Love and Pineapple (English)

By Zazounette86

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A collection of Meteor Garden 2018 one shots. More

Hot spring's benefits
Legacy - Part 2 : Knitting and gift
Legacy - Part 3 : Fireworks
Legacy - Part 4 : Exam and birth
Mingde 2040:A New Generation
Jealousy 2
F*cking romance
Daoming Suzhi and babysitting
A fiancƩ for Shancai - Part 1: my life is angst
A fiancƩ for Shancai - Part 2: Friendship
A fiancƩ for Shancai - Part 3: Respect
Daoming Si nunquam titillandus - Part 1: Magic
Daoming Si nunquam titillandus - Part 2: Spice
Daoming Si nunquam titillandus - Part 3: Cuddles with my enemy
What happened to the nineteen catering dishes left?
Her laughter
You left but still, you linger
Fairies 2.0
The mermaid of Copenhagen
The mermaid of Copenhagen - part 2
The Black Cat
The Mermaid of Copenhagen - part 3
The Mermaid of Copenhagen - Part 4
Missed opportunities
The Christmas TV Movie: What makes it so easy to guess the ending?
A violin on the rooftop: a Lei/Shancai, AhSi/Xiaozi love story
I don't care if everyone belives the rumors as long as you still trust me
You Belong With Me: Yue
You Belong With Me: Dylan

Legacy - Part 1 : The letter

1.7K 38 27
By Zazounette86

Hi everybody !

Here a new one shot I may write into three parts.

I had fun to make a crossover with « a love so beautiful » (for those who doesn't now this serie, I advise you to watch it, it's very funny and Shen Yue plays in it as well). I really wrote it for fun so don't take it too seriously. I hope you'll enjoy it !

It was a little longer than the other one shots so I hope I didn't made too much mistakes with my english.

Legacy – Part 1 : the letter

When Shancai came in the kitchen this morning, she was really surprised to find her daughter, Xiaoxi1, her sixteen years old little lizard, busing cooking something. Her eyes  screwed up while she concentrated, she was frying some stuff in the wok and trying to avoid oil drops that where spitted on her at the same time. Daoming Sanchai watched her during a moment from the doorstep.

Without being aware of her mother presence, the young girl was softly singing, shaking her head in rythm, slightly waddling. Shancai could imagine easily the radiant smile her daughter shoudl have at this moment, lightening her slightly too round face, the round shape emphasized by her bob haircut but it made her look like the moon and she found this so cute.

« I like your eyes, your long eyelashes and your reserved attitude... » she heard her sing with her clear voice.

Shancai smiled, melting. Xiaoxi sang beautifully. The teenager often implored her to let her go and take part in The Voice Kids of China but the mother had misgivings about accepting this. She didn't like to imagine her daughter in front of cameras especially with her young age.

And she imagined easily Daoming Feng's reaction if she accepted this. Shancai scrupulously made sure that her husband's mother didn't say a word about her lifestyle and the way she educated her children and the grandmother loved especially her great-daughter but Daoming Feng had still some difficulties to accept some things... and Xiaoxi did not help to improving things in that case.

« I like your dimples, your lips corner, your smile... »

Shancai remembered as if it was yesterday her daughter birth and her throat had been tightening when nurses had put her baby on her chest. Her daughter was thin but she was crying and agitating in a really strong way. She never had seen something as beautiful in the whole world. Daoming Si, laughing and crying at the same time, had tried to catch her little angry fists of hers.

« She inherites her father's beauty ! » He had went into ecstasies on his daughter.

Shancai had rolled her eyes, offended and amused at the same time and Daoming Si had hastily added :

« But she inherites her mother's beauty as well ! Look at her eyes, she has yours, your so pretty brown eyes ! »

Looking down to her daughter, Shancai couldn't help but melt with love as her baby was so agitated she nearly fell dow from her arms.

