Between Us (18+)

By Mollybetts2

3.4M 85.7K 12.6K

One stripper & One billionaire & One famous footballer... One relationship. Hollie Murphy has never had much... More

1| 'I Don't Do Women Remember?'
2| Wake Up, Make Up
3| 'Look with your eyes not with your hands'
4| Juicy Sweatsuits
5| 'Voy A Soñar Contigo' *
6| You Are Not A Jerk
7| Friday Night Frights
8| Jonnos
9| Diner Date Blues
10| Buisness party -Josh p.o.v
11| Buisness Party 2.0
12| Sugar & Spice
13| Like A Popsicle- Ethan p.o.v *
14| Just Go With It
15| The Royal Lions
16| After Party Come Downs *
17| 'A Fine Line Between Pain And Pleasure'
18| Bedroom Antics **
19| 'I think I prefer it when you're dirty' *
20| The Morning After
21| Fight Night
22| Shower Scrubs*
23| Fight or Flight. 1
24| Fight or Flight. 2**
25| Just Stop Thinking**
26| Mischievous Matrimony*
27| Ice Cold**
28| Modelling Madness
29| You Are Cruel*
30| Skinny Dipping*
31| The Contract
32| Orgasmic**
33| Cage Dancing*
34| One Hell Of A Surprise
35| Mile High Club? I Think Not.
36| 'Did You Miss Me?'
37| Barbados Beach Babes
38| Sweet Temptations*
39| Those Three Words**
40| 'Romance Game'
41| Permanent Decisions With Temporary Feelings.
42| Nymphomaniac
43| 'I Want You'*
44| Nobody Can Fuck Me, Quite Like Me.*
45| Open Your Eyes
46| 'One Of Those Films'**
47| Would You Have Chosen Me?
48| What If I Don't Want To Play Nice?
49| Supply Closet Shenanigans**
50| 'Happy Surprise?'
52| Red Redemption
53| 'I Want To See You, All Of You.'
54| The Truth Can Set You Free
55| The Deceiver
56| Toothbrush Massacre**
57| Amsterdam Antics

51| 'Let The Guy Finish'

27.6K 814 147
By Mollybetts2

***\HOLLIE'S P.O.V/***

It had been over two weeks since Ryan had revealed the untimely presence of the little bundle of 'joy' inside my uterus that Josh had decided to nickname 'Brady-Baby' after football star Tom Brady. I hadn't been able to get away from the hawk eyed vision of Ethan or Josh the entire time. They hadn't even let me collect the essentials from my own apartment, instead forcing me to hand over my spare key so that they could collect my things for me whilst I stayed in their apartment. It was a pain in the ass but I appreciated their concern.

"Who wants breakfast?" I slid across the smooth marble floor in my fluffy socks, it was my new favorite thing to do. It had become one of the only things keeping me sane whilst the guys were at work and it also showed how insanely bored I was becoming, thank God I've got work tonight. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually starting to miss the club.

"What do we have in the fridge?" Ethan asked from the kitchen island where he was sat with Josh, both of them looked up from their phones to the arched doorframe as I walked towards them. A crooked smile tugged Josh's lips and I couldn't help the goosebumps that rose across my bare arms at the look he gave me.

"Well, if my psychic powers are right then I'm going to guess that..." I pressed the tips of my fingers to my temple and hummed, "eggs?"

"If you were really psychic then there probably wouldn't be a small fetus growing inside of you right now," Ethan shook his head with a grin as I pulled open the fridge. Okay he's got me there.

It was currently 11:45am and all of us had the morning off work, but they had decided to let me have a guiltily long lie in. I noticed that Ethan had already broken into his first beer of the day and the evidence of a crushed blunt was displayed on a glass tray atop the kitchen counter. It was one of those kind of mornings and I could tell that they were both already chilled out and spacey.

My eyes scanned the top shelf of the fridge....
"There's nothing much in, unless you fancy some cold pasta for breakfast."

"No." He shook his head with a grimace and went back to reading the news article on his phone, probably the stock market stats and business page...the one that I, and any other sane person, would leave well alone.

"Or... what about leftover Chinese from three nights ago?" I rose a brow at them both whilst picking up the rectangular, cardboard takeout box and throwing it straight into the trash with a wince. Gross.

"Hmm," Josh leant over the kitchen counter, his voice dripping with sarcasm and his phone forgotten, "now as tempting as that sounds, I think I'm going to have to pass."

