Stand-In Bride

By sweetpeasdiamonds

11.5K 617 38

Gian is a private assassin who needed an escape. So when the famous theater actress Mina Araneta had gone mis... More

One: This will be your greatest escape
Two: I do
Three: What's with the sudden appearance?
Four: You just wasted a great offer, buddy
Five:You aren't Mina
Six: My husband's ex-lover
Eight: Smile
Nine: How about a lap dance?
Ten: Will you still consider it fate?
Eleven: Humans bleed
Twelve: I dont want to go
Thirteen: Tell me about your wife
Forteen: At least talk to me
Fifteen: If I'm not Mina
Sixteen: Not today
Seventeen: I'm choosing to be crazy
Eighteen: How can someone desire something so impossible?

Seven: Grab some breakfast and seize the day.

631 31 1
By sweetpeasdiamonds

"You have a brother? I thought you're an only—" Carter stopped when he realized something "Oh right, you're not Mina."

Gian already explained to Carter the fact that Luke is Ian—her brother. Ian instantly understood why she's someone else she's not. Of course, he knows about it. Being an NSA intelligence has its perks, but their relationship is supremely kept as a secret. No one like to know that a hired killer has connections with the NSA and vice-versa. That could be the end of them both.

Ian looked at Carter, "How do you know she's—" he turned to Gian "He know?" He asked holding an ice pack on his dislocated nose. "Didn't know you're getting personal with clients."

"He figured it out himself." Gian simply answered. "Why are you here anyway? Seriously? Michel's boyfriend? Of all people, does it has to be my crazy neighbor? Also, why are you out here? Aren't you supposed to be behind a screen?"

Ian nodded. "First of all, I'm her driver— but of course I can't blame her if she wanted me—

Gian sharply looked at Ian while Carter chuckled pouring everyone a drink. That earned Carter a look from Gian too. "I actually agree with him." He defended

"Second, yes, it has to be her." Ian added

Carter gave Ian and Gian a glass of cognac which they accepted, "Why?" Gian sat on the bed taking a sip of her drink, across her was Carter on a single couch and Ian leaning on the wall. 

"I'm on a mission." Ian simply answered

Carter looked at Gian with questioning look, "You're like her?" He asked Ian

Ian scoffed, "If you mean brutal and pretentious?You're wrong." He smirked at his sister whose dangerously looking at him. "If you mean, working dangerously. You're right, although my specialty is with computers." He said raising his glass to Carter knowing he just discussed to him his personal information. "I'm not really a fan of violence unless necessary."

"You're on a mission." Gian repeated her brother's words. "Does your mission involve Carter?" Carter's ears perked at the mention of his name and he turned to Ian.

Ian sighed, "You know I can't tell you things like that."

Gian nodded, "Of course." She smiled knowingly "Although, if a bullet is after Carter, it has to go through me first."


"I know! I know!" Gian held her hands in surrender. "I shouldn't have brought that up, but all I need is a name." She said with dismay "But I completely get it. You don't have to do it. You don't have to tell me."

She hung her head. Carter looked at them back and forth not knowing what to say. Ian looked like he was conflicted and having an internal debate.

Gian started counting from 5...4...3...2...

"Fine!" Ian surrendered "Yes, I'm watching Carter." He said "But this conversation never happened."

Carter was surprised by the admission. Gian smirked   victoriously, lifting her head. That's what she thought. Of course, Michel was the perfect spot for Ian since she's a neighbor. "What are you talking about? All I heard was 'sharks'" Gian laughed

"By who's command?" Carter asked. Ian and Gian looked at him, for the first time he seemed interested in the topic of his safety.

Gian wondered the same as her eyes trailed back to her brother. Ian shrugged, "I don't know."

That night, Gian was thinking of possibilities that could happen. She has a hunch that Gregor Ayala has something to do with everything, but she needs proof. Profiling people is one Gian's past time, and Gregor Ayala doesn't really match the description David gave him.

Something's not right.

If someone from the NSA is watching Carter, then someone must be after him. Whoever ordered Ian to do the mission knows something. And if until now she's still Mina, then that means the real Mina haven't been found. There's a chance that she's dead. If she's not, she could be hiding or what if someone is hiding here?

Why does she feel like, Mina is the missing link to all of it? If she's right, then she has to find her. She has to before anyone else does.


The next morning Gian was pulled to her feet the moment she opened her eyes. "Hey! You have to look outside!" Carter said shaking her

"Stop shaking me you idiot!" She complained pushing him away but Carter didn't budge and pulled her towards the window.

"Look, it's a surfing competition." Carter said with  apparent excitement, "We should watch!"

She yawned and shrugged her shoulders. "You can go if you want. I'll stay here."