« She has inherited your strenhgt as well ! » Had added a laughing Daoming Si. « We should call her 'StrongStrong', what do you think ? »

Shancai had hitten his arm, frowning to look mad, but Daoming Si knew her very well and had laughed again. Their daughter almost fell again.

« She looks like a little lizard, this tiny girl ! » Had exclaimed the child's father.

Then he had stopped, a victorious smile on his lips.

« Little lizard ! I find it ! Shancai ! We should call her Xiaoxi1, (小蜥 : little lizard in chinese)  what do you think ? »

At first, Shancai had thought he was joking and was ready to retort when she suddenly had stopped, thinking.

« You're right, it's pretty and it really fits to her ! »

Happy, Ah Si's smile had grown wider and he had taken his daughter in his arms.

« So, Daoming Xiaoxi, what do you think about that ? »

At that moment, the little one had opened her eyes, seeing her both parents leaning toward her. A strange noise had escaped from her throat and both parents had went into ecstasies on their daughter

« Oh ! She is already as clever as her father ! I'm sure when she'll are eighteen years old she'll win millions in speculating on Market ! »

Shancai had elbowed him.

« Don't worry, I'm sure she is as clever as you as well ! When she'll are eighteen years old, she would create her own recipes like you do... »

« I like you, everybody knows it, they laugh at me but I don't care. »

Shancai couldn't help but make a face when she remembered this memory. Her being clever... they had been maybe too much optimistics. Careful, don't misundestand what she was thinking, Xiaoxi wasn't totally stupid, she was a lively, curious and resourceful young girl but she wasn't fond of studying... she often had really bad marks and everybody was concerned.

Daoming Si desperately tried to explain her scientifics lessons, especially mathematics because he was really good at that... but all he won was a empty and absent look from his daughter. They didn't know if Xiaoxi didn't understand anything or if she wasn't interested at all by that. Maybe both ? When Daoming Feng was here, she tried to take her son's place :

« I'm certain you don't know how to do it ! Let me help ! »

But one half hour later, she paced away toward the other side, striding out to take a cup of tea, her jaw clenched, prevented herself to say some things she may regret. Shancai could imagine what she would say... If Ah Si had married a riche heiress so maybe... but she seemed to have learnt some lessons and she remained quiet because her step daughter had proven more than once she wasn't stupid.

To conclude, they could'nt hope to see one day Xiaoxi winning money in speculating on Market... on the contrary, she would probably make them lose a lot of money. Shancai sighed, she loved a lot her own father, Dong Danian, but his grand-daughter seemt to have inherited his defaults. He was a good and loving man but he had never been fond of studies and works. His wife, Dong Lizi2 often said to Shancai he could be lazy and if he had made some efforts he could had done better. She would never said that to her stepmother because it would mean she agreed with her when she said Daoming Si maybe didn't choose the good wife...

About creating her own recipes one day... Shancai made a face seeing the churros her daughter was trying to cook was half burnt and had a strange fish smell... she surely had take the wrong oil ou she didn't have washed the wok before using it ! Zhuang and her both desesperately tried to teach her some recipes but... in that case, Xiaoxi had inhereted Daoming Feng's cooking talents, which Zhuang was delighted to say to her mother and was amusing Shancai.

« I will never stopped to like you, be warned. I like your shirts, your fingers and your smell. I would like to be your coat, your gloves, your heartbeats. »

Fortunately, Xiaoxi had got some talents as well. She was a real sunshine,  she was optimistic and enthusiastic, she was always happy, energetic and brave and she was never defeatist. And, she had a real talent for drawing. More than once, Shancai found some sketches, pastels, watercolours and other artworks in her bedroom and she went into ecstasies on it during hours.

« She still can became a comic's author ! » She tried to say to Daoming Si one day in order to calm him down after he tried to help their daughter for her homeworks.

He had glared at her, not convinced at all.

