Liquid Metal: An X-men & Quic...

By EDrake

65.5K 2.3K 561

Born with genetic mutations that give them abilities beyond those of normal humans, mutants are the next stag... More

Chapter Two: The Pentagon
Chapter Three: Charles Xavier
Chapter Four: New Record
Chapter Five: The Pains of Packing
Chapter Six: A Lovely Goodbye
Chapter Seven: Adjustments
Chapter Eight: I Hate Working
Chapter Nine: Moms
Chapter Ten: A Stupid Rubber Ball
Chapter Eleven: Refuge
Chapter Twelve: Cover Blown
Chapter Thirteen: Man Down
Chapter Fourteen: Single and Solitary
Chapter Fifteen: The Circus Master
Chapter Sixteen: Daddy Issues
Chapter Seventeen: All Good Things
Chapter Eighteen: Hot Wire
Chapter Twenty: Moonlight and stars
Chapter Twenty one: Security Breach
Chapter Twenty Two: Wanda
Chapter Twenty Three: Green
Chapter Twenty Four: More Than a Friend
Chapter Twenty Five: What I Did Wrong Part 1
Chapter 26: What I Did Wrong Part 2
Chapter 27: Misinformation
Chapter 28: The Cost of Reality
Chapter 29: David
Chapter Thirty: Bonfire
Chapter Thirty One: Familiarity
Chapter Thirty Two: The Snow Bubble
Chapter Thirty Three: Explinations
Warning: Construction Ahead!!
I have no excuses

Chapter Nineteen: Home

1.5K 61 10
By EDrake

Image: Warren


About halfway through our trip I had pretty much passed out, so I had been scooted over to the passenger seat which allowed me to promptly curl up into what could only be described as the comfiest way to sleep in a car. I was in a ball, nearly all the way upside down with my head laying comfortably against the seat if the chair and my feet tucked in a meticulous way the grove that was in between the seat and door so they didn't keep slipping and hanging off the edge of the chair... lets just say I am the master of awkward sleeping positions. I could probably write the novel (with a definite sequel) on how to sleep on an airplane too.

"Well I'm just attractive" I stated rather bluntly when I got a look at myself in the mirror.

Caution! This sleeping procedure will give you the gnarliest bed-head that you've ever had in your life... Ever.

"It's a good look" I heard Peter remark which earned him getting the closest object that was near me hurled at him. lucky for him it was just a box of tissues.

"We almost there yet?" I groaned as I wrangled my blonde curls up into what somewhat resembled a bun.

"It depends on where you had intended 'there' to be" He said and I gaped at him, trying to determine if he was being serious.

"So you're telling me that you've just been driving in any which-way for the past three hours?" I asked in a monotonous tone.

"Nah, I'm just being a dick. we've got half and hour at the most" he said. Once again he earned a flying shoe right into his stupid little silver head.

"You're unbelievable, ya know that?" I grumbled and he only laughed.

We sat in a comfortable silence for the remainder of the fifteen minuets that it took to reach the institute this was probably due to the fact I had nearly fallen asleep again. Peter had managed to cut the time nearly in half due to his speedy tendencies. Its either that or he's got a serious case of lead-foot syndrome.

"I'm gonna go talk to the professor" Peter said and I nodded "don't die while I'm gone" he added planting a kiss on the top of my head before disappearing and leaving behind only a rush of air. I leaned over and undid the wires that kept the car running.

After I got out too, I trudged towards the large wooden doors at more of a human speed than my friend and braced myself for seeing faces I hadn't seen in what seemed like decades. Sucking in a breath, I pulled the doors open and was immediately relieved to see that I had made it back at a time when the kids would be in class rather than the hallways. After seeing this I let my breath deflate like a balloon and I made my way as quietly as I could through the deafeningly quiet hallways looking for good ol' room number 1-0-6.


