Copycat {Number Five Fanfic}

By 263FANDOM362

68K 1.1K 214

On one day in 1989, 43 infants are inexplicably born to random, unconnected women who showed no signs of preg... More

1. The awakening
2. Funeral speeches
3. Control
4. Accidents happen
5. Drunken words are Sober thoughts
6. Pity Party
8. Promise?
9. We're Bloody Messes
10. Delores
11. The Final Ending
Authors note

7. A Day Not to Remember

3.4K 72 9
By 263FANDOM362

This chapter might get a little confusing, but I wanted to talk about the day, even if no one remembers it.

From my sobs I could hear Luther calling for Five. A loud bang was heard as Klaus drove the ice cream truck into Hazel and Cha-cha's car. "Come get it!" Luther yelled as he threw the case into the parking lot. Luther went running to help the boys in the truck, while I lied on the pavement numb and unable to move. The boys yelled as they helped each other get to the car.

"Iris! You need to get up!" Diego yelled at me. I didn't move, I just kept crying to myself. Luther ran over and scooped me into his arms.

"We need to go." He ran to the car placing me in the passengers seat. Luther ran to the drivers seat as I curled myself into a ball, pressing my sore hip into the seat and turning my back to the others.

"Luther! Go! Go! Go! Go ! Go!" Klaus yelled from the back seat. The car jumped forward and didn't stop. The ride had been almost silence, except for my whimpers and sniffles.

"Where'd Five go?" Klaus asked from the back seat. Luther turned around and hit him. "Hey ow! What?" He yelled. "Ohh." He said in realization.

"He left me, us." I felt tears threatening to spill again.

"Where did he go Iris?" Diego asked. I couldn't lift my head, tears just flowed for my eyes.

"He made a deal with The Handler, to go back to work." The boys stayed in silence understanding why I was so upset.

"Oh." Was all that was said, the car stayed quiet until we got to the house. Luther stopped the to before pulling into the drive way. He was about to start driving when I opened my door jumping out of the car.

"Iris!" Three shocked guys yelled at me as I ran into the house. I had enough of everyone pitting me. I was tired of being the weakest link. I needed more answers. I ran into dads office hunting for something that could help me.

As I looked though the shelves, drawers, cabinets, anything I could get to, memorise started to haunt me from the name Five had called me.

I had used my powers against Diego to get what I wanted. This started a huge argument. "You don't even have a cool power! All you do is throw knifes!" I yelled at him.

"Well if it wasn't for us, your only power would be turning into a dog." Diego got closer to me. "Your just a copycat! That's all you are, and all you will ever be!"

Even though we were only nine when this happened and I know he doesn't mean it now, it still hurt. At the time his words cut me, it felt as if he threw one of his knifes. I sighed thinking about how many times I got in trouble from using my powers.

"Number Eight, I forbid you from transforming into your me, Grace, Pogo, or your sibling!" Father yelled after I had just pulled a prank on everyone by shifting into him.

"It was just a joke." I looked down. Dad sighed as he watched me carefully.

"You have no idea what you are capable of, Number Eight." Dad left me there by myself wondering what he meant.

I thought about how much easier life would have been if I never had powers. I would have been normal.


Before I knew it, it was morning. I had been looking all night for whatever dad knew about my powers. frustrated I threw a paper weight off of dads desk. "Come on! There must be something that can help me in here!" I threw books, files, and papers everywhere as I looked for something of importance.

"What are you doing, how long have you been in here?" I looked up with tired eyes.

"Since we got home last night, and I'm looking for something useful." I continued rummaging though papers until Luther grabbed me, forcing me to my feet. I struggled against him. "Let go Luther." I growled at him.

"Look I know you are upset about Five, but you can't do this to yourself. It's not healthy." Luther tried to convince me.

"No! I need to find out how far my powers will go. I have three days. Dad said I'm the antidote." I squirmed around from Luther's grip. "Please, just let me go." My body went limp. Luther slowly placed my feet on the ground. "I can't do this anymore. It's to much, I thought I could do it but now I'm falling apart." Luther didn't need a hint to hug me.

"You are so strong and caring Iris, we need you. You don't have to do this alone. We will help you." I slowly hugged Luther back.

"I don't know what to do Luther, he left me... Again." I hid my head in Luther's cote as tears made streaks on my cheeks.

"We'll get through it together." I nodded as Luther held me. "We are having a family meeting to tell everyone about what's going on. I need you help with it." Luther pulled away to see my face. I nodded. "I have to get Klaus still, so I will meet you down there." Luther gave me a small smile.

"Ok." I walked out of the messy room.

Once I got down stairs I looked to see Diego and Allison. "How do you feel?" Diego asked me.

"Like I was hit by a bus, I was up all night." I plopped myself onto the couch beside him.

