Twilight Breaking Dusk - Book...

By RoseGoldMermaids

2.2M 27.7K 6.6K

[This is a Breaking Dawn continuation story] After the Volturi had left my family and I in peace we planned... More

Piercing the veil
Expected unexpected
The meadow
A slight complication
The truth is a lie
Lies, lies and more lies
Where are you?
You will always be my baby
Gene Splicing
My love
Penelope Camille Cullen
Matthew and Penelope
Stubborn moments
The best man has arrived
The talk
Book II
First Day
Wyatt Hunter
Aurora and Guardian
New Friends
The little vampire
Midnight Sun
Check This Out


48.8K 572 100
By RoseGoldMermaids

Just as the lights had went out the door at the front of the house opened. I heard Rosalie and Emmetts voice as the entered. What were they doing here? I expected a threat but it was only family. I looked up at Edward for an explanation but he was looking at something else.

"Hey Edwin!" I heard Emmett shout. "Turning out the lights can't save you." I heard him shout before chuckling to himself.

"Maybe they aren't here yet?" Rosalie replied.

"Hey rose do you smell that? It smells like we have a pet dog." He chuckled.

I heard Rosalie growl as she entered the kitchen. When she stopped I heard her mutter something about the stench before she saw Edward and I. "What are you guys doing?" She asked.

It took them three-fourths of a second to feel the tension in the room. Emmett sniffed the air before he went into a defensive stance and began growling.

"What are they doing here?" Emmett snarled.

"They just want to talk." Edward said again.

"Talk my ass." Emmett hissed as he moved to stand infront of Rosalie and the twins. "When have the Volturi ever come in peace."

In the next couple seconds the backdoors opened and in walked Aro, Jane, Felix, Alec and a new vampire I didn't notice.

"Hello friends." Aro hissed in what he thought was a happy tone.

"What brings you to Denali?" Edward asked formally.

Aro walked forward a few steps and I felt the tension around me rise. He stopped when he saw Jacob and sniffed the air. The next moment he clapped his hands together. "Ah it seems you've made friends with a werewolf."

Felix flexed his muscles and I knew he was thinking that he would get to execute someone today.

"Shape shifter, they just take on the shape of a wolf." I corrected. "It's against the vampire laws to befriend the children of the moon. Remember?" I said defensively.

"Where is your proof?" Aro asked me. "For all I know you can be lying."

Jacob cleared his throat as he moved to stand before Edward, who stood before myself and Renesmee. "The proof is in the night sky" Jake said bitterly. "Its a full moon meaning if I was a child of the moon I should have shifted and ran off but yet here I am."

Aro's happy expression faded. He must've really wanted an excuse to execute us but had none.

"Can you please tell us why you are here?" I asked him.

I saw as Aro's eyes looked at me and then to Rosalie. Why would he want me and Rosalie.... Then it hit me. I was holding Renesmee and the twins were standing by their mother.

"NO!" I hissed, several angry growls rising through my throat. "You can't have our children and we've done nothing wrong. Listen to their hearts they beat like humans. They aren't immortal children."

"Bella what are you talking about?" Rosalie said to me. "What do you mean he wants the children?"

"He's here to take the children." Edward said quickly.

"Over my pile of ashes!" Emmett barked.

Renesmee wrapped her arms around me and began to cry. "Mommy I don't want to go with them I want to stay with you." She whimpered.

I rubbed her back soothingly. "Mommy and daddy won't let them take you."

Aro clasped his hands infront of him as he walked forward to stand infront of us. "As nice as I am I will give you an ultimatum. I will let the children stay with you, for now. When the Winter season comes back around I will return with my entire gaurd. You will surrender to us and give us the children or we will kill your entire family."

He turned his back on us and walked over to his coven members that came with him.

"Master can I play with the bronze haired girl?" Jane asked.

I felt the hairs on my arms stand on their ends before Edward began hissing. She wanted to hurt my daughter.

"Not today Jane, next time." Aro said. "Lets go home." He murmered before letting himself out through the back.

When my senses no longer registered the Volturi I was able to relax. The lights flickered a few times before they came back on and then all hell broke loose. Both Emmett and Rosalie began frantically talking about what they were supposed to do to protect the kids and Jacob wouldn't stop talking loudly in my ear.

"QUIET!" I shouted after I covered my daughters ears so I wouldn't hurt them.

