medic also got into battle stance.

(Y/n) knew some battle techniques, but only close-medium range. (Y/n)'s weapons were swords in each servo, five throwing daggers(that were in need of replacement) and a medium sized whip, all of which came from his servos. He knew how to use his weapons well, but not advanced as he had most of his training be medical. He had no training in long range or far distance fighting.

He'd learnt most of his battle techniques when aiding the injured gladiators that would come into the med bay. Some he'd learnt by them teaching, others he'd learnt by books or simply watching them fight and sometimes he'd unfortunately had the pleasure of witnessing the tactics first servo from the gladiators. Such gladiators that were confused when they first woke from stasis after being injured, or those who were enraged they had lost the battle and took it out on the medic. Or even those who refused treatment and attacked the medic to stop him.

He had never held grudges, there was no point as everything had taught him lessons or tactics. Which he was grateful for in the long run.

"(Y/n), Arcee, there will be plenty of opportunities in base to train. But as of now, we are unaware if the Decepticons have also seen the signal." Optimus spoke, to which both Bots lowered they're fighting stances and regained they're normal stance instead. "'Cons on this planet too? Can't catch a break from those creeps." (Y/n) rolled his optics at the new information when he spoke.

"Unfortunately. But they do not know of your presence, so we must use it to our advantage while we can." Optimus nodded towards (Y/n), who offered a smirk in return. "Ratchet, please open a ground bridge at our co-ordinates." Optimus spoke into the comm, with his servo raised to the side of his helm. Soon enough, a bridge opened on this command. All bots made they're way through, including (Y/n).

"Optimus, did you-" Ratchet cut himself off, seeing the fellow medic walk out the portal. (Y/n) scanned the area with his optics until his eyes landed on Ratchet. A large grin emerged on his dermas, and his optics sparkled in glee. "Ratch!" Yelled (Y/

n), racing towards Ratchet, yet to notice the small lifeforms on the sidelines. (Y/n) was quick to grab the mech in a large hug, lifting him off his pedes for a few short nanokliks.

"(Y/n)! Sir! I can't believe you-" Ratchet, once again, was interrupted. This time not by himself, but by (Y/n). "Hahah! You're alive! It's so good to see a fellow medic after so long!" Smiled (Y/n), immense happiness. Ratchet and (Y/n) had know each other very well during the war, due to the fact (Y/n) was Ratchets 'boss' per say.

(Y/n) stood in front of Ratchet as he rambled, servos on each of his shoulder plates. "Calm down, tell me what happened." Ratchet spoke, servos in front of him in a calming gesture. He looked up at (Y/n), who stood(around) another helm bigger than him.

"Of course, of cour-" Now it was was (Y/n)s turn to be cut off, with reasonable demands. "WHO IS THAT!" Shouted Miko, coming out from behind Bulkhead and pointing towards (Y/n), who was stunned at the sudden appearance. (Y/n)'s optic ridges rose, his dermas twitched.

"Miko, that is (Y/n). A commander Autobot medic, former gladiator medic." Spoke Optimus, who looked from Miko to (Y/n). "(Y/n), that is Miko. A human, native to this planet we protect. She is also occupanied by Raf and Jack, two other natives." Optimus explained to (Y/n), who nodded in return, as Raf and Jack came from behind their respective guardians. "Woah! You were a gladiator? Well, a gladiator medic, which isn't as cool, but that means you know how to fight, right?" Asked Miko, excited at the new appearance and interested in his abilities.

(Y/n) proceeded to nod, stunned. Before Miko could question the mechs sudden silence, she was scooped up by two very large servos. "Woah!" She cried at the sudden movement. She was brought face to face with the cybertronian. His right optic lit, scanning the organic before him. "Hey! That tickled!" Laughed Miko, covering her sides and laughing. He hummed,"You're.... organic." He said, almost amused. He put her down before she could protest.

(Y/n) grinned,"I think I'll like it here."

A lot has happened since (Y/n) was reunited with the other Bots. A young bot arrived, called Smokescreen. He was an elite guard, and arrived the same way you did. Other than that, the Omega keys, the Omega Lock and the downfall of the base had commenced. It was a stressful time, and you were holding onto any hope you had left. The team made it through, of course, you were stronger than that! Along the way you gained Ultra Magnus, a second lieutenant to Optimus Prime. Even if the... greeting wasn't so pleasant as expected.