I clapped my hands together and turned to face them with a smug look, "Well then, it looks like I'll just have to go down to the shops and buy some groceries." I hadn't properly left the apartment in five days and I knew they both secretly loved it.

"Don't worry, I can go instead or we can just-" Josh tried to intersect but I stopped him, I don't want to become completely reliant on postmates like them. I actually like having some shred of self-sufficiency.

"I need to get some clothes from my apartment anyway as I have nothing here suitable for work and my shift starts at 10pm tonight." I hopped up onto the counter top, pulled out a banana straight from the fruit basket and began to peel, exposing the tip before taking a bite. I could tell that Josh was watching me, trying to find a way to dispute what I had said.

"You are seriously going into work?" He asked open mouthed, so I turned to face him.

"Shut your mouth Joshua, you'll catch flies," I then placed my middle and index finger firmly beneath his chin and pressed his jaw shut.

"Rude." His scowl during the process made me want to giggle. I could tell that he wasn't actually insulted as his palm then splayed casually across my left thigh. However the giddy pressure gathering in my lower muscles was not a casual reaction to his hand placement. I could feel myself becoming extremely aroused by the simple action, especially when his thumb began to trace small circles against the denim at the apex of my thighs. Jesus.

"I am only just pregnant and the concentration of HCG in my blood is barely even detectable; I am more than fine to work." I told him around a mouth of banana. I can't even imagine how unbearably overprotective they would be after a few months of this. "Your concern for me is cute, but rather unnecessary." Ethan's nose wrinkled in disgust at the word 'cute' as I finished my banana. I threw the peel in the direction of the bin and managed to get it into the circular tin with an encouraging cheer from Josh.

I scrutinized Ethan whilst he sipped his beer, watching his tongue lick the white foam off his upper lip in an extremely slow, sexy movement. I want to be the one licking it off for him. After a lingering moment of silence, his brows scrunched and he gave me a confused look, "Earth to Hollie." Ethan waved a large hand in front of my face. He must have been speaking to me. "I have to leave for work soon so we can head down together. That okay with you?"

"What?" I was too busy imagining what else his gorgeous mouth could do to properly listen.

Ethan rolled his eyes and took another large swig from his beer, "You, shops, food. Me, work, office." He lightly bit my shoulder and Josh chuckled a deep laugh at Ethan's Tarzan monkey impression.

Ethan then stood up from the kitchen stool with the beer bottle gripped casually in his hand and leant against the fridge. I couldn't help subconsciously eyeing the inviting zipper to his jeans. He always manages to look so good in the morning, they both do, but especially Ethan when he is wearing casual clothing for once. I love that he lets me see him like this, with all the barriers that he normally keeps so high up for everyone else, smashed right down.

I continued to watch him, unable to help but imagine him pushing me against the fridge like the first time the three of us tried to cook in here, but inevitably ended up in bed before the oven had even been switched on. If I stood up now he could easily press my wrists together above my head, rendering my helpless against the fridge whilst he and Josh pulled down the zipper to my jeans. I would be helpless to the overwhelming feeling of his warm, wet tongue against my core whilst Josh left heavy, labored kisses along my jaw. I snapped out of the ridiculous fantasy and my gaze went back to the silver zipper. Oh God.

I would like to blame my erotic thoughts down to some kind of pregnancy induced hormone imbalance, but I think that is just wishful thinking. Maybe I am a nymphomaniac after all?

Ethan smiled into a sip of his beer. When he brought it down, he licked his lips. "Do you want me to unbutton them now, or should I just wait until you're on your knees?"

Well Fuck. He definitely noticed.

"Don't flatter yourself Watson." I tried to make my voice sound laid-back but in reality it came out as more of a traitorous, raspy breath. It completely gave away my current state of mind. Not very PG13, Becky would be proud.

With his free hand, Ethan pushed the metal button through the hole and slowly dragged down the zipper, showing the hem of his tight Calvin Klein's. He simply watched my ragged breathing with a smug grin, knowing exactly what effect he has on both me and Josh. Then he took his hand off his jeans and leant his elbows casually on the counter. "Would you rather I get Ethan to do the job for me then?"

It took multiple deep breaths and a mental smack across the face by my subconscious before I could get my head into the right space to answer. 'Get a grip Hollie.'

