Savior ◆ MinYoongi✔

By BornToSpark

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"You know, you are more of a freak than I thought." "I didn't know I am like that either. Guess I have to bla... More

• Playlist •
one: The hell I'm living in
two: the boy and his dog
three: can't get you out of my mind
four: don't cry
five: first steps
six: staring
seven: a day made of dreams
eight: back to hell
nine: empty space
ten: kind of freaky
eleven: piano
twelve: late breakfast
thirteen: good girl
fourteen: too good to be true
fifteen: Reunion
sixteen: For him
seventeen: sunny day
eighteen: Miri
nineteen: Songtext
twenty: finally talking
twenty-one: coffee and kisses
twenty-two: blushing little kitten
twenty-four: Kiss and make up
twenty-five : Good morning Kitten
twenty-six: Nothing good
twenty-seven : Butterflies
twenty-eight: Questioning
twenty-nine: Priorities
thirty: You care
thirty-one: My favorite
thirty-two : D stands for Daegu
thirty-three: Parental Love
thirty-four: Dusk
thirty-five: Dawn
thirty-six: And now kiss me
thirty-seven: Phone call
thirty-eight: Starry Night
thirty-nine: Mine
Lots of sarang 💜 + Soulmate

twenty-three : Birthday Surprise

8.2K 386 298
By BornToSpark

"Hurry up Y/N, the guests will be there soon !"

The voice of my mom chimed through the house and I gave up my current occupation of staring at the ceiling to start changing into my expensive dress I was given for my birthday.

You could say I was kind of unmotivated celebrating my own birthday.

I don't want to sound ungrateful, my parents took a lot of effort in planning the party, but I imagined celebrating my 18th birthday - you know - with friends.

"Y/N come downstairs, now !"

I sighed and then began to make my way downstairs.

A lot more people than I thought were invited.

Relatives I haven't seen my whole life greeted me, acting as if  we were close, leaving me in utter confusion.

So this is my family?

Don't get me wrong, they seemed to be nice people but I just couldn't believe my parents had never let me meet them.

I was talking with my aunt, eating some cake and trying hard not to make her feel awkward when mom joined us with a rather confused expression.

"There's a guy outside." She said not really informative.

I frowned.

Didn't I tell Jeongin that I would meet him tomorrow?

Just before I opened the door I realized who this guy was, but it was already too late.

The door revealed the probably most heart melting sight I would ever experience, making me squeal in surprise.

"Happy birthday Kitten!"

It's an understatement that I was totally caught off guard. That's why I let Yoongi hug me and hand me the heart shaped balloons, whispering in my ear: "You look beautiful."

He walked past me in to the house and I followed him dumbfounded.

"Y-Yoongi? What are you doing here ?"

He grinned at me playfully.

"I couldn't miss the birthday of my girl, could I?"

I blinked at the warm feeling developing in my stomach and felt a smile spread over my face.

"And I wanted to take this opportunity to meet your parents."

My smile dropped immediately.

"W-What? No, you can't do that!"

He cocked his head to the side in amusement.

"And why is that?"

"They will think we're a couple or something and then they will hate you."

He snorted, "Oh right. I forgot about how your parents are."

"Besides can't just barge in my birthday party after...after..."

He came closer, "Yes ?"

I couldn't end the sentence simply because he kept on coming closer until our noses almost touched.

He lifted his hand to gently caress my face and slid a white envelope in to my hand.

"Happy birthday Y/N."

Then he turned around and walked into the living room.

I quickly put the letter in the pocket of my dress, hurrying to follow him to prevent a possible drama.

"Who's that sweetheart ?"

Mom asked smiling sweetly, while her eyes were shooting daggers in my direction.

"I thought we agreed that you won't invite  any friends to this party."

"Isn't that kinda boring ?" Yoongi said.

And with that all her attention was on him again.

"I'm Min Yoongi, nice to finally meet you Mrs. Kim ." He said with a polite bow.

Mom kept on smiling sweetly what indicated me that Yoongi was in danger.

"And how did you and my daughter meet ? Not through school I think, you seem a little too old to go to school."

Yoongi cocked a brow at her fake attitude and I couldn't help but to stare at both people interacting carefully, knowing that something was about to happen.

"That's right I turned 21 in March and Y/N and I met when I was going out with my dog."

"And when exactly was that ?"

Mom kept on going with her interrogation.

"I think it was the day she ran away from home."

Mom flinched at his words.

I hid my face in my hands as I knew Yoongi fucked up. Hard.

We hadn't mentioned this incident since then and everything had been fine. Until Yoongi turned up at our door.

"Good thing that you finally decided to change something in your daughter's life. I mean anyone could see that she was getting sick."

"Who are you tell me that? I know that we did something wrong but we just realized it too late."

She sounded pissed, making Yoongi scoff.

"Yeah, 17 years too late."

I saw the change in my mothers eyes. She suddenly looked at me with an accusing expression as if all that was my fault and I knew what that meant.

We're going to have a talk later on, young lady.

Mom was about to say something but I interrupted her by grapping Yoongi's wrist.

"Excuse us."

And with that I dragged him upstairs to my room.

I closed the door firmly, trying to stop panicking cause I was being 100% sure that this would have consequences. Just because I knew my parents, who are really sensitive towards that topic.

"Why'd you say that? Why did you came in the first place? Everything was fine until you came."

I was angry. Just because of a totally different reason than I was saying.

I was angry because I couldn't get a hold of my own feelings, because I didn't understand what I was feeling at the very moment. And Yoongi was the first best target to let out all my anger.

But when I turned around I didn't look in a hurt or angry face.


Yoongi looked amused.

He smirked as he came closer.

"What are you afraid of Kitten? They won't harm you just because I said bad things to them, will they?"

I hated like he always talked to me like I was a five years old.

"You don't know them like I do."

He nodded still coming closer and whispered in my ear.

"That's right. But you seem to forget that you are free now. They can't lock you up in here anymore so what are you  afraid of ?"

Goosebumbs formed where his breath met my skin and I took a step backwards.

This won't end well.

He chuckled at my reaction, "Open it."

I needed a moment to realize what he meant by that.

I took out the white letter and unfolded it.

I immediately reconized the lined paper with the pretty handwriting.

At first sight, I could recognize you
As if we were calling for each other
The DNA in my blood vessels tell me
That it's you I was looking all over for

Don't worry, love
None of this is a coincidence
We're totally different,
Because we're the two who found our destiny

Our meeting is like a mathematical formula
Commandments of religion, providence of the universe;
The evidence of destiny given to me
You're the source of my dream

My hand reaching out to you is my chosen fate

From the day of the universe's creation and beyond
Through the infinite centuries and beyond
In the previous life and maybe the next too
We'll be eternally together

None of this is a coincidence
Because we're the two who found our destiny

Well, shit I think I'm in love.


What a long ass chapter

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