First person P.O.V

You were alerted by BumbleBee a ship was coming, and you, Ratchet, Bumblebee and Raf has ran to see this. Bee stopped Raf from coming in closer, of course for his own safety. You activated your swords as the ship came closer, though it did not approach in a threatening manner. Bee shielded his face as Ratchet spoke,"It's one of ours." He said, before covering his face.

You did not let your swords return to servos just yet, just in case. It landed in front of you, blowing wind in your faces. A panel soon lowered, and standing on it were the Bots; WheelJack, Arcee and Bulkhead. The humans were also there with them, Jack and Miko.

"Raf!" Cried Miko, running towards him and picking him up in her strong grip, twirling him. He was placed down as Jack walked over,"Girls got a grip, doesn't she." Jack said, amused. You pry your optics away as the two did a hang shake and hugged.

You stared at the Bots, relief flooding through you as you saw none were injured. "You're alive." Gasped Ratchet, also relieved. The Bots walked forward, revealing someone you hadn't seen in a long long time. "Ultra Magnus." "Magnus..." you and Ratchet said at the say time, not believing your own optics.

It had been so long since you'd seen this mech, it was hard to believe. "Doctors." He spoke, with his serious tone. 'He hasn't changed.' you noted.

Everyone soon began talking, and you stood with the other Bots as Magnus and Ratchet talked. "New paint job looks good Bee." Spoke Bulkhead, checking out the reversed colours. Bee replied with his thanks, hands on his hip plates. "At least you had something to work with, if I reversed my colours, I'd be pink." Joked Arcee, but also quite serious at the same time. "Yeah, and you might look like a femme for once too!" You laughed, patting her backstruts. She only rolled her eyes, punching your side playfully.

"The communications link needs further calibration to be compatible with Autobot frequencies." Explained Ratchet, as you walked over to them, nodding in return. "The groundbridge, however, is fully operational." You spoke, hands on hip plates.

"That would've come in handy when robo-dragon was trying to eat us for breakfast." Said Miko, as Jack swayed his hand to make her stop talking. Ultra Magnus Ratchet and yourself all stared in confusion and surprise for a moment, before Magnus spoke up. "The indigenous population of this planet, do they all display the same disregard for authority?" He questioned, his voice strained, as he tried to put the insult lightly. "Almost." You spoke, your dermas lifted into a smirk, looking back at Magnus.

"No. Mostly just Miko." Corrected Ratchet, sighing. Soon a jet could be heard overhead, and it was obviously Fowler making his way over. Magnus was quick to change his servos into a guns, running toward. Bulkhead and Arcee ran in front, hands out to stop him. You grabbed his right gun, pushing it towards the ground.


"Don't shoot!" Said Arcee,"It's Fowler, he's with us!" Claimed Bulkhead. "Drop your weapons!" You tried, in a hope it would stop the other mech. Magnus paused, but seemed to side glare at you. Oh boy were you gonna be lectured.

As the humans conversed with the Bots, you and Magnus stood at the back. As he lectured you. "I do not take orders from you, medic." He stated, glaring down at you. Barely. He was only half a helm taller than you(to his own head), so the height wasn't extremely intimidating.

"It wasn't an order. It was a simple case of keeping the humans safe." You glared, shoving a digit into his chest. He sneered, flicking your digit away. He shoved you back with his own servo, making you stumble slightly. You grit your denta, stopping yourself from launching at him. "Know your rank. We may be on earth, but that does not change a thing." He spoke, hatred laced in his voice. "What you gonna do? Tell Oppi I didn't call you 'sir'." You rolled your optic, throwing your servos up to exaggerate your point. Ultra Magnus' glare hardened, his servos clenching.

"No. But I will inform him of your lack of respect." He informed you, this time he shoved his digit to your chest, harshly. "Be careful. You might loose that servo of yours. And you better believe I won't be fixing it for pit." You argued back, shoving past him to the group.


Thankfully, Optimus did return after being lost. Sure, you weren't exactly in the best place for his return, but at least he was alive. It was extremely relieving, and your spark fluttered at the sight, your optics large and watery. It felt like an immense amount of pain and guilt had been lifted when you saw his face.


