The dragon and the silver mare

By saltykonpeito

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One year has passed since Ana took her own life and Masamune moved on... This is the sequel to Black and roya... More

I. Morning glory
II. Audience
III. First blood
IV. On the prowl
V. The proposal
VII. Revenge
VIII. Rematch
IX. Reunited
X. Hurt
XI. The wedding
XII. Lovers
XIII. Stargazing
XIV. The touch of past
XV. She's back
XVI. Come along with me!

VI. Kasugayama

155 5 0
By saltykonpeito

I saw four men at the gates of Kasugayama Castle. So they got Nobunaga's letter. And one of them was...

'Sasuke!' I shouted. I kicked Han to a gallop. When I reached them, I jumped off and hugged him. He almost fell back.

'Ana?' He was beyond surprised.

I knew Japanese people were not the touchy-feely type but I just couldn't help myself. 'Uhm, yeah, sorry about that.' I quickly pulled away.

'Ana, I though you were...' He looked at me quizzically.

'Yeah, that's a long story, I'll tell you later. What are you still doing here?' I totally ignored the other people around us.

'That's a long story too. Seems like we have a lot to catch up on.'

'Sasuke, would you be so kind and introduce us this unearthly beauty?' I vaguely remembered him from my nightmarish night in Honno-ji. He looked stunning.

'Of course, my apologies. This is Ana, she is a friend of mine and she...'

'... Is here on Lord Nobunaga's behalf as the representative of the Oda forces to negotiate with Lord Kenshin and Lord Shingen.' I bowed and looked deep into those gray eyes. He shot me a disarming smile.

'Ana, this is Lord Shingen.' Sasuke sighed. Shingen bowed and took my hand and kissed it. I knew he was trouble right away...

'This is Lord Kenshin.' He motioned towards the man who looked like he was sculpted by Michelangelo. His eyes were heterochromatic to make him look even more untouchable. He was there that night too...

'Nobunaga sent a woman? Pathetic!' He was not as enthusiastic as Shingen. 'Why do you have two swords?

'One is mine, the other was Date Masamune's.' I rested my arm on the collar of my sword.

'How did you get it?' Kenshin looked interested.

'I won in fair fight.' I got his attention. But before he could ask anything Sasuke went on.

'And this is Yukimura, Lord Shingen's vassal.' He introduced the handsome guy next to Shingen.

'Are you a warrior or what? He frowned.

'Yeah, sort of.' He was not as sophisticated as his lord and when I smiled at him, he blushed. Cutie.

Suddenly, I heard the familiar sound of a sword being drawn. Luckily, my hand was still on my sword because Kenshin just attacked me. I managed to parry. 'Bloody hell?!'

'Lord Kenshin!' Sasuke shouted. Shingen and Yukimura gapsed in surprise.

'Hm, not bad from a woman. If The One-Eyed Dragon fought you, I shall test you too. Tomorrow morning, we are sparring.' And just like that he turned on his heel and walked back to the castle.

'My apologies for Lord Kenshin.' Sasuke adjusted his glasses. 'He is a little unconventional. Naturally, you don't have to spar with him.'

'It's okay. I like him...' I watched him go. There was something special about him but I couldn't grasp what.

'Really?' Shingen looked amused. 'Anyway, you must be tired. I've already got a room prepared for you.' Shingen wore a flirtatious smile.

'Here it comes...' Yukimura rolled his eyes.

'Thank you. I could really use a hot bath and a long sleep.' I knew Shingen would latch on this.

'At your service, beautiful princess!' His large hand clasped mine gently.

'See you guys tomorrow!' I looked back to Sasuke and Yukimura. They both shook their heads.

We were flirting the whole time until we reached my room. Shingen was a heartthrob for sure. It seemed impossible to resist him but I had to. Business first.

'So, princess, what are your plans for tonight?' I found myself backed against the wall. He placed his hands on the wall next to my shoulders so I couldn't escape. 'May I offer you my services? A bath? A back massage?' His deep voice made my knees wobbly. He looked like a god... He leaned down to kiss me but suddenly stopped. He must have felt something sharp and pointy at his abdomen... Good thing, I hid my tanto in my obi.

'Keep your paws off me.' I smiled at him and stood on my tippy-toes. 'For now.' And pressed a kiss on his lips. He smiled.

