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It was no secret that Daniel still had to warm up to Dani's friend, and that was likewise for Dani's friends to Daniel. It made for a good excuse for Dani to organise something fun for the day. From the four people that would spend the day with each other, there were only two out of four that was actually excited for this day. Dani, because she could hang out with her favourite people and Oliver because they were going to play a game of paintball. 
'I can't believe you're still not giving me an invite to your paintball game,' Kurt sighed dramatically as he plopped down on Dani's bed while she was busy with putting her hair together in a ponytail. She raised her eyebrows up to her little brother.
'There's no place left anymore. The whole event is booked.' she explained to her brother. 
'Still,' he puffed out as he curled his arms over each other. She rolled her eyes as she got a text message from Daniel that he's on his way. 
'I'll take you next time, okay?' Dani finally said to her little brother as she took her bag from next to Kurt on her bed.
'Fine. Have fun without me,' he sighed, making Dani grin at him before leaving her room. When she walked out of the front door to go outside she saw Daniel parked his car right in front of her. He was busy with his phone and didn't notice Dani walking over to his car until she opened the door of the passenger's seat. He looked up and immediately smiled at his girlfriend while she stepped inside of the car. You could almost say that his eyes turned into heart eyes as he couldn't look away from her. He leaned in to kiss her lips, something she still had to get used to because they never got to this stage in their relationship before. Not that she was complaining about it. far from it even. 
'Hey,' Daniel smiled as he took off his lips on hers. 
'Hey,' she smiled back as she put her seatbelt on before Daniel started to drive. 'Are you excited about today?'
'If we went karting yes,' Daniel responded with a grin. 
'But we're not going to do that.' Dani responded back. Daniel had tried convincing Dani that karting was much more fun than playing a game of paintball. Sure it was for him, but it would be no secret who would've won that race if they were going to do that. Daniel put on a pout as his eyes were focused on the road. It made Dani smile as she patted his cheek softly. 
'We'll do that next time.' She told him and watched how his pout slowly disappeared and made way for an approving smile instead. 

The couple was the first out of the four people to arrive at the paintball event. They got out of the car and waited for the other two, who were driving together, to get to the parking lot where they had agreed to wait for each other. 
'You're gonna play nice today, right?' Dani asked nervously as she saw Oliver drive the parking lot up with Finn in the passenger seat. Daniel placed his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close against him.
'Don't worry, I'll be on my best behaviour,' he said as his face slowly turned in to a grin. Dani couldn't help but roll her eyes at the way he was acting. She hoped that today would help them to really get along and not just pretend to be just for Dani. She knew that Oliver and Daniel could get along with each other already, but Finn and Daniel... That was still a bit complicated, and she really didn't understand why. 
'Howdy partners, who's excited to kill some people?!' Oliver said a little bit too loud for Dani's liking. 'With paint... killing people's mood... with paint,' Oliver said as Finn had given him a warned look. 
'Nice safe,' Finn said in a judging tone. He didn't seem to be excited for today. As a group of four, they walked inside of the building where a bigger group was already waiting. The company that organised these paintball games had different kinds of events. Dani just applied them to one of them and it was an event where they played in duo's and in total there were eight groups. When Dani let their tickets be scanned at the desk, they had to make duo's and that was more of a hell than she had thought. 
'I'm going with Dani,' Daniel had said immediately as he pulled his girlfriend against her. It made Finn frown and looked at him annoyed.
'What if I want to be a team with Dani?' Finn asked curling his arms over each other. 
'Mate,' Daniel responded back. Dani's eyes shifted to Oliver and as they met each other's eyes Oliver showed her an amused laugh. 
'Don't mate me. I'm not your mate,' Dani looked hopeless to the two boys fighting somehow to be her teammate. She couldn't even be happy about the fact that two boys were actually fighting to be her teammate. That was something that never happened to her. But she was too busy being concerned about them making a scene in front of all these people. Luckily Oliver had a plan. His eyes shifted over to the man behind the desk who was still waiting for them to make a decision about the groups. Oliver started to grin as he stepped closer to the desk. 
'Just put her and me together. It's fine. We'll put these stupid fuckers together.' Oliver grinned at the staff member. He pointed to Dani's and his ticket so that the staff member could put a stample on their tickets with a colour, a colour differently than from the one Daniel and Finn shared with each other. 
'Have fun.' the man behind the desk laughed before Oliver turned his body back to the group that apart from Dani hadn't notice what he had been doing. 
'Okay guys!' Oliver said, making Daniel and Finn stop bickering. 'So you both are team orange, while Dani and I share the colour purple. Have fun with each other,' Oliver grabbed Dani's hand and pulled her away from the two that were now rivals to them. Dani bit on her lip as she tried not to laugh at Oliver's actions. Daniel and Finn had looked at each other and both started to protest while following Oliver and Dani. 