The entire room fell silent. "Alice should have seen this, why didn't she tell us!" Rosalie snapped. In the next moment realization hit her and she looked over at Jacob. "This is your fault you stupid mutt!" She snapped before lunging across the island and tackling Jacob to the ground.

"Rose stop!" Edward said as he jumped in to defend him.

Before Edward and Emmett could pull her off I heard a snap followed by Jacob swearing. Renesmee quickly wriggled out of my arms, panicking as she knew her Jacob was hurt. She dropped to her knees beside him and placed her hands on his face.

"She is trying to find out what is wrong." Edward said as I watched Renesmee. "She is looking through his memor-"

Before he could finished Renesmee fell to the floor and began screaming as if she was in pain. In the next half second I rushed to her side and lifted her into my arms.

"What is wrong with her!" I shouted to Edward.

He walked over to my side placed his hand on my back. "She saw and felt Jacobs pain through his memories. She will be fine." He said reassuringly. "Take her upstairs while I tend to Jacob." Edward turned to Emmett. "Get Rose out of here, she has done enough." he added.

Emmett looked at the kids. "Matty, Penelope go with your aunt Bella and cousin Renesmee." He said to them before he escorted Rosalie, who was still trying to get to Jacob, from the room.

I took the children upstairs and baracaded ourselves in the room that Renesmee had been swinging in. I took a seat by the door and watched as the twins fell into play with the toys that laid out along the floor. After Renesmee had calmed down enough she went to play with them too.

What was I to do? In less then 10 months the Volturi would be returning to take my daughter, niece and nephew. I closed my eyes and began strumming my fingers along the mahogany floor boards to try and think to myself. What do I do?

I jumped slightly, my eyes flashing open as I heard Jacobs screams accompanied by cracks which I figured was Edward resetting his quickly healing bones. I looked across the room at Renemsee who seemed to be oblivious to Jacobs pain, or atleast she couldn't hear him as well as I could through these thick walls.

After another ten minutes of listening to his screams they finally quieted down. I finally was able to let out a breath and relax slightly. Frozen in the position I was sitting in I spaced out completely. I was a mother and mothers are supposed to be able to protect their children but how could I protect her from the Volturi if I couldn't even stand against them.

I should be able to do something you would think especially since I had thwarted them once before. They had come to kill my family because they were misinformed about my daughter and what her blood status was. If it wasn't for all the help-

That's it. We needed all the help we could get. All of our witness' and more if that was possible. This time we had the advantage, we had not only and extended network of vampires willing to stand with us but we had time. 10 months to gather and prepare.

Raising to my feet I opened the door and came, unexpectedly, face to face with my husband.

"I have a plan." Edward said quickly before I could tell him mine. "Actually it was Jacobs plan." he added.

I could always count on Jake when it came to ideas during tough times. It was his idea about the blood that saved both my life and the life of my daughter during my pregnancy.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

Before Edward spoke he pulled me out into the hall and closed the door to give us privacy. "While I was setting Jacobs bones he kept thinking about Renesmee and protecting her. Then he thought about the last time she needed protecting and-"

"I was thinking the same thing. We need to round up our friends and more." I explained. "The only thing is we aren't  there to talk if we want to live in peace we will need to defeat the Volturi."

"That we agree on." Edward said as he took out his phone. "Alice's visions of us are blocked because of Jacob so I need to inform her."

I brought my hand to his shoulder. "How is he?" I asked.

"He's resting and will be for quite some time." Edward replied before he brought to phone up to his ear.

"And Rose?" I added.

"Well she isn't happy with herself." Edward added before he gave his attention to his phone. "Alice, we have a slight problem." Edward began.

I stood listening to him as he explained to Alice about the visit from the Volturi and what they wanted. He then explained the ultimatum they gave to us and the plan. After he hung up he looked at me.

"Alice is going to inform everyone. She agrees we should fight. It's the only way." Edward said. "She wants me to come out to the Denali's so I'm going there for a few hours." Edward wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. "We will get through this." He said to me soothingly.

 "We don't have a choice." I replied. "I'll die before I give up my daughter to the Volturi." I said before we kissed.

When we let go he slipped off back downstairs and left. Sighing to myself I slipped back into the room and resuming my seat. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on them. Anything worth having is worth fighting for. My family and my life was worth having so I wasn't going to give up that easy.

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