Double the Trouble (AoKaga)...

By KneelingAngel

103K 3.3K 790

When Kagami left to go to America after The Last Game against the Jabawock's, little did he knew he was carry... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Author Update (DONT PANIC!)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Mini Update!
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's note
Update- Goodbye for now

Chapter 10

5.7K 224 78
By KneelingAngel

A/N: Finally had some time to write! Here is another chapter! Hope you enjoy!

P.S. This chapter is not checked on spelling (like all the other chapter. I might do that once the story is over... Whenever that is XD)

Aomine closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He finished his shift and was on his way home. His apartment wasnt that far away, maybe a 20 minute walk, but he would rather walk 20 minutes than be stuck in traffic for an hour every morning. What should he eat tonight? Maybe just order some take out or get some pre-made meal from the corner store? Aomine sighed. Kagami kept drifting back in his mind, ever since he saw the guy again... Yeah they only had a one time thing, but that didnt mean that if had been mindless. He liked Kagami. The guy was his biggest rival and the one that always pushed him to become better. When he met Kagami the first time his life changed. Now it was no different. Kagami just kept coming back to him. Yeah, being gay might somewhat be accepted in Japan, not everyone agreed to it and it wasnt like you could marry the person of the same sex... Why was he thinking about marriage?! He didnt love Kagami that much! The bastard never even said he was back in Japan and had kids for goodness sake! Kagami probably had an ex wife somewhere..

Swinging his duffle bag over his shoulder, Aomine started walking home. He tried not to think of Kagami, but just as his thoughts started shifting he walked past the basketball court. Always curious, he looked up, but once again the redhead he wanted to forget was there.

"Hey, look! It's Aominecchi!" Kise waved him over, making everyone look up, including those that weren't playing but just chilling in the grass. "Dai-chan!" Momoi smiled and waved him over as well. "Come join us, we got snacks." She smiled. Everyone seemed to be excited to see the navy blue haired male. DJ and Kiseki were confused since they didnt really know the man and Kagami was the only one that wanted to bolt right now. Aomine was getting too close to his kids!

Aomine walked over to the group, Momoi and her daughter, Himuro, Kise's fiancee and Kagami's kids. "Did you come back from work?" Momoi asked with a bright smile. Their relationship hadn't changed much since they were kids, they were still very close. "Mu-kun had some cookies with him. Do you want one or are you gonna play?" She asked him. Aomine had his eyes glued on the two teen twins. Was it just him or did that those two look a lot like him? That boy looked like him but then just with Kagami's hair? And that girl, she had the piercing eyes and blue hair just like him.. He was probably just seeing things. Random people could look a lot alike, he was probably just seeing things! Surely there were other people with navy blue hair like him. Maybe it was dyed!

Kagami was freaking out when he watched Aomine walking closer to them. It only got worse when the man walked over to the group on the field where his twins were sitting with the others! No no no no! He didnt want Aomine seeing his kids! "I forgot I had to do something." Kagami suddenly said. "Kiseki, Daiki, let's go home." Kagami was speaking rushed, he clearly didnt want to be here anymore. The twins looked at their father and whined. "Why? We're just having fun and your basketball game didnt even end." Kiseki complained. "Yeah." DJ agreed. "Besides, Momoi-san was just thinking of all going out for dinner." He complained as well. Himuro gave his younger brother a look, shaking his head slightly. If Kagami didnt want Aomine to meet the kids, why did he come back to Japan? Himuro knew that Kagami was scared of what might happen, but no one knew how the future looked. Maybe Aomine wouldn't be that bad with the twins! Kagami wasnt even giving him a chance!

Kagami let out an annoyed sigh and let out a growl. "Now! Just listen to what I tell you!" He snapped at his kids. "We're going home!" The twins frowned- both looking very similar to Aomine right now, but they got up with their things and walked to their father. Kagami grabbed their wrists and started dragging them away. He didnt care how much they were against him, he wanted to leave right now! Kiseki looked over her shoulder, it was clear that the mood was immediately killed for everyone.

Aomine stood with his back turned to Kagami as the man left with his kids, his jaw tightened slightly. It was obvious that Kagami wanted to avoid him. First the man slammed a door in his face, now this.. What did he do? Was having sex with him once really that bad? Kagami could spend time with everyone! He could play basketball with everyone from their team, except for him! That was unfair! They were basketball rivals! Didnt Kagami even want one one-on-one with him?! Not even once?

"Dai-chan?" Momoi asked, placing her hand on his arm when she noticed Aomine spacing out. "Just give him some time." She suggested. Aomine just huffed and rolled his eyes. "I'm not upset or anything. I gotta go home. Early shift tomorrow." He said and waved before quickly leaving again after that. He didnt want to stick around when he secretly was upset.


