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There was one thing Dani didn't look forward to now that she was done with her last exam for this school year. Going back to Perth. She had left everything behind when she decided to go study in Adelaide. The last time she went back to Perth was two years ago and that was because she was forced by her mother. Therefore she decided to go on a long trip with her friends through Europe last year, so she could avoid going to Perth. It was kind of sad. Because once in Dani's life she loved Perth and she even thought she would stay there forever because in Perth was everything. But that dream ended soon enough when her best friend decided to break her heart in a million pieces. Unfortunately for Dani, this year she has to come back to the place she rather just forgets about. She had a plane flight on Wednesday, and she hoped that day would never come. 

When Dani walked into her dorm room that she shared with Imogen, one of her friends, she already felt stressed out about Wednesday, because Imogen was already packing. She would leave tomorrow with another friend of them, Connor. While Dani stayed with two guys that also were from Perth; Oliver and Finn. With the five of them, they were a small weird family based in the dorm rooms of their university in Adelaide and they were fine with that. 
'Hi Dani! How was your exam?' Imogen asked with a bright smile. She was glad she could go back home tomorrow. Dani walked over to her bed and plopped down on it before answering her friend.
'Fine. I'm glad it's over for this year,' Dani told her friend as she looked at how Imogen was packing her stuff. She could not imagine herself doing that on Tuesday evening. She even considered to miss her flight, but she had to travel with Oliver and Finn, so that plan wasn't happening. 
'Yeah, I bet. But I guess you're not glad about what's to come?' Imogen laughed. She heard her roommate sigh hard and decided to sit down next to her on Dani's bed. 
'Why can't we go to Europe again with the whole group? That was so much more fun than going home,' Dani said almost sounding sad. Imogen couldn't help but smile at her friend while she moved a bit closer to her friend and played with her hair as she knew Dani calmed down from it.  'It's not going to be as bad as you think, maybe he's not even going to be there,' Imogen had said, talking about the men who can't be named, at least in this city, Adelaide.
'He will be there, trust me. And otherwise, his friends will be there,'
'Those are your friends too,' Imogen tried, but in return, she only got a friend that rolled her eyes. Dani thought back about her high school friends. Everything was so easy back then... Well, until prom that was. He was Dani's best friend, but they became strangers the day he broke her heart in a way she never thought he would break her heart. Dani felt sadder and sadder thinking back about those memories. She always tried to just lock them out if they came back. She rather just forgets about them completely, because as many times she had told everybody that knew about her best friend, Daniel, that she was over him, it wasn't completely true, unfortunately. The door of Imogen's and Dani's dorm room opened and the two girls immediately smiled when the three boys walked into their room.
'Why does it not surprise me to see you both lying in the same bed?' Oliver asked.
'What are you guys doing here?' Imogen asked, ignoring Oliver's comment that he made every time he could. He was convinced the first time he saw the two girls so close in their dorm room that they had some sort of relationship, but Imogen had a boyfriend and Oliver found out soon enough that Dani was stuck up on a guy that she tried to convince everybody she was over with. The two girls were just close, that was it. Dani sat up so Oliver could sit next to her.

She looked around the circle and smiled. These people were going to be her lifelong friends. No stupid school friendship that at the end didn't mean anything. They got even closer when they had the stupid idea to go in their summer vacation to Europe, where it, of course, was winter. Dani kept remembering that one day they were out in London and it started snowing in the evening. They all got so excited.
'There's gonna be this big end of the year party in our hall and we decided that you guys have to come,' Finn said, making a groan coming out of Dani's mouth.
'Your hall stinks,' Dani explained her groan, making the boys laugh amused.
'It's because we don't overuse our perfume, like you young lady,' Oliver laughed smacking Dani in the back like he always does.

'Hey!' Dani said as a reply for that smack like she always says after Oliver smacks her back. He never did it too hard, making it never hurt for Dani. It was just something the both of them did to annoy each other.
'Children, children. Be nice to each other,' Connor giggled, which made them all turn into giggling young adults. 


It was surprising to both the girls but also the boys for how big this party actually became, definitely for in an on-campus housing. Most of the people that they went to school with lived off-campus and had more room for parties. The girls weren't even inside or they saw someone puke into some bushes.
'That's disgusting,' Imogen said while pushing her friend with her inside. In the hallway where Finn's and Oliver's room were, you were needed to push everyone away it was that busy. Surely there were rules where a busy hallway like this wasn't allowed. What if there was going to be a fire? Dani thought as she pushed herself a way for her and Imogen.

'You guys made it!' Finn said right after the two girls had made their way into their rooms which were a little less busy as the real party was in the hallway. The girl got both given a red cup with some cheap beer in it. Imogen looked disgusted at it while Dani laughed at her friend. Imogen never really liked alcohol while Dani didn't care much what she got handed, she would drink it anyway. It was an old habit that she got taught by her best friend... Daniel. As Dani tried to take a sip out of her red cup Connor who was pissed was dancing around wildly and knocking the red cub out of Dani's hand, making all the liquid fall on Dani's shirt.
'Connor!' she had yelled already thinking about how this night was ruined before the night really started. Dani looked at her shirt while Connor fell over his own feet and fell down to the ground.
'I got you,' Finn came to the rescue and gave Dani one of his shirts that were obviously too big for her.
'Thank you, Finn.' Dani smiled while pulling her own shirt with no shame off and pulling Finn's shirt back on. She shoved the shirt into her shiny pants. 
'Finn you could've been such a great boyfriend for Dani!' Connor yelled still from the floor. Both Finn and Dani shared a look with each other. What the others didn't know was that Finn and Dani had shared a drunken make out almost two years ago. But both regretted it in the morning because they didn't have actual feelings for each other and they decided to never talk about it. However, the look that they shared this time with each other told them that they were thinking about the same thing. The rest of the night Dani spend it on drinking until the thoughts about Perth disappeared out of her system for that night and this time she didn't kiss anyone.   


A/N: So, I'm not sure how much of a dorm room is a thing in Australia. I've read that some do provide it, so I just go with that. 

Picture Perfect | Daniel RicciardoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora