Male ragna reader x highschoo...

By Destroyer_Creater2

159K 1.8K 1.2K

You are ragna from blazblue in the world of dxd while having all of the units in your world with you and also... More

Ch 1
Ch 2 Kuoh academy
Ch 3 Y/n vs the ORC
Ch 4 the orc
Alpha 1-nu 13
Ch 5 The nun
Ch 6 millicases new trick
Ch 7 what is going on with everyone!
Ch 8 the exorcist
I have a question
Ch 10
Another vote
Ok then, vote
Just so you know

Ch 9 the reapers massacre

6.1K 83 57
By Destroyer_Creater2

Right now I was infront of the church which made my arm start to get out massive amounts of seither while I stair at the door

Not waisting anymore time I walked up to the door then punched it off its hinges making it soar across the room then crash against the wall letting me see multiple stray exorcists who looked at me while I entered the church with a pissed off look in my eye

Y/n:get out of my way

Instead of doing what I said they all got out light swords and guns then point them at me while I glared at them

Y/n:fine if you guys got a death wish... then you've messed with the right person

Before they could react multiple red and black great swords appear behind me then fired making the exorcists infront of me be stabbed through there chests killing them

Next I disappear only to reappear behind one of the exorcists with black blood scythe then stab him in the chest with it, not done I turned my sword into its scythe form then swing it through a crowd of exorcists who got cut in half by my scythe

With my scythe in hand I used it to carve a path through the exorcists while making there limbs fly up into the air whenever I swinged it then seeing that I was getting cornered I got away by jumping up into the air then land in the middle of the church

Y/n:Dead spike!

I then swing my scythe making multiple heads of the black beast come out of the ground then devour the exorcists without mercy while I got out highlander then shot at some of the exorcists who as soon as they got shot there bodies were vaporized into nothing

After a while of shooting them I put away my pistol then got out white justice again which started to get out a ice cold aura, once I started to feel my hand getting numb from the cold I swing my sword making multiple giant wolf heads made of ice swallow the exorcists making there body be frozen solid

Once my wolfs were gone I saw even more exorcists coming out from below the church making me sigh at how stubborn they are and snap my fingers making the ground under them open up and from it came a army of undead exorcists who had swords made out of seither making the strays back away surprised at seeing me summon an army of the undead while I walk to the stairway leading below the church

Y/n:... kill them all

With that said my exorcists charged at the strays not dropping dead if they stab or shot them and instead ignore all of there attacks and kill them with there swords while I go to the bottom of the church

After a while of walking down the stairs I look to see four fallen angles with light spears in hand who were blocking my way

Y/n:if you want to live you better get out of my way

Raynare:and why should we do that? We're stronger then you, have you outnumbered, and can kill you with one of our spe-

While she was talking I glared at her while my eyes for a moment showed a image of a powerful beast that recked havoc making her go wide eyed and start to shake in fear while her friends looked at her confused

Kala:what's wrong raynare?

Raynare:... n-nothing Anyway sorry about waisting your time

She say while getting out of my way making her friends look at her as if she gone insane while I continued my walk down

Mittlet:what do you think your doing!? Like you said we have every advantage against him so why are you doing what he says?

Raynare:because I don't want to mess with that... THING

Dohn:is it that or are you just scared of some human

Raynare:I am not afraid of some human but that one... I don't even think he is human

Mittlet:oh stop making up bullshit we all know he is human your just making him sound more intimidating so you don't sound as if your afraid

Raynare:I am not afraid!

Kala:oh yes you are cause you backed down against him and let him past us so if you excuse us we will be dealing with the thing your so afraid off

Once they were done talking I moved to the side when a light spear was about to stab me in the back, wondering who threw it I looked behind me to see the three other fallen angels with there spears out

Dohn:look here human you got two options either die by your own hands or die by ours so tell us what do you choose?