Nothing had been touched in all the time that I had been gone. Dust danced in the beams of light that filtered through the windows and it tickled my nose. All of my books still were strewn across my floor and my little plant that I had on the windowsill was drooping. I frowned when I saw this and swiped up a little Dixie cup that was nestled in a unopened stack of others and padded over to the bathroom to get some water for the poor little guy. I was on my bed and leaning over to water it so I conveniently proceeded to face plant after I set the cup down. I stayed there for the next six minutes until the bell broke through the warm silence and my shattered my foggy half-sleeping state. The bell triggered the sound of voices chattering like birds throughout the walls, but one voice stood out in particular.

"Quit waking so slow."

"[Insert a different persons voice that I couldn't quite pick out]"

"-because, I wanna say hi before she bolts again." I grinned into the comforter hearing a Jean's faint voice from all the way down the hallway.

"Seriously warren I will single handedly pluck every single one of your freaking feathers if you don't walk- thank you!" I sat up, estimating I had about thirteen seconds to prepare myself. I quickly tried to organize some of my books that where carelessly strewn about the floor, but it was too late.

"She's alive!" I heard Warren say, standing in my doorway with a very excited looking Jean standing in front of him.

I was soon being suffocated in a tremendous hug, "Why didn't you tell us you'd be coming back today?" She asked well, more like demanded, "In fact, why didn't you tell us what was happening at all?"

I shrugged "I didn't even know. It was all kinda impromptu I guess."

"Is that a Josephine I hear?" I heard Sage ask, having to get up on her toes to peer over Warren.

"Yeah, she's back" warren said letting the shorter girl through.

"What? No, I'm not staying" I said quickly, my gaze fleeting between my three friends.

"Why not?" Jean asked, the smile on her face falling like someone flipped a switch.

They don't get it, do they? I thought sadly. "Long story" I said with a sigh.

"Does it involve Lorna?" Sage asked in a whisper. I flinched, "sorry, that was kinda dumb" she apologized quickly.

"No, it's okay" I said, deflating back onto my bed, "You guys been out since I left?" Warren shook his head, "Well to put it in short, it's a shit-fest out there" I saw him chuckle darkly and shake his head crossing his arms, "I know, the first night we were turned away from every goddamn place we stopped" I said raking my fingers through my hair tiredly after taking it out of its bun.

"We?" Sage asked, planting herself on my desk as Jean claimed my chair.

"Yeah... Peter" I said gesturing in some vague direction, "he's somewhere with the professor. Apparently they're compadres."

We sat for a while just catching up. Jean listed off names of some of new students that had joined the school in the two weeks I had been gone. It turns out lots of kids know just how bad the situation is getting too, this place must have been regarded as pretty safe. Sage went on to talk about some of the school stuff they had been doing and I pretty much zoned out at that point. I already knew what had happened, I could read it from them under their recent events area.

Recently, I had been noticing a change in my mutation. Maybe it was because I didn't have a need for it, or maybe I truly was changing. The information that ran in front of my vision when I looked at someone seemed slightly dull and hazy. It wasn't as neatly organized as it usually was. Not only did things look different, but I hadn't been able to look into any specific memory in a long time. Not since I found out Magda's story.

"What's wrong" I heard Jean say, pulling me out of my own thoughts.

"Nothing, just thinking" I said shaking my head.

Warren was about to say something when the bell cut him off.

"Hungry?" Sage asked, jumping down from her perch on my desk.

"I'm always hungry" I replied with a smile.

I was corralled out of my room by these three after I said this and despite putting on a facade of light-hearted annoyance I was glad to be back walking these halls with them.

But I knew it was only temporary. I had to go back. I just hoped I wouldn't have to be alone when I did.



A/N: I hate technology sometimes... I had to rewrite This chapter FOUR times!! Oh well, it's up now!

I'm still debating on who I should pair Josie with... What do you guys think? (It can be ANY x-man, even people I haven't introduced yet.) I was gonna do Colossus but I realized I can't cause his name is Peter...

(Disregard the question above. Pietrophine is definitely gonna be a thing) 😜

Love you guys!


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