Queen Thorn (complete)

By TeresaSullivan427

165K 4K 1.3K

Rose was driven from court, because of the treatment she received from Dimitri and Lissa. But what happened t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57

Chapter 56

1K 39 17
By TeresaSullivan427

Just as I danced with both of our mothers, my babushka, my sisters, Sonya Tanner, Tatiana, Rebecca, Mia, Celeste, Tamera, my daughters, my nieces and a lot more. (grandmother)

When it was time to do the bouquet and garter toss, Adrian brought a chair over to the center of the dance floor.

First was the bouquet toss, all the single ladies gathered behind Roza as she turned her back on them and tossed her bouquet over her shoulder.

When she turned back around the young lady that had caught the bouquet. Was the same young woman who Roza and I had met at the academy middle school, Jill Mastrano.

Then the single men all gathered around. I helped Roza sit down and kneeled on the floor in front of her. I lifted her skirt and with a wink made my way under her dress and up her right leg to the garter that awaited me there.

Kissing her thigh around the garter I grabbed a hold of it with my teeth and brought it down her leg and off her foot.

"Don't forget the other one!!" My little sister teased.

Once I had the second garter and had crawled my way back out from under her dress. Kissing and nipping her leg teasingly as I went, I stood up.

"You only throw one of them Dimka." My big sister Karo told me.

I turned my back on the group of gathered guys and threw Roza's garter backwards over my head.

When I turned around none other that my best friend and best man Ivan had caught the garter. I saw him turn and look at Jill and wondered if that meant anything.

Later, as lyubov' moya and I danced together again I asked, "Roza?" (my love)


"Could you look at Ivan and Jill's aura's and tell me what you see?"

"Of course, babe."

She turned her head and looked at the two of them as they discussed having caught the bouquet and garter. A few moments later she gasped.

"What's wrong, Roza?"

"Comrade, their auras are reaching out for and wrapping around each other just like ours do. And Jill is a Dragomir."

"Wait, you mean that Jill is Lissa's sister?"

"Half sister, yes."

"So, can we strip Lissa of her title and give it to Jill?"

"Yes. We can name Jill as the Dragomir princess and Lissa can go back to being Lady Dragomir again."

"I think that we should do that soon."

"I agree."

"Now, about their aura's. Are you saying that Ivan and Jill are soul mates?"

"Yes, they are."

"Let's give them some time to see if they get together and if they don't then we will give them a little shove. We may have to talk to Ivan the most, because with their being a decade between he and Jill. He may think like I did and feel that he is too old for her."

"I agree babe. That was really stupid by the way." She teased me.

I chuckled. "Yes, I know that it was. And I am so sorry about that, I made us loose so much time that we could have spent together."

"It's all right, I forgive you, my husband." She smiled radiantly.

"My beautiful wife." I whispered in her ear softly.

"It's time to go Dimka." Karo informed Roza and I little over an hour later.

As we were about to walk out of the reception over a dozen doves were released.

All of those gathered had a bottle of bubbles in their hands. The tops were double hearts, churches and stakes with crowns around them.

As we walked out the doors everyone started blowing the bubbles into the air. In front of the doors to the reception hall sat a carriage exactly like the one on our wedding cake.

We had gotten dozens upon dozens of remarks and complements on not only our wedding cake but also my groom's cake.

All of the kids were thrilled to be on both of our cakes with us, especially our own children. And the adults really seemed to enjoy that part as well. And the topper on our wedding cake was a huge hit with the adults and kids alike, again especially with our kids.

The carriage took us to our palace where we would spend the night before we departed for our honeymoon in the human morning. I still hadn't told Roza where we were going for our honeymoon. So, I really hoped that she enjoyed our honeymoon. And not just our loving time together but also the places that I had planned for us to go.

Bright and early the next human morning, Hans Croft showed up at the airstrip, just as we were about to board the jet.

We had asked him yesterday to meet us here so that we could talk to him before we left.

We had said goodbye to our children last night. Since we knew that all of our family, friends and circle of guardians were leaving last night. They left shortly after the reception to start their own journey. They were spending two weeks at Disney World and another two at Disney Land. That would give them plenty of time so that they wouldn't miss anything and they wouldn't have to rush.

"Your majesties, you wanted to see me before you left?"

"Yes, Guardian Croft, we wanted to thank you again for agreeing to watch over court while we are all away."

"Of course, your majesties, I appreciate the trust that you have placed in me."

"Of course, Guardian Croft. Please don't forget, that if there is an emergency or if we are need in any way, to text us and we will skype you."

"Yes, of course, my queen. I hope that the two of you enjoy your time away."

"Thank you, Guardian Croft. Well, my beautiful wife, I guess that it's time for us to board." I said as I quickly swept her up into my arms bridal style and carried her up the steps of the jet as she giggled uncontrollably.

