Stefan And Elana get Their Ha...

By faithboken

18K 370 22

13 and up should read this . it's about stelena gets there happy ending some how read more to find out how. More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
author notes
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
wedding day part one
wedding day part 2

Chapter 25

206 6 2
By faithboken

At Elena's house

Elena walks into the door and starts to pack the clothes that she has in her house.

Jenna comes home from work and hears music playing from somewhere

Jenna goes upstairs. It's louder upstairs and she thinks Jeremy is home.

Jenna: Jeremy, are you playing music?

Elena: nope Jeremy is not here. It's just me I'm packing tho

Jenna: why?

Elena: well I have to go on the run from Elijah he wants to marry me and well he wants to take over the town but my friends and I came up with an idea for me to go on the run so Elijah goes after me then I somehow find his brother and have them sit and talk thing through.

Jenna: is Stefan going with you?

Elena: yeah Elijah doesn't know he is in town so don't say a thing.

Jenna: ok I promise but we are gonna miss you tho.

Elena: I know I will miss you as well.

Jenna: let me know when you can come back to town

At the boring house

Stefan: Lexi text me the plan you guys came up with to get Elijah out of town

Lexi: ok we're gonna go first tho.

Stefan: I have no clue. I feel like Elijah has a trap set up in New York at your place. So I'm not going to go there.

Damon: stef don't you remember Zach has places set up for us all over?

Stefan: I know but the thing is that Zach has no clue about any of this since he is still traveling the world. He is in Japan now. He will get notified if someone that is not him is at the place.

Damon: Well actually you and him are the only two who can get in.

Stefan: Now you tell me this.

Damon: Well see Zach banned me from getting into the places since he knew I was gonna try and find you. He never told me because he didn't want me to find out and I found out anyway.

Elena walks into the boarding house with a big suitcase.

Elena: I'm all done packing

Stefan: give me a few minutes

Stefan speeds packs his suitcase

Elena: goodbye for now please come up with a solid plan. Lexi or Damon give the townspeople vervain. So they can't be compelled 

Damon: How did you know we have it growing here?

Elena: I was wandering around here one day because I got bored and Stefan was at my house and I saw the small room that has a lot of plants in there and I figured it was vervain.

Lexi: what do we do now? 

Bonnie: I'm sorry it has come down to the stupid plan but we will miss you.

Elena went over and hugged all of her friends

Stefan: you ready Elena

Elena: one more thing

Elena went over to Bonnie and gave her one last hug

Stefan and Elena went into the driveway and got into the Porsche that Stefan owns. they drove off

Caroline: now we come up with a plan to get rid of Elijah

Bonnie: Well, he can't get Tyler's partners under his control anyway since Tyler's dad is a werewolf. Werewolves attack vampires if they feel threatened. But I don't think Tyler's dad has triggered the curse though so we could get him to do that.

Caroline: How do we do that?

Lexi: plane and Tyler's dad has to kill someone and then turn on a full moon. Luckily for us, there is a full moon tonight.

Bonnie: We get Tyler's dad super drunk then he kills someone then we help turn into a werewolf by tonight.

Damon: One other thing me and I can help get him drunk and that is it. See, a werewolf bite is lethal to a non-original vampire.

Bonnie: OK, but we have to talk to Tyler first.

There was a knock on the door

Everyone froze

Damon went and answered the door.

It was Alaric Jenna and Jeremy

They walk into the boarding house more

Damon closes the door

Jenna: Elena told me you guys are planning a way to get Elijah out of town.

Bonnie: Yes we are.

Jeremy: We are here to also help.

Damon: ok.

Bonnie: we are about to talk to Tyler to see if it's ok to let us get his dad to turn into a werewolf so he can't be compelled and also so if Elijah's vampire friends try to bit Richard they can't. 

Alaric:  I'm coming with

Damon: me and Lexi gotta sit this one out since the werewolf bite killed us.