"I heard about everything, are you okay?" Allison asked with sympathy in her eyes.

"I was up all night, do I look ok?" I said in annoyance.

"I just wanted to know if I could help." Allison said as if I couldn't handle myself. I huffed.

"Unless you can bring our father back to answer my questions, you can't help me at all. Besides, since when did you care about being a good sister. All you have been doing lately is trying to make up being a bitch to Vanya." Diego and Allison looked at me in shock as I lashed out again.

"I-I didn't mean to make you feel like that." Allison whispered.

"Well that's what happens when you become famous right? You forget about others feelings." I rolled my eyes getting up walking to the alcohol and making the strongest thing I cool.

"Whoa there kiddo, I think you should take it easy." Diego got up.

"I think you should sit down and shut up." Right after I said it Diego's face went blank as he turned around and walked back to where he was sitting. My glass fell out of my hand and onto the floor, as I stood in shock.

With wide eyes we all looked at each other. "How did you do that?" Diego asked looking around for something other than me who could have done it.

"I-I don't know." I was stuck in my place.

"Try it again." Allison said, I nodded trying to think how I did it. I turned to her.

"Jump up and down." Just like Diego her face went blank as just started to jump up and down. "Stop." She did as I said. The room filled with silence as we all tried to figure it out.

"Well I guess you're not just a copycat after all." Diego laughed as I glared at him. "Seems like you can manipulated others powers, not just copy them." My mind was buzzing with possibilities.

"Why is everyone so quiet?" Luther asked walking down the stairs, with Klaus a few feet behind him. no one knew how to answer, but someone had to.

"Iris just discovered a new part of her powers." Allison said slowly.

"Good for you I." Klaus stood by the couch.

"Thanks K." I smiled a little.

"That's not what we need to talk about right now." Luther started the meeting making everyone take a seat. "Five is gone. All we know is that Five came back to stop an apocalypse that will happen in three days." Luther stated.

"Three days?" Allison got up and handed out coffee to everyone.

"That's what five said." Luther took the coffee.

"When I learnt about it, it was eight." I told everyone.

"The old bustard did mention the apocalypse come to think of it, he just left out the part of how soon." Klaus sat on the floor in front of where I was sitting on the couch.

"Well can we trust him? I don't know if you have noticed but Five's little." She pointed to her head whistling. I rolled my eyes.

"Five was never crazy, just stressed. You try keeping the death of the world a secret." I told her.

"Our little psycho." Klaus laughed.

"He was pretty convincing. And if he wasn't trying to stop and apocalypse from happening those two lunatics would be chasing him." Luther sighed stating a good point.

"That's why they were after him?" Diego asked.

"Yeah." Luther looked at the floor.

"What did Five even see?" Allison asked Luther who looked at me. I shrugged and motioned for him to take the lead on this one.

"Umm, apparently we all fought together against whoever war responsible." Luther went silent looking for me to help. "Ok, so here's the plan, we go though dads research." Luther stood up making me roll my eyes at what a good transition he had. Everyone looked at him curiously. everyone began to protest wondering what he was about to say.

"What actually happened the first time around?" Klaus asked.

"Yeah what are you not telling us? Come on big boy, spit it out." Diego chimed in.

"We died." Luther said under his breath while sipping his coffee. "We died! There, I said it." Everyone turned to look at me unprepared for what I just told them. Luther and I were trying to answer everyone's questions. When Vanya and some dude walked in. "What's going on?" She asked.

"It's a family matter." Allison answered.

"Family matter? So of course you couldn't bother to include me." Vanya said hurt.

"No it's not like that, we were-." Luther said before she stopped him.

"Please don't let me interrupted." Vanya turned away.

"Vanya Wait, I'll fill you in when you're alone." Allison and I started to walk over to her, but for two different reasons.

"Please don't bother, and I won't either." I stood behind Allison checking the random man out, something about him was off.

"Vanya, that's not fair." Allison seemed offended.

"Fair? There's nothing fair about being your sister, I have been left out of everything for as long as I could remember. And I used to think it was dads fault, but he's dead. So it turns out you're the assholes." She started to walk away and the man followed.

"Vanya wait, I left my jacket." The man said.

"I can't go back there." Vanya almost had tear falling.

"Okay, go ahead. I'll catch up to you." He turned around walking away.

"Vanya." I stood waiting for her to see me. "I need to speak with you." She nodded as we walked outside. "Five's gone again." I looked away as she stopped walking and looked at me.

"Where did he go?" She asked me.

"The Handler came back and gave him a job." I sniffled a little at the thought of Five leaving.

"I'm sorry Iris, I can't do this right now." She shook her head. I glared as more tears came to my eyes.