"Sure, I should probably save my best work for tips later at the club anyway." I winked at him. He knows that I would never do such an awful thing but I could tell that even the thought of it was making his hand twitch.

Does he want to spank me for even suggesting such a thing? I wouldn't object to that.

Ethan touched his chest, "Well I wouldn't want you to tire yourself out on my account, love." He then took another swig from the glass bottle and I couldn't hold in my amusement at his use of dry humor.

I eased back from him with a pointed look. "So you're fine with me going into work tonight?" I hopped off the counter, needing to get some fresh air before I went of my mind.

Ethan shook his head, his mood changing considerably. "We can talk about that later."

"Alcohol makes you moody," I muttered with an accusatory look.

He raised his bottle in agreement whilst I padded down the hallway, deciding to just grab a coffee on my way to the shops.


I couldn't find Becky when I arrived at Elite for my shift at 10, the spare dressing rooms in the back were all empty and she was nowhere to be seen around mine. I had texted her after getting back from the shops this morning, but to no avail. I had received nothing short of her answer phone after trying to call her. After asking around for her in the club, I changed into a black two piece with platform stilettos and slipped into Mikey, our manager's, office.

"Have you spoken to Becky today?" I asked Mikey. He was sat in one of the converted private rooms that now made up the space for his office. It was a sad excuse for an office, with only a small desk and a rather sad, brown plant that looked past its prime, situated in the corner of the room.

"Hey Holl! She should be around here somewhere as I'm sure I've seen her tonight." He looked distracted and I didn't really want to take up his time, but I needed to talk with Becky. "Is that everything?"

"Thanks, I'm sorry but do you know from the rota if she is working the bar?" I secretly hoped that she was because then I could actually talk to her about this whole messed up situation.

"Well, it'll be on the rota," Mikey's voice had an edge that told me he was politely saying 'please fuck off now', but instead I shot a pleading look in his direction. I don't have a copy of this weeks rota but he has one readily on the computer. "I guess-" He took a sharp intake of breath, almost as though he had been pinched, before reaching for the keyboard and continuing, "I could just look it up for you."

What is up with him? He is acting really strange.

"Thank you." He shot me a slightly annoyed glance so I added through gritted teeth, "again."

"For God's sake Holl, Let the guy finish!" I nearly fell straight back onto my ass when Becky's unmistakable voice spoke up from somewhere beneath the desk before me.

Surely not.

"Becky?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, not sure if I was either a) going crazy or b) witnessing Becky fall to a severe case of hoe syndrome. It was most definitely the second but I'm not surprised or really even that critical, who the Hell am I to judge?

A mass of strawberry blonde curls popped up from beneath the desk with a grin, "I'll join you at the bar in twenty."

"Twenty?" Mikey's eyes widened as he looked down in Becky's direction, clearly he wasn't expecting to last that long. He sure as Hell didn't look upset about it though.

"Sorry my bad, let's make it more realistic, make it 5." She grinned at me with a mischievous grin but I just rolled my eyes. Gross. Mikey is older than her father and she probably shouldn't be insinuating that Mikey is a fucking minuteman if she wants to keep her job.

"Hollie-" Before I could turn out of the door Mikey's voice called out, "I would prefer it if this encounter was kept strictly between us and wasn't repeated to anyone else."

"You got it." I cringed once my back was turned at his groan of approval in response to whatever Becky was busy doing below the desk and closed the door behind me. Could she not have just waited another 10 seconds so that I was at least out of the room? I probably could have blackmailed myself a pay rise right then if I'd tried but I didn't really see the point.

The club was bustling with middle aged men and women alike when I left Mikey's office. People were buying drinks at the bar, sitting in booths to enjoy the half naked view or simply just staring wide eyed up at the cages where Libby and Molly were currently getting it on in sexified nurse uniform. The place was teeming with people and I was glad of the welcome distraction. The girls working the bar seemed glad for the extra pair of hands and had me instantly pouring drinks for customers.

An hour into my shift, I caught a glimpse of familiar dark hair and a smart suit jacket. It only took a matter of seconds for me to come face to face with a pissed off looking Ethan Watson.

"Welcome to Elite, it's your lucky night, all alcoholic beverages are 30% off for only tonight. What would you like?" I ignored the look on his face that made me want to cower under the bar counter and instead purposely pretended that he was just another customer. Although this probably wasn't the best time to be winding him up if he's angry...