You and Ultra Magnus were against the Warlord himself. Despite the fact there were two of you, you were undoubtedly loosing. Even if it was close combat, you were useless against Megatrons' highly thought out attacks coming your way. You managed to get hits of his back, and Magnus attacked from the front. You used your two swords to swipe across Megatrons' backstruts harshly, using your strength into the damaging hit. Of course, Megatrons armour showed no difference. Of course it wouldn't.

Being Megatrons' ex-Medic, you knew his armour quite well. It was extremely strong, the strongest in all of Cybertron most say. So it was no surprised at the lack of extreme damaged. What you did expect was for Megatron to swiftly turn around and grab your helm with his large servo and swing you into Ultra Magnus.

Chassis to chassis, you and Ultra Magnus were roughly thrown against the wall. Ultra Magnus was down from the hit of you and the wall, you however were not. You started to turn, so you could attack once again, but only received an extremely affective punch to the helm. Which left you in a dazed state.

You felt yourself being dragged by your wheel on your shoulder plating, rather harshly may I add. The swords once where your servos were gone. You were thrown into the hard ground, landing on your backstruts with a screeching thump. There was a presence besides you, but your optics refused to turn on. "All invaders have been taken captive, Master." A voice spoke, this voice was soon discovered as Starscream as your processor, well, processed the information.

"There was no sign of Optimus Prime." You could almost hear his grin, the sentence made your spark clench. 'Of course there wasn't.' You thought to yourself. "So tell me, Commander, Medic. Where might your Leader be?" Megatron spoke, in an almost amused tone, as if taunting. Suddenly, your optics started to flicker, before fully turning on.

Megatron started making his way forward,"I will not ask again." He spoke with venom, clearly annoyed. You spoke before Magnus could, who was regaining himself. You were sitting up right, but so you were leaning on your right hip plating, as your hands stabilised yourself. "If I knew. I wouldn't ever tell you." You glared, glaring up at Megatron with hatred. "Very well." Megatron said, his large sword coming out from his servo. "Execute our prisoners. And fire each cannon at the nearest metropolis in its sights." Megatron spoke to Starscream, as you continued to hold yourself up.

"It's time to show the known Universe, that this planet belongs to Megatron." He glared down at you, to which you glared right back at your old friend. "Master, something's coming." Starscream spoke up, looking to the horizon. Megatron also lifted his head to see what was happening. "The predacon?" Questioned Megatron, as you too now looked to the sky. There was in fact something coming closer. "Hmm, not beast-y enough." Starscream started to back away towards Megatron, who only walked forward to see what it was.

Ultra Magnus pulled himself up more, and you did the same, now on one knee, which had your servo on it. "I know that colour scheme..." Said Starscream suggestively. Then, by the fact it came closer, you could see Optimus. Optimus Prime. Your best friend. It was a miracle, your dermas parted in surprise, not only due to the fact he was alive and flying, but his new form. It was buff, and amazing. "Wait- he cant fly..! Can he?" Questioned Starscream in confusion.

Optimus then proceeded to fly straight at Megatron, gathering a harsh punch on his face. He continued to punch Megatron, his new form making him even more amazing then before. Megatron then flew back from Optimus, destroying his own throne. You quickly scrambled up, as Vehicons started to shoot Optimus, only to be shot with a large machine gun.

Ultra Magnus struggled to regain his balance, as you held a servo out for him. He gladly took the offer, standing to his full height and nodding as a thanks. You then noticed Starscream backing up into Magnus' chassis. He quickly received an uppercut from him, as he flew forward. It didn't stop there for him. Your servo became your whip, and you launched it around Starscreams mid-section. With that, you brought it back and punched Starscreams chassis, who was facing you with shock and pain. You then flung him to the side as he hit a the wall-pillar thing.

Your servo quickly changed back, and you faced Optimus, who had turned to you both. "(Y/n)? Commander...?" Optimus questioned, obviously more confused on seeing Ultra Magnus. "Sir, you're looking.... Robust." Spoke Magnus, walking towards Optimus as you followed. "Optimus! Thank goodness you're alive!" You spoke, your left servo digits covering your mouth in shock. "It is paramount that we disable the fusion cannons below." Stated Ultra Magnus, which instantly reminded you of that threat. "Before they do some serious damage." You nodded in agreement, your servos now at your hip plates.