« I like you, everybody knows it. It's a real torment but I'm still hoping. If I'm patient ? Wait and you'll know it. »

The only thing that could relieved Daoming family in these moments was Xiaoxi's little brother. Daoming Suzhi3, eleven years old, was a serious, polite, disciplined student. Ah Si could be relieved for the millions speculated on the Market because his son was a real mathematic genious. He was all the family pride. Xiaoxi loved him and he seemed to love her a lot as well but...

« Didi4 (弟弟, littke brother) ! You could smile from time to time, could'nt you ? » Xiaoxi often told him, exasperated.

The child juste shrugged and went back reading his book. Shancai sighed. She thought her son had often a too serious even sad look and often wondered what she had done to him for being like this. So she wished her daughter to be more studious and her son happier. There could'nt be a happy medium ? Daoming Si comforted her each time saying her that their children were wonderful and she should'nt be so worried.

« Loving you every moment, every second. Loving you everywhere, in every shadow. Loving you has became an habit for me. How much do I like you ? I don't know. »

Shancai stopped and listen. She didn't know this song but since when Xiaoxi was singing love songs ? She frowned and softly came closer to her daughter.

The teenager used to be slightly a tomboy but today she had nail polish. Fortunately it was transparent but itw as unusual. She had put her sunflower shaped elastic, the one she always wore during important events. She wore a yellow jumper, her lucky charm colour, underneath her high school uniform.

« Loving you makes raining day becoming sunny days. Loving you makes winter snow feeling warm. Loving you has became a religion I can't renounce. How much do I love you ? You'll know it. »

More than lyrics, Shancai was more worried when she heard her daughter giggling when she sang these last words, a dreaming look on her face.

« Oh no » She thought, horrified. « Don't tell me she is in love ? »

Knowing her daughter's temperament, it would be a disaster ! But there was worse ! There was... her father ! If he learnt about that... non, Shancai would prefer not to think about that ! The day where Xiaoxi would have a boyfriend and would like to introduce him to them, she would send Lei to talk to Ah Si... it was more safer !

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and decided to come closer to her daughter in order to show herself to her. She looked like she was finding out her daughter was cooking.

« Hmm ! What a surprise, Xiaoxi, are you cooking the breakfast this morning for all of us ? »

Her daughter startled so hard she almost spilled out the wok filled with oil on herself. Shancai tried hard to not make a face or to take her daughter's place for cooking. It was one of the rare time Xiaoxi took an initiative and she would be disappointed.

« Oh... » The teenager stuttered, blushing. « It's not for you but for a friend... »

Shancai closed her eyes and mentally encouraged herself to remain as calm as possible. So, Xiaoxi was really in love... The worst agony was begining...

« ... He's living by himself because his mother has left to work in another city with his little brother. » Her daughter was telling without realizing her mother's panick. « I told myself he should be happy if someone take care of him a little, isn't it ? »

Shancai glanced at the half burnt churros which were smelling salmon and she swallowed hard. However, she forced out a smile, mentally crossing her fingers for that boy didn't turn down her daughter.

« I'm pretty sure he will be happy ! » She answered, forcing herself to be enthusiastic. « By the way, do I know him ? »

Xiaoxi shrugged.

« I don't know. He lives in a flat next Madame Yu's one so it's not very far away from here and we walk together on our way to high school. »

Shancai nodded. Okay, it was for that reason Xiaoxi insisted to take her bike instead off letting the chauffeur to drive her there. She had always thought her daughter wanted juste to do the same as her !

« And what is this young man's name ? » Asked the desperate mother trying to look as calm as possible.

Xioxi giggled again.

« Jiang Chen ».

« Jiang Chen ? » Shancai was surprised. « That's odd, it was one of my doctors' name when I was at hospital because of... » She stopped. There was no way she told her daughter about the hunger strike ! It was a tacit agreement she made with Daoming Feng : we don't speak about the past to the children in order to prevent them to be mad at their grandmother.

Fortunately, Xiaoxi didn't pay attention to her sentence second part. She was nodding, shaking fervently her head.