Fifteen minutes later we were soaring high into the clouds and on our way to our destination.

"Will you tell me where we are going now Comrade?"

"Well, I guess since we are on the plane and on our way... I guess that I could tell you. If you are really sure that you want to know?"

"Yes, yes of course I want to know." She squealed excitedly.

"For the next two weeks we are going to be staying in one of your father's villas. Which is right on a private beach in... Bali."



"But I thought our honeymoon is a month long."

"It is."

"So, that means that Bali isn't the only place that we are going is it?"

"No, it is most certainly is not. Remember I said that we will spend two weeks in one place and one week each in two other places."

She nodded.

"Well one of the last two weeks will be spent in one place that we both love. And the last week we will stay in a place that is very special and significant to our relationship."


"The third week we will stay in the house that you had built for my family in Baia. Abe has had someone go clean it up, stock up the fridge, freezer and pantries. And that swimming pool, that you didn't tell me about, has been cleaned and the heater will be turned on two days before we arrive. That way it won't be to cold at night if we want to take a swim after dark. He is also having the wards reinforced the day before we get there."

She jumped up out of her seat to straddle my lap and started kissing me all over my face and neck.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I love you so so much. I have missed being there so much." Then she finally kissed my lips and gave me a kiss that drove me crazy.

"Where are we spending our last week?" She asked me after we caught our breath and calmed our hearts.

I couldn't help myself, I grinned at her. I was so glad that she loved my plans so far. Now, I just had to hope that she liked the last leg of our journey.

"I have arranged for our cabin to be stocked with food and we will stay there for our last week. The first place that we ever made love, will be where we spend the last week of our honeymoon."

Her eyes filled with tears, and for a moment I got worried. But when she again kissed me crazy and smiled, with that my worry quickly disappeared.

"You are such a hopeless romantic my love. Thank you for thinking of that baby, being there again is going to be such a wonderful memory. One that will replace the memory of your last time at the academy."

"That was part of my hope, a new and wonderful memory to replace the old and painful one. Just like with the maze."

"Thank you sooo much dorogoy moy." (my darling)

"You are very welcome dorogaya moya. Well, we have an almost twenty-one hour flight, what would you like to do?" (my darling)

"How about my husband makes love to his wife?"

"Oh, I really like that idea detka. I like it a lot." (baby)

Standing I swung my wife up into my arms bridal style and made our way to one of the bedrooms on board.

I made love to my wife for a few hours and then we fell asleep for a few hours. And we continued that cycle for the entire flight. We spent the first few days of our time in Bali making love. When we got hungry I would go down to the kitchen, naked, and fix my beautiful wife and I something to eat. We also swam nude in the pool at the villa we were staying in.

The next few days we spent touring Bali. She loved the local street markets, craft fairs and live street performances. We even ended up getting everyone that we knew something from the markets.

Since the beach around the villa was a private beach, we also lay out in the sun nude, which deepened both of our tans.

Thankfully, we thought to take a large blanket down to the beach with us to lay on. So, when we got excited, we could make love on the beach. Without having to worry about getting sand in some unwanted places.

When we left Bali, we had a ten-hour flight to Russia. And then another eight-hour drive from the airport in Novosibirsk to Baia. Thankfully, there would be a stretch hummer waiting at the airstrip for us. And a few of Abe's local guardians who would take us to my family's home.

We spent a happy week at the house that my wife and father in law had built for my family. When the old house burned down after being struck by lightning during that big storm.

We went to see Oksana and Mark one day, they had left court the day after our wedding to return home, and we spent a good part of the day reminiscing with them.

Since my wife and I had not ever been to Baia together before. I took her around town and showed her all of my favorite places when I was young. Although we always knew that our guardians were always there, they kept a discreet distance and stayed more or less out of sight.

On our last day in Baia lyubov' moya cried as we packed. I had never even hoped that I would be able to show her my home someday. Although I had always longed to be able to do so. But she had been here so many times, without me, that she loved it here. But now that I have, finally, been able to show her all the things that I loved about Baia. I knew that because of that she loved it here even more now. (my love)

"Please, don't cry mladenets, we'll come back every chance that we get." (babe)

"I know, it's just that..."

"It's just what mladenets?" (babe)

"The first time that I came to Baia, it was because I thought that I'd lost you forever."

"Detka, I am so sorry that you had to go through all of that." (baby)

"It wasn't your fault my love, that is yet another thing that can be laid at the feet of Natasha Ozera. Nothing that happened from the moment that we walked out the door of the cabin, until I came back to court is your fault. If she hadn't paid Galina and given her the idea to attack the academy in the first fucking place, then you would never have been turned. I never would have lost you, I never would have left the academy and come to Baia. None of what happened because of you being turned would have ever happened. I just wish that I could get my hands around her throat and put an end to her myself once and for all."

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