"If you didn't remember, we are all going to die in three days. That includes you and your new boyfriend." I took off running through the front door.

"No, Iris, that's not what I meant!" She shouted back at me. I walked back into the meeting very angered.

"Hold the phone, if we all died fighting this thing the first time right? Remember?" Klaus brought up. "Klaus shockingly has a point. What gives us the win this time?"

3rd person

Little did Iris know that this moment would be the one that made her live that day two totally different ways. The first way she would go around trying to find the four peoples names that Five had written on his wall and kill them, believing it was the only way to save everyone.

The second was being mad at Five for leaving her after he came back, but she would always follow him where ever he went.

Reread the sentence before the third person. (you will need to look at it again later.)

Iris's POV

"Five." Luther replied. "Last time we didn't have him. We weren't all together. This time we will have the full force of the Umbrella Academy that's what we need." Luther finished his big speech.

"So where's five now?" Allison asked. I wanted to tell them whole story, but my words wouldn't come out.

"He had a plan to change the time line. He will be back soon." Luther was full oh hope, while I on the other hand figured he wouldn't come back.

"Well I'm going after Hazel and Cha-cha." Diego got up grabbing his coat.

"Right now?" I asked.

"Yeah three days and I'm losing life by the minute." Diego headed for the door.

"Wait, Diego." Luther called out. I shook my head in disbelief, not listening to them anymore.

Klaus stood up from the sofa beside where I was standing. "Klaus?" I asked. Luther yelled his name twice for him to turn around.

"Yeah sorry." He held his arms up.

"So what? You're giving up on the world too?" Luther asked hurt.

"Yeah, pretty much." Klaus looked like he was about to fall over.

"So that's it, you're cool with us all dying in three days?" Luther was pissed off now. Klaus didn't answer as he walked out if the room.

"I should have stayed asleep, then I wouldn't have to watch out family fall apart." I walked up stairs. Once I got to my room I paced in deep thought. If my family wasn't going to stop the apocalypse, then I was going to do it by myself. I walked out of my room and into Five's. I went to the spot where he had the four names. Writing them down I was going to find them, but I needed to go to the library first. I stated to leave he house when a voice stopped me.

"Where are you going?" Diego asked.

"To the library." I said as I closed the door. I used my powers on a taxi drive so I could get there fasted.

The rest of the day I spent researching the people on my list. I had stumbled a crossed a photo on an old news paper. "Boy Murders Father." The boys name was Harold Jenkins, I looked at the photo beside the heading. Looking at the name a familiar face popped up on my screen. "Vanya." I gasped.

Reread the sentence before the third person. This is how the second time went. (So you don't have to scroll up)

"Klaus shockingly has a point. What gives us the win this time?"

Diego had just finished when bright blue started to flash.  Five came flying, landing on the table with a briefcase. "Jesus!" Allison yelled.

"Am I still high, or do you see him too?" Klaus asked sitting up off of the sofa.

"The boyfriends back." Diego said causing me to roll my eyes and hit him.

"Five where have you been?" Luther asked sternly.

"Are you alright?" Allison grabbed his arm, I however didn't move from my spot.

"Who did this?" Luther asked another question.

"Irrelevant." Five grabbed Allison's coffee. We all watched him stumble then chug the drink. Five turned around to look at us but his eyes stopped on me.

I glared at him making him look to the others. "So the apocalypse is in three days." He said out of breath.

"Yeah, not shit, that's why we're having this meeting." I said rolling my eyes. I looked up to see everyone looking at me. "What?" Everyone looked away and back to Five.

"The only chance we have to save our world is well us." He continued.

"The Umbrella Academy." Luther said.

"Yeah, with me obviously." Five said seriously, I held back a laugh because he made it all about him.

"So if y'all don't get your side show acts together, we're screwed. Who cares if dad messed us up, are we gonna let that define us? No, but to give us a fighting chance to see next week I've come back with a lead. I know who is responsible for the apocalypse. This is who we have to stop." Five gritted his teeth. I walked to the group to look down at the paper.

"Harold Jenkins?" Allison asked.

"Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?" Diego asked right after.

"I don't know, yet. But I do know he's responsible for the apocalypse. So we have to find him, and we have to do it now." Five said.

"How is he connected to what's going to happen?" Luther asked making me wonder.

"I don't know." Five replied.

"Wait, so you just know his name, that's it?" Diego pushed me out of the way to get to the front of out group.

"That's enough." Five said with the hope I hadn't seen in days.

"There's probably dozens of Harold Jenkins' in the city." Diego was not going along with this plan yet.

"Well we better start looking then." Five said making me nod. I finally had some hope again, the whole group was together again. Either way, I knew dad knew something more for me, and I was ready for whatever the apocalypse threw at me.

2993 word count.

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