It had taken some time, but Daniel and Finn finally accepted that they couldn't change teams anymore and so they were stuck with each other for like two hours.
'Do you think they would shoot each other instead of working together?' Oliver grinned as they were waiting for the start sign in the field they were about to play their first game. Dani couldn't help but giggle about those thoughts. 
'I think they will work together.' Dani said although it was more that she hoped they would work together instead of trying to tell facts. 
'Would be funny if they shoot each other though,' Oliver laughed amused just when the start sign was filling the room. 
'Oh god! Where are we going?' Dani asked as she felt the kick in her stomach. 
'We're following the winnings road, follow me!' Oliver was jumping from excitement as he got his full focus mood on. Dani, on the other hand, couldn't help but laugh. She might need to take this game a little bit more serious like her teammate was doing, otherwise he might threat her by putting her with Daniel and Finn and she really wasn't sure if she wanted to be standing in the middle of them. Dani stayed close behind Oliver and while he looked in front of them, she had to look behind them. It was mostly Oliver who was shooting his shots, but Dani had fun anyway. It was until Oliver got shot and was out that Dani realized she was on her own. 
'You can do it Dani!' Oliver laughed before he made his way out of the field. 
'Yeah sure,' Dani mumbled to herself, not believing in herself. How many teams were left anyway? Dani didn't know, she honestly didn't keep count. She carefully watched through the hole that was supposed to be a window without any glass and as she didn't saw anything she decided to make a run for it further down the map. 

And while Dani tried to make Oliver proud, Oliver himself started to laugh when he saw the two boys from team orange standing next to each other both having an orange stain on their T-shirt but also a blue and a green one. 
'What happened to you?' Oliver laughed as he stood upside of them. The two boys in the same team looked at each other and started to laugh, making Oliver look surprised at them. 
'We both got shot by two different teams and while I thought Daniel was shooting on me, he thought I was shooting him so we shot each other,' Daniel grinned as Finn explained the story in a short version. 
'Idiots,' Oliver grinned as he put his gun on the table behind them.
'Is Dani still in the game?' Daniel asked surprised. Knowing Dani as Daniel knew her she hadn't had the best aiming.. or hiding spots. So yes, he was surprised that out of the four she was the one still standing up. 
'She is and she better wins.' Oliver said, curling his arms over each other. 

She didn't win. She got shot by two different teams at the same time but at different angles. It had hurt more than she could've imagined. 
'Do we have to play another game?' she had sighed as she walked over to the boys. Oliver had responded disappointedly about her not winning, while Daniel let her walk straight into his arms.
'They got you good I see,' Daniel laughed, looking at his girlfriend. She looked like she got shot from a few different angles, but by the same team. Team red.
'Yeah, they hurt more than I thought.' Dani sighed as she looked back on her shirt. Surely there was a rule that you can only shoot someone once when you get the shot right. They shot her from two different sides twice. The third time Dani dodged them and had made a run to go back to base.

The second game that they did the teams were still the same. This time Oliver had given Dani some instructions and some tips that should help her in the game. For Daniel and Finn's goal they decided that it was best to just avoid shooting each other and actually play like a team that trust each other. They slowly made their way through the field. Daniel watching their backs while Finn kept a close eye in front of them. When they started to work together they actually were a good team and shot a few people, but their main goal was to get Oliver and Dani if they weren't out already.
'Wait,' Daniel told Finn in a whisper. They hid behind a car when Finn looked back to Daniel, showing him this way that he was listening. 'I see Dani.' Daniel was grinning as he kept his eyes and his gun pointed to Dani who seems to be laughing at something Oliver said. They were both still in the game.
'Where?' Finn asked as he a little back to see exactly what Daniel was seeing.
'You see the bank?' Daniel looked shortly at Finn who nodded. 'She just went into that building. But I didn't see Oliver go in there. They are together though.'
'So they have split to get someone from two sides. Should we do that too?' Right at the moment Finn asked his question they saw and heard shots firing to the building opposite the bank.
'Let's for now just slowly make our way to the bank and get them when they least expect it.' Daniel said seriously as if this was a real-life or dead situation. They took the same strategy as before with Finn in front and Daniel looking behind them as they made their way slowly but steady to the bank. The firing shots slowly came to its stop and if there wasn't any music playing in the background it would've been dead silent. Finn stopped Daniel in his tracks as he saw Oliver with Dani together. They were about to run right past them when Finn gave his signal to Daniel to fire. It was Dani who first got hit, but only seconds later they also had hit Oliver. The game was announced over by a marshall with a microphone and with victory sounds both Finn and Daniel celebrated.
'See Oliver! I told you I saw them.' they hear Dani say as both winners appeared from their hiding spot.
'Oh! We could've won!' Oliver sighed hard as the four of them made their way back to the rest of the group. Daniel had the biggest grin on his face as he high-fived Finn. Dani looked back to the teammates and couldn't help but smile. She might not have won a game, but at least her plan had worked. 

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