Y/n:how about this, if you throw one more spear at me or even try to attack me.... I'll make sure that you die quickly since right now I have a appointment with a certain exorcist and I don't want to waste time fighting a bunch of crows who bite off more then they can chew

Instead of backing off they threw there light spears at me which made me dodge them by teleporting behind them

Mittlet:what th-where did he go?

Y/n: Releasing the zeroth type restriction...

Once I said that they turned towards me then made a couple of light spears appear to there hands and in the air ready to be launched while I kept chanting

Y/n: deploying the dimensional interferencing imaginary magic circle...

When they finally got there spears ready they threw them at me as hard as they could while the other spears they had were launched towards me

Y/n: connecting to the inherent Boundary, Tsukuyomi Unit, activation!

When I finished a giant magic circle appeared infront of me and easily defended me from there light spears making them go wide eyed

Kala:what? But that's impossible nothing has ever blocked our spears

Not listening to them I raised my right hand then started a new chant which made me get out a red, black, white, green and blue aura while my swords and pistol levitate around me

Y/n: Restriction 666 released...

Once I started my next chant they started to throw as many light spears at me as possible trying to stop me from finishing only for the Tsukuyomi Unit to block all of there attacks

Y/n: Time and Dimensional interference field deployed...

While they were trying to hit me the ground beneath me started to gain multiple cracks while me and my weapons were covered in a bright glow

Y/n: IDEA engine linked. black and white susanoo unit linked. Tsukuyomi unit linked. Master unit linked. Blazblue... Activate!

When I was finished everyone was blown away from me and after a while of trying they finally got back on there feet to see the new me

I now wore a semi-heavy black and white armor with red, blue, and green lining. and a muscular body suit with a large collar and the traditional hakama present, and ballooning pants. I now had long silver hair with green streaks which is not tied like hakumen's making it move around wildly. All armored sections feature fully-functional crimson, sapphire, or emerald eyes with slit pupils. These eyes are not as much of an intimidation as much as the mask I wear; a completely black and white, two horned helmet with no features or visor, appearing to have no face at all while on my back was two huge wings one being black and red while the other is white and blue.

My weapons unlike before have now changed my black blood scythe was now a giant black scythe with a red blade which got out black smoke, my sword white justice was now covered in a white aura and now had the elements coming off of it, and my highlander unlike before was now three floating black and red turrets which stayed behind me

Before any of the fallen angels could react I appeared in front of one of them and cut them with my sword, once my sword touched them they rapidly started to age until there body's turned to dust on the ground

Seeing that only two fallen remained I looked towards the other one who staired at me in shock then before they knew it my turrets fired three beams of seither which consumed them entirely while they tried to defend themselves, once my turrets stop all that was left of the fallen was a single half burned feather which turned to ashes

While I was distracted the last fallen got behind me then stab there spear into me only for the tsukuyomi unit to protect me making there spear snap in two while I turned towards them making them look at my expressionless mask afraid

Dohn:... p-p-p-please show mercy

Y/n:why would I show mercy to a crow who wanted this

With that said I cut off his arms with my scythe then cut off his legs with a swing of my scythe making him try to crawl away from me only to stop immediately when I stabbed my scythes blade through his back, once my scythe was inside of him he started to scream in pain while the color in his eyes started to fade away. Once his eyes lost all of its color his soulless body went motionless Making me pull out my scythe then continue my walk down the stairs while raynare could only stair at me wide eyed at seeing me take them out with absolutely no effort at all

Once I finally reached the bottom of the church I saw freed in front of what reminds me of a cauldron with what looks like a vile filled with blood, not caring about that I walked towards him making loud footsteps which made him aware of my presence

Freed:well if it isn't the no good devi-

Before he could finish his sentence I made a chain made out of seither drag him towards me then kick him to the end of the room, once he hit the wall he dropped to the ground and started to barf out blood

Freed:ergh you son of a bitch! At least let me finish my goddamn sentence before you hit me!