« Yes ! His uncle is a renowned doctor. His mother may had called him like that to made him lucky ! Today, if I have well understood, he works at Pekin. »

Shancai absent-mindedly nodded while her daughter continued to speak about her Jiang Chen, but her talk was so disjointed that her mother didn't knew anymore when she was speaking about the uncle or when she talked about the high school student.

« Hey, isn't there the two women of my life ? » Said a voice in their back.

Shancai was completely startled and Xiaoxi turned toward her father and gave him a radiant smile. Ah Si stared at them since the doorstep, pride shining in his eyed.

As she did since the begining of their relationship, Shancai's heartbeats grew faster and her cheeks flushed just seing him. But this day, she was concerned as well.

Watching her daughter hugging her father, she couldn't stop praying silently in order Xiaoxi didn't speak about Jiang Chen in front of Ah Si. Unaware as she was, she wouldn't realize the damage she would done telling her father she was in love. It would be a storm, a cataclysm... even a blond princess flying over a city with three dragons could'nt do worse !

Fortunately, she was saved by Suzhi coming in the room with his usual grumpy look. Xiaoxi rushed over him and showed him her churros in order for him to give an advice. Her little brother just carelessly shrugged and went to sit down to the table in order to take his breakfast. Shancai realised she hadn't cook anything and rushed over the kitchen as her son took an albebra book, Xiaoxi put her churros in a plastic bag while she sang again and Ah Si came to help her.

Did she already mention she had a perfect husband ? Ok, he could be jealous and he was mad easily and he could be arrogant as well... and one day he insisted to make the pineapple hairstyle to Suzhi. Their son who had classical tastes had made nightmares during one week after he saw his head in a mirror and Shancai had to prevent Xiaoxi to post the pictures on weibo and to stick them up everywhere in the manor. In spite of that, Shancai had found some sketches of Suzhi with a pineapple head in her daughter's bedroom and she could'nt help to laugh watching it.

Xiaoxi ate her breakfast as fast as possible then she took her bag with churros in it and rushed toward the garage to take her bike after she said a quick goodbye to her parents. Ah Si tried to call after her in order to ask her if she was sure not wanting to benefit of the car like her brother but her daughter was already far away. Shancai discretely sighed, relieved. Gladly, her husband didn't ask questions about churros. For today, the PineAppleSi storm wouldn't pass over Shanghai.

When Suzhi left with the chauffeur, Shancai sighed again with a tired look. Ah Si came and tenderly massaged her shoulders.

« Our daughter is completely moonstrucked, our son is completely overly strict. » She Resumed. « I love them, of course, but I would had liked a happy middle ! »

Ah Si leant over her ear and whispered, making her shivered :

« We could make a third one if you want... »

Shancai was about to hit his arm and protest when she stopped, thinking. After all, she was only thirty six years old, she still could have a baby... and, most of all, training with Daoming Si in order to have a baby wasn't a unpleasant thought especially these last days she wasn't often alone with her husband.

She turned toward Ah Si and gave him her eternal flirting smile... they  had concluded the deal !


Xiaoxi was riding her bike as quick as possible, hoping she would be there at time. She had lied a little to her mother, actually Jiang Chen and her didn't really walk together on their way to high school. It was more like she ran after him every day, succeeded in catching him after sprinted with her bike, and she talked alone until they reached high school, the young man answering her only with onomatopoeias.

It was the last turn and her heart leaped when she noticed Jiang Chen standing next his bike. He saw her coming and pretended to hastily go on his bike to leave as soon as possible.

« Hey ! Jiang Chen ! »

With a wide smile, she shook her arms to greet him, showing up her bag with churros. Jiang Chen sighed, closed his eyes and let her drawed level with him.

« Here you are, I cooked your breakfast ! » She said, giving him the plastic bag.

Without looking at her, Jiang Chen shook his head.

« No thank you, I already had breakfast. » He said with his eternal laconic tone.

Xiaoxi moaned and said in an imploring way :

« Buuut I did it especially for you ! You don't want it for your snack at least ?

