BOOK 4: The Seventeen Heirs S...

By WynnthLnn

246K 9.3K 6.7K

Mia Kazzandra Song - Heiress of INNERCIRCLE Empire - is the very loved youngest child of the Song's . Oh yes... More

7: WHO
10: WIN
13: LAW
15: SONG
23: DROP - IN
24; WHIM
26: MIST
29: Coping
41: TIME
53: PAWN
54: LIFE


3.8K 166 78
By WynnthLnn

Kazzandra just finished her breakfast, courtesy of Joshua, and she thinks that was the quickest breakfast she ever had. She just couldn't stand his presence and their tensed silence.

At dinner, he barely said two words to her. She was even surprised that he cooked for dinner at breakfast now. It's supposed to be her who's cooking. Maybe he doesn't want her in his kitchen while he feed Hades.

So typical of him.

And even if it's the tastiest tuna sandwich that she ever tasted, she refused to sit with him. She just brought her food here outside, even two packets of her sweets.

She saw four roosters wandering the ground, so she decided to feed them to kill time. And because she feels like crap, she needs someone to talk to, she just talked to them.

She sighed when her hand was empty. She was digging up her sweets for breakfast. She was supposed to be inside by now, washing dishes. But she doesn't want to go inside, not until the kitchen is empty.

She stayed there for another five minutes, eating her sweets while talking to the chicken. She can't help but laugh at herself. She sounded crazy and she looked like an idiot to be doing this, talking aimlessly to the chickens.

Maybe she should call her Yerin eonnie. But if she calls her . . . she sighed. He'll talk to her brother. They just share everything. Secrets are not for them. But she can always call her younger brother and just threaten him to shut up.

But what would she tell him?

Joshua frowned, worried. He thought about why Nana called him last night. Seungcheol called, and Mingyu mentioned to him that Mia Kazzandra is living with him at Castillo Luna and just like Wonwoo, he wasn't happy. They always thought that Mia Kazzandra is living with Nana and not here in Castillo Luna with him.

He knows how bad that sounds to them and how they took the information. So there's no wonder why he kept calling last night. They are his brothers and the Song brothers are their best of friends.

They were practically taking turns calling him nonstop. After Seungcheol, it would be Jeonghan who'll call. After him, Junhui's name would flash on the screen and then next brothers in line would follow. Good thing Irene's not calling him, because he would've been tempted to take it. Maybe they didn't tell her because she'll go ballistic on him.

Joshua sighed again, watching Mia Kazzandra murmur something to the chickens. He know they didn't like that she's here doing this. And for one moment, he almost answered their calls and tell the 'to hell with this Castillo Luna. I'm done here!' But he just watched how his phone rang on and off.

He really didn't like everything he said yesterday. He knows her woman pride was struck. He was even surprised that she actually took it by heart, even if he says that he's just angry at that time. But he knows that Mia Kazzandra Song does not make excuses for anyone. She's neither a pushover nor a doormat, and no one dares to insult her.

But he did all of that. So why would she let him win?

Just like what Kazzandra told herself before, and also her brothers, she will give him this land. Whatever it takes.

And if Joshua Hong thinks that she'll go away because of what he said, then he's wrong. He should learn by now, nothing can faze her. Not a fvcking nobody and definitely not him.

So even if he's not worth her hard work, at least she'll be doing this for her brothers and her parents.

"Mia? What are you doing here?"

She whirled to see Mingyu walking behind her and removed his cap, revealing his all-teeth smile.

"Just getting some fresh air." She smiled back. Thank God, there are other people aside from Joshua and her here. She has to talk to real people before she goes insane.

"Where's Hyung?"

"Inside, maybe." Which was weird, because he always leaves first thing after breakfast. She didn't see him getting out of the house

"Ah! I'm sorry about yesterday, Mia." She noticed the discomfort on his face.

"About what?"

"I forgot to tell you that Hyung doesn't allow anyone to enter that place. I thought he'll be home late so I didn't say anything about it. I didn't know he'll be home earlier than expected."

Oh, I see. That's why Joshua said that. It was not her place, he said. So who does it belong, really?

She just laughed. "No worries, Mingyu. Nothing happened, really. I'm also used to your brother's attitude."

"Really?" He sighed in visible relief. "I thought he'll kick you out. He terrorized me yesterday, though."

"He got angry at you?" What does Joshua think of Mingyu? Five years old?

Mingyu scratched the back of his head, his face turning red in embarrassment.

Well, can't blame him. Joshua can be scary sometimes. "Good thing he didn't break your bones."

The tall an laughed at her joke. "He's not that violent. Even if he's furious he can't hurt anyone."

Really? So that's why he uses words? She almost blurted out, but she bit her tongue and smiled.

She checked him out and his attire. He was dressed more casually than he did yesterday. "You'll be out with him?"

"I'm going to this small village to give out some fruits and vegetables. Wanna join?"

"With Joshua?"

"Nope. I'll go alone."

She remembered the boy from the mini mall. He said before that their supply of food came from Joshua but he just saw Joshua for the very first time that day.

