Then and Now

By Moosifer_bilinski

49.1K 2.2K 1.3K

Sam and Dean had a happy life, until one night the two young boys witness their parents murders. Now they hop... More

Charlie's story
The Novak's
The golden boy and the quiet boy
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches get you friends
Fight club
Finding Sammy
A new home
They finally meet
Sammy Winchester, the boy who lived
The birth of Destiel
The treehouse friends
What an anniversary...
The hunter became the hunted
We don't get to be happy
Bestest best friends
Wanna see if I can fly?
And then shit hit the fan
Town to Town
The Dr is in
Get him back: Part one
Get him back: Part two
Get him back: Part three
Life is harsh pt. 1
Life is harsh pt. 2
Cas? I thought you died!
Satan is being... nice?
Sabriel! Or the one about Lucifer and his ships
This is a story about Castiel
Gabe almost gets murdered by a moose
A filler about Sam and Gabe
The Photography Project
You'll be okay, old friend
The Older Brothers
The past will always haunt us, brother

Dark and Light

1.6K 72 21
By Moosifer_bilinski

January 15th

Dean hated the dark. Not for the same reasons that most other kids did, however. No, Dean hated the dark because darkness meant that he was all alone. That he was locked in a small room with nothing to break the heavy silence save his childish sobbing.

He lay in bed, it was after lights out and the only light came from the moon outside, shining into the room as a thin strip between the gap in the curtains.

The other boys were asleep, their deep breathing filling the air and reminding Dean that he wasn't really alone. He still felt scared. He wanted his mummy.

Tomorrow was a big day, so he really should be getting some sleep. But all he could think about was the small, dark cupboard that he constantly spent time in. Lilith put him in there over every small thing he did wrong, and Dean wasn't sure what to do anymore.

All he could do was try and protect little Sammy from it.

Charlie had tried asking where Lilith took him, and Dean could tell that she didn't like the woman either, but for some reason he could never get the words out. It felt like when he used to not be able to tell mummy something because he was afraid of getting into trouble.

He rolls over with a sigh, and tries to count to one hundred. He wanted to sleep.

But now other thoughts were making him feel sick. Sammy still hadn't spoken, and Dean actually found himself missing his brother's little voice, with its small lisp and his habit of still mispronouncing words.

Alastair had taken to bullying his little brother, which had led to Dean picking fights with him which in turn led to more time in the dark cupboard. But Dean hated that the mean boy though he could pick on Sam just because he was quiet.

Dean rolled over again. He was worrying too much, his father would call him a worry wort adult if he were here. The thought just made Dean sad and he spent the rest of the night tossing and turning during a fitful sleep.

The next morning, Dean felt like his entire head was made up of slush. He quietly sat next to Sammy at the breakfast table and rubbed his eyes tiredly. Charlie sat on his other side, strangely quiet as she looked down at her plate glumly.

Dean felt bad. Today he and Sam were finally getting to leave this horrible house. He would no longer have to be put in the small cupboard. Sam wouldn't get bullied by Alastair. They would be happier as long as the new house was nicer.

Sam, while silent as usual, seemed to be in a better mood than usual as he picked at his breakfast. Dean could scarcely eat. He was too nervous and sad about leaving Charlie behind. He wished he could keep his only friend with him, but she was going to be sent off to a new house in Kansas next month.

Dean wanted to go with her, she would be near their old hometown. Instead he and Sam were going to somewhere called New York. He could faintly remember his mummy say something about wanting to visit this place once, so that somewhat comforted him.

Sam kept close behind Dean as they got ready under Lilith's angry glare. Dean wondered what was going through the small boy's head.

He just hopes that this time round they could be happy.

Lawrence, Kansas
January 16th

The Novak's Household

Gabriel couldn't have been happier. He had another set of trophies and ribbons on his wall, he had even beaten Lucifer in the junior's finals.

Now he was sprawled out on the window seat in his room, watching the snow fall outside in a hypnotic dance towards the ground.

Lucifer, who he unfortunately had to share a room with following Cassie's birth, was sitting on the floor reading comic books. Gabe had the new spiderman issue in his hands, but at the moment he was more interested in the outside world.

He could hear little Castiel shouting downstairs in excited tones. Balthazar could be heard laughing. Their parents were out doing some shopping, leaving Balthazar behind to babysit. Of course, Anna claimed that at 10, she didn't need to be babysat and currently sat sulking in her room.

His mummy had told him a secret before she had left, when he had asked why they had cleared out the other side of Cassie's room. Now he was really excited because he was going to have a new baby brother or sister.

Of course, he mustn't tell Lucifer, who was already grumpy about the amount of sibling he had. Being third oldest, 8 year old Luci was already living up to his namesake.

Suddenly Cas came toddling into their room, screaming with laughter as Balthazar came running in behind him with outstretched arms. Cassie was dressed in only a towel, his black hair fluffy from being dried.

"Cassie! You have to get into pyjamas!"



"You mwean!"

"I know I am, but you gotta get dressed buddy."

"Why! Gabey help!" Castiel clambered up onto Gabe's window seat.

"Nope, sorry bud." Gabriel laughed, handing the small, wriggling bundle to the puffing Balthy.

Balthazar sighs, struggling to keep a wriggling Cas as he walked back out of the room.

Lucifer grinned. "Looks like our little brother is going to be a rebellious little thing when he gets older... just like his brother satan."

"Na-uh, he's gonna be a Trickster like me." Gabe hung upside down on the seat now, sticking his tongue out at Lucifer, his hair brushing against the floor. "We couldn't handle more satan jokes."

"Hey, I'm literally named after the devil, what do you expect?" Lucifer threw a cushion at Gabe.

"Bish please."

"LANGUAGE." Balthazar yells, walking back past the room.

"ENGLISH," Gabriel sasses back.

Lucifer starts laughing, falling backwards as he clutches his stomach. Gabriel sighed, he didn't understand his older brother sometimes.

Gabriel sits back upright, shaking his head to clear it. Outside, the snow had picked up, the white blanket on the ground starting to form a thicker layer.

He watched his parents pull back into the drive, and heard his siblings shouting and running around the house. Lucifer was still giggling. Gabriel just smiles widely, pressing his nose against the chilly glass and feeling a warm sense of peace settle over him.


So I really wanna show the differences between the Novak's life and the Winchester's because they're so different and that was my original idea for this.

I hope you're all having a great day/night, I'm planning on finally starting to watch one day at a time tonight.

Peace out, wayward readers 🖤💜

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