Jerika - All We Need Is Love...

By booksby_t

162K 2.2K 740

A Jake Paul and Erika Costell story - Jake and Erika go through sooo many bumps in their relationship it mak... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49 ~ It will be okay... ❀️
Part 50 ~ I just need space.
Part 51 ~ She needs... you.
Part 52 ~ Jerika...? πŸ’₯
Part 53 ~ Over and Over! πŸ’™
Part 54 ~ It hurts so bad πŸ˜ͺ
Part 55 ~ Ready?
Part 56 ~ Gender Reveal and Tea β˜•οΈ
Part 57 ~ Why? πŸ˜•
Part 58 ~ When she's sad i'm sad 😒
Part 59 ~ Name reveal! πŸ’
Part 60~ Name reveal! πŸ’(2)
Part 61 ~ Labour! 😬
Part 62 ~ She's here! 😍
Part 63 ~ 🐸
Part 64 ~ Jake?
Part 65 ~ Home πŸ–€
Pls read πŸ–€
10 Facts about Me πŸ€ͺ
Part 66 ~ Queen 😘
Part 67 ~ Gimme A Kiss πŸ’‹
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70 ~ πŸ’ Wifey
Part 71 ~ It makes me nerous that you're not nervous 😬
Part 72 ~ Back in Cali β˜€οΈ
Part 73 ~ I'm fine πŸ˜‘
Part 74 ~ 4th β€οΈπŸ’™
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78 ~ πŸ‘‘πŸ¦–πŸπŸ–€
Part 79 ~ Eternity πŸ”
Part 80
Part 81
Part 83 ~ ✌️ VS

Part 82

753 11 7
By booksby_t

Erika's pov
I walk up to Olivia laughing. I smile. I sit up. I kiss her and check the time. 7 am.

Erika: you slept through the night?! Good girl!

I kiss her again. I climb out of bed. I put my phone in my pocket. Then I pick up Olivia. I grab her binky. I sit her on my hip and walk out of the room. I walk downstairs. I walk into the living room. I grab diaper and wipes from the cupboard.

Erika: You stink b

I change Olivia's diaper. People start to show up. Just people that work for Team 10/Jake. They say hi to me and Olivia and get to work. Cortney walks in. She passes me a coffee.

Erika: Thank you

Cortney: No problem

She sits down on the sofa and grabs her computer she starts working. I pick Olivia up. I put her in the Mamaroo. I buckle her up and press play. It starts rocking her.

Cortney: I'll watch her if you want to get ready

Erika: Thanks Cort, She should be alright in there for now.

Cortney nods. I walk upstairs. I grab my phone and call Anthony. He answers.

Anthony: Hey Rik

Erika: Hi, is everything okay?

Anthony: Both the baby and Rocky are fine. They kept her overnight just to make sure. They said broxton Hicks or something. They don't usually come this early but everything okay.

Erika: Awesome!

Anthony: We will be home soon

Erika: Okay, see you soon!

Anthony: Bye

Erika: ily

Anthony: ily

I hang up. I walk into the bathroom. I choose my outfit >>

Simple and comfy. My favourite. I do extremely light makeup and I do my hair like this >>

I walk out of the bathroom and to the spare room. I knock on the door and walk in.

Erika: Hey Pam

Pam: Oh hey Erika

She walks out of the bathroom putting her lipstick on. Zach crawls over to me. I pick him up.

Erika: Did he sleep?

Pam: Yep, he ending up sleeping in the pack n play.

Erika: Awesome! I'll take him to get ready?

Pam: Yep

I smile and walk out of the room. I walk to my room. I grab an outfit from his suitcase.

I change his diaper then change his outfit. My phone starts ringing 'Logan Paul'. I answer.

Erika: Hi Logan

Logan: Hey Erika, Alissa just called asked if she could have Zach today and tomorrow?

Erika: Okay

Logan: Is that okay?

Erika: Sure

Logan: Okay, I'll send you the address she wants to meet and the time.

Erika: Okay, Bye

Logan: Thanks Erika, Bye

He hangs up. I put my phone in my pocket. I stand up and put Zach on my hip. I zip up his bag. I walk into Olivia's room and choose her outfit.

I walk downstairs into the living room. I put Zach down so he can crawl around. I change Olivia. Pam walks in.

Erika: Logan just called. Alissa is gonna look after Zach today and tomorrow.

Pam: oh okay

I stand up.


After putting the diaper bag and stroller in the car I shut the back. I walk back inside. Cortney passes Olivia to me. I take her. Zach crawls up to me so I pick him up. Pam walks around the corner.

Erika: Let's go

We walk back to the garage. Pam takes Zach. Cortney climbs over the car seat and gets in the back. I buckle Olivia into her car seat. I kiss her forehead and shut the door.


We pull up at a Starbucks. I park the Tesla. I see Ricky and Alissa pull up a few cars over.

Erika: I guess I should get out.

Pam: I think I should wait in here. I don't know what I would say to her.

I nod and get out. I open Zachs door and get him out. He smiles at me. I smile back. Alissa walks around the corner.

Alissa: Zachy!!!

