Running From The Wolves ✅COMP...

By thedevilsdaughter300

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"This is the story of Hazel..a tale I tell to others...a tale not many know of.. Such a loving child with her... More

82 Final
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810 28 2
By thedevilsdaughter300


Baring her teeth as i growled back. Hearing the shouts of max and a few other pack members.

' I want to hear what you're going to do as a Luna of this a Luna...not to kill her,Mia'

Relaxing my stance and looking into her bright blue eyes

" those eyes gave away. Those eyes that you looked at him with, pushed away all my worry and doubts. Careful when you're standing in front of me like that..and with those intentions"

She growled and came rushing towards me.

I stayed in place as she seemed to understand what I was trying to do.

" stand down..." I calmly said

Though she didn't stop. Leaping to me with her claws out to me. Her bright blue eyes locked with mines

Suddenly a loud thud and a growl of Mason was heard.

Realizing she had been knocked down and pushed to ground as Mason stood above her.

' want me to take her down for you' Mason asked

'those cells?...maybe..or do what I did to Izzy'

She tried to move but Mason snapped his jaws as max came over and bared is teeth near her neck.

" what are you two planning" Xavier spoke

We both looked over to him when I heard a whimper from Mason. A growl from max as I looked over seeing Mason's shoulder is bitten, bleeding.

Looking at the bite wound as the blood dropped to the floor. Seeing him back away as she was stepping towards him.

Starting to hear mia's voice speak the words once more, feeling my body become hot and heightened senses.

I felt heavier, taking a few steps and holding my head up. Opening my mouth a little as I let a loud rumble of a growl out.

She looked over to me as her eyes widened. Noticing other pack members bowing and backing up as I huffed.

Slowly walking towards her as I spoke.

' punishing you is what I had  in mind but those eyes you gave him...the pain you've brought to my brother won't save you from me now' I growled

Walking closer till I was in front of her as she could only look away. I stared her down seeing she was starting to give up.

' kill her'

' no...I won't..'

" you will"

Feeling liquid coming up my throat and drool down my mouth as I heard screams around. Feeling the jaws of hers around my neck and slowly letting go of me.

" HAZEL!!" Xavier and Mason shouted

' who..who-'

My vision became a blur as I could only stand there. My mind didn't have a thought in mind till I heard shouts.

The shouts became louder as the cheers started to mix. The color of tan on the ground as a few dim lights were above us.

' not again. I thought I escaped. Please no no. I can't die here'

Hearing the cheers for her as I looked up seeing the blurry figure of Freddy in the corner. He shook his head and started to walk away as I knew I was going to die.

My chest tightened as I could only hear the chants and cheers. Feeling the touch of others on me trying to see if I was alive.

I slowly went down to the floor looking at the spreading blood on the floor.

' I-i cant...'

I felt Mia and I mix together feeling as if I was much stronger. The scent of ashes surround the room..but I knew it didn't come from him.

"Erica ERICA ERICA" they all yelled out cheering for the wolf

'n-No we cant lose Get Up Hazel' Mia spoke suddenly so desperately

"5, 4, 3...." They all started to count down to see if I will give up

' we will not lose we will not lose for the sake of our mothers death we need to get revenge. Stand up.' Mia orders

' we won't die. We will kill till our lest breath' I added

I slowly stood up hearing gasps and howls. I looked at the blurry ground and bared my teeth seeing drool and blood mix in.


The announcer screamed as the name only made me growl louder.


" Hey! Wake Up! Hazel! Don't leave me!"

" I Just Found you please...please"

" LUNA! Wake up! Wake Up!"

The shouts of the voices stopped my movement as I was confused of who they were calling out to.

I looked around only to see a snarling wolf in front of me as I did so back.

' kill them..kill her' Mia Snarled

Without a second thought I ran towards the wolf and opened my jaws and clamped it down on their shoulder.

Feeling their blood in my mouth as I let go and backed away. They growled and lunged at me as they only managed to skid my snout with their teeth.

Slightly panting I felt my blood starting to drip down and spreed all over my chest.

' we're dying , we don't have much time left..kill them. Do it' Mia orders

Charging at them and lunging we collided as we both took bites and a blood bath was quickly starting.

Shoving them to the ground as I quickly came over them and snapped my jaws near their neck as they growl with a whimper laced in.

Looking where their eyes would be I saw blue. I froze as they started to get clearer. Seeing their white fur now painted in red as wounds could be seen.

Realizing who it was the rushing anger didn't stop. About to attack her when a voice spoke

' Kill her Hazel'

' kill her with me' I say

The wolf shoved me off when another figure of a wolf came near and attacked the wolf.  Running to them and locking my jaws with their stomach as I started to shake. Hearing their cries and growls when I felt hands around me.