Once they were further from the court, DJ pulled his arm from his father's grasp. "What is your problem? We were having fun!" Daiki snapped at the older man. "We were having fun and getting to know people, why did you have to pull us away from that?!" He growled. DJ didnt understand. They were having so much fun, his dad was having so much fun! There were snacks and nice people who all liked basketball. They never met people like that. Not even in America.. Besides Uncle Tatsuya. He enjoyed being with his father's old friends. They were funny and knew how to put up a challenge in a basketball game. It was unfair to suddenly be pulled away from that! Daiki glared at his father before turning away. He did not want to be anywhere near his father right now.

Kagami stopped and listened to his son before he waked away. His shoulder sunk a little bit and his chest tightened. He knew his kids didnt understand, but he just didnt want them around Aomine. It was confusing, but he couldnt tell them who Aomine was... He was too scared.

"Dad?" Kagami suddenly felt a hand tighten in his. Kiseki looked up at her father with a small comforting smile. She didnt like being pulled away either, but it wasnt often that her father acted so harshly so it must have been for a reason. "Can you make burgers tonight?" She asked him, hoping to cheer her father up. Kagami smiled sadly, but kissed his daughter's head. "Of course sweetie." He said and kept walking with her hand in hand to their little home a couple of streets away. Kiseki didnt know why her father had suddenly just fled from the others, but there had to be a reason. It wasnt like her dad to suddenly just get up and leave.


Kagami and Kiseki were the first ones to get home. DJ hadnt arrived, like Kagami had hoped. Hopefully his son would be back before dark and dinner... But as the time went, dinner finished and the night started to fall, DJ still wasnt back. Kagami let out a worried sigh, staring at the food they had saved for Daiki. Kiseki smiled seeing her dad and placed a cup of tea down in front of him. She was a little worried for her brother, but DJ wasnt stupid. He would be okay, he just needed to cool his head. Her brother didnt have the best temper... Not that her's was any better though...

"I'm gonna go look for him, he's been gone for a while." Kagami suddenly said and stood up. "He should have been home by now." He had his struggles as a parent, like every parents, but he wasnt going to just let his son walk around at night. Anything could happen.

"I'll go with you." Kiseki said, but Kagami held his hand up and patted her head. "I'll be right back, Kiseki. I'm sure he wont be far." He smiled at her before kissing her head and leaving the house. Kiseki sighed softly and pouted, but did as she was told. Taking a deep breath, Kiseki went to put the left over food in the fridge.


DJ had walked off and just strolled around for a bit, trying to cool down. He didnt understand his dad. They were having so much fun at the basketball court and it only got better when his dad's old friends popped up. He finally got to see some from his dad's past! He knew bits and pieces and uncle Himuro told him a little, but his dad didnt really talk about it. His old man didnt talk about his youth or much about his life before moving from Japan to America, his dad NEVER spoke about their other parent... It hurt a little. Daiki was curious about his other parent, not that his dad wasnt enough, but his friends in Amerika had two parents, kids at school had two parents... Kiseki and him just had one. He could understand why his dad didnt want to talk about it, but it was more than 15 years ago! Like, get over it!

Daiki didnt care what reason it was that his dad just got up and left, but it had ruined the fun for both him and Kiseki. He knew that Kiseki also wanted friends. They were stuck to the hips and couldnt be without each other, but that didnt mean it hadnt been fun to hang out with other people for once. Daiki loved his sister, but she would still be a girl and he did not want to help her pain her toenails!

Time went fast and it soon and Daiki found himself... Lost... DJ glared ahead of himself as he gritted his teeth. Great! Just great! He had only moved here not too long ago, it wasnt like he knew the streets like the back of his hand. This situation sucked even more because Kiseki had taken the duffle bag with their belongings so he didnt have his phone on him. Damn it!

DJ fiddled with his fingers for a moment before he continued walking down the street. There were a bunch of bars and restaurants so maybe he could ask if someone knew directions to how he got home... He was looking around a little worried, yet agitated, that he was lost, but he wasnt really paying attention and walked into someone. "Wah! I'm so sorry!" DJ quickly said, but when he looked at the person he walked into he noticed it was the guy from this afternoon before his dad pulled them away. The tall navy blue haired man!

Aomine had just lid a cigarette when someone walked into him. He had just finished eating at a small bar and had a few drinks before decided to go home, but why did people have to keep walking into him. He was almost 2 meters tall, how could people walk into him?! Aomine turned around and was about to snap at the person, but then he saw it was one of Kagami's kids from the park.

