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It's been a few days after Will had sent Daniel away. Dani hadn't heard anything from him anymore, which almost wasn't seen as a surprise anymore to her. She did feel sad throughout the days and that sadness never seemed to disappear. After Dani told Oliver and Finn about what had happened, the two friends decided that it was best to check up with Dani. And so they did. While Dani was laying in her bed, texting Imogen, Finn and Oliver were snooping around her room. Dani didn't seem to care that much as she didn't think they would find something special anyway. There were a few times where Oliver or Finn asked about an object that they had in their hands, but most of the times it was just decoration items. It was, however, until they found a wooden box.
'What's this?' Oliver asked. Dani looked up and as she realized what he had in his hand, her eyes got big. She stood up and took it from Oliver. 'Hey!' Oliver said offended when she took it out of his hand. He tried to get it back from her, but she held it tightly in her arm.
'That is none of your business,' Dani said as she walked back to her bed while still holding the box full of memories. Finn was now also getting curious about what was inside of the box. He walked over to Dani and sat down next to her. 
'These are private,' Dani said to Finn who had raised his eyebrows by this sentence.
'Like in... some kinky stuff?' Finn asked, causing him to get slapped against his shoulder by Dani who finally had the corners of her mouth curl upwards. 
'No, you weirdo.' Dani laughed as now also Oliver sat down on her other side. 'It's like a diary that I kept up to date when I was a teenager, but instead of writing everything down, they're all pictures.' 
'Of what?' Oliver asked curiously as Dani still didn't want to show them. She smiled at the two boys sitting next to her, although it was quite a sad smile. 
'Mostly of Daniel and me,' she finally said looking back at the box in her hands as a particular memory flown through her mind.

~ ° ~ Flashback ~ ° ~

Dani and Daniel just came out of school as they sat down on the floor with their back against Dani's bed in her bedroom. Daniel's mother, Grace, asked Dani to help Daniel with some schoolwork as Daniel's grades were to cry about. It was maths that they currently working on. Dani was explaining about the square root. She showed him one of the exercises they had to make before Friday, but when she looked back at him asking if he gets what she was doing she busted him while he was looking at his phone. She shook her head and took his phone out of his hands.
'Hey!' he said. 'I was looking at that,'
'And you can look at whatever you were looking at after we're done with this,' Dani said throwing his phone to the other side of the room. Daniel rested his head on Dani's shoulder as he sighed.
'Fine then. Teach me some maths,'  She went further explaining as she looked back at the book. She knew it was a challenge to help Daniel with his homework, but when not long after she had already warned him to pay attention he had himself paying attention to something else. She looked annoyed at him, but when she saw him having her wooden box in his hand. She pulled it out of his hands as he was already looking inside it.
'You're hopeless,' Dani said, pointing on the homework that would've been easily done by now if he just paid attention. 
'When did I give you permission to take pictures of me when I'm sleeping?' Daniel laughed as he showed the picture he had in his hand. The corners of Dani's mouth started to curl up too as she took the picture out of his hand. 
'Since I had to take revenge for that one time you did it to me,' Dani grinned, putting it back in the box. 
'That's not fair,' Daniel said as he casually took the box again in his lap to look at different pictures.
'How's that not fair?' Dani asked as she looked at the pictures Daniel was looking at. There were a lot of pictures of them at the beach or at a racing track as those were the two places they spent most of their time at if they didn't count school. 
'Because you actually look cute when you sleep. While I sleep with my mouth open and I probably snore too,' Dani laughed as Daniel explained himself. 'Here, another one. Look at this.'
'That's actually one of my favourites,' Dani said as she took it from him. It was a picture of the both of them sleeping in the back in the car, on their way to race for Daniel. His mom made the picture and Dani loved the picture. 
'You have a terrible taste then,' Daniel said disapproved. He was looking over the pictures and finally took another one out. 'This one is my favourite,'
He gave the picture to her best friend and waited for her to laugh at it because he knew she would laugh. And she did laugh after seeing the picture. It was taken at new years by one of their friends. They had sneaked out some champagne with them and Dani suggested Daniel practise his podium celebration. He did and sprayed it all over Dani. 

'Yeah, that was fun too,' Dani said giving the picture back to Daniel who put it back in the box. 'Can we now please go back to our schoolwork? Your mom will kill you if you're not getting a good grade for math again,' she asked as she slowly took the box out of Daniel's lap and put it back under the bed where Daniel had found it. Daniel agreed and she finally had all his attention. 

A/N: Little bit later than I normally upload on a Thursday, mostly because I kind of forgot that it was already Thursday. Also, the last time I had maths was at my exams three years ago. So I literally forgot everything about that subject. I think the square root is literally the only thing I still can remember.

Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter! I really enjoy writing these flashbacks about Dani and Daniel being on good terms.

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