Ignoring them as I heard shouts and cries when I looked into the wolves eyes. She looked exhausted and on the very edge of death.

The other figure came next to me and stood over her panting and bloody figure.

' I'm the one that wins around these' about to lunge at her neck when I was pushed to the ground and a wolf was above me.

About to attack them when they spoke.

' Stop! It's me Hazel!? Your mate! Your pack is here. You're the Luna!' He shouted

I bared my teeth ignoring him when he spoke again.

' you're not in that place! You're not going to kill anyone! You're bleeding from your neck your dying!'

Looking into the person eyes as they started to get clearer I could see the bright yellow.

' Xavier...he's here..'

I looked at the ceiling seeing their wasn't a cracked concrete.

'Im not there...I-i just saw..I'm not there' I say as I ease my self back to reality

I closed my eyes for a few seconds and re-opened them feeling i could see clearly. Looking around as I paused.

Blood decorated the floor as it surrounded a red and white figure on the ground.

Seeing their was another trail going to a trembling Mason. His eyes could only stay on her as pack members surrounded him.

'M-mason' I call out

'What did we do' he whispered as I look at the girl.

" Hazel it's me your mate" I heard Xavier say quickly looking  at him

' we killed someone..we killed..I didn't even know what I was doing'

Looking at Xavier once more time I snapped my jaws at him as he quickly got off. Standing up and passing the dead body and towards the door when I stopped.

' fit for a Luna...I just killed a pack member. Mason.'

' wait no Hazel'

Mason quickly ran outside not giving anyone a second chance to stop him.

'they are afraid of me I see, hear, and sense their fear so I'm going out for a bit' I tell him as he looked at me leave

' wait Hazel please don't leave. You're injured and bleeding heavily stop' He spoke

I didn't say anything as I stepped out into the cold night.

' goodnight'

Cutting off any mind link and started to run. Running into the tree lines as Mason came beside me.

Stopping near a tree and resting against it as I felt the crushing pain in my throat.

' you okay...' Mason said

' I'll be fine. I killed someone..are you?'

He didn't respond and rested his body against mines as we both hissed

' not my first'

We didn't say much under the quiet night.

' I haven't slept out here for a while I kinda miss it' I say

' i haven't since I first came least we'll be a safe in this territory.'

I laid my head on the ground as he placed his on my back. I could only stay a wake longer thinking of what would happen if I had relaxed her sooner.

Sooner that I wasn't in the trance. Sooner that I had fallen asleep with those thoughts. One thought that I wish I had the answer to much..Sooner.

' Why did it happen...why?'


As the night went on so did the bodies of ours. Aching and soft growl from us but still asleep. The constant movement and stretching as we were still deep in our sleep.

We didn't know why..but we would get our answer much sooner than we both thought.

As morning rolled by I fluttered my eyes open. My vision was a bit of a blur but blinking a few times I could see again.

Only after seconds of waking up memories of last night rushed in. I slightly growled as it startled me for a moment.

I felt the growl deep in my bones and slightly hurt my throat.

Huffing I slowly stood up stretching and felt Mason still behind me from my leg. Walking off listening to the birds around and the soft wind.

The small noises of the bugs and running of wolves around.

' where are you going' Mason asked

' going to look around the area before we head inside' I answered

'I'll do it to..let's meet later at the pack' he said

' are you okay Mason?'

' yea...I am'

I didn't say anything else and kept walking around. It was still early in the morning the sun was just starting to peak out.

The snow had seemed to rise a little seeing some parts were covered with more snow then others.

Not much was seen on the patrol. Not many I saw or anyone awake.

Finally getting near the end of the territory I stepped out for a moment. Closing my eyes listening as the wind blew a little harder.

I could hear much more wild things happening. I could feel the freedom of some of these rouges around.

Slowly opening my eyes meeting eyes with someone else.

They were frozen in their tracks as I could only stare. Their eyes were wide and frozen in fear. I could see their hair stand and slowly lowers their head.

Lifting my lip a little showing my fangs as I felt them much longer then I remembered. Letting a growl slip out as they jumped and ran off.

Staying in place till I felt that they were far enough when I came back into the territory.

Suddenly being met with a pack member I simply looked at them.

' morning, is everyone up now?' I asked

Their body slightly lowered and saw its lip twitching a little. Their eyes were just as wide as the rouge.

About to speak again as they nodded their head and slowly moved back till they could run off.
Confused till i remembered about last night.

Sighing I walked and didn't stop. I kept feeling eyes boring into my body as it made me slightly growl making it hurt my throat.

