You Have To Save Her

By fangirl3r5

48.8K 1.2K 147

Sequel to Supercorp// Kara Danvers/ Lena Luthor. More

You Need To Forget About Me
You Lena Luthor Will Always Be My Kryptonite
Wait She Is Breathing Right
What Have I Done
I Almost Died!!
I'm So Sorry
Go To Hell
Psychotic Mothers
Love Of My Life
Wait For Me
A Killer
I Don't Deserve You
I Will Always Come Back
Um Sorry?

That Was Awkward

2.5K 72 3
By fangirl3r5

Chapter 6
I open my eyes when I hear someone on the phone. “Yeah. I will see you later.”
Lena says then puts her head in her hands. “Are you okay?” I ask her. She quickly turns
around and smiles at me. “I should be the one asking you that?” She tells me and walks
over to me. “I’m all good. Just ready to get out of here.” “Well I think I might be able to
help with that.” Lena tells me with a smile. I grab her hand and pull her on the bed on
top of me. “Hi.” She whispers in my ear. “Hello there.” I respond and lightly kiss her
neck. “I think your doctor would advise you to get some rest.” Lena tells me, but clearly
doesn’t want me to stop. “Oh yeah and what do you advise me to do?” I ask her. “To
shut up and kiss me. I missed you.”

      I do what she asks. Everything was going great,
then Alex busts through the door.
Lena jumps off me in surprise and lands on the floor. “Hey, Alex what going on?”
I ask her casually. “Nothing much. I still see you don’t know how to lock a door to save
your life.” “And I see you still haven’t figured out the concept of knocking yet.” I tell her.
“Don’t worry about me guys, I’m fine.” Lena says standing up. “Sorry. Are you okay?” I
ask her. “Yeah, very embarrassed, but I’m used to it now. I am going to give you guys
some time to catch up.” She says and gives me a hug. “Finish later?” I whisper to her.
“Definitely.” She tells me and kisses me on the cheek before leaving us alone.

      “So, that
was awkward.” She tells me. I roll my eyes “Nothing, I am not used to.” I tell her with a
She open her mouth to speak, but I cut her off. “I already know what you are
going to say and you did what you had to. I forgive you.” I tell her. She walks over to me
and gives me a hug. “More importantly, who exactly did this to me?” I ask her. She
quickly looked behind her and turned back to me and shook her head. “Not here.” She
tells me and walks away. Right as she leaves Lena walks in with my clothes.

Did Alex
not want Lena to hear, or was I just being paranoid. “I have some good news. I talked to
the doctors and they said you could leave today.” She tells me with a smile. “That’s
good.” I tell her and do my best to seem like Alex’s behavior earlier isn’t freaking me
out, but it doesn’t work.
“Okay, what is wrong?” Lena asks me as she sets me clothes down on the bed.
“Nothing, I’m fine.” I tell her and fake another smile. She shakes her head and looks at
me. “You’re lying to me.” She tells me. I try to get up to further avoid the topic, but things
don’t go that way. She get on top of me and cups my face, which forces me to look at

    “We are not going anywhere, until you tell me what is going on.” She tells me. “I
don’t know, Alex kind of just walked out while we were talking. I think she is upset with
me.” I tell her. “Babe, I’m sure something else is bothering her.” She tells me and I nod
in response. “How about we get out of here and get your mind off things.” She tells me
with a smirk. “Oh yeah. What did you have in mind?” I ask her even though I know the
answer. “I think you already know.” She tells me. “Okay let me get dressed and I will
meet outside in a few minutes.” I tell her and she leaves.

“So what do we do now?” I ask her as soon as we walk into the apartment.
“Maybe something like this.” She says and then kisses me. “I agree” I tell her then go
back to kissing her. “I can’t do this right now.” I tell her as i pull away. “I get it. You have
been through a lot.” I shake my head and laugh. I go and lock the door. “No. I cannot
deal with anyone interrupting us again.” She smiles at me. I grab her hand and lead her
to the bed. I connect our lips and push her down on the bed. She roughly pulls my shirt
off and I do the same. “I really missed you.” She tells me while unbuttoning my jeans
and carefully sliding them off. “Are you just saying that because I’m half naked in your
bed?” I ask her and she rolls her eyes. “No, you idiot. I love you.” She tells me with a
smile on her face. “I love you too.” I tell her as i take her pants off. She roughly flips us
over and straddles me. “Now this is better.” She tells me with a smirk. She doesn’t give
me time to respond as she starts kissing down my body. “Oh God Lena. I missed you.” I
tell her as she continues.
My phone rings interrupting us, once again. “Ignore it.” She whispers as she
lightly bites my ear lobe. I let it ring and it stops and she continues. My phone rings and
this time I answer it while Lena begins to focus on lower regions of my body.

Hello?” I say trying to not focus on the beautiful girl on top of me. “I need your help. Its
Alex.” Maggie says and ends the call. I quickly sit up and get my clothes on in record
time. “We need to go. Now.” I tell Lena who is staring at me in confusion. “Kara. Calm
down and breathe. Tell me what’s happening.” I sit down and put my head in my hands
and try to calm down. I feel Lena pull my hands away and hold my face in an attempt to
make me look at her.

    “What happened?” She asks me. “Um… it was Maggie.
Something is wrong with Alex.” I slowly explain trying not to break down. “Okay.
Everything is going to be fine. Next thing you know she is going to be barging in on us
anytime.” She tells me and I smile at her knowing that everything might turn out okay,
but probably not. “Okay let’s go.” She tells me and leads me to their apartment.

I open my eyes and see I am in an all white room with now windows. The last
thing I remember is talking to Maggie about meeting her for dinner and telling her who
did all that stuff to Kara. I look around the room and don’t see any doors or openings.
Just when I am about to give up I see the devil, herself walk through the door. “No,
you're dead.” I ramble while stepping back. “Surprise bitch.” She says and hits me with
the end of her gun and I am met with darkness.

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