Jeremy: I will go then

Caroline: So Bonnie Jeremy Alaric will go the rest of us will stay here and come up with a plan to help my mom and Ms. Lockwood out as well

At Tyler's mansion

Bonnie nocks on the door

Tyler opened the door to see who it was, then he saw Bonnie and a few other people behind her. He let them into the mansion

Tyler: so let me guess you came up with a plan

Bonnie: As part of a plan we don't want Elijah to take over being mayor so we wanted to know if it's okay if we turn your dad into a werewolf by tonight.

Alaric: We are gonna help him through the whole thing. See a werewolf bit can kill a vampire. if we turn your dad into a werewolf when Elijah makes his move it can be stopped a bit tho

On the road somewhere

Elena:  so what got you to get your humanity back? 

Stefan: when said the word no home to come back to. also when you said you needed me. 

Elena: are gonna leave us again? 

Stefan: I'm not gonna leave you ever again. I promise I'm not gonna leave you ever again. 

Elena: Stefan, where are we gonna stop to rest?

Stefan: I'm not sure yet I'm still processing what Damon told me.

Elena: I think you should call Zach to find out if it is true. That he left you different places to stay at all over and if so then we need to get to one so we can rest.

Stefan: ok I'm gonna call Zach

Over the phone with Zach

Stefan hey Zach something came up and I'm on the run right now well Damon told me you left me places all over that only me and I have access to is that true?

Zach how did he find out for one and two yeah it's true. I will text the rest of what you need to know about the places I left also is Damon still in town?

Stefan yeah Damon is still in town at the boring house with Elena's friends and Lexi.

Zach ok I was making sure someone was there while you were away on the run. Is Elena with you?

Stefan yeah she is with me we both are on the run from the original vampires.

Zach look I got to go I will text you the information and the locations of the houses. There is a cooler of blood hidden in them as well.

Stefan ok thank you

Elena: so it doesn't sound like we have to worry about are next few stops

Stefan: nope but is there a place you can think of that we can go to in the meantime?

Elena: yeah my parent's lake house in New Jersey my mom left it in my name after she passed away it was all paid for.

Stefan: let's go there then

At Tyler's mansion

Tyler: So you want me to throw a party or something then let my dad get drunk and kill someone to trigger this curse then have him go somewhere in the woods and turn into a werewolf.

Bonnie: Yeah, we are trying to come up with a way to stop Elijah so we can get Stefan and Elena back into town without dealing with the originals.

Alaric: will be there to help your dad throw the whole thing tho so he will be safe.

At the boarding house

Caroline: Well the only thing I can think that would help my mom and Tyler's mom is giving them vervain. But that is not going to work with the original vampire. So do we have any other ideas?

Lexi: I do but we would need Bonnie and Mr Lockwood for it. We would sit and tell your mom and Ms. Lockwood what we are and then have them come up with a way to possibly protect us.

Damon: I got a better idea, Caroline, give your mom these fake files and tell her to give them to Elijah. Then when gets his vampire friend to take over her job Lexi can kill him.

Lexi: Elijah would notice that his vampire friend is not working at the police station.

Caroline: Why don't we tell Elijah Elena got cold feet and left town to get away from him?

Lexi: It could work but Elijah would figure that Elena went after Stefan. Elijah would call his brother and ask his brother if he still had Stefan. His brother might say no then Elijah would figure that we all lie about Stefan being back in town.

Damon: We could have Bonnie do a locator spell on Klaus and then we go and get and we tell him what Elijah did. Klaus would probably be mad at what Elijah did.

Caroline: I got it. We say that my mom and Tyler's mom decided to go on a vacation somewhere out of town.

Damon: Wait, hold now something just clicked. Elijah only wants to marry Elena because she looks like Katherine. So we could tell him Elena is not Katherine then maybe he would leave us alone.

Lexi: Worth a shot. I mean what other ideas do we have?

Caroline: nothing else.

There was a knock on the door

Everyone froze

Damon went to go and open the door

It was Liz

Liz walked into the boarding house

Liz: Please tell me you guys have a plan to get rid of Elijah.

Damon: part of a plan

Caroline: Mom how would like to on a vacation with Ms. Lockwood

Liz: what why

Lexi: It's part of our plan to have you and Ms Lockwood on vacation. Elijah will have someone take over your job but we are part of a group making Mr Lockwood into a werewolf. Werewolf bits can kill non-original vampires.

