𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙢𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨🌼...

By -wildflxwrr

102K 1.4K 1.3K

"Was that a rhetorical question?" I asked him. "Shut up. It's not." He held up his hands in surrender. "Any... More

• Introduction •
• 1 •
• 3 •
• 4 •
• 5 •
• 6 •
• 7 •
• 8 •
• 9 •
• 10 •
• 11 •
• the end (last chapter) •
• thank you •

• 2 •

8.5K 127 108
By -wildflxwrr

• Amber •

The three kids stood up from where they had been mindlessly sitting, staring at Mr. Tushman in an attempt to not make Auggie and I feel so bad. "Auggie, Amber. This is Jack Will," Mr. Tushman began, motioning to the cute boy with fluffy hazel hair, "Julian," he continued, motioning at the one with black hair and a leather jacket, "and Charlotte." He finished, motioning to the blonde girl with the fancy pink dress.

"Guys, this is Auggie Pullman and Amber Pullman." I smiled awkwardly, sending out a small wave to the kids. Auggie looked down, reaching out for my hand. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly. "Hi." Charlotte whispered. The three of them only stared blankly at the both of us. Or, should I say, Auggie. "Hi." Julian greeted. "Hey." Jack murmured.

"Hi." I smiled softly (still awkwardly), and I waved again. I quickly shoved my hand back down. I'm making myself look like a dork. Meeting kids is always harder than meeting adults. Everyone makes the same face. The smile sadly, look at me with a pitiful look, then they turn to look at Auggie, then down.

But, they aren't as good at hiding these faces.

"I act in TV commercials." Charlotte tried to lighten the mood, but nothing seemed to change. I smiled and nodded again. "Oh really?" Mom asked surprised. "Yeah. Tide." She muttered. "Why don't you guys take Auggie and Amber sound the school a bit, huh?" Mr. Tushman asked. "Just be back here in...half and hour?"

No one nodded, but Julian was the first to begin walking towards the office door. Charlotte quickly followed suit, and Jack Will took one long glance at mom before trailing behind them. I squeezed Auggie's hand before letting it go and walking behind the other kids as they disappeared behind office door.

I turned to look back at mom and I smiled as Auggie caught up with me. Then we disappeared behind the door and into our future school named Beecher Prep.

"I started when I was two. Local spots mostly."

We had already begun the tour, walking through the hallways with all the lockers. Charlotte was busy chatting up a storm about here 'acting career' and all the auditions, parts, and things she did in the music industry. "Then, when I was three, I booked my first national. Nesquik. It was hard, because I'm lactose intolerant."

"So!" Julian pipped up as we reached a door at the end of the hall. "This is our home room. We have Mr. Brown." Julian opened the door to the room. I wanted to go inside but he was blocking the entrance to the room. "My mom says Mr. Brown is a little weird."

After that we continued through the hallways while listening to Charlotte's stories. "Then, I was in the chorus of the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular!" She exclaimed, twirling around. "I auditioned for Annie on Broadway. I got two callbacks for Molly, but I guess they went on a different direction." She continued.

Julian whirled around, turning to look at Charlotte. "Hey Charlotte?" Charlotte sent him an innocent and happy smile, but it soon faded when Julian asked his question, "Don't you ever stop talking?" I frowned. That wasn't too nice. "I like hearing your stories." I whispered, looking down. Julian only rolled his eyes, pointing to the room behind him.

"So, this is the cafeteria. The food here is okay for school food. Or, do you eat," he paused slightly, "special food?" Auggie shook his head slowly.

We were almost done with the now quiet tour, the last room was the science room. I knew Auggie would be excited; since he loves science. "You excites to see the science room?" I asked him. Auggie nodded. Jack Will turned to look at us confused. "Sorry, did you ask a question? I didn't hear you."

"No. I-I didn't ask a question." I mumbled.

Once Julian opened the door to the science room, Auggie was already investigating everything in the room. "Wow! This reminds me of my guest spot on 'Law and Order'!" Charlotte exclaimed. "So, the science elective is supposably really hard. So you probably won't be spending much time here." I could see the grin forming on Julian's face and I didn't like it.

"No offense but if you've never been to a real school before..." Julian trailed off. "Dude, they've been homeschooled." Jack Will finally spoke up for the first time, and I somehow managed to blush a bit. "Okay, I'm just saying. Science is supposably really hard. But, you're taking it too right?" He asked Jack Will. "Hey, maybe you two can fail together." He chuckled, meaning Auggie and Jack Will.

"Why don't you get out of the way so they can check it out?" Jack Will hissed. Julian smirked and moved, allowing me and Auggie to pass. "I mean, there's both much to see. Desks. Chairs. The incubator. Bunsen burners. Those are some really gross science posters." Julian named all the random things in the room, Auggie inspecting each one carefully.

"Oh, and uh, this is an eraser."


sorry that i cut off randomly, the chapter was beginning to get too long.


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