The Cold Never Bothered Me An...

Bởi renrose_

9.9K 371 46

A car crash. Memory loss. Dead parents. Elsa Arendelle's life is full of bumps and surprises. But she and he... Xem Thêm

The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Author's Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author's Note
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 35

131 8 5
Bởi renrose_

Elsa's POV


My fingers fly across the keyboard as I continue to write my psychology final. Yep, final.

It's been about three months since the first FC that we won. We even went on to win the championships! It's just the start of December, my birthday month. It's already passed, and Jack and my other friends got me an iPhone 5s. I was so overjoyed; am overjoyed.

There has been no more incidents lately here, so we are finally allowed to leave the dorms and resume our classes.

I look out the window, my fingers still poised over the laptop. The sky is blue, the sun still shining even though it is snowing, even though so much has happened.

Even though there has been so much bad and fear, that it seems impossible that such wonder could be here.

It's beautiful outside. Everything is white; just like how it used to be a few months ago. When October and November hit, it stopped snowing, the ice river thawed, and the trees changed. It was beautiful too, I must admit.

But winter is still even more so.

I sigh, leaning back in my chair and rolling my cramped rises. Punzie looks up from her own typing,"You okay Elsa?"

I nod,"Ya, just exhausted from writing this paper."

"You should stop then. Take a break."

I shake my head,"I can't. I don't want to be doing this last minute."

Punzie roles her eyes, getting back to her work. I hear her grumbling something about how this isn't due till a couple of weeks. I shake my head again, chuckling, and I see her smile.

My eyes drift downward to the drawer where I keep the book that Mr.Beast gave me. I stopped reading it for a bit. It caused me a lot of heartbreak, even though I know that the outcome must turn out to be good.

And still I have not remembered anything in it. I've stopped having my fake visions all together. I guess that not all of them are fake though. I know that I still froze Arendelle, but I also know that Jack wasn't there.

I look at my phone sitting on my desk, and I debate whether I should pick it up and contact Mr.Beast or just forget about it.

I guess it's been long enough.

I pick it up, put in my code, 2662, and go to the message app. I click Mr.Beast's contact and type:

Hey, I was wondering if we could meet up sometime soon. Remember the book you gave me? Frozen Hearts? Ya, that one. There's something strange going on with it.

I hit the Send button and turn it off, holding it in my hand. Almost immediately, I feel it buzz, and I open it up and read the message from Mr.Beast:

Ya sure. I'm heading over right now from the staff building. Should be like five minutes. I'll walk you out.

I respond:

Okay thx.

I turn my phone off, along with my laptop. I stand, pushing my chair in and walk over to my closet. I pull out a simple t-shirt and sweats. Punzie looks at me quizzically,"Whatcha doin Elsa?"

"Mr.Beast wants to meet up with me," I say simply.

"Oh. Okay," is her response, and she returns to her work. She has gotten used to my strange meetings with him.

After I'm dressed, I stuff my book into my purse along with my phone, and hurry out the door into the hall.

As I head to the elevator, I feel a small thud on my head, and I know what it is immediately. I smirk, and turn around to see a wad of paper on the ground. I pick it up, unravel it and read the words,

Whatcha doin? Wanna prank someone???

I role my eyes, and look up at the air duct. I've learned that if I freeze an object, I can move it. So I raise my hand, freeze the grate, and pull it down. Jack falls out, landing on his back. He groans as I laugh.

"What was that for?" He exclaims.

I shrug," I don't know. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Still does, actually," I smirk, putting my hands on my hips.

Now it's his turn to role his eyes,"But seriously. Where are you going?"

"Mr.Beast wants to talk to me," I say.

He opens his mouth, then closes it,"Okay. See you later, then?" He smiles, but his eyes don't have that familiar light in them.

How did the mood change so quickly?

"Ya, okay," I say, and I smile,"When I get back, you better have a good prank plan."

He finally laughs, and I step into the elevator,"Sounds good!" He says, and the doors close.

I hit the Ground button and lean against the wall. I'm worried about Jack. Lately, he's often been suddenly turning sad, loosing that happiness. And I have no idea why.

The doors open and I step out quickly, stalking over to the dorm guard. Not everything has changed, even though the incidents have stopped. We still have a dorm guard, just in case. Also the camera in the room halls. I stop in front of Pumba,"Hey," I say, smiling.

He turns,"Hey Elsa! How you been?" He responds in his low, gruff voice.