Liz: how do we get Stefan and Elena back?

Damon: Once we get rid of Elijah's vampire friends and we get some of the people in the town out of here then we will figure it out.

At the Lockwood mansion

Tyler: ok

Alaric: What can we do now?

Tyler: give me a few minutes

Tyler ran off to find his mom and tell her the good news about Bonnie getting into college.

Tyler: I think we should throw a party right now.

Ms. Lockwood:  but is Bonnie even here?

Tyler: She is in the living room.

Ms .lockwood: OK, let's do it.

 at the lake house in New Jersey 

Elena walked into the house and put her suitcase down then she invited Stefan into the house 

Stefan Walk into the house

Stefan: how come you didn't have to be invited into the house

Elena: Stefan I'm not feeling good

Stefan: what is wrong Elena

Elena: my head.

Stefan: what do you want me to do

Elena: come here and just help me get to one of the rooms

Stefan: ok

Stefan helps Elena upstairs to a room.

Stefan: Elena what has happened to you now

Elena: it's just my head is playing some flashbacks on my past that is all

Stefan: You should rest.

Elena: Can you stay with me?

Stefan: yes. Are you sure you ok

Elena: honestly I think after I tried to take all the evil out of Matt it put me back into transitions into a vampire.

Stefan: We need to stay here then. I don't want to risk going on the run with you like this.

At the boarding house

Lexi: How do we get half the town out without Elijah suspecting us doing anything like that?

Damon: Easy, we convinced them to move elsewhere and tell them that the vampires were back. Some of the people in town are crazy to believe it.

Liz: I'm going on vacation but how do we convince Ms. Lockwood to go on vacation with me?

Caroline: Tell her that you and her should go on vacation together to spend more time together to make things easy to run the town.

There was a knock on the door

Everyone froze in the living room

Lexi: Damon, go open the door if it is Elijah then me and the rest of us will hide while you deal with him.

Damon: ok but he will know that there are humans here tho

Lexi: crap umm I will run them out of the house we can go to Caroline's house then.

Damon: Go now!

Lexi took Caroline back to her house by using her vampire speed then she came back to get Liz

At Caroline's house

Liz: What do we do now?

Lexi: sit and wait

Caroline: ugh I wish Elijah and Klaus never showed up.

Lexi: same here

At the boring house

Damon got the text from Lexi

Damon went and opened the door

Elijah: Have you seen Elena?

Damon: No, I have not seen her yet.

Elijah: tell her I'm going forward with my plan now

Damon: OK, I can text her for you

Elijah: ok that will work

Damon got out his phone and texted Bonnie to hurry up then he texted Stefan to say Elijah was doing his plan now ugh.

Eiliah: What did she say?

Damon: she said ugh and that she hates you for your plan and that is not gonna marry you whatsoever

Elijah: she has no choice but if she wants Stefan back she has to marry me.

Damon: I will text her that she has no choice but to marry to get my brother back.

At Caroline's house

There was a knock on the door.

All the girls froze

Liz went and opened the door it was Klaus 

Klaus: I'm not here to hurt anyone. I'm here to say I'm sorry for part of what I did but I know that Stefan went on the run already with Elena and well my brother has crossed the line. I'm here to stop my brother.

Caroline: Let me guess one of his vampire friends is also one of your friends and they told you Elijah's grand plan about what he was gonna do while he was here.

Klaus: yep.

Lexi: Can I call Stefan and tell him that you are trying to fix things?

Klaus: sure

Over the phone with Stefan

Lexi Stefan Klaus is here and he found out Elijah's grand plan and he is here to stop it. I'm not sure if you and Elena want to come back here yet

Stefan said that somehow Elena went back into transition and well she is almost done again. I'm gonna need Bonnie or Caroline to come and help me out.

Lexi got it i will send help after Klaus and his brother are gone hang tight Stefan

Stefan ok

End of phone call

Klaus: Well, does anyone know where my brother is staying?

