
By GeekGalaxyGirl

282K 6.6K 3.4K

Like most brothers, Percy and Peter Parker have always had a complicated relationship. With Percy's secret l... More

2012 Part One
2012 Part Two
2012 Part Three
2015 Part One
2015 Part Two
2015 Part Three
2015 Part Four (Christmas Special)
2016 Part One
2016 Part Three
2016 Part Four
2016 Part Five
2018 Part One
2018 Part Two
2018 Part Three
2018 Part Four
2023 Part One
2023 Part Two
2023 Part Three
2023 Part Four
2024 Part One
2024 Part Two
The Story Isn't Over Yet

2016 Part Two

9.8K 252 79
By GeekGalaxyGirl

June 2016

"New York, Queens," Peter starts while filming the skyline.

"No, not again, you don't need to make a video," Percy complains.

"You know you can't show it to anyone," Happy calls from the driver's seat.

"Yeah, I know," Peter replies defensively.

"Then why are you narrating in that voice?" Happy asks.

"Um, cause it's uh why do they call you Happy?" Peter asks. That comment pushes Happy over his limit and he closes the window in between the front and the back.

"Aw, you pissed him off," Percy jokes.

Finally, they reach the airport, "Come on," Happy grumbles opening the door for the cousins, "I'm not carrying your bags. Let's go."

"Hey, should I go to the bathroom before?" Peter asks.

"There's a bathroom on it," Happy replies. Both continue to converse ignorant to Percy's hesitation and fear of getting on the plane. Before stepping on the plane Percy quick prays to Zeus and thunder rumbles in the distance acknowledging his wish. Percy sits away from Happy and Peter closest to the emergency exit.

"Hey Pete, are you going to sit there. There's a whole plane to sit in, you don't need to be right next to Happy," Percy calls saving Peter from a remark from the older man. The younger teen moves away as the plane starts to prepare for takeoff.

"Should it-should it be making that noise?" Peter asks.

"Yes," an exasperated Percy replies, "Now shut that dam phone off, or put it on airplane mode."

"Hey Percy, look," Peter says a couple hours later. He stands up and slowly walks over to Happy who is fast asleep. Suddenly, the driver moves, and Peter jumps back afraid of being caught, while Percy laughs at both of them.

Several hours later they arrive in Germany, and Peter films bits and pieces of their day. Finally, they arrive at the hotel and Happy points out the room, "This room is for your two," he explains.

"Oh, we're neighbors!" Peter exclaims.

"We're not roommates," Happy says before unlocking his room, "And suit up."

"Whoa this room is huge!" Peter exclaims running all around the room.

"Peter that's not even the whole thing," Percy exclaims opening a door that leads to a whole other part of the room. "What's this?" he asks finding a case in the living room area.

"A minor upgrade," Peter reads before opening it up. It's a new suit that Tony Stark made for him. "Whoa, oh my god, this is the coolest thing I've ever seen!" Peter exclaims earning a chuckle form Percy.

"Tony Stark is not going to let you fight by his side in your pjs," Percy says.

"Yeah, but this is amazing, I mean this is insane," Peter exclaims still fangirling about the suit, "I mean look at this thing, look at the eyes! This is the greatest day of my life!"

After the two boys change into their suits Happy comes and picks them up to bring them to the airport for the fight.

When they arrive Happy gives them communication devices and tells them to wait for Tony to say underoos. Of course, Peter is filming, "Ok there's Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, whoa who's that..."

"Peter stop, Stark is going to need us soon. Put the camera down," Percy scolds.

"Underoos!" Iron Man exclaims.

"I gotta go, gotta go," Peter exclaims before leaping up and stealing Cap's shield.

"Nice job kid," Tony says.

"Thanks I could've stuck the landing a little better it's just new suit. it's nothing Mr. Stark. It's perfect. Thank you," Peter rambles his face burning while Percy face palms.

"Yeah we don't really need to start a conversation," Tony says annoyed.

"Okay Cap-Captain big fan I'm Spider-Man," Peter says making it even more awkward.

"Yeah we'll talk about later," Tony says trying to cut him off.

"Hey everyone," Peter waves one more time glad no one can see his face.

"Good job," Tony says trying to stop the conversation. Suddenly, Captain America holds his hands up and an arrow slices through the web.

"All right Lang," Cap mutters.

"Guys something..." Peter exclaims before being punched by Ant-Man. Percy leaps up in case the new guy decides to try and fight his cousin.

"Whoa. What the hell was that?" War Machine asks confused.

"I believe this is yours Captain America," Ant-Man says handing Cap his shield.

"Oh great," Tony mutters, "All right there's two on the parking deck one of them is Maximoff, I'm going to grab her. Riptide you're with me." Percy sighs running after the billionaire.

"Hey Mister Stark, what should I do?" Peter asks.

"What we discussed keep your distance web them up," Tony demands not wanting the kid to get hurt.