I look him over. He has that same, jolly smile and goofy expression, that same bad fart smell wafting from him. But I don't mind. I'm used to it now, I guess. I talk to him a lot, have actually gotten close with him. It must get lonely sitting in front of the dorm. Of course, he isn't always here. His shifts are sometimes day, sometimes night. It switches around. His best friends though still remain Timon and Simba, but he has told me that I'm up there. He is big too, and I can see why he'd make a good guard.

"Good, actually," I say, smiling too. How can I not?

We talk a little more, him about his classes and me about mine. Also about sports and books and what-not. Eventually, I see Mr.Beast's familiar smile and familiar orange hair. I turn to Pumba,"Well, it was nice talking to you!"

He laughs,"Always a pleasure, Elsa Arendelle," and he farts. We both laugh out loud as Mr.Beast comes up, shaking his head,"Pumba, there is seriously something wrong with that stomach of yours."

"I think that my stomach just likes to be healthier and emptier when it comes to gas then most."

And with that strange statement, we both walk out into the snowy air.The chilly hair stings my nose, but I like it. I love the feeling of my feet sinking a couple inches down in the soft snow, the sight of the beautiful crystals falling softly from the sky. The sun makes the white powder at my feet sparkle, and I feel the flakes falling into my hair and eyelashes.

We reach one of the many benches on the campus, and we sit down together after moving the snow off of it.

"So," Mr.Beast begins,"What is the deal with the book? Have you finished it yet?"

"Well, no, I haven't yet. It's complicated," I take a deep breath,"But, um, so you know how we are supposed to remember our past?" He nods.

"Well, I have remembered the wrong things. I have not been remembering," I reach into my purse and pull out Frozen Hearts,"This."

His face is a mixture of shock and confusion,"That's-that's impossible. That should be impossible."

"Well, it's not," I say,"What do think it is?"

He shakes his head,"I don't know, Elsa."

"Well then what am I going to do about it?"

He doesn't respond right away, but when he does, he says,"Let's just hope that by reading this book, you'll remember the truth."


I sit on my bed. Jack and I already did our prank. Punzie and all of them are in Merida's room. I told them that I was studying, but really, I just want to read and be alone.

But then the door opens, and Jack comes in. He smiles, leaning on his staff,"Whatcha doin, Elsa?"

I close the book, setting it down so that the front is not showing,"Reading," I say easily.

"Oh yea, that book...what's it called again?" He sits next to me after closing the door.

"Frozen Hearts."

He stays quiet for a moment, then he says,"Elsa, is there something bothering you?'re not telling me?"

My chest contracts, but I stay calm on the outside,"No."

He shakes his head,"Fine then. Don't tell me." He stands up quickly, and heads to the door.

"Jack," I say,"You don't have to get that upset, there's nothing-"

"Yes there is!" He says abruptly. Then his face softens,"There is, Elsa. And I can be that upset because I've been upset for months now."

"Why?" I say.

He doesn't respond,"Why?" I say louder.

He looks up, his beautiful blue eyes horribly sad,"Elsa, that book, I know what it is. I've known all along. And you know why."

I look at the book by my side,"Actually, I haven't finished it yet," I look up at him,"Enlighten me."

"What part are you at?"

I close my eyes,"I-I just died."

His steps back, like something just hit him. He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes. He starts breathing fast.

"Jack? Jack, what's wrong?"

He leans against the wall, placing his palm loudly on it. I get up, slowly walking to him. From what has happened, it doesn't seem like he wants me very near. He looks at me, and his eyes seem...darker. I realize that that this could be the way he receives visions. I faint, his eyes change.

He must be remembering my death.

I don't care now, I run up to him and start shaking his shoulders,"Jack, Jack! It's fine! I'm alive! I'm alive, I'm okay, just calm down!" His eyes turn to me, and I watch as they open up wide,"Elsa?" He asks.

"Yea, yea it's me. I'm alive. Perfectly healthy," I smile.

His eyes turn back to their original blue. He steps back quickly, pushing me away.

"Hello, what is wrong with you? I just brought you out of that, and you push me away?" I say, annoyed.

He looks at me sadly, and he turns away, muttering something.

"What?" I say sharply.

He mutters again, then says louder,"It's because you're not the same women I lost. You're not the same women I fell in love with. You're not...her."

His words seem to hurt more than even Pitch's sand coursing through my veins. I step back, placing my own hand on the wall behind me for balance. My eyes are wide.

