P I Z Z A 》Choi Hyunsuk

By LazyLlamaDrama

117K 7.7K 2.6K

When a girl delivers pizza to the wrong address. "OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR-" More

H e y y
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🍕f i n a l e🍕


6.4K 422 131
By LazyLlamaDrama


"That will be $15."

He takes out his wallet.

"Ah. I forgot my money..."

Shit not again-

"Just kidding."

He hands me $50 note. Dang if he's rich why was he broke last night. I hand over the change.

"Hey... Uhh you okay? You seem distracted," He asks.

"What? No. No... I'm fine..."

"You sure? Just because we don't know each other that well doesn't mean we're not Friends,"

I sigh... I Guess it's good to ask from a boy's perspective.

"Well... It's about my Boyfriend."

"Oh... You're in a relationship?"

"What did you think?" He shrugs and I explained. "We fought yesterday and I didn't know why he was mad at me... I just went to his house without permission like every other time but yesterday he was mad that I did... He started shouting and me and I shout back... He didn't answer my text when I apologised and he didn't talk to me the whole day... What if he hates me?"

Hyun Suk snapped his fingers.

"Well... Why didn't you ask him face to face?"

Because I'm scared his hiding something from me...


Bin bin💕

Bin bin💕
Next Friday, Park, 5 o'clock


Time passed, Hyun Suk and I are friends. He gives good relationship advice. Like it's so dang good. I'm not sure how many relationships has he experienced but like... wow is he Cupid now? He even helps Minhye to get closer to Yedam. I've never seen her so happy. The four of us are like a team now.

After days of asking Hyun Suk advice on what to do today, I am finally prepared. It's Friday and I had two hours left before my shit starts. I walk to the park and saw Yoonbin waiting for me at the benches.

"Sorry... did you wait Long?"

"Ah... no i just came here..."

"I have something I want to talk about,"

"Me too... Do you wanna go first?"

"No it's fine... You go first..."

"Are you sure?"


He takes a deep breath.

"I'm sorry but... Can we... break up?"

No One's POV


"I... It's not you... You're amazing, Y/n... it's just that... I feel like I'm going to hurt you more if this keeps going..."

Y/n eyes were slowly filled with tears. The memories of them flashes through her mind.

"We've been together since high school... What do you mean? Is it because... of the fight...?"

"It's not about the fight... I just don't want you to get hurt if I don't say so..."

"What are you hiding from me Ha Yoonbin?!"

"... I'm moving to another country."

A Couple💕 and two

Have you guys seen y/n?

Stalker Hyun Suk
No what's wrong?

Isn't she at work?

She's late
I'm getting worried

Stalker Hyun Suk
She doesn't seem to read our
Stalker Hyun Suk
Maybe she's on her way?

I think I saw her earlier
At the park but that was
like an hour ago...
I would've said hi but she
was with Yoonbin

MinHEY 🙌🏻
I can't leave my shift so if any
of you see her, tell her to come

Stalker Hyun Suk is now offline...

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