Why? It's not bad to introduce his self to the people whom he's been helping. Why does he have to hide? Doesn't he like to be thanked properly? Personally? Did his failed operation have something to do with him hiding from people?

She thought about Mingyu's invitation. She was done cleaning the house; she's left to do the laundry. But they're not urgent, so she can do it later. Maybe she could pick flowers on the way, and fill the old vases inside. So that the dark castle would have some color.

It's funny, though, how she has to improvise the house when the owner can't even notice the change.

"Can I come with you?" She asked. If Joshua doesn't want to go, then she doesn't want to be stuck with him the whole day.

"Of course, Mia. The people there are great. They'll be glad to meet you. It's not always that a huge personality pays them a visit."

Kazzandra laughed, pleased. Mingyu made it sound like she's some royalty here when in fact he's one. She shrugged. He really restored her injured ego. Maybe she needs to stick to him than his older brother.


The two of them jumped at the voice. Joshua was stepping out of his house with a deep scowl under the lid of his hat.

"Let's go." He said with authority dripping on his voice without even looking at them. Kazzandra straightened her back in response as Mingyu only rolled his eyes at his brother's antics.

She was about to leave when Joshua called her. "Don't you have anything to do?" He asked, his forehead creased.


"Come with us. We need a hand." He said flatly and walked away.

Her eyes narrowed at the way he command her while on the other hand, Mingyu was amused by his brother's actions. They sometimes talked to Irene that way and their only princess would return it with a smack on their heads. Mingyu would love to see Mia Kazzandra doing the same to Joshua.

Mingyu smiled invitingly at her, that's why she followed them. They went inside the storage house and pulled hundreds of boxes in varying sizes. Mingyu explained to her the rules they made when working and she intently listened to him.

She never liked working in farms, because she was used to city life. But as she listened to Mingyu's story and the families they've been helping, she's starting to understand the simplicity of life they lead here.

Who would have thought that the wealthiest family in the country would be doing personal charity work? Kim Mingyu being known as one of the youngest CEOs and the highest paid model would be there, in his casual clothes, pulling and carrying boxes with fruits and vegetables inside under the swelling heat of the sun? And then there's Joshua Hong, the notorious neurologist with hospital chains all over the world farming just to aid a small village's needs?

She felt very inspired with how they help people even with their high status. The Choi siblings are just on their late twenties and they have a long way to go. They are all close to age, except the older ones.

Her laughter died down when she saw Joshua approaching them. His hat was long gone, and his hair was pulled away from his sweaty handsome face. His jaw clenched when she met his gaze, making her grimace.

"Gyu, you might have to get the other boxes inside. We'll be lacking some."

She looked at the remaining pumpkins, bananas and other root crops on the matted floor. There's so much more left and almost all the boxes were full.

"I'll go." She said but Mingyu stopped him. "I'll go with you." She insisted, but Mingyu was already walking away.

She sighed and continued filling her box. She noticed that Joshua didn't move behind her, and she could feel his eyes burning hole on her back. What's wrong with this man? She didn't do anything; in fact she even was helping him, and now he's mad?

Whatever. She doesn't like him anyway.

When she was done, she tried to weigh the box. It was Mingyu who would carry the boxes she's done filling to his truck. But now that he's not here, she might have to do it herself.

She doesn't know if she can handle it after the cleaning she made in two days straight, but she tried anyway. The box was just medium sized so she tried carrying it anyway. She used the body lifting technique that her therapist taught her before to avoid the strain on her back. And thankfully, she did.

When she turned around, it was Joshua whom she'd come face to face. He blocked her, intentionally, and she felt his hands just above her hand where she's gripping the box. And then he lifted it off.

"Let me." She hurriedly stopped him and moved back. He didn't try to block her this time, which was good, and then she put the box on the free space of the bed of his pickup.

She brushed her hands against her shorts and went back. She immediately saw Joshua's grim face as he eyed her clothes. He assessed her white top beneath an open buttoned, red and blue stripe polo shirt and cutoffs like she wore a crime.

Goodness! He's been flexing his jaw from the moment she showed up in his kitchen and found him flipping French toasts. Of course, he does not like her outfit. But who gives a damn about what he likes and not? As far as she's concerned, they is nothing wrong with the way she dresses. He's just too damn conservative..

What a phony. He's been living in States for years, and she's very certain he shared a lot of experience about women, so what's with the 'brusque' attitude?

Kazzandra brushed past him, and then his gloved hand suddenly clamped her around wrists pulling her back in front of him. She gasped both in horror and surprise. He pulled her hard that she lost her balance. He quickly held her shoulders and steadied her effortlessly.

She opened her mouth but he quickly had a finger pressed on her mouth. Her eyes widened in fraction and glared at him. What the hell was he doing?!

"Kazzandra —"

Something cracked, like a tree being stepped on. She looked at the source of the noise and she saw a girl standing few feet away from us, looking confused.

She hurriedly moved away from Joshua. He didn't even want to let her go, and then she realized he was not aware of his visitor.

"You have a visitor." Kazzandra said, jerking her eyes. Joshua turned to where his visitor was and a smile immediately crept up his face.