'Good night, Shingen!' I licked my lips. He tasted like sugar...

'Good night, princess!' His voice stroked me like velvet.


First thing in the morning, I went to the training hall where Kenshin was waiting for me.

'I thought you won't come.' He raised his eyebrows and a thin smile appeared on his lips.

'Why wouldn't I? You asked me to train with you.' I was confident. I had to spar with him to gain his respect.

He shrugged and opened the door. He went to grab the wooden swords.

'Are you insulting me?' I laughed.

He answered with a chilling smile. We drew our swords at the same time. I attacked first.

'So tell me how did you get the One-Eyed Dragon's sword?' He casually talked as he parried my blade.

'Nobunaga wanted to see how I fight and he was the only one to volunteer. In the heat of the fight we agreed to bet our swords. We fought until first blood. I got lucky and won Bizen-Mitsutada. I haven't used it though. I can't wield it properly.' He slashed at me and I jumped away. We are done. Those rigid words echoed in my head again and my heart ached.

'I see. You are a worthy opponent. Who trained you?' He struck down again.

'Hattori Hanzo. Do you know him?' I parried.

'Of course. He is a great swordsman and I highly respect him. You should be honoured to be taught by him.'

'I am.' I stabbed in the direction of Kenshin's shoulder.

'Your sword is a true masterpiece and you are wielding it skillfully. But it was not made to kill.' He slapped my blade away easily. He wasn't called the God of War for nothing.

'Nigihayami Kohaku Nusi's goal is to grasp attention so people would take me seriously. Although, he could take a life without effort.' I got bold and slashed at his neck. He smiled.

'So Nobunaga sent you to persuade me into a truce?' Now, he was listening.

'Let's talk about it sitting down. Also, Shingen should hear what I have to say.'

'So be it. I will hear you out. You fought well.' He sheathed his sword and bowed.

I went to take a bath and change. They were waiting for me in the audience hall. Nobunaga needed this truce and I wanted to prove myself too. Kenshin and Shingen weren't easy to work with but they took me seriously. We both knew they would benefit from this agreement as well. We discussed the conditions and possibilities for long hours. It was getting dark by the time we managed to settle everything. I succeeded...

'Let's send out a messenger!' Shingen motioned to one of his vassals.

'I have a faster way.' Kenshin stood up.

We were standing in a guard tower and Kenshin lifted up a torch. OMG, is he gonna say it? I had to force myself not to smile or laugh. I felt my face turning red. I glanced at Sasuke and he was fighting laughter too. Kenshin stepped to the brazier and lowered the torch... I was trembling now. Sasuke let a faint chuckle slip out.

'What's wrong with those two?' Yukimura asked and Shingen shook his had in confusion.

The fire lit up and soon another lit up in the distance. Kenshin waited and slowly turned around. He is gonna say it! I held back my breath. Say it! Now, Sasuke was shaking in his effort to hold back the laughter too.

'The beacons are lit.' Said Kenshin in a stern tone.

'Gondor calls for aid...' I had so squeeze the words out.

'And Rohan will answer.' Sasuke replied.

That was it. We both lost it and burst out in an unstoppable laughter.

'What's so funny?' Kenshin was annoyed but none of us could answer. I was shaking from the laughing.

Sasuke tried to catch his breath to answer but failed. We had to support each other to stay standing. I laughed so hard, my tears started to run. Sasuke's head was so red...

'Answer me, Sasuke!' Kenshin drew his sword. We stopped laughing immediately. He stepped in front of Sasuke and pointed the sword at him. He is serious! Sasuke snorted and burst out in laughter again.

'Take these two to the dungeon!' Kenshin lost his patience and put us in time-out. We laughed all the way to the cell.

'I think I can die in peace now, because this gave meaning to my miserable life.' I was still giggling.

'Haha, you are right. Totally worth it.' He chuckled. 'At least now we have some time to talk. So tell me, what happened to you? I got the information you took your own life.'

I told Sasuke everything and then it was my turn to ask. 'And why are you still here? I thought you would be back home by now.'

'I was. But I came back. I continued my research and corrected my calculation method and I found out that the wormhole in Honno-Ji opens regularly.' He pushed back his glasses. 'I've been back in our time twice. I can accurately predict now when the wormhole will appear.'

It took me a while to process what he said. 'Does that mean that...?'