"What?" Carter said in dismay "but you seem so exited looking at the water yesterday!" He pointed

Gian plopped herself back into the comfort of her bed, snuggling the soft comforter. Carter has a point, although she really has something to do instead of watching surfers dance with the waves. "There's a lot of people out there. I don't like crowds." She reason out

"C'mon! We'll be quick." Carter said "It's not everyday we're in Miami or we can watch a surfing competition."

Gian groaned under the sheets, "Just go alone. Why are you bothering me?"

"Because if I go out there alone, everyone will wonder where's my wife." He answered trying to win her "What if someone hurt me? Or abduct me? Can you live with that?" He continued dramatically

Gian has a hundred things to point out regarding what he said but decided against it. She rolled her eyes and sat up, Carter grinning at her. "I can absolutely live with that."

"Great!" He smiled widely, "Let's go grab some breakfast and seize the day!" as he pulled Gian towards the bathroom, she didn't even have the chance to protest. Does he even listen?

Gian didn't have a choice but change into something beach friendly. A simple mini floral dress and a pair of bikini underneath. She didn't even bother putting on make up after brushing her teeth. One thing she found out about Mina is her fear of the ocean, and that's exactly why he decline Carter's invitation. But then, she can go out and not swim right? Okay, let's do that. Don't blow your cover. Someone might be watching.

Maybe that's their biggest difference; Mina and her. Gian grew up thinking she's a mermaid while Mina dislike even the thought of open water. Sacrificing a good day in the ocean is nothing if it means it could save her from possible murder. She's fine thinking she could do it when this is all over.

When she emerged from the bathroom, Carter was standing in the middle of the room, looking at her— or was he gawking?

"You know what, I don't really feel like going out anymore." He said avoiding her eyes scratching the back of his head. "We can stay here instead."

Gian rolled her eyes, "Good." She said "Then stay here and wait."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to grab some breakfast and seize the day." She answered quoting Carter's words earlier as she slid on to her Birkenstocks.


"It's a good idea if you become Carter's friend, since you're our neighbor's boyfriend." Gian said to Ian who's sitting across her.

Carter was getting some food, remembering the fact that a few minutes ago, he was ridiculously unreasonable. Michel is doing the same, clearly trying to make conversation with him while he disregard her.

"Yup." Ian agreed, "I'm sure Michel wouldn't mind." He said looking at Carter and Michel's way. "How long have you been her?" Ian asked sipping his coffee.

Gian leaned back on her chair and crossed her legs, "Few months, since the wedding." She answered, "How long have you been watching Carter?"

"Few months, since the wedding." Ian grinned while Gian raised her brow. "I'm quite surprised. You really have the resemblance. Uncanny. Amazing."

"You've been watching him ever since, so you know what happened before we flew to Hawaii."

Ian looked lost for a moment, "What happened?"

Gian sipped her tea curious to why Ian wasn't aware of the hostage taking made by those cheap threats. Maybe he's hiding something or maybe he honestly didn't know. Gian knew her brother, and she know he could keep things from her just like any other people, but he's also a bad liar.

"Someone tried to kill him." She answered, "You're obviously not being keen. I wonder what we're you doing at those hours."

"Probably making out with Michel." He smirked

Gian rolled her eyes, suppressing her urge to throw him the tea cup she's holding. Carter approached their table, placing a plate in front of her and kissing her on the cheek before sitting next to her. "Paparazzi outside." He whispered to her which she just nodded not really bothered. They already talked about those things for publicity purposes involving kisses and hugs, and Gian really don't care since that's part of her cover.

"I heard they have this wonderful place here with good food and live music, we should have dinner together." Michel said looking at Gian. "What do you think, Mina?"

Gian looked at Carter who's about bite his croissant, turned to Gian then Michel then Ian and then back at Gian whose waiting for his decision. "I-I think that's a good idea."

"Sure." Guam said

"Great!" Michel said excitedly, "I'm sure this will be a good day!"

Gian internally rolled her eyes. Of course, everyday is a great day for her as long as no one's chasing her to cut her throat. Carter looked at Gian wondering if he answered correctly while Gian raised her brow at him. She reached to his face and wiped something under his chin. "Shave properly next time, dear." She said dryly

Carter was stunned by the sudden intimacy as if he didn't just kissed her. Both amused and appalled, Carter blinked his brain back to function as if it stopped for a moment. The image of her face up close couldn't be erased in his mind— her big brown eyes, and pointed nose. Her full lips perfect like a sculpted art. Her innocent face that contrast her personality— so he busied himself with food. Growing up, there's quite a line of women who's willing to entertain him. Now, he can't even think of anyone else than the dark haired woman beside him.  Something chemical seemed to be bubbling inside him and for some unknown reason, he's unbothered by it, and that bothered him.

Maybe, he's in way more serious danger— not from anyone else, but from himself. He sighed. Good god.

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