The Eighth Sin (BanXreader)

By TheSinglePotato

113K 1.9K 808

You are (Y/N) the cat sin of deception. you also happen to be meliodas' younger sister. You're a shapeshifter... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 7

5.8K 117 13
By TheSinglePotato


I walked out of the training cave beaming. Even though the boys are getting stronger, they were still no match for me and my renewed powers. I stood over their slightly burnt bodies victorious. Then I noticed the group of people standing before me in wonderment.

I was both overjoyed and concerned with the presence of the people I care about. I came here for the sole reason of getting away from them, to protect them from the demons I knew were going to come after me. Even though I was stronger now, I'm still scared I couldn't protect them.

Suddenly I felt arms wrap around me and I was startled out of my thoughts. Ban pulled back a tiny bit and looked down at me. I stared up into his magenta eyes and felt my body relax. I stood up on my toes and softly and kissed him. He tensed slightly, probably out of surprised and then melted into the kiss. I pulled back, gazed at his perfect face, and then looked over his shoulder.

I noticed that king was yelling at Hendi. I pulled completely away from ban, and walked toward the both of them. I now stood directly in between King and Hendrickson.

"King." He glared at me and I just looked calmly at him. Hendrickson took a soft hold on my shoulder and told me it was alright, that King had every right to be angry. I looked back at him concerned at stepped to the side, but not to far away.

Just then Jenna started speaking again. "All right! It's time for training."

"To be honest I'm not really in the mood right now" King said still keeping his glare locked on Hendrickson.

"Well fine then. Although , I doubt the Ten Commandments care whether your in the mood or not" Jenna said almost sarcastically. "All right, everyone who wishes to train, head to the entrance. Oh and don't forget to remove all your equipment".

I started toward the entrance, already recovered from my last fight in the cave. I looked back to see who else was going to train just in time to see Gowther quickly strip off his clothes.

"Bare minimum doesn't mean no clothing Gowther, you don't need to be completely naked" I said with a giggle. Jenna handed everyone an ash staff and I raised an eyebrow at her. I didn't expect her to start of with such a hard training course.

"Is everybody ready? Ok, then step inside and begin.


I walked out of the training cave completely unscathed to find that the sky was not its blue color. In fact it looked like night had fallen, but I knew better. I looked around and my eyes rested on Jenna, Meliodas, and a few other people gathered in a clump. Suddenly the blackness in the sky rushed toward my brother and entered him.

He had just gotten his power back.

I started walking toward them and I got close enough hear him pretending that his power had made him suddenly evil. The few people around him seemed worried and ready to fight, before he suddenly said, "Gotcha"

I laughed and hugged him. I know it's only been like less than a month but its been strange not seeing my older brother, and I missed him. I shook my head at him.

Then he asked Merlin to send him to the Ten Commandments. My eyebrows shot up at the request but I wasn't going to say anything. I turned to Merlin.

"Can you send both of us at the same time?"

"Well its not that I can't..." She started

Gil seemed very opposed to the idea but me and Meliodas ignored him.

"So its possible, right?" Meliodas questioned again.

"Indeed, there's just one thing. Once I teleport you, there'll be a slight delay before you can be teleported back" She said. " In other words, Captain, you must survive for more than 10 seconds"

"That seems doable" I said as I smirked slightly.

"Let's do it" said Meliodas.

"Very well"

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