"I'd like to talk to you." Ethan growled, his forearms pressed against the wooden counter top as he tried to lean closer to me.

"I'm sorry we only do spirits, cocktails, wines or bottled beer."

"Hollie." He warned me again. As he stood watching me, he began to loosen his tie so that he looked a little more casual and undid the top button of his shirt collar. He had obviously come straight from work upon realising that I wasn't at home.

"A whiskey on the rocks coming right up." I forced a light tone and an equally tight smile.

"Don't make me come 'round the bar and carry you out of this place over my God damn shoulder." Ethan leaned closer towards me and I had to physically stop myself from taking a step back.

"Oh I wouldn't do that mate. Been there, got the T-shirt." Ryan chuckled into his tumbler of amber liquid. His brows were furrrowed together but his lips were pressed into a small smirk, purposely trying to annoy Ethan.

"Oh that's it! What the Hell is he doing here?" Ethan's eyes widened at the initial shock of seeing Ryan sat at the next stool down but then they narrowed suspiciously at him. "I don't trust it." Ethan muttered to me whilst inspecting Ryan like he was some kind of wild animal.

"It has a name." Ryan muttered with a mischievous glint in his eye and I mentally slapped myself for letting it get this far, I need to put a stop to this.

"Look, I didn't ask for him to come but apparently either you or Josh wrote down my occupation on some of the documents whilst I was at the hospital." Ethan was still looking suspiciously at Ryan so I decided to continue, Ryan's manipulation of the hospital documents was probably not legal and Ethan would be quick to jump on that. As much as I detest Ryan's ability to wind Ethan up with such ease, I don't want to land him in jail.

"He isn't trying to do anything wrong, he just wants to make sure that I know exactly what I'm getting myself into with this whole pregnancy situation, that's all."

"That's all?" Ethan's eyes widened at me as he repeated, "That's all? This prick is now trying to talk you out of having our baby, but that's all?" He looked angry and I couldn't blame him.

"I'm still having the baby Eth, Ryan was just warning me about hemorrhoids and morning sickness, things that I didn't have the right headspace to ask yesterday. Like whether this is going to cover me in stretch marks and saggy skin, potentially ruining my career." I tried to explain.

"I wouldn't care if either of those things happened," he huffed out. It was a sweet gesture but I still knew that it was fabricated truth. "We earn more than enough money to support you, the baby and the whole of God damn China if necessary. You could do something that you actually enjoy without having to worry about this place."

I'm not listening to this, I'm not a charity case for them to look after. "I don't think so."

"Oh boy." Ryan spoke in an undertone whilst taking another sip of his bourbon.

"Can we please have this conversation somewhere else? Preferably somewhere without Ryan?" I asked Ethan, my eyes slid across to where Ryan was watching us with a smug grin.

"Don't mind me, you don't have to stop on my account," He lifted up his tumbler in a 'cheers' gesture before downing the rest and pushing the empty glass across the counter. "I should probably get going anyway."

Before I could tell Ryan to leave, Becky was right at my side. She took one look at my sour demeanor and asked. "Did I miss something?"

I ignored Ryan's sarcastic smile and turned to face her, "Nothing much, unless you enjoy the mindless mumblings of testosterone fueled Neanderthals."

"Real nice, Hollie," Ethan rolled his eyes and then downed the tumbler of whiskey with a pained wince.

"You haven't changed one bit," Ryan shook his head at me, his right hand swirled the tumbler that now contained a ratio of more ice than actual alcohol, as he scanned my face.

"I don't take as many drugs." I muttered beneath my breath, more than happy about that change. The last time I willingly took mdma was months ago.

"Yeah right, if you thought that spliff we shared half an hour ago was a rolled up pancake, I would hate to burst your bubble- but it wasn't," Becky muttered beneath her breath.

"You smoke?" Ethan faked shock, pretending to be surprised by what Becky was saying. Even the joke was rich coming from him.

I watched as Ethan then proceeded to slide a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and slapped the rectangular carton on his palm. "You want one?" he asked, his eyes glancing to me and then Becky. "What about you?" His eyes slid across to Ryan with a small smirk but all he got in response was a sharp look.

What the Hell is he doing?

"No." I answered with a shake of my head, "and no." I answered on Becky's behalf as soon as I saw her eyes light up at the prospect. I don't want to get either of us in trouble for smoking whilst working.