"Okay copy that," Peter replies before swinging away. Percy looks after his cousin hoping he really does keep his distance.

Tony flies over to Scarlet Witch and Hawkeye shooting missiles at stuff as a warning shot, Percy runs below him making sure nothing hits the two.

"Wanda, I think you hurt Visions feelings," Tony remarks after stopping midair and aiming his repulsor at her.

"You locked me in my room," the girl replies angrily Percy steps back, he can feel the power emitting off her.

"Okay first that's an exaggeration. Second, I did it to protect you," Tony remarks, Clint shoots an arrow at Tony which misses him, Tony turns around and destroys the arrow, "First time for everything," Tony remarks. Percy watches Scarlet Witch who does something with her hands, he gets ready, something's about to happen.

Hawkeye smirks, "Made you look," he says as multiple cars come crashing down on Iron Man. Percy leaps into action putting up a water shield around him and Iron Man as the cars bury them.

"Thanks kid," Tony says as Percy gets them out from under the cars.

"No problem," Percy says looking around, "Looks like they joined the rest of the battle, I'm going to go and help Spider Man," he says before running off.


"What the hell was that?" Winter Soldier asks spotting Peter in a window.

"Everyone's got a gimmick now," Falcon mutters in response. Peter shoots a web and swing around flying in through the window and knocks back Falcon. He goes to punch Winter Soldier but ends up grabbing his arm instead. "You have a metal arm that's awesome dude!" Peter exclaims.

"This is not the time for talking Spidey! You need to concentrate!" Percy yells as Falcon tackles his younger cousin. Percy runs up to Winter Soldier, "Look, I know you didn't kill T'Chaka and blow up the UN building or whatever," Percy says dodging a punch from Winter Soldier.

"Then why are you here on Tony Stark's side?" Winter Soldier asks.

"Because he found out my cousin is Spider-Man and black mailed him into coming, and I mean he's just a kid, I'm not going to let him come on his own. You must know how that is?" Percy rambles.

"Yeah I know, Steve was just like that, well he still is," Winter Soldier replies.

"Steve...oh Captain America. Anyways, if you guys need my help after this, call me. Tell Steve it's from Riptide," Percy says handing a card to Winter Soldier.

"Uh...thanks?" The man replies confused.

"No problem, and sorry but I got to tie you up. Gotta pretend I'm on Tony's side you know," Percy says before restraining Winter Soldier in a water fist.


"You have the right to remain silent!" Peter exclaims trying to wrestle out of Falcon's grip. He gets out and swings onto the rafters of the airport. "Oh God," he says as his spidey-senses alert him, and he dodges something flying at his head.

"Hey buddy I think you lost this!" Peter shouts flinging it back at where Winter Soldier and Percy are fighting.

Peter spots Falcon flying away from him and he shoots at web at his wings causing the man to fall. Once he's down, Peter webs him up and swings closer, "Those wings carbon fiber?" Peter asks.

"That stuff coming out of you?" Falcon asks disgusted.

"Why does everyone always ask that?" Peter complains.

"Nice job man, here can you web this guy up, I can't hold him here all day," Percy says walking over with Winter Solider immobilized in water.

"Sure," Peter says as Percy releases the older man. Bucky goes to attack Peter, but he webs him up. "Hey guys look I love to keep this up, but I've only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark so I'm really sorry," Spidey says before Redwing picks him up and flings him out the window.

"Wow, that's a neat trick. Well I gotta go and make sure that he says out of trouble, have fun," Percy says before jumping out the window after his cousin.


"Come on!" Cap exclaims waving Bucky and Falcon over to him. Percy and Peter meet up with their team and stand to face each other.

"What do we do Cap?" Falcon asks.

"We fight," Cap replies before the teams run at each other, Percy looks at Peter, who shrugs and follows everyone else as they charge at each other. The two end up facing Scarlet Witch, Peter swings jumping on the cars she's throwing at them while Percy dodges on the ground. Suddenly, she runs away and Percy spots her helping Hawkeye out.

"Come on Spidey, go help people out," Percy shouts before running over to Black Panther and Winter Soldier. Before he gets there, Scarlet Witch flings Black Panther off of the Winter Solider. Percy catches the Wakandan in a fist of water and lowers him to the ground as Peter swings by overhead.

Captain America throws his shield which cuts through Peter's web and he tumbles to the ground. Peter shoots a web at the Captain's legs and shield and pulls Captain America off his feet and towards him. When they get close Peter kicks Captain America, then tumbles and regroups. The Captain goes for his shield, but Peter webs his arms holding him back.

Suddenly, Captain America spins and, using the webs to his advantage, pulls Peter toward him and hits him with his shield. Peter flies across the pavement but gets up and swings into a boarding platform.

"Stark tell you anything else?" Captain America asks looking up at the teen.

"That you're wrong. You think you're right. That makes you dangerous," Peter remarks relaying exactly what Tony told him. He swings down from the platform and lands underneath it as Captain America hits the support causing it to fall, Peter straining to hold it up.