Jiang Chen sighed and took the churros. Xiaoxi jumped for joy and didn't saw the young man opened the bag, made a face discretely seeing them and smelling them, then even so slipped them in his rucksack.

« By the way » Xiaoxi suddenly said. « Today you are a little more late than usual, aren't you ? »

Jiang Chen didn't answer, avoiding her gaze. The young girl's smile grew wider.

« Hurry up Daoming Xiaoxi, we're going to be late... »

Xiaoxi giggled again. Why did she had a feeling that Jiang Chen waited for her this morning ? The young man was riding in front of her and she couldn't see his face expression. However, if she would have could have a glimpse of the little smile he tried desesperately to repress, she would have an answer to her question. And when they arrived near high school and Wu Bosong came to meet the young girl with his bright smile and his eternal « Boss ! », if she would had turned toward Jiang Chen, she would have been surprised to see his dark and jealous glare looking at the swimming champion.


Shancai strolled in Daoming manor corridors, softly singing, a radiant smile on her lips. The last time she was alone with Ah Si was weeks ago and itw as very delightful. She couldn't help but chuckle when she remembered the way they began the 'third baby' project.

Tired after weeks of hard works, Ah Si fell asleep just after and Shancai decided to take look in her children's bedrooms to check and see they didn't forget anything. Suzhi and Xiaoxi had at least on thing in common : they were both absent-minded. She often had to rush over school or high school or both or to send the majordomo over there in order to take them back some pencil case, exercice book, textbook or snacks they had let carelessly somewhere in the manor.

Suzhi seemed to not have forget anything and Shancai could sighed of relief going out from his bedroom before going toward Xiaoxi's bedroom. After inspecting everywhere, she could conclude her daughter was concentrated this morning. Eventually being in love with Jiang Chen could be a benifit isn't it ? She noticed some pieces of paper on the desk and went to check she didn't forget some homework or important lesson.

She looked at each piece of papier and stiffened when she saw the last one.

« You ! Yes, you ! Stop ! I'm not used to say useless things so listen carefully what I have to tell you ! You have to know that I like you. If you reject me, I'll be sure that your school years here will turn into nightmare ! If someone dare to try te steal you from me, I would'nt hesitate to become violent ! »

Shancai swallowed hard. Is Xiaoxi really wrote this love letter to Jiang Chen ? She closed her eyes and took her head in his hands. This style, this mentality, she could only have been advised by none but...



Lin Jingxiao hugged enthusiastically Xiaoxi when she came into the classroom and Lu Yang welcomed her with some jokes, playing at putting his round shaped glasses crooked across his face. Wu Bosong sat behind the young Daoming girl while Jiang Chen sat at his usual desk, next to her but across the row.

« Hey, Boss ! » Called her Wu Bosong.

Xiaoxi turned toward him while Jiang Chen clenched his jaw and his fists.

« Will you go and watch me swimming at tomorrow sportive event ? »

The young girl nodded enthousiastically while Lu Yang told him loudly he would come as well. Lin Jingxiao leaned toward Xiaoxi to whisper in her ear.

« By the way, why Wy Bosong call you Boss ? »

Xiaoxi glared at her.

« It's your letter's fault, you see ! He saw me when I was recitating it to have the good tone and good attitude like you advised me... and he thought I was a gang leader ! »

« Damn it, and why didn't you tell him it wasn't true ? »

Xiaoxi shook her head.

« I thought it was better to tell him it was true in order to not be more ridiculous... »

Ling Jingxiao chuckled and Xiaoxi hit her shoulder.

« Hey ! It's not funny ! Who would write this kind of letters by the way ? Fortunately, I didn't read it to Jiang Chen ! »


Daoming Si and Shancai were sat on the living room sofa, staring at Xiaoxi's letter on the coffee table. Shancai couldn't stop admonishing herself mentally. Whata stupid girl she was ! Her husband didn't must to know that and so she told him everything because of this letter ! How could she imagine he would help his daughter to write a love letter without telling her before ? Ximen or Meizuo or even Lei could have done that, she had no doubt about that... But not Ah Si !