Lexi: Elena does but the thing is that after she tries to take the evil out of her ex-boyfriend by now for some odd reason she is back in transition into a vampire.

Liz: I might have an idea of where he could be at

Klaus: ok Miss

Caroline: Does Stefan need help with Elena?

Lexi: yeah but he didn't say where he was yet until Elijah is out of town I guess that is when he tells me after I call him.

Caroline: ok.

Liz: some houses are up for sale in this one part of town it's near the college

Caroline: I'm gonna call Bonnie

Over the phone with Bonnie

Caroline you guys don't have to go through with turning Tyler's dad anymore Klaus showed up at my house and he is here to help he gets intel about his brother's plan and well Stefan needs help but we still don't know where they are at.

Bonnie, is Elena ok?

Caroline,  she is back into transition for some odd reason

Bonnie ok i will let Tyler and Alaric know to call it off

At Tylers mansion

Bonnie: I just got off the phone with Caroline. She said to call off turning Tyler's dad into a werewolf Klaus showed up at her house I'm guessing. Stefan is gonna need help but no one knows where they are.

Tyler: ok what do we do about the party my mom just started to plan for it.

Alaric: Just let it happen and fake celebrate while we are here.

Bonnie: ok wait I'm gonna call Damon

Over the phone with Damon

Damon hello who is this

Bonnie it Bonnie Elena's best friend

Damon ok what do need

Bonnie, I need you to use your vampire track thing to find Stefan

Damon why what's going on

Bonnie just do it please then text Lexi or me where he is at

Damon, I will try but it might not work I have not used it in 40 years

Bonnie ok bye

End of the phone call

At Elijah's house

Elijah: so I need you to start to carry out the plan I assigned to you

Other vampires: yes sir

The vampire friends start to walk out of the house

At the lake house in New Jersey

Stefan: Elena can you hear me?

Elena is just lying in bed. She is still in her head about things. There was this voice in her head that kept on telling her to wake up over and over again.

Elena finally wakes up

Stefan sees her wake up he walks over to her

Elena: I'm ok I'm not sure why I went back into transition tho

Stefan: I'm not sure as well but I'm happy you finally are awake

Elena: me too so what did I miss

Stefan: Lexi called me and told me Klaus is the good guy and he's gonna stop his brother.

Elena: ok so do you want to wait it out until Damon or Lexi calls to say Elijah is gone then?

Stefan: yeah I want to wait it out

Liz and Klaus finally found where Elijah decided to hide.

Klaus stormed into the house

Elijah: Brother what are you doing here

Klaus: stop you from hurting the people of this town.

Elijah: how did I know I was up to something?

Klaus: I got intel. I'm not saying who. This needs to stop. There are a lot of good people in this town who would like to have two of their friends come home once and for all.

Elijah: so you are telling me that Elena and Stefan are not in town then

Klaus: yeah they left town. But you need to stop this. This is not ok to be putting this many people in harm's way. What happened to a low-profile brother?

Elijah: I'm tired of you being the one to control the whole town back at home.

Klaus: I don't run everything back home. I give the people what they want when they need it. Plus I don't let my friends go on a killing spree.

Elijah: How do we break the curse then?

Klaus: Freya broke it for us. I knew Stefan was gonna make the deal and go through all of that but once Rebecca told me that Freya broke the curse I went home for a bit then you were causing more trouble so I had to make a trip here to find you and make you come home.

Elijah: What happens if I don't want to come home?

Klaus: Brother you are coming home now we need you at home something came up and we need you.

Elijah: fine.

Klaus: call all of your vampire friends here now.

Elijah does what his brother tells him to

Klaus: you all are coming with us, forget about the plans to take over this town.

Everyone leaves the house.

Liz saw them leave

Klaus: thanks for the help Liz and tell Caroline thanks as well.

Liz: ok also thank you for getting your brother.

Klaus: bye

Liz went back to her house.

At Caroline's house

Liz: They are gone.

Caroline: Let go and get Elena and Stefan back home then.

Lexi: I'm going to call Stefan

Over the phone with Stefan

Lexi they are gone now you guys can come home

Stefan, we will start on the way home.

End of phone call 

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