"Damn I hate that you have morals," Becky muttered beneath her breath, her eyes glued to the pack in Ethan's hand. That's ironic, because I wouldn't agree with her there.

I stepped away to take a drink order from the guys sat two seats down the bar, deciding that I should probably do my job; a prospect that seems lost on Becky who just watches me serve the customers with a confused look. This is what we get paid for Becks. I noticed that whilst I was away Becky had at least given both Ethan and Ryan a refill, so I pulled myself a glass of tap water before heading back.

Ethan twirled a cigarette between two fingers and I couldn't help my eyes from involuntarily watching it in his hand, making me an absolute hypocrite for making Becky feel like shit for wanting one.

"Since when do you smoke cigarettes?" Ryan asked as soon as I reached them. I tried to hide my reaction but it was clear that he saw it; I have been secretly smoking since the age of 15 and although it's a habit I try not to indulge in as they taste vulgar, sometimes it's hard to refuse. "Those things are killers."

"Not that often," I managed to force out the half-truth with gritted teeth, but it didn't sound very convincing. Even I wouldn't have believed me.

Ethan arched a brow and gave Ryan a look like 'I know her better than you'. He then popped the filter end of the cigarette into his mouth and lit it.

"I was going to ask for a spare ticket to see Red Redemption for you but I totally forgot," Ethan waved the cherry of his cigarette in Becky's direction before adding, "If you want to come with us I can still get you one, although it'll take some persuading on my end with Harry."A mental image of Harry popped into my head and I tied to brush it away. Not now.

"Don't stress it." Becky simply shook her head, "I'm going to badger Sawyer myself for tickets to the Cali show, I'll be able to smoke legally then."

Ethan nodded with an understanding smile. After taking another small drag, he proceeded to lean forward and tap the excess ash into Ryan's tumbler of bourbon with a cocky grin. Effectively ruining the drink.

I bit down on my smile.

Ethan caught me smiling and gave me a look. I pressed my lips together in a failed attempt to contain it, but it's too hard and I probably just looked in pain, or even worse constipated. The corner of Ethan's mouth quirked, almost as though he could read my thoughts. My eyes quickly met his and he winked.

I want to pull him into a private room right now and get rid of everyone else but I know that it would only get me in trouble.

"What the Hell!" Ryan's eyes shot up to meet Ethan's unapologetic grin with irritation.

"You should go," I finally managed to tell Ryan with a long look, one that I hoped showed I meant that he should leave, but I don't hate you. I hope that he got that because I really don't hate him, in fact he still manages to make me laugh like no one else, but he is part of my past. Ethan and Josh are my future now.

"I'll see you fellow losers around then," Ryan lifted his hand in not only a wave but also a peace offering, and I couldn't help the large grin that found it's way onto my face at his term of endearment. Before he walked away he turned to face Ethan and added, "Don't you dare screw this up with her like I did, you have what I always wanted so don't fucking take that for granted. You got lucky."

I went to open my mouth but Ryan's eyes met mine, "I'm sorry, I thought that you weren't serious about these two. I thought it would split you, but you three are obviously stronger than we ever were." His ambiguous words hung in the air between us, leaving me at a loss. He didn't look back at me after that, instead he simply pushed away from the bar and headed in the direction of the exit. I didn't know what to say.

"Well, he seemed nice." Becky spoke up once the three of us were alone. I watched Ethan roll his eyes before taking another short drag of the cigarette and then crush it into the ashtray on the bar counter. He would rather smoke a joint and I could tell that he didn't really want to finish the cigarette, although Becky seemed slightly annoyed that he would just let it go to waste. Yet I couldn't focus on anything but what Ryan had just said, What did he think would split us? What has he done?

"As nice as a buzzing mosquito that just won't fuck off," he muttered back and this time I couldn't help laughing.

"You're as bad as him." I shook my head but Ethan simply changed the topic.

"Stay at our place tonight." He asked with a lopsided smirk.

"I always do." Tomorrow was also the night of Sawyer's concert so I would have to stay at their place anyway. I began to clean away Ryan's empty glass, wiping down the bar top and placing down a different beer mat.

"True." Ethan paused before finishing, "but I wouldn't want it any other way."

Neither would I.

*A/N- As always, thank you for all the reads/comments/votes you fabulous humans <3*

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