He smiles, which makes me smile. Alissa puts her arms out and he does the same. She hugs him tightly.

Erika: Do you need the car seat?

Alissa shakes her head.

Erika: Ok

I shut the door and go around the back. I get his suitcase out and his diaper bag.

Erika: I'll help you

Alissa: thanks

I shut the back and we walk to her car. Ricky continues to sit in the drivers seat on his phone. Alissa opens the back of the car. I put the bags in.

Erika: Bye Zach

I kiss his forehead and he smiles.

Alissa: Thanks Erika

Erika: No problem *smiles* Bye Guys

Alissa: Bye

I walk to the Tesla. I get in the drivers seat and put my seatbelt on.

Erika: I don't know when she's being fake or when she's being real, but it does warm my heart to see her and Zach happy together.


I park the Tesla at beauty lounge. I turn it off and get out. I put my phone in my pocket. I walk around the back of the car. I open it and get the stroller out. I unfold it. I walk around to Olivia's door.

Erika: *whispers* yay she's sleeping!

I unclick her car seat carefully and clip it on the stroller. I put the diaper bag in the bottom of the stroller. We all walk into beauty lounge. Veronica walks over to us.

V: Hey Girls!

She hugs us all.

V: *whispers* Can I see her?

I nod and move the cover.

V: She's so cute!


After a very long day I flop down onto the couch. It's around 8 pm so everyone is winding down and it's only really the people that live here at here now. Olivia is laying on her tummy time mat on ground. Rocky walks around the corner with Athena and Thor. Thor jumps up onto the couch next to me.

Erika: Smoosh

I rub Thor's back. Rocky sits across from us.

Erika: Hey

Rocky: Hi

Erika: What's up?

Rocky: Nothing, you?

Erika: Same.

Olivia starts crying so I get off the couch. I walk over to her and pick her up. She stops crying. I sit down onto the couch. I sit her in my lap so she facing me. She smiles at me.

Rocky: Do you think she can tell Jakes not here?

Erika: Definitely! Putting her down for a nap is like a hundred times harder. Jake feels bad but there isn't anything he can do.

Rocky: awwe.

After talking to Rocky and playing with Olivia, I walk upstairs with Olivia. I walk into her nursery. I lay her on the changing table. I changed her diaper and put her pjs on. It is a cute purple onesie with white stars on it. I brush her hair and give her her binky. I sit in her rocking chair. I grab my phone and FaceTime Jake. After a few rings he answers.

Jake: My baby!

Olivia smiles. She reaches for the phone.

Erika: Say hi Daddy

Jake: Hey Babe

Erika: Hey

Jake: What are you guys doing?

Erika: I'm about to put her to bed.

Olivia yawns.

Jake: Long day?

I nod.

Jake: Hopefully it gets easier babe.

Erika: Hopefully

Olivia fusses.

Erika: I better put her to bed. I'll call you when she's asleep.

Jake: Okay. Goodnight baby.

Erika: Say Goodnight Daddy

Jake: Oh daddy

Erika: Jake Paul!

Jake: *laughs* I'll call you later

Erika: *laughs* Bye

Jake: Love you

Erika: Love you *kissy face*

I hang up and put my phone in my pocket. I stand up and lay Olivia in her crib. I tuck her into the blankets. I turn the sound machine on and the monitor. I shut the curtains and turn the lights off.

Erika: Goodnight baby

She starts lightly crying. I walk out and shut the door. I sit outside her door waiting for her to go to sleep. After a while I listen to her cry's die down. I check my phone monitor app and see that she is peacefully sleeping. I stand up and walk into Mine and Jakes room. I walk into the bathroom. I wash all my makeup off. I change into black joggers and a cropped shirt. I brush my hair and throw it into a messy bun. I grab my phone and FaceTime Jake while I walk Downstairs into the kitchen.

Erika: Hey

Jake: Heyyy

Anthony: *girly voice* Oh my god is that Jake Paul?

He walks over to me and stands behind me looking at my phone.

Jake: *girly* Anthony Trujillo the third?!

They both laugh.

Erika: You Guys Are idiots.

Jake: Whats going on bro?

Anthony: Nothing really, You?

Jake: Just training mostly.

Anthony: Fair fair

Rocky: monkeyyy!!!

Anthony: That's my que, I'll text you later bro.

Jake: Okay

Anthony: I'll leave you two alone

Erika: yeah beCauSe theReS sO muCh tHaT coUlD hApPEn oVeR thE pHonE.

Anthony: You never know!

He grabs a tub of ice cream and a spoon and leaves.

Erika: I really miss you.

Jake: I miss you too.

Erika: I wish I could just come see you now.

Jake: So do I but you're gonna win a Teen choice award so....

Erika: I will not

Jake: Will So! What are you doing tomorrow?

Erika: Finishing Not Her

Jake: Will you finish it by tomorrow?

Erika: Definitely. I think your moms coming with me too.

After talking with Jake for quite sometime he had to leave to go on his morning run. I walk upstairs into our room. I climb into bed and turn the tv on. I grab my laptop and watch my new vlog making sure everything's good.

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