"Understood." Optimus' mouth guard went up, as he nodded and flew off to the cannons. "All units." Ultra Magnus started talking into the comm,"Optimus Prime has returned." He spoke, looking out to where Optimus was. You smiled softly, knowing Oppi was safe. You then began talking,"I repeat, Prime is alive and doing very well!" You spoke with glee into your comm, extremely happy at his return. Your spark felt like a weight had been taken off it, and happiness returned.


After the intense battle, you were all back at base. You'd been given thanks, and explained too how Optimus was revived, through the Forge of Solus, now depleted of power. You didn't care really, as long as Optimus was safe, you were happy. Yet you felt lonely, and still worried.

Throughout the next week you checked on Optimus more than usual, insisting he would have to have a checkup or two everyday. Optimus of course caught on, and was going to confront you.

"(Y/n), we must speak." He spoke, walking towards you, his servo in a gesturing motion. You turned around to reply to him,"Yeah, sure! Just let em scan you to make sure everything is a-ok!" You smiled, using the human expression. "It's actually about that, (Y/n)." Optimus said, as his servo lowered.

Of course this didn't stop you from scanning him, as you brought up his diagnostics,"Mhm." You replied with, scanning through what it said. "(Y/n)." Said Optimus, trying to get your attention. "Your completely fine, which is great! But do make sure to come bac-" you were cut off by Optimus, who placed his servos on your higher servo plates(almost shoulder).

"(Y/n), what is going on with you? You know these tests are unneeded, yet you continue to do such." He spoke, with a soft but demanding voice, his optics looked worried. You stayed silent for a second, looking down and fiddling with your fingers. Your helm was gently lifted by Optimus' digit to your chin, your neck having to bend to see him.

Your optics suddenly filled. "Y-You were gone, and n-no-no one knew i-if you were c-c-c-coming back." You sobbed, still looking to Optimus as tears rolled. "I-I was s-so w-wor-rried." You cried out, turning your optics away from him. Optimus said nothing, which only fuelled your sadness more.

"Wh-What if you died! The team w-would be s-so lost! I'd be so l-lost!" You stressed, whipping the fluid on your face. "I love you Optimus! So so much! A-And the fact I almost lost you s-scares me!" You sobbed even more than before, and just before you could speak again, you were pulled into his chassis, which you barely reached. His hands wrapped around your backstruts, under your servos. You were lifted off the ground, pedes dangling. You were now face to face with Optimus, who stared at you with soft optics.

"(Y/n), I didn't realise you felt this way. About my disappearance nor of your love." He said, and it felt as if he pulled you closer, so you were now extremely close. "I'm extremely sorry for causing you this stress. I apologise that I cannot fix that, but the most I can do you is reassure you." Optimus spoke, pausing. "Reassure me what?" You said, the tears stopped flooding, and had slowed.

"I can reassure you, that I return your feelings. And that I shall try my hardest, to never do such a thing to you again." He spoke, smiling softly. "I-uhm. T-Thank you." You said with amazement, dermas parted. Suddenly a warm feeling went through your dermas, and you soon realised Optimus, Optimus Prime, was kissing you. The Prime was soft, passionate and gentle, not needy or grabby. Instead he showed he truly cared.

He pulled back, not giving you time to kiss back. "I... apologise, I should not have done such without your consent." He spoke, obviously sad you didn't kiss back. You were too shocked at the time. Soon your processor came around, and you realised what happened. Suddenly, without thinking, you pulled optic in for a kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck

You were gentle, not quite like Optimus, but still soft. Optimus immediately kissed back. You then wrapped your pedes around Optimus' waist, pressing into the kiss. You both then parted,"I love you." You said at the same time, which made you both stop, and giggle at each other. "What will the team say...?" You questioned, nervously looking away and then back towards Optimus' calm face. "They will accept it, Ratchet already knew of my own feelings, so will not be surprised." He spoke, once again, reassuring you. You smile softly, putting your helm under his.

"Did I fail to mention that your new bod really turns me on?"

"(Y/n)! That is extremely inappropriate!"

"Don't tell me you didn't enjoy hearing that."

"That is the end of this conversation."

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