"You got heart kid where you from," Steve asks watching Peter

"Queens," Peter replies obviously strained.

"Brooklyn," Steve smirks before walking away.

Percy runs over after Steve is already gone, "Pete, what happened to you?" he asks.

"Captain America decided to drop this on me," Peter says strained but sarcastic. Percy shakes his head in disbelief and helps Peter put down the boarding platform.

Suddenly, the new guy appears as a giant person grabbing War Machine by the leg as he's trying to fly away. "Holy shit!" Peter exclaims seeing the now Giant-Man, both he and Percy take a step back in shock.

"Man, did you know he could do that?" Percy asks in disbelief.

"No, but that's way cool!" Peter replies.

"Okay tiny dude is big now, he's big now," War Machine says in surprise as he struggles to get away from Giant-Man. Suddenly, Giant-Man throws War Machine as everyone recovers from their initial shock.

"I got him," Peter exclaims running to catch War Machine. He jumps and shoots a web catching War Machine but being pulled with him. Peter braces himself against a truck and War Machine stables himself and flies back into the fight. They duo fly over to Giant-Man and Peter shoots a web onto the Giant's arm, swings, and kicks the man in the face. Giant-Man stumbles allowing for Black Panther to follow Captain America and Winter Soldier.

Peter climbs up Giant-Man's back and over his helmet blocking his view, "Get off!" Scott says swatting at the teenager. Peter flies off the older man and Percy quickly catches him.

Suddenly, Vision cannonballs into Giant-Man knocking him over, as the latter tries to block his view, Vision sees Captain America and Winter Solider making an escape. He phases through Giant-Man, who shouts in surprise, and flies toward the duo. Percy quickly runs over, hoping that nothing happens to Captain America. Vision uses the beam from his head and shoots down a watchtower causing to fall to block the path to the hanger where the escape jet is.

Suddenly, a red light blocks the tower from falling. Percy looks over and spots Scarlet Witch trying to hold up the tower but struggling. He holds his hand out and uses the water in the air to aid the girl. Scarlet Witch looks over at him in surprise, before giving him a weak smile. Suddenly, War Machine shoots her with a sonic blast causing her to lose concentration and drop the tower. Percy makes sure Captain America and Winter Solder are safely in the hanger before dropping the tower to block the entrance.

"You ever seen that really old movie The Empire Strikes Back?" Peter asks coming up with an idea.

"Pop culture references? Now?" Percy exclaims exasperated.

"Tony how old is this kid," Rhodey asks.

"I don't know I didn't carbon date him," Tony remarks.

"You know that part when they're on the snow planet with the walking thingies!" Peter exclaims swinging around Scott's legs, tying his legs together at the knees.

"Oh, I know what you're talking about," Percy says with a smirk. He watches as Tony and War Machine fly up and punch Giant-Man successfully knocking him over.

"Yes!" Peter exclaims giving a thumbs up, "That was awesome!" Suddenly, Giant-Man's hand hits him and he flies away. Percy reacts quickly and catches his cousin in a water hand before dropping him on the ground.

Giant-Man shrinks back down to regular size and takes off his helmet, "Does anyone have any orange slices?" he asks. Percy laughs and then salutes as Captain America and Winter Soldier's jet flies overhead, War Machine flying after it.

Tony runs over to Peter who has collapse on the ground, "Kid you alright whoa same side guess who hi it's me," Tony says when Peter tries to attack him.

"Hey man," Peter says relived.


"That was scary."


"You're done, alright?"

"What I'm good I'm fine," Peter exclaims as Percy walks over laughing.

"You're done Peter, we both are," Percy says putting a hand on Peter's shoulder.

"Your cousin's right, you did a good job, stay down," Tony orders.

"No, I'm good I got to get him back," Peter protests.

"You're going home, or I'll call Aunt May," Tony warns as Percy laughs.

"Dude," Peter says.

"You're done," Tony argues.

"Wait," Peter says reaching for Tony.

"He's gone Peter, come on, we're going home," Percy says helping his cousin up.

Suddenly, the COMs crackle to life, "Rhodey!" the both hear Tony shout.

"What's going on, oh no!" Peter says looking over and spotting someone falling, "That's War Machine!"

"Tony, I'm flying dead stick!" Rhodey calls.

"Stay here! Don't move!" Percy orders before disappearing. He appears below the falling figure and thrusts his hand up pulling all the moisture out of the air around him to create a water cushion for the falling hero. War Machine lands on the cushion and Percy gently lowers him to the ground. Tony flies over and so does Falcon, but the latter keeps his distance.

"Rhodey?" Tony asks pulling off the face mask of the suit.

"I'm ok, the water boy saved me," Rhodey mutters before losing consciousness.

"Thank you," Tony says turning to Percy, "Now you two better head home, before the government shows up for everyone else." The demigod nods and Vapor Travels back to Peter. 

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