Picture Perfect | Daniel Ricc...

By TubbieTommo

186K 3.6K 101

Dani & Daniel, two best friends that spent their whole childhood and teenage life being that duo that couldn'... More

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7.7K 156 6
By TubbieTommo

Dani looked at how her dog was attacking her younger brothers face with licking his whole face.
'Oh my god, Kurt? Isn't that your sister?' Dani heard one of the girls in the group say while she herself was standing a bit back from the group. Kurt pushed his dog slowly off him and turned his body around to see his sister standing a few meters back from him.
'Dani?!' he says surprised. The corners of his mouth curled up as he stood up and run to his sister. Dani couldn't help but smile at him bright as he surprisingly pulled his arms around her and with the speed that he came running to her, they almost fell into the sand.
'Hey, Kurt.' Dani said softly back. 'Put some clothes on,'
'Oh, way to ruin a moment,' Kurt sighed as he pushed himself off her. He was looking at her, taking her in after not seeing her for two years long. 'All grown up, but still the little one,' 
Dani rolled her eyes with Kurt's comment but still smiled at her younger brother. Kurt was a year younger than Dani, while Will was three years older than Dani. All three siblings had a great relationship with each other. Something that was rare and Dani felt responsible to keep that close relationship with her two brothers until she dies. This was the only thing Dani really missed about Perth, spending time with her brothers.
'Come sit with us,' Kurt said, already pushing his sister to the group of friends that he was hanging out with. It was mostly people of their age that lived around this neighbourhood. So most of them Dani already knew and the few she didn't know, her brother introduced them to her. 
'How's life in Adelaide Dani?' one of the girls that lived here in the neighbourhood said, her name was Chrissy. She was cool, but Dani always thought she was too cool to hang out with. Because she did some wild stuff and encouraged Kurt to do them with her.
'Fun,' Dani said back with a big smile, thinking about what all her friends were doing right now. 
'Too much fun I guess since she never wants to come back.' Kurt said with a grin as he put his arm around her sister. Dani looked at her little brother with raised eyebrows.
'I am here now, right?' Kurt pulled Dani closer to him. Kurt never cared if others thought it was strange for him to be so close with his siblings. They slept in the same room for ages before each got their own room. They were forced to get along with each other and to be honest, Kurt didn't want it to be any different then it was right now. 
'Yes, you are. Don't make me regret missing you,' he said as Dani pushed herself out of Kurt's grip. 

Dani stayed with the group together with Terry until around dinner time when Kurt suggested going back home. Dani started to realise this afternoon how long she actually was gone for. Two years for her went by fast, but hearing Kurt talk at the beach with all of his friends about stuff that they did and the more mature way he was talking, two years suddenly seems long. 
'Did you enjoy yourself at the beach?' Kurt asked as he throws the frisbee into the air with Terry close behind running after it. Dani nodded and looked at her brother. 
'I did, thanks.' Dani said to her brother while Terry caught the frisbee. They both turned their heads to the dog that was running back to them with the frisbee in his mouth. It stayed quiet between the two when Kurt threw the frisbee again. Dani knew from Will that Kurt actually had a hard time the first weeks when Dani was gone to Adelaide and she felt guilty about it, still. 'I'm sorry for staying away from Perth for two years,' she suddenly said, looking closely to Kurt's face, waiting for a reaction. She heard him sigh as his eyes slowly met hers.
'You shouldn't be apologising for that. It's your life, you can do whatever you want wherever you want,' Kurt said, hoping he sounded sincere. 'Just try next time to not stay away for that long, please?'
Dani's lips curled up. 'I won't. I promise,'
The two siblings walked through the back door into the kitchen where their mother was already busy with making dinner. 
'Kurt, clean your feet before walking all over the house and leaving a track of sand.' their mother said without looking at the two. Kurt looked at Dani who was trying her best to not laugh. 
'Mom?' Kurt asked, shaking his head with a smile as she still wasn't looking at them.
'Maybe you should tell our guest that too,' Finally, their mother looked at them. Her face went from confused to surprised. She let everything fell from her hands as she had to try her best not to cry in front of her only daughter that she hasn't seen in two years.
'Daniëlle, when did you got here?!' her mom asked as she walked fastly to her and hugged her tightly. Dani smiled as she hugged her back.
'Will picked me up a few hours ago. Didn't he tell you?' Dani asked confused as she pulled herself out of her mother's arms.
'I thought he said Thursday,' their mom said as she took everything about her daughter in. It was no secret that Dani's mom missed her. Yes, they Skyped. But that was totally different from being able to pull her into her arms.
'No, Will told us Wednesday. But he did mix up the time a few times.' Kurt responded with a grin as he looked at his two favourite women in his world.
'I told him like six times,' Dani laughed. 
'Well, the most important thing is that you're here right now,' their mom said giving Dani another hug, before going back to her food before it got burned while asking Dani a ton of questions. As Dani told her mom about school and how the last exams went, Kurt was busy to set the table. Twenty minutes later Will and Dani's dad arrived back at home and before they sat down at the table to eat for the first time with the five of them, Dani had to greet her dad too with a big hug. She looked around the table and saw a big smile on her mom's face. It made her curl her lips up too. It was a dinner like they used to have with the whole family, except this time with a lot fewer discussions between the siblings. 
'Dani are you excited for the festival? You haven't been there in so long!' Dani's mom said with a sparkle in her eyes. The carnival festival that was every year organised at the parking lot next to the beach was a tradition for a lot of families in this neighbourhood. Most families helped to build up the festival and every year it was the biggest event of the year. 
'Uhm...,' Dani started. She really didn't care about the festival anymore. Sure she had a lot of memories from going there, but all of those sweet memories she tried to forget. 'Sure.'
'You know, we could actually use an extra hand.' Obviously her mom thought this was a great opportunity to make up for all the lost time that she had with her daughter. 
'Oh mom, I don't know about th-' 
'Daniel is helping too,' Dani kept her poker face on, trying not to react on hearing about her ex-best friend. 'You should volunteer too. I could put you two together. You haven't talked or seen each other in so long. I actually-' 
'Mom, please.' Will said, cutting their mom off. He looked at her sister who had obviously put on a poker face. Daniel was loved by this family, obviously. But the only person that knew about the thing that made them not be friends anymore was Will, and Dani would like to keep it that way. 
'How does he even has free time?' Kurt asked his mom. Will kept looking at his sister. Dani obviously tried to keep her poker face on, but Will could see the annoyance on her face.
'He decided to quit racing, so he has a lot of time,' their mom said. They all looked at Dani, waiting for a reaction from her. Dani's eyebrows raised up after hearing the news. She was looking at her food, meaning she didn't realise the whole table was looking at her. But her mind was also somewhere else. Why would he quit the thing he loved to do most?

A/N: Just wanted to thank you all for reading and voting on this story. I appreciate it so much.

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