Kazzandra frowned, not liking the feeling it caused inside her. She turned around when Joshua walked away to talk to his visitor. They talked while she kept herself busy. She's eyeing them from time to time.

The girl was pretty. She's wearing a plain white shirt with a floral shirt coming down just above her knees. A very traditional beauty. She's petite, Joshua's height was almost looming above her. Is that how Joshua Hong's type of girl looks like? The shy and vulnerable type?

Something deep in her stung when she heard Joshua laughed. She looked at them. And she saw the ease and comfort in his body language as he talked with her.

Kazzandra was filled with hatred. How can he laugh with another woman after what he did just a minute ago?

It was not long when the lady bid her goodbye with Joshua. She looked away and pretended to arrange the vegetables. She doesn't know what she's doing exactly, but she just wanted to seem busy.

Her heart was already shrinking, she doesn't know why and she doesn't like it. And it kept on pounding as the sound of Joshua's footsteps got nearer and nearer.

He stood in front of her with his hands on his hips when she didn't mind him. What? He wanted to talk now? After he left her last night? As if she wanted to own that garden. She just wanted to take a swim.

"Kazzandra." He said her name in an impatient tone.

She lifted her head and she saw Mingyu coming.

"Mingyu!" She exclaimed as soon as he reappeared with the boxes. The man's brow pricked at the way she called hi. The way she shrieked, someone would think she's never been happier to see a person in her life.

She ran to him, completely ignoring Joshua, and helped him unload the boxes. She even heard Joshua sighed when he decided to help them.

She initiated a conversation with Mingyu, she just lets him talk and banter about his work as they box some fruits, vegetables and eggs. Kazzandra worked side by side him, putting a safe distance from Joshua. But she can't help but check on him from time to time.

Kazzandra wondered who that girl was. A friend? Relative? Someone he knows? She seemed special, because she doesn't think Joshua Hong would laugh like that ever since she came there.

She could watch him all day, she decided as she took a secret glance towards him. She watched him in grudging awe; the way his biceps bulging underneath the sleeves of his thin shirt, the rippling of muscles at his back, the way his jeans hugged his thick thigh perfectly, the sweat running down from the side of his face to his neck . . . She suddenly felt her own neck perspire.

She tore her eyes away from him only to see Mingyu's teasing and amused eyes. Shit! He just watched her gawking after his brother!

He smiled understandingly, and heat crept in her cheeks. She think she look red as those tomatoes their packing now.

"Hey, don't get the wrong idea." Kazzandra said playfully nudging his shoulder with hers.

Mingyu laughed heartedly and did the same to her. "I know my brother's more charismatic that I am."

Kazzandra rolled her eyes. "Huh! Don't lie to me. Have you heard those girls who would over their lives just to touch you during concerts?!" Well, Kim Mingyu is not your typical CEO but he's also a singer/actor/model.

He threw his head and laughed genuinely. She laughed along him too since his laugh is so inviting. Mingyu was a lot of fun. She missed laughing. Being with Joshua sure made her forget how it was to have fun.

"Are you done there?" Joshua stood in front of them, hands on hips and looked downright annoyed.

Kazzandra's laugh died instantly while Mingyu's trailed to a teasing laugh. Joshua didn't even hide his irritation from them. Anything wrong with having fun? If he's jealous, then he's welcome to join the fun. If he's irritated, he can close his ears or disappear. Either way, she doesn't care.

"Faster, Gyu. You still have to go to the village. They've been waiting. " He snapped and gave her a glare before walking out on them.

"I'll go with him." Kazzandra announced before he went too far. And that made him stop his feet and turned with a thundering face.


She heard Mingyu chuckled softly beside her. He must be very amused right now. She's the one and only who can make Joshua Hong as mad as he already is. She brings the worst out of him. They're quits.

"I'll go with Mingyu to the village. I want to help him with the distribution."

He clenched his jaw so hard she thought he would break his face. But she was surprised when he agreed. "Fine. Suit yourself."

Later, Mingyu had the boxes secured on the truck. Kazzandra didn't bother to change since they'll just distribute food. She just got her phone from her room and hurriedly went out. She saw Mingyu waiting inside the car, revving the engine. She's not that far from the main door of the mansion when she heard Joshua from behind.

"Wait." She heard him. She turned to him, obviously pissed. If he would try to stop her from going, she'll punch him. Seriously.

"I forgot to give you this." He handed her a paper bag and her cowboy hat. But instead of giving it to her directly, he's the one who personally put it on her head. "I got it from Seoul when I went off the other day." He gestured his head to the bag.

Kazzandra looked inside it and back to Joshua, wide eyed. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips, looking smug and satisfied with her reaction. But that was all she got from him. A small smile.

"Thank you. I'll wear this on the way. Mingyu's waiting."

His smile disappeared, but he still nodded. "Be careful." He said curtly and went back inside the house.

Kazzandra checked what's inside the paper bag ones again as she walks to the care. She can't help a smile around her lips as she looked at her new cowboy boots, particularly at her name stitched on the brown leather. Kazzandra.

She sighed, totally confused.

I don't know what make of you, Joshua Hong.


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