If his daughter asked him such a thing, no doubt he would have panicked ! He would have been completely disturbed... exactely like now, shaking his legs, clenching his fists with some smoke going out from his nose and his ears... What a stupid girl she was !

« Hem... Ah Si ? My favourite pineapple ? » She asked in a soft way.

Her husband growled as an answer. She forced out a smile.

« You know, it may be nothing... » She carefully said. « It could be some bet shed did with her friends or a rough copy for an essay... »

Ah Si still stared an invisible target in front of him, his eyes darkening more and more.

« Then, be optimistic ! She didn't give this letter to anyone because it was on her desk ! »

Her husband sighed and took his head in his hands.

« But she is still a baby ! » He suddenly exclaimed. « She can't be in love because she his a little girl child !! »

Shancai stared at him during a moment, aghasted.

« Hem... Ah Si ? Your daughter is sixteen years old ! »

« Yes, it's exactly what I said, she is a baby ! »

Shancai closed her eyes and deeply breathed in order to remain as calm as possible.

« Ah Si, do you realize that when we met and you began to harass me... hem, I mean, when you courted me, I was just two years older than her ? »

Ah Si stared at her, dumbfounded. Shancai desesperarely shook her hands in front of his face in order to wake him up until he exclaimed :

« No ! Has time passed so quickly ? I thought it was yesterday she threw all her dolls in swimming pool in order to teach them how to swim ! »

Shancai bit her lips in order to not busting into laughter. Daoming Si had a serious look again.

« But if she is really in love, knowing her I think she will less and less concentrated for her lessons. »

« It is exactely what worrying me too. » Sighed Shancai. « I'm also afraid this boy reject her, I don't know how to comfort her if this king of thing happen... »

Daoming Si abruptly stood up and he went in front of his wife.

« It's impossible, Xiaoxi is a Daoming, she can't be rejected ! »

Shancai rolled her eyes.

« At first, I did rejected you ! »

Ah Si shrugged.

« Maybe back then but today you are my wife ! »

Shancai crossed her arms, annoyed.

« Yes but... » She began again.

But her husband didn't let her finish. With an angry finger pointed toward an imaginary person, he exclaimed :

« And if this boy dare to reject my daughter and made her heartbroken, Im' going to deal with him ! I'm going to... »

« Daoming si ! » Cried out Shancai, standing up as well. « Don't forget you are an adult and if youd are to touch a student from high school, you may have serious problems ! » She concluded, standing in front of her husband, chin lift up and fists on her hips.

She might be small, Shancai had always intimidated him when she was angry, especially with that piercing look of her. Ah Si swallowed and stared at his feet.

« Ah... yes, maybe I went off at the deep end too easily. »

His wife softened and she tenderly put a hand on his arm.

« The problem is Xiaoxi takes everything very seriously when we speak about feelings. Si if she is heartbroken, she would be overwhelmed by feelings and we would have a hard time to comfort her. I don't speak about her grades only, of course... »

« What have I heard ? My granddaughter would have a broken heart ? » Said a voice behind them.

Shancai closed her eyes and clenched her teeth. She didn't need that ! She swallowed and turned around very slowly, making out a forced smile to her stepmother.

« Mum ! » Ah Si exclaimed. « You're back home ? »

« Obviously because I'm here ! » She answered sarcastically. Then she added. « So, what is the problem with Xiaoxi ? »

« Nothing ! » Interceded Shancai. « Well for the instant... we fear she could be in love and so she could be rejected... »

Right then, Daoming Feng went pale.

« But it is a disaster ! » She exclaimed.

Ah Si stared victoriously at Shancai but quickly became disillusioned when he heard what was going next :

« You insisted to send my granddaughter in a common high school instead of the first class high school where Zhuang and Ah Si had attended and... »

« And ? » Asked her Shancai.

