~Our Song~ (Denki Kaminari X...

By Lizzard453

50K 1K 1.5K

⚠️ their will be seance of abuse in this story I will put warnings on the chapters that have it. female (Y/N)... More

Sleepover part 1
Sleepover part 2
Idk 😬
Easter special one shot
A day out
Thank you!!


10.9K 172 273
By Lizzard453

The picture in the top is supposed to be what you look like, I drew it myself so don't be to harsh on the drawing please!

"KIRI PUT ME DOWN!!" You squeal, "Not a chance (Y/N)" the red head had you slung over his shoulder and he was spinning in circles. "Kirishima, I swear, I will use my quirk!" He gave a chuckle as he dropped you on your bed, god you were dizzy. "You to dip shits done yet? The entrance exams start in an hour!" An ash blond boy stuck his head into your room, the usual scowl plastered across his face, "yah yah, be down in a few minutes Kat".

You shooed the two boys out of your room, you had to get dressed for the UA entrance exams. You threw on a black tank top, and some grey sweats, looking in the mirror you figured you better get your hair outta your face, so you put it in a ponytailed well. Again you looked in the mirror, your multi coloured hair was pulled back revealing some of the scars you had on your face. Orange Wolf ears sat in your red, orange, and yellow hair.

You started fiddling with the many earrings you had in your right ear, wouldn't want to get one pulled out during the exam. Your tail was the same colour as your hair. It started out as a red, then changed to orange, and at the end, yellow. You shook it and gave out a sigh, hopefully it didn't get pulled it was pretty sensitive.

You hurried into the bathroom to brush your teeth, eight sharp ones, four on the top, and four on the bottom. They were kinda like kiri's except yours were serrated, and obviously not all your teeth were sharp. You bounced down the stares, "KATZUKI WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!!" Oh god "SHUT UP YOU OLD HAG!!" You peered around the corner to see your brother bickering with you mother as always. Kirishima was standing in the corner unsure of what to do. "Kat stop fighting with ma, we have to go" he groaned as he headed towards the door, kiri followed him outside. "Bye mum see you after the exams!" You ran up to you mother and hugged her "Good luck (Y/N)!"

You scurried our the door to see Katzuki and Kirishima already a block away. "Hurry up fluff butt!" Your brother called out to you, you just rolled you eyes at the nick name he had for you, he called you that since you two were little.

*time skip (I'm lazy)*

You arrived at the gates, their were so many people, you hatted crowed places. "KIRI!" Someone shouted, you turned you head to see a pink skinned girl with, antennas? Popping out of her head. She lunged herself onto your best friend almost knocking him over. "I know it's only been a few weeks but I missed you!!" You just stood their unsure of what to do. "Mina, you cant just run off like that!!" A boy with black hair that hung loosely around his head yelled at the pink girl, who's name was apparently Mina.

The pink girls black and yellow eyes landed on you. "Oh kiri who's this?" She said completely ignoring the black haired boy. "Did you get yourself a girlfriend~?" Oh my god, what did she think! Sure you like Kirishima but you had never thought about him this way. "FUCK NO!!!" Your brother screamed little sparked already danced round his hands. "So is she yours then blasty?" What the hell, why dose she think your everyone's girlfriend? "N-no its      n-nothing like that!!" You stuttered. 

Just then a boy ran up to all of you, he had golden hair with a black streak that looked like a lighting bolt, his eyes matched his hair they were also yellow. "Jeez here you two are I never though I would find you! Anyway what are we talking about?" Oh god more people! You thought to yourself. "Only how Blasty has a Girlfriend" she stated pointing at you. "In not anyone's girlfriend! And who are you anyway?" You shouted.

"My names Ashido Mina, this over here is Sero" she said pointing at the black haired boy,  he gave a polite wave. "And this over here is-" she got cut off by the golden haired boy "the one and only Denki Kaminari!" He said excitedly. "Now you have to tell us who you are" Ashido was right they introduced themselves, now it was your turn. "My n-name is (Y/N) Bakugou"

"Wait, wait, wait, Bakugou? As in?" Sero pointed at your brother who only rolled his eyes and grunted. "You got a problem with that!" Your brother defensively said as He wrapped his arms around you, and rested his chin in between your ears. He was a good two feet taller than you, but you were easily stronger. The three you just met stood their wide eyed, probably because he touched you. He never let anyone touch him or vice versa, the only exceptions were you and kiri. "Yes, as in him, I'm this hot heads sister".

Heyyyyy guys hopefully you like this, it's my first time writing a bnha thing... hopefully you'll enjoy! And their will also be side ships in this like Tododeku and Bakushima! Anyway see you next chapter

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