'I hate it...I want to run it just me they are staring?' I asked Mason

' no...I feel it too. They run or not say anything'

' I don't want to go back into the pack'

' Neither do i' I whispered

After a few more minutes of just walking around and getting strange looks from look outs and guards. I arrived at the tree line.

Hearing shuffling not to far from me I knew who's scent it was.

' ready?' I asked him

' no...'

I didn't respond and stepped out. Seconds later I heard someone stepping out as well when I heard a voice.

" Hello Lu-luna?" A girl asked and I drew my attention to her

' yes' I answer

I looked at her seeing her eyes we just as big as the other and looked to cower a little in front of me.

' please no..don't be scared' I thought

' you look like that? Why do you have long ears and a dark face?'

'Didn't we always have a shade of black on our fur?' Mia asked

' Mia-'

" Call The Alpha!! Where's The Luna And Beta! They Are Out There!"

Hearing a growl as someone came over and grabbed the little one.

" what are you!! I'm Contacting the alpha"

' Hazel their is this wolf in the's big and doesn't have a distinct scent hurry...get Xavier' he said

About to do so when I heard Xavier's voice

" You two. Who do you think you are stepping into our territory?"  Xavier snarled

I saw his yes flash yellow as he came over letting his alpha scent engulf us but I had no reaction

' what?'

" Not Talking..get them" he snarled

Immediately a guard snapped their jaws to my face as I growled back. They quickly moved away and I looked at Xavier.

'Really? Just say you didn't want me back xavier! Just say I'm-'

" Hazel?"

His brows furrowed and walked towards me. People around only growled and snarled.

" Mason is behind you...have you both seen your selves?"

His voice sounded unsure of what to say. I took a step as others took a step back but Xavier

' that isn't Hazel! Hazel where are you-'

" turn around and you'll both see each other" Xavier spoke calmly

' what is he talking about?' I asked Mason

' I don't know but this wolf doesn't look like much of a threat' he scoffed

" Hazel turn around" Xavier said

I looked at him and nodded as I turned around only to freeze. In sync we both bared and growled at each other. In those seconds our brains clicked.

Our fur wasn't the same as before. The brindle and mixed Merle of fur patterns. The rust or dark brown mark above our eyes, muzzle, throat, chest, and feet were no longer there.

A pure white coat as black colored a stubby tail full of fur making it seem longer. Thick fur around the neck as it slowly transitions to a fully ruffled black and thick fur.

Mason lifted his lips and showed his mouth as I did the same. Our fangs were long as our mouth seemed red and our teeth were white. Our eyes were surrounded by white as our eyes were a dark green and the other a dark blue.

Our whole face was pure darkness as our ears weren't short..they were pointed up and a bit thinner.

'This can't be real' I say as I start to circle him and he does the same

Mason sits as he stared into my eyes.

' what are we' he mutters

'I-I don't know this can't be possible' I answered

' why why why?'

Panic started to flow through my blood. I felt my self stare endlessly into masons fur. It looked so unreal. I started to whimper and he did as well feeling startled. I was about to change back when this ringing in my head started.

It echoed in my head as I could hear distant calls to us.

I whimpered and immediately started to squirm around holding onto my head letting my claws dig into my face.

" Hazel Mason?!"

"Everyone move away now!" I heard max shout

" What's wrong with them!?"

" Luna!"

" Mason what's going on" they call to us

I took a glance at mason and he was doing the same. He was growling and rubbing his head in the dirt and snow till it all stopped.

Both of us panting and looking dazed.

" what was that-"

'Do you hear me!?' The voice said

startled we both growled

' Please Listen carefully' she spoke

' I know you don't know who I am..but trust me. Trust me Mason and Hazel. You guys are not normal.' The voice spoke

Mason and I looked to each other confused.

' you see're watching us..'

' everything you did lead to this. You've let it in.'

' who?' Mason asked

" Mason Hazel?" A voice spoke but we both ignored them

' you are special. You are special to me and so much more special in someone else's eyes. What you can do is thanks to've let him in'

' it can't be who we are thinking' Mason snarled 

'.. please my children, Listen to me. He's coming. He's coming with much more intentions them before. Let this pack in and they'll help you. Let them in, but don't let him control you. He's coming...don't run..don't.'

' called us your children. Why should we believe you. Why should we believe a voice in our head that doesn't make any sense-'

'Your mother. Your mother has been watching you three'

' three? Wait Mom? Mom is alive?' I spoke

'M-Mom? Hey wait please tell her we love her and miss her please don't leave us without letting us know-'

' she knows...she knows because I'm her'

Suddenly slightly ringing in our mind was heard we growled as Mason spoke once more.

'WAIT! No! We Both Have Questions-'

The ringing has stopped as our bodies had given up on us. Hitting the cold ground as shouts and calls once again were heard.

' three'

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