Daoming Feng stopped when she saw  her stepdaughter glaring at her darkly. It was true she was redoubtable at these moments, it was with that look on her face and her proud and authoritarian behaviour that Shancai succeeded to make her leave her cheaped flat when she was only eighteen. This day, the had thought she might be wrong about her and she could be have enough strenght to marry a future group leader like Daoming's... but she couldn't admit it because the problem was financial and this girl from modest background could'nt do anything for them.

But now, Daoming Feng softened and choose judiciously her words. In front of her son's wife's implacable stare, she just couldn't say that Xiaoxi might going out with a boy not issued from the same social rank as her... Ah Si would be certainly mad at her.

« Well, it's juste I almost know every young man going to Ah Si's old high school but in Xiaoxi's high scholl I don't know anyone. » She carefully said. « Do you know who is it ? »

Shancai hesitated and Ah Si noticed it.

« Shancai ? » He asked, annoyed. « Don't tell me Xiaoxi told you and you hide it from me. »

His wife went pale.

« She... » She mumbled. « She spoke about a boy but I'm not sure she is actually in love with him... »

« Who is he ? » Asked Ah Si and Feng at the same time.

« A certain Jiang Chen. »

Right then Feng's look lighted up.

« The famous surgeon's nephew ? Jiang Ziwei's son, the famous Eden Group leader's son ? »

Shancai and Ah Si stared at each other, completely lost.

« I guess so because Xiaoxi told me about a surgeon uncle... »

Feng clapped, a delighted look on her face.

« But it's so marvellous ! Oh, my granddaughter got some talent eventually ! In a second-rate high school, she managed to find a good match, someone from the same social background ! »

She stopped when she saw Shancai with her dark glare again and Ah Si doing the same. Okay, she maybe spoke a little too quickly and without thinking. She forced out a smile.

« Well... So, I'm going to leave you, young ones ! I'm going to exercize myself with some fitness ! »

And she ran away quickly.


At the evening, when Xiaoxi went back from high school, Daoming Si and Shancai was waiting for her with the letter still on the coffee table. The young girl stiffened at the middle of the living room.

« Xiaoxi, we need to talk to you. » Said her father seriously.

The young girl went pale.

« What ? You already know for my mathematics new grades ? I promise you I'm going to work more seriously ! I'm going to... »

Shancai stopped her.

« No, it's not about that, it's... »

« If it is about the common pot, I'm so sorry to have lost it ! But fortunately, it was just in my chinese exercice book and... »

« I'ts neither about that ! »

« Then if it's because I climbed up on a inflatable pineapple in the swimming pool, I really beg you a pardon... »

« Xiaoxi ! » Her parents exclaimed at the same tame to make her quiet. « Let us talk ! »

Ah Si frowned.

« We didn't want at all to talk with you about these problems but... you may explain us all that after our talk ! »

Xiaoxi swallowed... she better might to remain quiet. Shancai took the letter on the coffee table and saw her daughter's eyes slightly growing wider.

« We found this in your bedroom. » She told her quietly. « Is there something you want to talk about with us ? »

She saw Xiaoxi catching the letter, going pale, and she read it quickly. Then, suddenly, she had a happy and carefree look on her face again.

« Oh ? This thing ! We had to prepare a theatre play for school ! With Lu Yang and Wu Bosong we chose 'Meteor Garden'. There I tried to write the moment where the hero asked to the girl to be his girlfriend... »

Immediately, Ah Si relaxed and bursted out in laughing.

« Oh, it was just that ! » He exclaimed, obviously relieved.

He turned toward his wife, smiling, radiant, forgetting totally to ask her daughter to explain for the common pot, the mathematics grades or even the inflatable pineapple. Xiaoxi profited to slip away and Shancai smiled in return to her husband, stiffened, sure her daughter had lied to them.

小蜥 xiǎo xī : little lizard

2 : 李子 lǐzi : plum, plum tree

3 : 素质 sùzhì : quality

4 : 弟弟 dìdi : little brother

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