You're not...her.

Yes I am. I am Elsa Arendelle. The women who froze her own kingdom. I became Queen. I ruled a kingdom. I can control ice, and once, I was feared by all. I am Elsa, and no one can tell me otherwise.

So what does Jack mean?

"What do you mean?" I say loudly,"I'm clearly Elsa."

He shakes his head,"But no, you aren't. That Elsa, the one I married, the one who I fell head over heels with, is gone. She was lost when she fell through that portal."

"So you're saying I'm not as good as her? I'm not like that perfect Elsa who was always so amazing?! Well, it might be hard to be like her if I don't even remember her! I haven't been remembering anything! All I've remembered that's the slightest bit true is that I froze my own kingdom! And I know now that you weren't there! You were not there when I needed you most! When she needed you most! Do you know how hard it is to not remember? Do u realize how hard it is to not know who you really are? This"-I pick up the book-," is not the same as actually remembering! This is a story to me, Jack! Do you know how hard that is? To have your life be a story?" I finish my rant, breathing heavily. I no longer lean against the wall now.

"Do you realize how hard it is to remember?! To relive everything every single day?! To relive all of the struggles we went through? Even the good is hard to remember Elsa, because I miss it! Because I want it back! And I can't Elsa! I can't go back to those days! I can't go back to my son, our son, and tell him that we love him, one last time, and that we didn't want to leave him! I can't tell him happy birthday anymore, or hug him or laugh with him or any of that! Do you realize how hard that is?"

I stare at him, my anger slipping away,"Tell me about him."

"What?" He says quietly, his eyes loosing the anger and filling with softness and sadness.

"Our son. Tell me about him."

Jack sighs, and after a minute or so, says,"Where do I start? When he was first born, we loved him so much. So did Anna and the whole palace. He had beautiful blue eyes like yours with my bizarre snowflake design," he chuckles,"You loved that in my eyes. Even more in his."

I can't believe I didn't notice it. But I see it now. The snowflake curves and curls around the blue iris, like an intricate painting.

"As he grew older, I could see us even more in him. He had white hair with a hint of blond. He was tall, skinny like me. Handsome. He was such a jokester. He always messed around."

I feel my heart crumble slowly as I hear my son's Father tell me about him, his voice prideful yet broken. It's is full of sadness and grief, yet also happiness and longing for one final word or laugh. Anything.

"What happened?" I ask.

Jack's eyes cloud with anger,"Pitch, he happened. His heart is bitter, and he always knew to send us here. So he threw me in a portal, and instead of bringing me here, sent me forward in time where I fought him with the Guardians. But I never stopped thinking about you guys. Ever. And when he prepared to send me here, he told me that you had been thrown into the portal with Anna, Sven, Kristoff, and Olaf the day before our son's 25th birthday. I guess that your trek was longer than mine, so I reached here before you. While it seemed like second for you, it was months for me."

I am suddenly filled with hope," Then maybe he is still alive! Maybe-"

"I though that too. I checked with Mr.Beast, who's always been monitoring the mortal world. It's been centuries since he was born."

As my heart sinks about 100 feet, I turn and walk out onto the small balcony, and memories flood through me of when Jack first came up here, before I knew of his powers. When he asked me to the dance, shaking with nervousness. And now here we are, talking about our dead son.

Jack stands next to me now,"Did he have powers?" I ask.

He chuckles,"Yes. He could fly and make ice sculptures. We made sure that he could control them, that he did not have the same childhood as you."

"Was, was he happy? Was he happy while we were there? Even after?"

I hear him sigh,"He was, Elsa. I'm positive."

I nod, relaxing. As long as he was happy.

"What was his name?"

"James Overland Frost."

I mouth his name over and over, wondering when exactly I said it.

Jack taps me on the shoulder, and I turn and see that he is holding a old and worn stuffed reindeer toy.

I take it,"What's this?"

"This is James's favorite toy. He always slept with it, took it everywhere. He loved it so much. I never lost it."

I look at it for a few seconds, then hug it to my chest. I close my eyes, tears silently coursing down my face. I let out my grief and sadness for my dead son that has been hidden away for many years. I feel arms wrap around me, enveloping me in warmth that I usually don't need. I know that Jack and I can make us work. We'll find a way.

"Awe, how cute." Says a dark voice,"But I'm on a tight schedule. Let's make this quick."




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