They both stood there awkwardly for a moment, but Aomine eventually broke the moment as he exhaled some smoke. "Where is your dad at, kid?" He asked. Why would a kid be out alone in the dark? If you were with friends he understood, but alone was always risky. There were some crazy people on this earth.

DJ awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck- just like hoe his father did. "I um.. I'm kind of lost..." He mumbled embarrassed. "I walked away from my dad because I was angry and I was kind of lost in thoughts, when I snapped out of it I was lost..." He admitted. God, he felt so stupid right now. "Could you maybe help me, Mister...?" He asked, waiting for the man to say his name.

"Aomine." Aomine said before taking another drag of his cigarette. "Do you know your address?" He knew he had been at the house before, but it wasnt like he knew the exact adress. The location was somewhat familiar, but it wasnt completely clear.

DJ nodded eagerly and told the man his address. Aomine was wondering why he was doing this.. Kagami clearly didnt want to see him! But... He couldnt really let a kid walk the dark streets, as a cop he could allow himself to do something like that, so he took the boy home. "So what's your name?" Aomine asked as they walked down the road.

"Daiki." DJ said. "Daiki Junior, but everybody calls me DJ." He smiled, stopping when Aomine stopped walking. The older man seemed to have frozen. "Are you alright, Aomine-san?

Aomine was SUPER confused. If Kagami didnt want to see him or want anything to do with him why give his kid the same name as him?! That just didnt make sense! Sure the kid looked like him but with red hair, but still! It didnt make sense! If Kagami hated him, then why? No contact for years and you decide to name your kid after your high school rival, wasnt that at least a little weird?! Aomine calmed himself and took a drag from his cigarette before nodding. "Yeah, fine." He answered and continued walking.

His mind was still spinning, but thank goodness that conversation was at a minimum. He had no idea what to say to this kid.

They eventually reached the small family home and DJ opened the door. "I'm home!" He called, letting the door open for the older man as he toed off his shoes.

Kiseki heard this and came running downstairs. "DJ!" She shouted before jumping him and hugged him tightly. "Where were you?! Where did dad find-" Kiseki looked up only to notice that it wasnt her dad that stood by the door but instead there was the man from the park.. The man also looked a little bit like the cop she had run into the other day..

"I got lost and bumped into Aomine-san." DJ explained. "He walked me home, so it's all good." He smiled before turning to the older man. "Aomine-san, this is my twin sister Kiseki." He introduced them and the two of them bowed at each other.

Kiseki looked at her brother and rubbed her eyes a little tired. As long as her brother was safe, that's all that mattered. "There is some left over burger in the fridge. Aomine-san, would you like something to drink? Coffee or tea? There should be some beer in the fridge too... It's the least I can do for bringing my idiot brother home."

"Hey!" DJ shouted offended.

Aomine looked at the two in front of him and smiled at the interaction. Anyone would be able to tell that they were siblings. Not just by their looks, but also how they interacted. "I wouldn't mind a cup of coffee." He smirked. He probably shouldn't have too much alcohol after the drinks from the bar. Aomine followed the twins into the kitchen and took a seat.

The more he watched the twins interact with each other, the more he could see bits and pieces of him. It was creepy! But he was sure it was pure coincidence. Kagami was a man and men couldnt have children, so there was no way that these twins could be his. If Kagami had been a girl, he probably would have thought different.

"So where is your mother?" Aomine asked the twins. Had Kagami been married? Girlfriend? Accidentally knocked up a girl? Guessing how old the twins were, Kagami would have been a teen father... Maybe they were adopted? Nah, they looked too much of a mix between him and Kagami to be adopted.

Kiseki looked at Aomine with a smile as she came back with a coffee for him. "We don't have a mom." She smiled. "Long story, but it's always just been us and dad. Basically he carried us and gave birth to us.. We dont know our other parent, but I guess it's fine the way it is." She explained with a small smirk on her face.

Aomine stopped the mug at his lips and looked at the girl in front of him. DJ sat down beside his sister with heated up food and Aomine watched them bicker that reminded him a lot about his and Kagami's bickering from the past.

His eyes went wide and the mug fell from his hand.

No way...


Thank you so much for reading and thank you for being so patient on updates. Dont worry, story isn't over! Obviously not, I would be evil if I ended it here XD

More exams and projects are coming up in March, but I hope to make some time at the end of the month to write the next chapter. So hopefully the next chapter will be up end of March/April.

Let me know your thoughts on this chapter in the comments or send me a PM. What do you hope the next chapter will bring?

Love you all!

XXX KneelingAngel.

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