In retaliation he got out his pistol and fired a barrage of bullets at me which were blocked by the tsukuyomi unit, once he ran out of ammo he threw away his gun then got out his light sword and charged at me ready to stab me

When he was about to stab me his blade immediately shattered by the tsukuyomi unit making him look at the remains of his sword speechless which stopped when I cut off his arm with my scythe then made a wolf head made of ice and a black and green snake head appear underneath him and bite off his legs making him drop to the ground in pain which grew when I kicked him to the wall again which made him lose the air in his lungs for a minute

Y/n:this is what you get for hurting millicas and trying to do whatever you want with asia

Freed:ergh goddamn it I can't believe I'm using this so early

He then got out the vile from before and held it over the cauldron look alike

Freed:hey if you know what's good for you, stay right where you are or else I drop this into the cauldron

When he said that I stopped in my tracks then just staired at him while underneath my mask I was shocked at the fact he knew about cauldrons and there was one here

Y/n:how do you know about the cauldrons and more importantly why is there one here?

Freed:heh let's just say a few years ago a certain snake went here and give me information about them and made a cauldron here so he can go back to where he came from

When he mentioned a snake I immediately realized he was talking about terumi which made me tighten my grip over my sword and scythe

Y/n:ok so what? What's a vile of blood going to do once you drop it in the cauldron

Freed:easy while talking about cauldrons the snake told me that they are able to travel people backwards or forwards in time and can even make people travel to different timelines but he also said that it's possible to bring someone from a completely different timeline which doesn't have anything to do with this one, all you need to do to get them is to get just a sample of blood of the person you want which is from this timeline or at least a drop of blood which is similar to that person. and guess which person's blood I took which is apart of a different timeline I'm sure you know it since you did spend a lot of time with her today and the snake said she might remind you of someone

After thinking about it for a while The only person that fits that description was Asia and saya which made my eyes widen

Y/n:you mean-

Freed:yep congratulations little devil you figured it out now let's see what's your prize

He then dropped the vial which fell to the bottom of the cauldron, after a few seconds has passed from the cauldron came all 13 of the murakumo units who slowly land onto the ground which made freed start to laugh as if he won

Freed:hehehehahahahhaHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAH well looks like it's my lucky day I get 13 sluts who will do whatever I say for the price of one! Now all of you please do me a favor and kill that bastard!

Doing as he command they all got into battle positions then flew towards me at a fast pace while Just stand there and before freed knew it all 13 of them dropped to the ground unconscious

Freed:what th-what happened!?

Y/n:do you seriously think they will be enough to beat me?

I then start to walk towards freed while he tried to get away only for multiple black and green chains made of seither to restrain him

Y/n:compared to them I am basically there god. I can take them all out effortlessly with just my bare hands and thanks to the master unit I don't even need to do anything to deactivate them for a while

I then stomped on freed's chest making him scream in pain while I put more pressure against his chest

Y/n:If it was three years ago then they would be a problem for me but now they are easy to deal with. You should have tried to bring in azrael, the izayoi, hakumen, Rachel, hell anyone would do but tell me this do you know what they all have in common?

Freed:... W-what?

Y/n:currently all of them combined don't stand a chance against me

With that said I kicked him up into the air and faster then he knew it I hit him with a barrage of attacks which ripped him apart piece by piece, once he was nothing but a head I grabbed him then pulled back my fist which got out massive amounts of seither


I then drove my fist down upon freed's head making a gigantic pillar made of seither which could be seen from space. With that done with I deactivated my azure grimoire making my armor disappear and make my weapons go back to normal. Seeing that it was done I looked at my hand to see that my knuckles were bleeding after that last punch

Y/n:tsk... looks like not even the tsukuyomi and the susanoo unit is powerful enough to protect my hand against my punches now. Meh it doesn't matter either way since I normally don't ever do something like that

I then picked up all of the murakumo units, got out my wings and fly out of the church heading back home while some drops of my blood started to drip down into the cauldron

(So what do you think Good? Bad? Meh? Tell me in the comments)

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