'Yes, you can come home with me if you want to next time.' He smiled.

'Oh my god, of course I want to go home!' My heart was pounding. 'When?'

'In two months.'

'I gave up on seeing my loved ones again...' I still couldn't process what he told me. 'I'm so happy right now.' I smiled from the bottom of my heart.

'I'm glad you are alive.' He put his hand on my shoulder.

A guard came to our cell. 'Hey, you two! Lord Kenshin wants to see you.'


When no one looked, I sneaked a piece of paper to Shingen. It said: ' Onsen. Tonight.'

I arranged a private bath for us. He was waiting for me in the hot spring when I entered.

I took the opportunity to reward him. I turned my back on him and slowly let my yukata slide off me. Then I sat down and bathed myself. When I glanced back to him, he looked like he was really enjoying the sight. Then I joined him.

'Thank you for rewarding me with your company, my beautiful goddess.' His smile was still pretty much irresistible and he planted a soft kiss on my hand.

'It's quite the other way around. You are my treat for successfully settling the truce.' I took place in the opposite end of the hot spring, watching over the gorgeous specimen that Shingen was. His eyes were fixed on me too. I could tell exactly what he was thinking because I was thinking the same... Steamy, hot sex...

'May I interest you with some sake, my lady?' He glided swiftly towards me in the water.

'You may.' I nodded. He tried to kiss me but I pushed him away with my foot. 'You only forgot the sake and the cups.'

He lifted my foot and kissed each toe while caressing my ankle and calf. Then he kissed along my shin up to my knee. My skin was tingling everywhere he touched me. He was nipping my inner thigh with his teeth when I stopped him.

'Shingen, where is that sake?' Even though I was hungry for him, I wanted to play around with him a little longer. He smiled and brought the cups. We shared a drink and he devoured me with his gaze.

He pulled me on his lap and slowly kissed me. His kiss was heavenly. 'Your lips are the sweetest treat.'

'I could have said that too.' I let out a soft sigh and kissed him back. 'I'm yours for tonight. Make it count!'

'You already made all my dreams come true. I shall not disappoint you either.' Our bodies touched as we kissed. I felt his heat on my skin.

'Really? All of them?' I whispered into his ear and tugged his earlobe with my lips.

'Anything you give me is beyond my dreams.' He was truly the master of sweet nothings. The vibration of his husky voice made me melt.

'I love your lies, Shingen.' I kissed his neck and he stroked my back.

'I'll whisper you a thousand more if you want me to, my queen!' He left soft but burning kisses on my sternum. He explored my body with his gentle fingers and made me shiver time to time.

'I can't wait.' I emerged from the water and he followed me.

'I've already got a room ready for us.' He dried my body with a towel and kissed me everywhere.

'You are spoiling me.' I copied him. I saw the passion in his eyes.

He led me to a romantic, candle lit room. The floor was drizzled with colourful flower petals. I stood and looked around in amazement when Shingen stepped behind me and nipped the crook of my neck and my shoulders with his teeth. I stroked his silken auburn hair. I slipped out of my yukata and turned around. His expression would have made my panties drop if I had them on... We lied down on the extra large and extra soft futon. My body was an open book to him, he knew exactly where and how to please me. I followed my senses to please him and he loved that too.

'Nobunaga handed me the treasure of Azuchi willingly, what a fool!' He murmured and showered me with kisses.

'Yes, he is.' I slid my hands down his neck and shoulders and held his strong arms. I whispered into his ear. 'I want you, Shingen!' This was all he's been waiting for.

'Ah, those magical words!' He kissed me and our bodies melted together.

For the rest of that steamy night I was moaning and whimpering with pleasure under or on Shingen. By the break of dawn we were panting from exhaustion in each other's arms.


Back in Azuchi, I had lunch with the maids when Kio asked me.

'So, Ana did you meet Lord Shingen?' She giggled.

'Yes, I did. Why?'

'We've heard that he is very handsome and a real charmer.' Another girl giggled.

'I can assure you all those rumours are true.' I grinned. 'Do you girls want to know more?' They all nodded eagerly. Who would have thought that Sengoku women were this perky...

I told them every juicy little detail from the flirting to my passionate night with the Tiger of Kai. By the time I finished every female in the castle was in the kitchen listening to my sexy adventure with flushed faces.

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